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Welcome to the Choice API! You can use our Choice API to access Choice API endpoints.

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Accounts with Token


using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;

namespace ChoiceSample
    public class Account
        public static void Token()
                var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");

                var postData = "grant_type=password";
                postData += "&username=xxxxxx";
                postData += "&password=123456";
                var data = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(postData);

                request.Method = "POST";
                request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
                request.ContentLength = data.Length;

                using (var stream = request.GetRequestStream())
                    stream.Write(data, 0, data.Length);

                    var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
                        string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
                catch (WebException wex)
                    if (wex.Response != null)
                        using (var errorResponse = (HttpWebResponse)wex.Response)
                            using (var reader = new StreamReader(errorResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                                string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
            catch (IOException e)

cURL Request:

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data-urlencode 'grant_type=password' \
--data-urlencode 'username=xxxxxxxx' \
--data-urlencode 'password=xxxxxxxx'

Json Example Response:

  "access_token": "eHSN5rTBzqDozgAAlN1UlTMVuIT1zSiAZWCo6EBqB7RFjVMuhmuPNWcYM7ozyMb3uaDe0gyDL_nMPESbuM5I4skBOYcUM4A06NO88CVV3yBYee7mWB1qT-YFu5A3KZJSfRIbTX9GZdrZpi-JuWsx-7GE9GIYrNJ29BpaQscTwxYDr67WiFlCCrsCqWnCPJUjCFRIrTDltz8vM15mlgjiO0y04ZACGOWNNErIVegX062oydV7SqumGJEbS9Av4gdy",
  "token_type": "bearer",
  "expires_in": 863999

This endpoint creates a bearer token.

HTTP Request



Key Value
Content-Type application/x-www-form-urlencoded


Parameter Type M/C/O Value
grant_type string Mandatory password.
username string Mandatory Username of the user.
password string Mandatory Password of the user.


Change user password

using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;

namespace ChoiceSample
    public class Account
        public static void ChangeUserPassword()
                var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
                request.ContentType = "text/json";
                request.Method = "POST";

                var user = new
                    Username = "JohnDoe",
                    OldPassword = "123456",
                    NewPassword = "qwerty",
                    ConfirmPassword = "qwerty"

                string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(user);

                request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer 1A089D6ziUybPZFQ3mpPyjt9OEx9yrCs7eQIC6V3A0lmXR2N6-seGNK16Gsnl3td6Ilfbr2Xf_EyukFXwnVEO3fYL-LuGw-L3c8WuaoxhPE8MMdlMPILJTIOV3lTGGdxbFXdKd9U03bbJ9TDUkqxHqq8_VyyjDrw7fs0YOob7bg0OovXTeWgIvZaIrSR1WFR06rYJ0DfWn-Inuf7re1-4SMOjY1ZoCelVwduWCBJpw1111cNbWtHJfObV8u1CVf0");
                request.ContentType = "application/json";
                request.Accept = "application/json";

                using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(request.GetRequestStream()))

                    var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
                        string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
                catch (WebException wex)
                    if (wex.Response != null)
                        using (var errorResponse = (HttpWebResponse)wex.Response)
                            using (var reader = new StreamReader(errorResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                                string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
            catch (IOException e)

Json Example Request:

  "OldPassword": "123456",
  "NewPassword": "qwerty",
  "ConfirmPassword": "qwerty"

Json Example Response:

  "message": "Success"

Json Example Error Response:

    "type": "",
    "title": "One or more validation errors occurred.",
    "status": 400,
    "traceId": "00-3fba662b60afd788d7519c426f2811a3-87ec26f5d243621e-00",
    "errors": {
        "NewPassword": [
            "'New password' is required",
            "The field New password must be a string or array type with a maximum length of '50'.",
            "'New password' length must be between 6 and 50 characters"
        "OldPassword": [
            "The field OldPassword must be a string or array type with a maximum length of '50'."
        "ConfirmPassword": [
            "'Password confirmation' is required",
            "The field Password confirmation must be a string or array type with a maximum length of '50'.",
            "'Password confirmation' length must be between 6 and 50 characters"

This endpoint changes user's password.

HTTP Request


Headers using token

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
Authorization Token. Eg: "Bearer eHSN5rTBzqDozgAAlN1UlTMVuIT1zSiAZWCo6E..."

Headers using API Key

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
UserAuthorization API Key. Eg: "e516b6db-3230-4b1c-ae3f-e5379b774a80"

Query Parameters

Parameter Type M/C/O Value
OldPassword string Mandatory User’s old password. Empty strings are not allowed and must have a minimum of 6 characters and a maximum of 50 characters.
NewPassword string Mandatory User’s new password. Empty strings are not allowed and must have a minimum of 6 characters and a maximum of 50 characters.
ConfirmPassword string Mandatory User’s new password. Empty strings are not allowed and must have a minimum of 6 characters and a maximum of 50 characters.


Reset user password request

using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;

namespace ChoiceSample
    public class Account
        public static void ResetUserPasswordRequest()
                var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
                request.ContentType = "text/json";
                request.Method = "POST";

                var user = new
                    UserName = "JohnDoe"

                string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(user);

                request.ContentType = "application/json";
                request.Accept = "application/json";

                using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(request.GetRequestStream()))

                    var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
                        string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
                catch (WebException wex)
                    if (wex.Response != null)
                        using (var errorResponse = (HttpWebResponse)wex.Response)
                            using (var reader = new StreamReader(errorResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                                string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
            catch (IOException e)

Json Example Request:

  "UserName": "JohnDoe"

Json Example Response:

  "message": "Success. Email sent."

Json Example Error Response:

    "type": "",
    "title": "One or more validation errors occurred.",
    "status": 400,
    "traceId": "00-0c09718351e88815f8b135741b5d5d17-de884a8f302c924d-00",
    "errors": {
        "UserName": [
            "'Username' is required",
            "The field Username must be a string or array type with a maximum length of '100'."

This endpoint generates user's password change request.

HTTP Request


Headers using token

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"

Headers using API Key

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"

Query Parameters

Parameter Type M/C/O Value
Username string Mandatory User’s username. Empty strings are not allowed and must have a minimum of 6 characters and a maximum of 100 characters.


Reset user password

using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;

namespace ChoiceSample
    public class Account
        public static void ResetUserPassword()
                var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
                request.ContentType = "text/json";
                request.Method = "POST";

                var user = new
                    Key = "3a89ad7b706f418291423159b9ab95d0ecd384bcfe814acca35dc759aa22ea0f",
                    NewPassword = "abcdef",
                    ConfirmPassword = "abcdef"

                string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(user);

                request.ContentType = "application/json";
                request.Accept = "application/json";

                using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(request.GetRequestStream()))

                    var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
                        string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
                catch (WebException wex)
                    if (wex.Response != null)
                        using (var errorResponse = (HttpWebResponse)wex.Response)
                            using (var reader = new StreamReader(errorResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                                string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
            catch (IOException e)

Json Example Request:

  "Key": "db92b207a57a48989924788199fbc104e3034780e4904df49d857320bce0e7de",
  "NewPassword": "123457",
  "ConfirmPassword": "123457"

Json Example Response:

  "message": "Success. Password changed."

Json Example Error Response:

    "type": "",
    "title": "One or more validation errors occurred.",
    "status": 400,
    "traceId": "00-b8dfd2541cecd0e649f035a2a0bada81-5085fad8cd63e81a-00",
    "errors": {
        "NewPassword": [
            "The field New password must be a string or array type with a maximum length of '50'.",
            "'New password' length must be between 6 and 50 characters"

This endpoint resets user's password.

HTTP Request


Headers using token

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"

Headers using API Key

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"

Query Parameters

Parameter Type M/C/O Value
ResetKey string Mandatory Key sent to user email.
NewPassword string Mandatory User’s new password. Empty strings are not allowed and must have a minimum of 6 characters and a maximum of 50 characters.
ConfirmPassword string Mandatory User’s new password. Empty strings are not allowed and must have a minimum of 6 characters and a maximum of 50 characters.


Accounts with API Key


using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;

namespace ChoiceSample
    public class Accounts
        public static void AuthorizationToken()
                var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
                request.ContentType = "text/json";
                request.Method = "POST";

                var accounts = new
                    UserName = "MaxSmart",
                    Password = "12345678Aa"

                string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(accounts);

                request.ContentType = "application/json";
                request.Accept = "application/json";

                using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(request.GetRequestStream()))

                    var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
                        string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
                catch (WebException wex)
                    if (wex.Response != null)
                        using (var errorResponse = (HttpWebResponse)wex.Response)
                            using (var reader = new StreamReader(errorResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                                string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
            catch (IOException e)

Json Example Request:


Json Example Response:

    "message": "Authorization Token: e516b6db-3230-4b1c-ae3f-e5379b774a80"

This endpoint creates a API Key.

HTTP Request



Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"

Query Parameters

Parameter Type M/C/O Value
UserName string Mandatory UserName.
Password string Mandatory Password.



Get myself

using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;

namespace ChoiceSample
    public class User
        public static void GetMySelf()
                var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
                request.Method = "GET";

                request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer 1A089D6ziUybPZFQ3mpPyjt9OEx9yrCs7eQIC6V3A0lmXR2N6-seGNK16Gsnl3td6Ilfbr2Xf_EyukFXwnVEO3fYL-LuGw-L3c8WuaoxhPE8MMdlMPILJTIOV3lTGGdxbFXdKd9U03bbJ9TDUkqxHqq8_VyyjDrw7fs0YOob7bg0OovXTeWgIvZaIrSR1WFR06rYJ0DfWn-Inuf7re1-4SMOjY1ZoCelVwduWCBJpw1111cNbWtHJfObV8u1CVf0");

                    var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
                        string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
                catch (WebException wex)
                    if (wex.Response != null)
                        using (var errorResponse = (HttpWebResponse)wex.Response)
                            using (var reader = new StreamReader(errorResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                                string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
            catch (IOException e)

Json Example Response:

  "guid": "961612a5-427b-4bbc-8a11-bfc1b9149243",
  "userName": "maxwinston",
  "isoNumber": "1000",
  "firstName": "Max",
  "lastName": "Winston",
  "email": "",
  "phone": "9177563046",
  "status": "User - Active",
  "address1": "151 E 33rd ST",
  "address2": "Second Floor",
  "city": "New York",
  "state": "NY",
  "zipcode": "10016",
  "acceptedTerms": true,
  "key": "b91645kh654kjh645kjh645kjh64k5jhce49c2281d4749bf8b648032840fb290",
  "roles": [
      "guid": "d7e97432-01c2-43c6-b0c9-e164be9c18ca",
      "roleName": "Merchant Admin",
      "permissions": [
          "name": "Iso Admin"
          "name": "Iso Employee"
          "name": "Merchant Admin"
  "merchants": [
      "guid": "123456b6-c9d1-4c1d-9dfa-64768e005fa0",
      "mid": "888000002849",
      "allowOpenButton": false,
      "mainAdmin": "cf9g5h35-5341-4a68-acc9-e29f9d291ac9",
      "adminUserGuid": "cf9f5b35-5341-4a68-acc9-e29f9h231ac9",
      "recurringBillingSettings": [],
      "dba": "Autotest",
      "legalName": "Autotest",
      "merchantAdmins": [
      "email": "",
      "emailBcc": "",
      "phone": "4548945658",
      "address1": "Ontario Boulevard",
      "zipCode": "65591",
      "city": "Montreal",
      "state": "MO",
      "allowTips": true,
      "cashDiscount": true,
      "defaultCashDiscount": true,
      "allowDejavooSplitDialFee": false,
      "allowDualPricing": true,
      "defaultDualPricing": 3.990,
      "defaultDualPricingType": "Percentage",
      "allowCurrencyConversion": true,
      "surcharge": false,
      "defaultAllowsSurcharge": false,
      "risk": false,
      "requiredCustomerData": false,
      "requiredProductData": false,
      "alternativeNames": false,
      "alternativeBatchNotifications": false,
      "debtRepayment": false,
      "allowPayByLoan": true,
      "loanUserName": "z1D3ol0pB3bl",
      "loanPassword": "O0RcJEKJNi8aENqJztpWzxIJlZjOzNbLVdXYm5OIGw=",
      "enableAchRiskValidation": false,
      "enableIvr": false,
      "sendEmail": true,
      "ownInvoiceEmails": false,
      "status": "Merchant - Active",
      "reAttemptRb": false,
      "allowDualPricing": false,
      "owners": [],
      "adminUserRoles": [
          "guid": "d7e97432-09p2-43c6-b0c9-e164be9c18ca",
          "name": "Merchant Admin",
          "description": "A user who run all type of transactions and search for all those transactions."
      "merchantProcessorAccounts": [
          "guid": "73decd85-8013-48d0-8262-7be0f1b7e283",
          "accountName": "MPA CC",
          "processorMid": "123456789012",
          "merchantGuid": "197543b6-c9d1-4c1d-9dfa-64768e005fa0",
          "transactionTypeCode": 1,
          "processorTransactionType": "Card",
          "processorService": 3,
          "processorServices": [
          "cvvRequired": false,
          "addressVerificationCode": 5255,
          "cardTokenization": true,
          "cardAccountUpdater": false,
          "status": "MerchantProcessorAccount - Active",
          "autoClose": false,
          "processor": {
            "name": "Tk: Tsys; Gtw: Tsys; Ts: Tsys",
            "transactionType": "Card",
            "description": "Credit Card  - Full Capabilities - Tokenization",
            "allowAchDebit": false,
            "allowAchCredit": false,
            "allowCardKeyed": true,
            "allowCardInternet": true,
            "allowCardSwiped": true,
            "allowCardEmv": true,
            "allowCardTokenization": true,
            "allowCardEnsureBill": false,
            "allowCredit": true,
            "allowDebit": true,
            "allowPrepaid": true,
            "allowPayroll": true
          "devices": [
              "guid": "c7333335-7956-46a0-b6a6-d4957484dd58",
              "merchantProcessorAccountGuid": "r4333355-8013-48d2-8242-75gbbe07e283",
              "merchantGuid": "197323b6-c9d1-4c1d-9dfa-65128e005fa0",
              "name": "Merchant 1 for Batch Testing",
              "thankYouPage": "",
              "cancelledPage": "",
              "otherPage": "",
              "isVirtualTerminal": false,
              "chargesFees": false,
              "ignoreReceiptResponse": true,
              "enableMobileAppAccess": false,
              "allowsTips": true,
              "allowOpenButton": true,
              "autoClose": true,
              "timeCloseBatch": 3,
              "enableSemiIntegrated": false,
              "enableCheckImaging": false,
              "acceptsChecks": false,
              "processingMethod": "Virtual Terminal keyed entered",
              "processorId": "88800000284901",
              "processorOperatingUserId": "TA5232104",
              "transactionType": "Card",
              "wasProcessed": true,
              "isMobile": false,
              "closeTime": "03:00:00",
              "status": "Device - Active",
              "serialNumber": "1234567890"
          "webhookExist": false

Json error example response:

    "type": "",
    "title": "One or more validation errors occurred.",
    "status": 400,
    "traceId": "00-2be920374480ac59ebadf4a9a6057706-0680052537eeceae-00",
    "errors": {
        "guid": [
            "The value 'invalid guid' is not valid."

This endpoint get myself.

HTTP Request


Headers using token

Key Value
Authorization Token. Eg: "Bearer eHSN5rTBzqDozgAAlN1UlTMVuIT1zSiAZWCo6E..."

Headers using API Key

Key Value
UserAuthorization API Key. Eg: "e516b6db-3230-4b1c-ae3f-e5379b774a80"


Bank Clearing

Create bank clearing

using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;

namespace ChoiceSample
    public class BankClearing
        public static void CreateBankClearing()
                var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
                request.ContentType = "text/json";
                request.Method = "POST";

                var bankClearing = new
                    DeviceGuid = "a9c0505b-a087-44b1-b9cd-0e7f75715d4d",
                    Amount = 3.50,
                    IsBusinessPayment = true,
                    SendReceipt = true,
                    CustomData = "order details",
                    CustomerLabel = "Patient",
                    CustomerId = "xt147",
                    BusinessName = "Star Shoes California",
                    BankAccount = new
                        RoutingNumber = "211274450",
                        AccountNumber = "441142020",
                        NameOnAccount = "Joe Black",
                        Customer = new
                            FirstName = "Joe",
                            LastName = "Black",
                            Phone = "4207888807",
                            City = "Austin",
                            State = "TX",
                            Country = "US",
                            Email = "",
                            Address1 = "107 7th Av.",
                            Address2 = "",
                            Zip = "10007",
                            DateOfBirth = "1987-07-07",
                            DriverLicenseNumber = "12345678",
                            DriverLicenseExpDate = "2024-10-10",
                            DriverLicenseState = "TX",
                            SSN4 = "1210"

                string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(bankClearing);

                request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer DkpQk2A3K4Lwq6aFzbmkApOZWN28EowdVscW_sxY8_RTFt12xhnIa79bUmA12INI0YqKHwbMU5O5gMU_51E6wllvacKx68-mJ7F6GWnUkR2vFKaA-tdOJEqh0GD_61MGWWlXr9sxRNyH6ZzWqUS0-QdhcPLyFzJL-odqZ46I-Aouf3ixienzOnrL0m-zbExPAOnT58prg2dhB-rfIPBoF25rdokQ1KH4NFujgeF99qwIpObHeQQ25Qok7aJh5Spk");
                request.ContentType = "application/json";
                request.Accept = "application/json";

                using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(request.GetRequestStream()))

                    var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
                        string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
                catch (WebException wex)
                    if (wex.Response != null)
                        using (var errorResponse = (HttpWebResponse)wex.Response)
                            using (var reader = new StreamReader(errorResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                                string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
            catch (IOException e)

Json Example Request:

  "DeviceGuid" : "a9c0505b-a087-44b1-b9cd-0e7f75715d4d",
  "Amount" : 3.50, 
  "IsBusinessPayment" : true,
  "SendReceipt" : true,
  "CustomData" : "order details",
  "CustomerLabel" : "Patient",
  "CustomerId" : "xt147",
  "BusinessName" : "Star Shoes California",
    "RoutingNumber" : "211274450",
    "AccountNumber" : "441142020",
    "NameOnAccount" : "Joe Black",  
      "FirstName" : "Joe",
      "LastName" : "Black",
      "Phone" : "4207888807",
      "City" : "Austin",
      "State" : "TX",
      "Country" : "US",
      "Email" : "",
      "Address1" : "107 7th Av.",
      "Address2" : "",
      "Zip" : "10007",
      "DateOfBirth" : "1987-07-07",
      "DriverLicenseNumber" : "12345678",
      "DriverLicenseExpDate": "2024-10-10",
      "DriverLicenseState" : "TX",
      "SSN4" : "1210"

Json Example Response:

    "guid": "4403e9c1-c2e6-4497-bdbc-178621e149d9",
    "status": "Transaction - Approved",
    "timeStamp": "2023-06-28T11:56:41.72-05:00",
    "deviceGuid": "43f54072-3213-4554-9deb-614b9b9dd7d7",
    "deviceName": "deviceach",
    "merchantName": "merchtest",
    "amount": 3.500,
    "grossAmount": 3.500,
    "effectiveAmount": 0.000,
    "refNumber": "146244",
    "isBusinessPayment": true,
    "customData": "order details",
    "operationType": "Debit",
    "settlementType": "ACH",
    "customerLabel": "Patient",
    "businessName": "Star Shoes California",
    "customerID": "xt147",
    "isSettled": false,
    "processorStatusCode": "HELD",
    "processorResponseMessage": "HELD",
    "processorResponseMessageForMobile": "HELD",
    "wasProcessed": true,
    "customerReceipt": "MerchTesting\r\nExample Street 1\r\nExample Street 2\r\nManhattan NY 10012\r\n06/28/2023 04:56:41 PM\r\nDEBIT\r\nApproval Code: 146244\r\n\r\nTotal:                        $3.50\r\n--------------------------------------\r\nName On Account:             Joe Black\r\nRouting Number:        211274450\r\nDDA Last 4             2020\r\n\r\nStatus: SUBMITTED\r\n--------------------------------------\r\nYou authorize the merchant to initiate a debit or credit to the bank account provided, and adjustments for any debit entries in error to our checking and or savings account as indicated in the invoice above, to debit and or credit to the same such account. The authorization remains in effect until terminated or revoked and afford the merchant a reasonable amount of opportunity to act on it\r\n--------------------------------------\r\nCUSTOMER ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT OF\\nGOODS AND/OR SERVICES IN THE AMOUNT\\nOF THE TOTAL SHOWN HEREON AND AGREES\\nTO PERFORM THE OBLIGATIONS SET FORTH\\nBY THE CUSTOMER`S AGREEMENT WITH THE\\nISSUER\\n\\n\r\n",
    "approvalCode": "146244",
    "processorResponseCode": "HELD",
    "bankAccount": {
        "guid": "678bdfa7-66c0-4992-b50b-06c51cc43df4",
        "routingNumber": "211274450",
        "accountNumber": "441142020",
        "accountNumberLastFour": "2020",
        "nameOnAccount": "Joe Black",
        "customer": {
            "guid": "203266af-b561-4564-98f0-190483b24b62",
            "firstName": "Joe",
            "lastName": "Black",
            "dateOfBirth": "1987-07-07T00:00:00",
            "address1": "107 7th Av.",
            "zip": "10007",
            "city": "Austin",
            "state": "TX",
            "stateFullName": "Texas",
            "country": "US",
            "phone": "4207888807",
            "email": "",
            "ssN4": "1210",
            "driverLicenseNumber": "12345678",
            "driverLicenseState": "TX",
            "dlStateFullName": "Texas",
            "personalPhone": "4207888807",
            "displayName": "Joe Black - 4207888807"
    "clearingProcessorUpdate": [
            "timestamp": "2023-06-28T11:56:42.47-05:00",
            "transactionStatusUpdate": " > ",
            "settlementStatusUpdate": " > ",
            "reportingNotesUpdate": " > ",
            "statusMessageUpdate": " > HELD"

Json Example Error Response:

    "type": "",
    "title": "One or more validation errors occurred.",
    "status": 400,
    "traceId": "00-4f6edf8424a8f9680741feaf4c5269a9-61bdd6b4fe90dace-00",
    "errors": {
        "$.DeviceGuid": [
            "The DeviceGuid field is required.",
            "Unable to parse invalid guid to GUID"
        "Amount": [
            "The amount must be a positive number, can have 3 decimal places at most and the maximun allowed is 999999999999999.99. E.g.: 12 or 12.1 or 12.12",
        "SequenceNumber": [
            "The field SequenceNumber must be a string or array type with a maximum length of '100'."
        "Currency": [
            "The field Currency must be a string with a maximum length of 3."
        "BankAccount.AccountNumber": [
            "The AccountNumber must be between 4 and 20 digits long."
        "BankAccount.NameOnAccount": [
            "Only letters are allowed"
        "BankAccount.RoutingNumber": [
            "The RoutingNumber must be 9 digits long and only numbers are allowed."
        "BankAccount.Customer.FirstName": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 100",
            "The field FirstName is invalid."
        "BankAccount.Customer.LastName": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 100",
            "The field LastName is invalid."
        "BankAccount.Customer.Address1": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 100",
            "The field Address1 is invalid."
        "BankAccount.Customer.City": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 50"
        "BankAccount.Customer.State": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 2",
            "The field State is invalid."
        "BankAccount.Customer.Email": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 1000"
        "BankAccount.Customer.SsN4": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 4",
            "The field SsN4 is invalid."
        "BankAccount.Customer.Zip": [
            "The Zip must be between 0 and 10 characters long",
            "The field Zip is invalid."
        "BankAccount.Customer.DriverLicenseNumber": [
            "The field DriverLicenseNumber is invalid.",
            "Field maximum length must be less than 25",
            "Only letters, numbers, asterisc, ampersand, @ and hyphen are allowed"
        "BankAccount.Customer.DriverLicenseState": [
            "The field DriverLicenseState is invalid."

This endpoint creates a bank clearing.

HTTP Request


Headers using token

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
Authorization Token. Eg: "Bearer eHSN5rTBzqDozgAAlN1UlTMVuIT1zSiAZWCo6E..."

Headers using API Key

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
UserAuthorization API Key. Eg: "e516b6db-3230-4b1c-ae3f-e5379b774a80"

Query Parameters

Parameter Type M/C/O Value
DeviceGuid string Mandatory Device Guid.
Amount decimal Mandatory Amount of the transaction. Min. amt.: $0.50. Does not allow empty strings and up to 3 decimal places. Not allow empty strings. The amount must be a positive number, can have 3 decimal places at most..
SequenceNumber string Optional Use this number to call timeout reversal endpoint if you don't get a response. It has a max length of 100 characters.
OperationType string Mandatory (If nothing is indicated, by default it will be Debit). Allowed values:

1. Debit
2. Credit
IsBusinessPayment boolean Optional True when using company (CCD), false when using individual (PPD).

Allowed values:

1. true
2. false
SendReceipt boolean Optional Set to “FALSE” if you do not want an e-mail receipt to be sent to the customer. Set to “TRUE” or leave empty if you want e-mail to be sent.
CustomData string Optional order details.
CustomerLabel string Optional Any name you want to show instead of customer. Eg., Player, Patient, Buyer. Max Length = 100. Not allow special characters.
CustomerID string Optional Any combination of numbers and letters you use to identify the customer. Max length = 100. Not allow special characters.
BusinessName string Optional A merchant name you want to use instead of your DBA. Max Length = 100.
Currency string Optional Currency of the transaction. The Currency field must be a string with a max length of 3 characters. Default value: USD

Allowed values: USD, ARS, AUD, BRL, CAD, CHF, EUR, GBP, JPY, MXN, NZD, SGD
BankAccount object Mandatory Bank Account.
RoutingNumber string Mandatory Routing's number. Must be 9 characters (example: 490000018).
AccountNumber string Mandatory Account's number. Must be between 4 and 20 digits long. The AccountNumber must be between 4 and 20 digits.
NameOnAccount string Mandatory Account's name. Only accepts letters.
Customer object Optional Customer.
FirstName string Optional Customer's first name. Max length = 100. Only accepts letters with a length of 100 characters.
LastName string Optional Customer's last name. Max length = 100. Only accepts letters up to 100 characters long.
Phone string Optional Customer's phone number. The phone number must be syntactically correct. Only accepts numbers up to 10 characters. For example, 4152345678.
City string Optional Customer's city. Max length = 50. Only accepts up to 50 characters: Only accepts up to 50 characters.
State string Optional Customer's short name state. The ISO 3166-2 CA and US state or province code of a customer. Length = 2.
Country string Optional Customer's country. The ISO country code of a customer’s country. Length = 2 or 3.
Email string Optional Customer's valid email address. Max length = 1000.
Address1 string Optional Customer's address. Max length = 100. Accepts numbers and letters up to 100 characters
Address2 string Optional Customer's address line 2. Max length = 100. Accepts numbers and letters up to 100 characters
Zip string Optional Customer's zipcode. Length = 5.
DateOfBirth date Optional Customer's date of birth.

Allowed format:

For example: 2002-05-30
DriverLicenseNumber string Optional Customer's driver license number. Not allow special characters. Max length = 25. Only letters, numbers, asterisk, ampersand, @, and hyphen.
DriverLicenseExpDate string Optional Customer's driver expiration date. It is required only if there is a driver license number.
DriverLicenseState string Optional Customer's driver license short name state. The ISO 3166-2 CA and US state or province code of a customer. Length = 2. It is required only if there is a driver's license number.
SSN4 string Optional Customer's social security number. Max length = 4.


Create bank clearing with Bank Account's guid

using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;

namespace ChoiceSample
    public class BankClearing
        public static void CreateBankClearing()
                var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
                request.ContentType = "text/json";
                request.Method = "POST";

                var bankClearing = new
                    DeviceGuid = "a9c0505b-a087-44b1-b9cd-0e7f75715d4d",
                    Amount = 3.50,
                    IsBusinessPayment = true,
                    SendReceipt = true,
                    CustomData = "order details",
                    CustomerLabel = "Patient",
                    CustomerId = "xt147",
                    BusinessName = "Star Shoes California",
                    BankAccount = new
                        RoutingNumber = "211274450",
                        AccountNumber = "441142020",
                        NameOnAccount = "Joe Black",
                        Customer = new
                            FirstName = "Joe",
                            LastName = "Black",
                            Phone = "4207888807",
                            City = "Austin",
                            State = "TX",
                            Country = "US",
                            Email = "",
                            Address1 = "107 7th Av.",
                            Address2 = "",
                            Zip = "10007",
                            DateOfBirth = "1987-07-07",
                            DriverLicenseNumber = "12345678",
                            DriverLicenseExpDate = "2024-10-10",
                            DriverLicenseState = "TX",
                            SSN4 = "1210"

                string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(bankClearing);

                request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer DkpQk2A3K4Lwq6aFzbmkApOZWN28EowdVscW_sxY8_RTFt12xhnIa79bUmA12INI0YqKHwbMU5O5gMU_51E6wllvacKx68-mJ7F6GWnUkR2vFKaA-tdOJEqh0GD_61MGWWlXr9sxRNyH6ZzWqUS0-QdhcPLyFzJL-odqZ46I-Aouf3ixienzOnrL0m-zbExPAOnT58prg2dhB-rfIPBoF25rdokQ1KH4NFujgeF99qwIpObHeQQ25Qok7aJh5Spk");
                request.ContentType = "application/json";
                request.Accept = "application/json";

                using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(request.GetRequestStream()))

                    var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
                        string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
                catch (WebException wex)
                    if (wex.Response != null)
                        using (var errorResponse = (HttpWebResponse)wex.Response)
                            using (var reader = new StreamReader(errorResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                                string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
            catch (IOException e)

Json Example Request Step 1:

  "DeviceGuid" : "a9c0505b-a087-44b1-b9cd-0e7f75715d4d",
  "Amount" : 3.50, 
  "IsBusinessPayment" : true,
  "SendReceipt" : true,
  "CustomData" : "order details",
  "CustomerLabel" : "Patient",
  "CustomerId" : "xt147",
  "BusinessName" : "Star Shoes California",
    "RoutingNumber" : "211274450",
    "AccountNumber" : "441142020",
    "NameOnAccount" : "Joe Black",  
      "FirstName" : "Joe",
      "LastName" : "Black",
      "Phone" : "4207888807",
      "City" : "Austin",
      "State" : "TX",
      "Country" : "US",
      "Email" : "",
      "Address1" : "107 7th Av.",
      "Address2" : "",
      "Zip" : "10007",
      "DateOfBirth" : "1987-07-07",
      "DriverLicenseNumber" : "12345678",
      "DriverLicenseExpDate": "2024-10-10",
      "DriverLicenseState" : "TX",
      "SSN4" : "1210"

Json Example Response Step 2:

    "guid": "3cfe81fb-4e31-4a23-9165-1de48c3117e2",
    "status": "Transaction - Approved",
    "timeStamp": "2023-06-28T12:24:11.31-05:00",
    "deviceGuid": "43f54072-3213-4554-9deb-614b9b9dd7d7",
    "deviceName": "deviceach",
    "merchantName": "merchtest",
    "amount": 3.500,
    "grossAmount": 3.500,
    "effectiveAmount": 0.000,
    "refNumber": "146245",
    "isBusinessPayment": true,
    "customData": "order details",
    "operationType": "Debit",
    "settlementType": "ACH",
    "customerLabel": "Patient",
    "businessName": "Star Shoes California",
    "customerID": "xt147",
    "isSettled": false,
    "processorStatusCode": "HELD",
    "processorResponseMessage": "HELD",
    "processorResponseMessageForMobile": "HELD",
    "wasProcessed": true,
    "customerReceipt": "MerchTesting\r\nExample Street 1\r\nExample Street 2\r\nManhattan NY 10012\r\n06/28/2023 05:24:11 PM\r\nDEBIT\r\nApproval Code: 146245\r\n\r\nTotal:                        $3.50\r\n--------------------------------------\r\nName On Account:             Joe Black\r\nRouting Number:        211274450\r\nDDA Last 4             2020\r\n\r\nStatus: SUBMITTED\r\n--------------------------------------\r\nYou authorize the merchant to initiate a debit or credit to the bank account provided, and adjustments for any debit entries in error to our checking and or savings account as indicated in the invoice above, to debit and or credit to the same such account. The authorization remains in effect until terminated or revoked and afford the merchant a reasonable amount of opportunity to act on it\r\n--------------------------------------\r\nCUSTOMER ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT OF\\nGOODS AND/OR SERVICES IN THE AMOUNT\\nOF THE TOTAL SHOWN HEREON AND AGREES\\nTO PERFORM THE OBLIGATIONS SET FORTH\\nBY THE CUSTOMER`S AGREEMENT WITH THE\\nISSUER\\n\\n\r\n",
    "approvalCode": "146245",
    "processorResponseCode": "HELD",
    "bankAccount": {
        "guid": "d4394cfb-1967-429b-92da-9f664c316527",
        "routingNumber": "211274450",
        "accountNumber": "441142020",
        "accountNumberLastFour": "2020",
        "nameOnAccount": "Joe Black",
        "customer": {
            "guid": "203266af-b561-4564-98f0-190483b24b62",
            "firstName": "Joe",
            "lastName": "Black",
            "dateOfBirth": "1987-07-07T00:00:00",
            "address1": "107 7th Av.",
            "zip": "10007",
            "city": "Austin",
            "state": "TX",
            "stateFullName": "Texas",
            "country": "US",
            "phone": "4207888807",
            "email": "",
            "ssN4": "1210",
            "driverLicenseNumber": "12345678",
            "driverLicenseState": "TX",
            "dlStateFullName": "Texas",
            "personalPhone": "4207888807",
            "displayName": "Joe Black - 4207888807"
    "clearingProcessorUpdate": [
            "timestamp": "2023-06-28T12:24:11.89-05:00",
            "transactionStatusUpdate": " > ",
            "settlementStatusUpdate": " > ",
            "reportingNotesUpdate": " > ",
            "statusMessageUpdate": " > HELD"

Json Example Request Step 3:

    "DeviceGuid" : "a9c0505b-a087-44b1-b9cd-0e7f75715d4d",
    "Amount": 15.00,
    "OrderNumber" : "121212121212",
    "BankAccount": {
        "GUID": "eb49ec89-ead6-42f5-b335-9002c4a1b923"

Json Example Response Step 3:

    "guid": "d7074039-50G6-000a-aKca-d6F23F23e1069",
    "status": "Transaction - Approved",
    "timeStamp": "2023-06-28T12:25:11.62-05:00",
    "deviceGuid": "43f73409-7285-7824-9deb-614M6N1Pd7d7",
    "deviceName": "deviceach",
    "merchantName": "merchtest",
    "amount": 15.000,
    "grossAmount": 15.000,
    "effectiveAmount": 0.000,
    "orderNumber": "121212121212",
    "refNumber": "146246",
    "isBusinessPayment": false,
    "operationType": "Debit",
    "settlementType": "ACH",
    "isSettled": false,
    "processorStatusCode": "HELD",
    "processorResponseMessage": "HELD",
    "processorResponseMessageForMobile": "HELD",
    "wasProcessed": true,
    "customerReceipt": "MerchTesting\r\nExample Street 1\r\nExample Street 2\r\nManhattan NY 10012\r\n06/28/2023 05:25:11 PM\r\nDEBIT\r\nApproval Code: 146246\r\nOrder Number: 121212121212\\n\r\n\r\nTotal:                        $15.00\r\n--------------------------------------\r\nName On Account:             Joe Black\r\nRouting Number:        211274450\r\nDDA Last 4             2020\r\n\r\nStatus: SUBMITTED\r\n--------------------------------------\r\nYou authorize the merchant to initiate a debit or credit to the bank account provided, and adjustments for any debit entries in error to our checking and or savings account as indicated in the invoice above, to debit and or credit to the same such account. The authorization remains in effect until terminated or revoked and afford the merchant a reasonable amount of opportunity to act on it\r\n--------------------------------------\r\nCUSTOMER ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT OF\\nGOODS AND/OR SERVICES IN THE AMOUNT\\nOF THE TOTAL SHOWN HEREON AND AGREES\\nTO PERFORM THE OBLIGATIONS SET FORTH\\nBY THE CUSTOMER`S AGREEMENT WITH THE\\nISSUER\\n\\n\r\n",
    "approvalCode": "146246",
    "processorResponseCode": "HELD",
    "bankAccount": {
        "guid": "31a20c25-b551-4b30-a836-a154d374de9d",
        "routingNumber": "211274450",
        "accountNumber": "441142020",
        "accountNumberLastFour": "2020",
        "nameOnAccount": "Joe Black",
        "customer": {
            "guid": "e280fbad-01dc-495a-8b06-08c9d86e2dad",
            "firstName": "Joe",
            "lastName": "Black",
            "dateOfBirth": "1987-07-07T00:00:00",
            "address1": "107 7th Av.",
            "address2": "",
            "zip": "10007",
            "city": "Austin",
            "state": "TX",
            "stateFullName": "Texas",
            "country": "US",
            "phone": "4207888807",
            "email": "",
            "ssN4": "1210",
            "driverLicenseNumber": "12345678",
            "driverLicenseState": "TX",
            "dlStateFullName": "Texas",
            "personalPhone": "4207888807",
            "displayName": "Joe Black - 4207888807"
    "clearingProcessorUpdate": [
            "timestamp": "2023-06-28T12:25:11.99-05:00",
            "transactionStatusUpdate": " > ",
            "settlementStatusUpdate": " > ",
            "reportingNotesUpdate": " > ",
            "statusMessageUpdate": " > HELD"

This endpoint creates a bank clearing with bank account's Guid.

HTTP Request


Headers using token

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
Authorization Token. Eg: "Bearer eHSN5rTBzqDozgAAlN1UlTMVuIT1zSiAZWCo6E..."

Headers using API Key

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
UserAuthorization API Key. Eg: "e516b6db-3230-4b1c-ae3f-e5379b774a80"


Step 1: Run a Bank Clearing Sale.

Step 2: Save the Bank Account GUID on the ISV database.

Step 3: User the Bank Account GUID (token) to create a bank Clearing Sale.


Get bank clearing

using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;

namespace ChoiceSample
    public class BankClearing
        public static void GetBankClearing()
                var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
                request.Method = "GET";

                request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer DkpQk2A3K4Lwq6aFzbmkApOZWN28EowdVscW_sxY8_RTFt12xhnIa79bUmA12INI0YqKHwbMU5O5gMU_51E6wllvacKx68-mJ7F6GWnUkR2vFKaA-tdOJEqh0GD_61MGWWlXr9sxRNyH6ZzWqUS0-QdhcPLyFzJL-odqZ46I-Aouf3ixienzOnrL0m-zbExPAOnT58prg2dhB-rfIPBoF25rdokQ1KH4NFujgeF99qwIpObHeQQ25Qok7aJh5Spk");

                    var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
                        string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
                catch (WebException wex)
                    if (wex.Response != null)
                        using (var errorResponse = (HttpWebResponse)wex.Response)
                            using (var reader = new StreamReader(errorResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                                string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
            catch (IOException e)

Json Example Response:

    "guid": "4d134bf6-f934-4c1c-ba93-89ca076ed43b",
    "status": "Transaction - Approved",
    "timeStamp": "2023-06-28T12:28:37.54-05:00",
    "deviceGuid": "a9c0505b-a087-44b1-b9cd-0e7f75715d4d",
    "deviceName": "deviceach",
    "merchantName": "merchtest",
    "amount": 3.500,
    "grossAmount": 3.500,
    "effectiveAmount": 0.000,
    "refNumber": "146247",
    "isBusinessPayment": true,
    "customData": "order details",
    "operationType": "Debit",
    "settlementType": "ACH",
    "customerLabel": "Patient",
    "businessName": "Star Shoes California",
    "customerID": "xt147",
    "isSettled": false,
    "processorStatusCode": "HELD",
    "processorResponseMessage": "HELD",
    "processorResponseMessageForMobile": "HELD",
    "wasProcessed": true,
    "customerReceipt": "MerchTesting\r\nExample Street 1\r\nExample Street 2\r\nManhattan NY 10012\r\n06/28/2023 05:28:37 PM\r\nDEBIT\r\nApproval Code: 146247\r\n\r\nTotal:                        $3.50\r\n--------------------------------------\r\nName On Account:             Joe Black\r\nRouting Number:        211274450\r\nDDA Last 4             2020\r\n\r\nStatus: SUBMITTED\r\n--------------------------------------\r\nYou authorize the merchant to initiate a debit or credit to the bank account provided, and adjustments for any debit entries in error to our checking and or savings account as indicated in the invoice above, to debit and or credit to the same such account. The authorization remains in effect until terminated or revoked and afford the merchant a reasonable amount of opportunity to act on it\r\n--------------------------------------\r\nCUSTOMER ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT OF\\nGOODS AND/OR SERVICES IN THE AMOUNT\\nOF THE TOTAL SHOWN HEREON AND AGREES\\nTO PERFORM THE OBLIGATIONS SET FORTH\\nBY THE CUSTOMER`S AGREEMENT WITH THE\\nISSUER\\n\\n\r\n",
    "approvalCode": "146247",
    "processorResponseCode": "HELD",
    "bankAccount": {
        "guid": "d4394cfb-1967-429b-92da-9f664c316527",
        "routingNumber": "211274450",
        "accountNumber": "441142020",
        "accountNumberLastFour": "2020",
        "nameOnAccount": "Joe Black",
        "customer": {
            "guid": "22fad359-2b37-470c-b6c1-d8fa66aa184a",
            "firstName": "Joe",
            "lastName": "Black",
            "dateOfBirth": "1987-07-07T00:00:00",
            "address1": "107 7th Av.",
            "zip": "10007",
            "city": "Austin",
            "state": "TX",
            "stateFullName": "Texas",
            "country": "US",
            "phone": "4207888807",
            "email": "",
            "ssN4": "1210",
            "driverLicenseNumber": "12345678",
            "driverLicenseState": "TX",
            "dlStateFullName": "Texas",
            "personalPhone": "4207888807",
            "displayName": "Joe Black - 4207888807"
    "clearingProcessorUpdate": [
            "timestamp": "2023-06-28T12:28:37.89-05:00",
            "transactionStatusUpdate": " > ",
            "settlementStatusUpdate": " > ",
            "reportingNotesUpdate": " > ",
            "statusMessageUpdate": " > HELD"

Json Example Error Response:

    "type": "",
    "title": "One or more validation errors occurred.",
    "status": 400,
    "traceId": "00-2be920374480ac59ebadf4a9a6057706-0680052537eeceae-00",
    "errors": {
        "guid": [
            "The value 'invalid guid' is not valid."

This endpoint gets a bank clearing.

HTTP Request


Headers using token

Key Value
Authorization Token. Eg: "Bearer eHSN5rTBzqDozgAAlN1UlTMVuIT1zSiAZWCo6E..."

Headers using API Key

Key Value
UserAuthorization API Key. Eg: "e516b6db-3230-4b1c-ae3f-e5379b774a80"

URL Parameters

Parameter Description
guid Bank clearing’s guid to get


Timeout Reversal

using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;

namespace ChoiceSample
    public class BankClearing
        public static void TimeoutReversal()
                var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
                request.ContentType = "text/json";
                request.Method = "POST";

                var bankClearing = new
                    DeviceGuid = "b29725af-b067-4a35-9819-bbb31bdf8808",
                    SequenceNumber = "849741"

                string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(bankClearing);

                request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer 1A089D6ziUybPZFQ3mpPyjt9OEx9yrCs7eQIC6V3A0lmXR2N6-seGNK16Gsnl3td6Ilfbr2Xf_EyukFXwnVEO3fYL-LuGw-L3c8WuaoxhPE8MMdlMPILJTIOV3lTGGdxbFXdKd9U03bbJ9TDUkqxHqq8_VyyjDrw7fs0YOob7bg0OovXTeWgIvZaIrSR1WFR06rYJ0DfWn-Inuf7re1-4SMOjY1ZoCelVwduWCBJpw1111cNbWtHJfObV8u1CVf0");
                request.ContentType = "application/json";
                request.Accept = "application/json";

                using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(request.GetRequestStream()))

                    var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
                        string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
                catch (WebException wex)
                    if (wex.Response != null)
                        using (var errorResponse = (HttpWebResponse)wex.Response)
                            using (var reader = new StreamReader(errorResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                                string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
            catch (IOException e)

Json Example Request:

    "DeviceGuid": "b29725af-b067-4a35-9819-bbb31bdf8808",
    "SequenceNumber": "849741"

Json Example Response:

"Device Guid and Sequence Number combination found and voided."

This a feature that allows a user to void a transaction if it never got a response. You must send the device guid of the terminal used to run the transaction and the sequence number. If there was a sale run on that device with that sequence and it was approved, it will be voided. Otherwise you will be informed that a sale was found but it had not been approved or that there was no sale at all with that combination of device guid and sequence number.

HTTP Request


Headers using token

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
Authorization Token. Eg: "Bearer eHSN5rTBzqDozgAAlN1UlTMVuIT1zSiAZWCo6E..."

Headers using API Key

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
UserAuthorization API Key. Eg: "e516b6db-3230-4b1c-ae3f-e5379b774a80"

Query Parameters

Parameter Type M/C/O Value
DeviceGuid string Mandatory Device's Guid.
SequenceNumber string Mandatory Sequence Number. Max Length = 100.


Bank Clearing Void

Create bank clearing void

using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;

namespace ChoiceSample
    public class BankClearingVoid
        public static void CreateBankClearingVoid()
                var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
                request.ContentType = "text/json";
                request.Method = "POST";

                var bankClearingVoid = new
                    DeviceGuid = "a9c0505b-a087-44b1-b9cd-0e7f75715d4d",
                    ClearingGuid = "4d134bf6-f934-4c1c-ba93-89ca076ed43b"

                string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(bankClearingVoid);

                request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer DkpQk2A3K4Lwq6aFzbmkApOZWN28EowdVscW_sxY8_RTFt12xhnIa79bUmA12INI0YqKHwbMU5O5gMU_51E6wllvacKx68-mJ7F6GWnUkR2vFKaA-tdOJEqh0GD_61MGWWlXr9sxRNyH6ZzWqUS0-QdhcPLyFzJL-odqZ46I-Aouf3ixienzOnrL0m-zbExPAOnT58prg2dhB-rfIPBoF25rdokQ1KH4NFujgeF99qwIpObHeQQ25Qok7aJh5Spk");
                request.ContentType = "application/json";
                request.Accept = "application/json";

                using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(request.GetRequestStream()))

                    var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
                        string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
                catch (WebException wex)
                    if (wex.Response != null)
                        using (var errorResponse = (HttpWebResponse)wex.Response)
                            using (var reader = new StreamReader(errorResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                                string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
            catch (IOException e)

Json Example Request:

  "DeviceGuid" : "a9c0505b-a087-44b1-b9cd-0e7f75715d4d",
  "ClearingGuid" : "4d134bf6-f934-4c1c-ba93-89ca076ed43b"

Json Example Response:

    "guid": "6da854f8-2327-4561-a223-ea9914116d10",
    "status": "Transaction - Approved",
    "timeStamp": "2023-06-28T12:47:45.28-05:00",
    "deviceGuid": "a9c0505b-a087-44b1-b9cd-0e7f75715d4d",
    "clearingGuid": "4d134bf6-f934-4c1c-ba93-89ca076ed43b",
    "processorStatusCode": "VOIDED",
    "processorResponseMessage": "VOIDED",
    "wasProcessed": true,
    "relatedClearing": {
        "guid": "4d134bf6-f934-4c1c-ba93-89ca076ed43b",
        "status": "Transaction - Approved",
        "timeStamp": "2023-06-28T12:47:44.26-05:00",
          "deviceGuid": "a9c0505b-a087-44b1-b9cd-0e7f75715d4d",
        "deviceName": "deviceach",
        "merchantName": "merchtest",
        "amount": 3.500,
        "grossAmount": 3.500,
        "effectiveAmount": 0.000,
        "refNumber": "146249",
        "isBusinessPayment": true,
        "customData": "order details",
        "operationType": "Debit",
        "settlementType": "ACH",
        "customerLabel": "Patient",
        "businessName": "Star Shoes California",
        "customerID": "xt147",
        "isSettled": false,
        "processorStatusCode": "VOIDED",
        "processorResponseMessage": "VOIDED",
        "processorResponseMessageForMobile": "VOIDED",
        "wasProcessed": true,
        "customerReceipt": "MerchTesting\r\nExample Street 1\r\nExample Street 2\r\nManhattan NY 10012\r\n06/28/2023 05:47:44 PM\r\nDEBIT\r\nApproval Code: 146249\r\n\r\nTotal:                        $3.50\r\n--------------------------------------\r\nName On Account:             Joe Black\r\nRouting Number:        211274450\r\nDDA Last 4             2020\r\n\r\nStatus: SUBMITTED\r\n--------------------------------------\r\nYou authorize the merchant to initiate a debit or credit to the bank account provided, and adjustments for any debit entries in error to our checking and or savings account as indicated in the invoice above, to debit and or credit to the same such account. The authorization remains in effect until terminated or revoked and afford the merchant a reasonable amount of opportunity to act on it\r\n--------------------------------------\r\nCUSTOMER ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT OF\\nGOODS AND/OR SERVICES IN THE AMOUNT\\nOF THE TOTAL SHOWN HEREON AND AGREES\\nTO PERFORM THE OBLIGATIONS SET FORTH\\nBY THE CUSTOMER`S AGREEMENT WITH THE\\nISSUER\\n\\n\r\n",
        "approvalCode": "146249",
        "processorResponseCode": "VOIDED",
        "bankAccount": {
            "guid": "d4394cfb-1967-429b-92da-9f664c316527",
            "routingNumber": "211274450",
            "accountNumber": "441142020",
            "accountNumberLastFour": "2020",
            "nameOnAccount": "Joe Black",
            "customer": {
                "guid": "22fad359-2b37-470c-b6c1-d8fa66aa184a",
                "firstName": "Joe",
                "lastName": "Black",
                "dateOfBirth": "1987-07-07T00:00:00",
                "address1": "107 7th Av.",
                "zip": "10007",
                "city": "Austin",
                "state": "TX",
                "stateFullName": "Texas",
                "country": "US",
                "phone": "4207888807",
                "email": "",
                "ssN4": "1210",
                "driverLicenseNumber": "12345678",
                "driverLicenseState": "TX",
                "dlStateFullName": "Texas",
                "personalPhone": "4207888807",
                "displayName": "Joe Black - 4207888807"
        "clearingProcessorUpdate": [
                "timestamp": "2023-06-28T12:47:44.82-05:00",
                "transactionStatusUpdate": " > ",
                "settlementStatusUpdate": " > ",
                "reportingNotesUpdate": " > ",
                "statusMessageUpdate": " > HELD"

Json Example Error Response:

    "type": "",
    "title": "One or more validation errors occurred.",
    "status": 400,
    "traceId": "00-14245d67b54a4f2b029bbbbc886e1dfe-4e23e190215268a5-00",
    "errors": {
        "$.DeviceGuid": [
            "Unable to parse  to GUID"
        "$.ClearingGuid": [
            "Unable to parse Invalid clearing guid to GUID"

This endpoint creates a bank clearing void.

HTTP Request


Headers using token

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
Authorization Token. Eg: "Bearer eHSN5rTBzqDozgAAlN1UlTMVuIT1zSiAZWCo6E..."

Headers using API Key

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
UserAuthorization API Key. Eg: "e516b6db-3230-4b1c-ae3f-e5379b774a80"

Query Parameters

Parameter Type M/C/O Value
DeviceGuid string Mandatory Device Guid.
ClearingGuid string Mandatory Clearing Guid.


Get bank clearing void

using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;

namespace ChoiceSample
    public class BankClearingVoid
        public static void GetBankClearingVoid()
                var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
                request.Method = "GET";

                request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer DkpQk2A3K4Lwq6aFzbmkApOZWN28EowdVscW_sxY8_RTFt12xhnIa79bUmA12INI0YqKHwbMU5O5gMU_51E6wllvacKx68-mJ7F6GWnUkR2vFKaA-tdOJEqh0GD_61MGWWlXr9sxRNyH6ZzWqUS0-QdhcPLyFzJL-odqZ46I-Aouf3ixienzOnrL0m-zbExPAOnT58prg2dhB-rfIPBoF25rdokQ1KH4NFujgeF99qwIpObHeQQ25Qok7aJh5Spk");

                    var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
                        string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
                catch (WebException wex)
                    if (wex.Response != null)
                        using (var errorResponse = (HttpWebResponse)wex.Response)
                            using (var reader = new StreamReader(errorResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                                string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
            catch (IOException e)

Json Example Response:

    "guid": "6da854f8-2327-4561-a223-ea9914116d10",
    "status": "Transaction - Approved",
    "timeStamp": "2023-06-28T12:51:22.57-05:00",
    "deviceGuid": "a9c0505b-a087-44b1-b9cd-0e7f75715d4d",
    "clearingGuid": "4d134bf6-f934-4c1c-ba93-89ca076ed43b",
    "processorStatusCode": "VOIDED",
    "processorResponseMessage": "VOIDED",
    "wasProcessed": true,
    "relatedClearing": {
        "guid": "4d134bf6-f934-4c1c-ba93-89ca076ed43b",
        "status": "Transaction - Approved",
        "timeStamp": "2023-06-28T12:51:21.43-05:00",
        "deviceGuid": "a9c0505b-a087-44b1-b9cd-0e7f75715d4d",
        "deviceName": "deviceach",
        "merchantName": "merchtest",
        "amount": 3.500,
        "grossAmount": 3.500,
        "effectiveAmount": 0.000,
        "refNumber": "146250",
        "isBusinessPayment": true,
        "customData": "order details",
        "operationType": "Debit",
        "settlementType": "ACH",
        "customerLabel": "Patient",
        "businessName": "Star Shoes California",
        "customerID": "xt147",
        "isSettled": false,
        "processorStatusCode": "VOIDED",
        "processorResponseMessage": "VOIDED",
        "processorResponseMessageForMobile": "VOIDED",
        "wasProcessed": true,
        "customerReceipt": "MerchTesting\r\nExample Street 1\r\nExample Street 2\r\nManhattan NY 10012\r\n06/28/2023 05:51:21 PM\r\nDEBIT\r\nApproval Code: 146250\r\n\r\nTotal:                        $3.50\r\n--------------------------------------\r\nName On Account:             Joe Black\r\nRouting Number:        211274450\r\nDDA Last 4             2020\r\n\r\nStatus: SUBMITTED\r\n--------------------------------------\r\nYou authorize the merchant to initiate a debit or credit to the bank account provided, and adjustments for any debit entries in error to our checking and or savings account as indicated in the invoice above, to debit and or credit to the same such account. The authorization remains in effect until terminated or revoked and afford the merchant a reasonable amount of opportunity to act on it\r\n--------------------------------------\r\nCUSTOMER ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT OF\\nGOODS AND/OR SERVICES IN THE AMOUNT\\nOF THE TOTAL SHOWN HEREON AND AGREES\\nTO PERFORM THE OBLIGATIONS SET FORTH\\nBY THE CUSTOMER`S AGREEMENT WITH THE\\nISSUER\\n\\n\r\n",
        "approvalCode": "146250",
        "processorResponseCode": "VOIDED",
        "bankAccount": {
            "guid": "d4394cfb-1967-429b-92da-9f664c316527",
            "routingNumber": "211274450",
            "accountNumber": "441142020",
            "accountNumberLastFour": "2020",
            "nameOnAccount": "Joe Black",
            "customer": {
                "guid": "22fad359-2b37-470c-b6c1-d8fa66aa184a",
                "firstName": "Joe",
                "lastName": "Black",
                "dateOfBirth": "1987-07-07T00:00:00",
                "address1": "107 7th Av.",
                "zip": "10007",
                "city": "Austin",
                "state": "TX",
                "country": "US",
                "phone": "4207888807",
                "email": "",
                "ssN4": "1210",
                "driverLicenseNumber": "12345678",
                "driverLicenseState": "TX",
                "personalPhone": "4207888807",
                "displayName": "Joe Black - 4207888807"
        "clearingProcessorUpdate": [
                "timestamp": "2023-06-28T12:51:21.88-05:00",
                "transactionStatusUpdate": " > ",
                "settlementStatusUpdate": " > ",
                "reportingNotesUpdate": " > ",
                "statusMessageUpdate": " > HELD"

Json Example Error Response:

    "type": "",
    "title": "One or more validation errors occurred.",
    "status": 400,
    "traceId": "00-2be920374480ac59ebadf4a9a6057706-0680052537eeceae-00",
    "errors": {
        "guid": [
            "The value 'invalid guid' is not valid."

This endpoint gets a bank clearing void.

HTTP Request


Headers using token

Key Value
Authorization Token. Eg: "Bearer eHSN5rTBzqDozgAAlN1UlTMVuIT1zSiAZWCo6E..."

Headers using API Key

Key Value
UserAuthorization API Key. Eg: "e516b6db-3230-4b1c-ae3f-e5379b774a80"

URL Parameters

Parameter Description
guid Bank clearing void’s guid to get


Bank Clearing Return

Create bank clearing return

using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;

namespace ChoiceSample
    public class BankClearingReturn
        public static void CreateBankClearingReturn()
                var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
                request.ContentType = "text/json";
                request.Method = "POST";

                var bankClearingReturn = new
                    DeviceGuid = "a9c0505b-a087-44b1-b9cd-0e7f75715d4d",
                    ClearingGuid = "8c7d4ce1-1cd2-4c92-ac24-86bf7ae1c0ed"

                string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(bankClearingReturn);

                request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer DkpQk2A3K4Lwq6aFzbmkApOZWN28EowdVscW_sxY8_RTFt12xhnIa79bUmA12INI0YqKHwbMU5O5gMU_51E6wllvacKx68-mJ7F6GWnUkR2vFKaA-tdOJEqh0GD_61MGWWlXr9sxRNyH6ZzWqUS0-QdhcPLyFzJL-odqZ46I-Aouf3ixienzOnrL0m-zbExPAOnT58prg2dhB-rfIPBoF25rdokQ1KH4NFujgeF99qwIpObHeQQ25Qok7aJh5Spk");
                request.ContentType = "application/json";
                request.Accept = "application/json";

                using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(request.GetRequestStream()))

                    var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
                        string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
                catch (WebException wex)
                    if (wex.Response != null)
                        using (var errorResponse = (HttpWebResponse)wex.Response)
                            using (var reader = new StreamReader(errorResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                                string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
            catch (IOException e)

Json Example Request:

  "DeviceGuid" : "a9c0505b-a087-44b1-b9cd-0e7f75715d4d",
  "ClearingGuid" : "8c7d4ce1-1cd2-4c92-ac24-86bf7ae1c0ed"

Json Example Response:

    "Guid": "411c38e4-yt56-4f13-8c1f-34geert345h5",
    "DeviceGuid": "5mkmny86i-b486-4297-8c5c-34geert345h5",
    "ClearingGuid": "3ef644ef-f0c7-404b-bffe-34geert345h5",
    "timeStamp": "2023-06-20T09:22:54.41-05:00",
    "Status": "Transaction - Approved",
    "ProcessorStatusCode": "SUBMITTED",
    "ProcessorResponseMessage": "SUBMITTED",
    "RefNumber": "144626",
    "WasProcessed": true,
    "RelatedClearing": {
        "Guid": "3ef644ef-f0c7-404b-bffe-34geert345h5",
        "Status": "Transaction - Approved",
        "timeStamp": "2023-06-09T14:26:35.42-05:00",
        "DeviceGuid": "5cfb3061-b486-4297-8c5c-34geert345h5",
        "DeviceName": "Test",
        "MerchantName": "Test Corp",
        "Amount": 7120.1,
        "GrossAmount": 7120.1,
        "EffectiveAmount": 0.0,
        "RefNumber": "143239",
        "IsBusinessPayment": false,
        "CustomData": "{\"orderId\":\"ad9f1dca022846ac8525de36db4eb36b\",\"orderNumber\":\"221\",\"employeeName\":\"Testing Edkins\",\"registerNumber\":\"01\",\"taxAmount\":0,\"customField\":\"56194\"}",
        "OperationType": "Debit",
        "SettlementType": "ACH",
        "IsSettled": true,
        "ProcessorStatusCode": "SETTLED",
        "ProcessorResponseMessage": "Transaction Settled",
        "ProcessorResponseMessageForMobile": "Transaction Settled",
        "WasProcessed": true,
        "CustomerReceipt": "Test Corp\r\n575 Dimm st\r\n\r\nHillsborough NC 22278\r\n06/09/2023 07:26:35 PM\r\nDEBIT\r\nApproval Code: 543239\r\nSubTotal: $7,120.10\r\n--------------------------------------\r\nCash Discount: -$248.49\r\n--------------------------------------\r\nTotal:                        $7,120.10\r\n--------------------------------------\r\nName On Account:             Max Testing\r\nRouting Number:        021202337\r\nDDA Last 4             8061\r\n\r\nStatus: SUBMITTED\r\n--------------------------------------\r\nCUSTOMER ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT OF\\nGOODS AND/OR SERVICES IN THE AMOUNT\\nOF THE TOTAL SHOWN HEREON AND AGREES\\nTO PERFORM THE OBLIGATIONS SET FORTH\\nBY THE CUSTOMER`S AGREEMENT WITH THE\\nISSUER\\n\\n\r\n--------------------------------------\r\nYou authorize the merchant to initiate a debit or credit to the bank account provided, and adjustments for any debit entries in error to our checking and or savings account as indicated in the invoice above, to debit and or credit to the same such account. The authorization remains in effect until terminated or revoked and afford the merchant a reasonable amount of opportunity to act on it\r\n",
        "ProcessorTransactionStatus": "Debit Sent",
        "ProcessorSettlementStatus": "Credit Sent",
        "SequenceNumber": "ttqHcM8sj20PIFr5hpkg",
        "ApprovalCode": "143239",
        "ProcessorResponseCode": "SETTLED",
        "BankAccount": {
            "Guid": "3c3a6e82-1234-4578-903e-015887fcc836",
            "RoutingNumber": "021000037",
            "AccountNumber": "652000061",
            "AccountNumberLastFour": "8061",
            "NameOnAccount": "Max Test"
        "ClearingProcessorUpdate": [
                "timestamp": "2023-06-09T14:26:35.74-05:00",
                "TransactionStatusUpdate": " > ",
                "SettlementStatusUpdate": " > ",
                "ReportingNotesUpdate": " > ",
                "StatusMessageUpdate": " > SUBMITTED"
    "Amount": 7120.1

Json Example Error Response:

    "type": "",
    "title": "One or more validation errors occurred.",
    "status": 400,
    "traceId": "00-a62cc28334fde7edd4fee244793a85b7-8ccbd6f6d677391d-00",
    "errors": {
        "$.DeviceGuid": [
            "Unable to parse Invalid device guid to GUID"
        "$.ClearingGuid": [
            "Unable to parse Invalid clearing guid to GUID"

This endpoint creates a bank clearing return.

HTTP Request


Headers using token

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
Authorization Token. Eg: "Bearer eHSN5rTBzqDozgAAlN1UlTMVuIT1zSiAZWCo6E..."

Headers using API Key

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
UserAuthorization API Key. Eg: "e516b6db-3230-4b1c-ae3f-e5379b774a80"

Query Parameters

Parameter Type M/C/O Value
DeviceGuid string Mandatory Device Guid.
ClearingGuid string Mandatory Clearing Guid.


Get bank clearing return

using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;

namespace ChoiceSample
    public class BankClearingReturn
        public static void GetBankClearingReturn()
                var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
                request.Method = "GET";

                request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer DkpQk2A3K4Lwq6aFzbmkApOZWN28EowdVscW_sxY8_RTFt12xhnIa79bUmA12INI0YqKHwbMU5O5gMU_51E6wllvacKx68-mJ7F6GWnUkR2vFKaA-tdOJEqh0GD_61MGWWlXr9sxRNyH6ZzWqUS0-QdhcPLyFzJL-odqZ46I-Aouf3ixienzOnrL0m-zbExPAOnT58prg2dhB-rfIPBoF25rdokQ1KH4NFujgeF99qwIpObHeQQ25Qok7aJh5Spk");

                    var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
                        string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
                catch (WebException wex)
                    if (wex.Response != null)
                        using (var errorResponse = (HttpWebResponse)wex.Response)
                            using (var reader = new StreamReader(errorResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                                string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
            catch (IOException e)

Json Example Response:

    "Guid": "411c38e4-yt56-4f13-8c1f-34geert345h5",
    "DeviceGuid": "5mkmny86i-b486-4297-8c5c-34geert345h5",
    "ClearingGuid": "3ef644ef-f0c7-404b-bffe-34geert345h5",
    "timeStamp": "2023-06-20T09:22:54.41-05:00",
    "Status": "Transaction - Approved",
    "ProcessorStatusCode": "SUBMITTED",
    "ProcessorResponseMessage": "SUBMITTED",
    "RefNumber": "144626",
    "WasProcessed": true,
    "RelatedClearing": {
        "Guid": "3ef644ef-f0c7-404b-bffe-34geert345h5",
        "Status": "Transaction - Approved",
        "timeStamp": "2023-06-09T14:26:35.42-05:00",
        "DeviceGuid": "5cfb3061-b486-4297-8c5c-34geert345h5",
        "DeviceName": "Test",
        "MerchantName": "Test Corp",
        "Amount": 7120.1,
        "GrossAmount": 7120.1,
        "EffectiveAmount": 0.0,
        "RefNumber": "143239",
        "IsBusinessPayment": false,
        "CustomData": "{\"orderId\":\"ad9f1dca022846ac8525de36db4eb36b\",\"orderNumber\":\"221\",\"employeeName\":\"Testing Edkins\",\"registerNumber\":\"01\",\"taxAmount\":0,\"customField\":\"56194\"}",
        "OperationType": "Debit",
        "SettlementType": "ACH",
        "IsSettled": true,
        "ProcessorStatusCode": "SETTLED",
        "ProcessorResponseMessage": "Transaction Settled",
        "ProcessorResponseMessageForMobile": "Transaction Settled",
        "WasProcessed": true,
        "CustomerReceipt": "Test Corp\r\n575 Dimm st\r\n\r\nHillsborough NC 22278\r\n06/09/2023 07:26:35 PM\r\nDEBIT\r\nApproval Code: 543239\r\nSubTotal: $7,120.10\r\n--------------------------------------\r\nCash Discount: -$248.49\r\n--------------------------------------\r\nTotal:                        $7,120.10\r\n--------------------------------------\r\nName On Account:             Max Testing\r\nRouting Number:        021202337\r\nDDA Last 4             8061\r\n\r\nStatus: SUBMITTED\r\n--------------------------------------\r\nCUSTOMER ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT OF\\nGOODS AND/OR SERVICES IN THE AMOUNT\\nOF THE TOTAL SHOWN HEREON AND AGREES\\nTO PERFORM THE OBLIGATIONS SET FORTH\\nBY THE CUSTOMER`S AGREEMENT WITH THE\\nISSUER\\n\\n\r\n--------------------------------------\r\nYou authorize the merchant to initiate a debit or credit to the bank account provided, and adjustments for any debit entries in error to our checking and or savings account as indicated in the invoice above, to debit and or credit to the same such account. The authorization remains in effect until terminated or revoked and afford the merchant a reasonable amount of opportunity to act on it\r\n",
        "ProcessorTransactionStatus": "Debit Sent",
        "ProcessorSettlementStatus": "Credit Sent",
        "SequenceNumber": "ttqHcM8sj20PIFr5hpkg",
        "ApprovalCode": "143239",
        "ProcessorResponseCode": "SETTLED",
        "BankAccount": {
            "Guid": "3c3a6e82-1234-4578-903e-015887fcc836",
            "RoutingNumber": "021000037",
            "AccountNumber": "652000061",
            "AccountNumberLastFour": "8061",
            "NameOnAccount": "Max Test"
        "ClearingProcessorUpdate": [
                "timestamp": "2023-06-09T14:26:35.74-05:00",
                "TransactionStatusUpdate": " > ",
                "SettlementStatusUpdate": " > ",
                "ReportingNotesUpdate": " > ",
                "StatusMessageUpdate": " > SUBMITTED"
    "Amount": 7120.1

Json Example Error Response:

    "type": "",
    "title": "One or more validation errors occurred.",
    "status": 400,
    "traceId": "00-2be920374480ac59ebadf4a9a6057706-0680052537eeceae-00",
    "errors": {
        "guid": [
            "The value 'invalid guid' is not valid."

This endpoint gets a bank clearing return.

HTTP Request


Headers using token

Key Value
Authorization Token. Eg: "Bearer eHSN5rTBzqDozgAAlN1UlTMVuIT1zSiAZWCo6E..."

Headers using API Key

Key Value
UserAuthorization API Key. Eg: "e516b6db-3230-4b1c-ae3f-e5379b774a80"

URL Parameters

Parameter Description
guid Bank clearing return’s guid to get


Bank Clearing Verify

Create bank clearing verify

using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;

namespace ChoiceSample
    public class BankClearingVerify
        public static void CreateBankClearingVerify()
                var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
                request.ContentType = "text/json";
                request.Method = "POST";

                var verify = new
                    DeviceGuid = "b29725af-b067-4a35-9819-bbb31bdf8808",
                    RoutingNumber = "211274450",
                    AccountNumber = "12345678",
                    AccountOwnership = "Personal",
                    FirstName = "Jhon",
                    LastName = "Doe"

                string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(verify);

                request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer 1A089D6ziUybPZFQ3mpPyjt9OEx9yrCs7eQIC6V3A0lmXR2N6-seGNK16Gsnl3td6Ilfbr2Xf_EyukFXwnVEO3fYL-LuGw-L3c8WuaoxhPE8MMdlMPILJTIOV3lTGGdxbFXdKd9U03bbJ9TDUkqxHqq8_VyyjDrw7fs0YOob7bg0OovXTeWgIvZaIrSR1WFR06rYJ0DfWn-Inuf7re1-4SMOjY1ZoCelVwduWCBJpw1111cNbWtHJfObV8u1CVf0");
                request.ContentType = "application/json";
                request.Accept = "application/json";

                using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(request.GetRequestStream()))

                    var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
                        string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
                catch (WebException wex)
                    if (wex.Response != null)
                        using (var errorResponse = (HttpWebResponse)wex.Response)
                            using (var reader = new StreamReader(errorResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                                string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
            catch (IOException e)

using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;

namespace ChoiceSample
    public class BankClearingVerify
        public static void CreateBankClearingVerify()
                var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
                request.ContentType = "text/json";
                request.Method = "POST";

                var verify = new
                    DeviceGuid = "C96771A9-76F0-4CB3-B737-1B6A839036E7",
                    RoutingNumber = "061103852",
                    AccountNumber = "123978002",
                    AccountOwnership = "Business",
                    BusinessName= "MyBusinessName"

                string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(verify);

                request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer 1A089D6ziUybPZFQ3mpPyjt9OEx9yrCs7eQIC6V3A0lmXR2N6-seGNK16Gsnl3td6Ilfbr2Xf_EyukFXwnVEO3fYL-LuGw-L3c8WuaoxhPE8MMdlMPILJTIOV3lTGGdxbFXdKd9U03bbJ9TDUkqxHqq8_VyyjDrw7fs0YOob7bg0OovXTeWgIvZaIrSR1WFR06rYJ0DfWn-Inuf7re1-4SMOjY1ZoCelVwduWCBJpw1111cNbWtHJfObV8u1CVf0");
                request.ContentType = "application/json";
                request.Accept = "application/json";

                using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(request.GetRequestStream()))

                    var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
                        string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
                catch (WebException wex)
                    if (wex.Response != null)
                        using (var errorResponse = (HttpWebResponse)wex.Response)
                            using (var reader = new StreamReader(errorResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                                string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
            catch (IOException e)

Json Example Request:

    "DeviceGuid": "b29725af-b067-4a35-9819-bbb31bdf8808",
    "RoutingNumber": "211274450",
    "AccountNumber": "12345678",
    "AccountOwnership": "Personal",
    "FirstName": "Jhon",
    "LastName": "Doe"

Json Example Response:

    "bankAccountGuid": "9b674e26-fe76-4a0e-bde4-8ed596jjy214",
    "routingNumber": "211274450",
    "accountNumber": "12345678",
    "responseCode": "2",
    "responseValue": "Format Error",
    "responseDescription": "2 - Invalid Account or Account format is suspicious"

Json Example Error Response:

    "type": "",
    "title": "One or more validation errors occurred.",
    "status": 400,
    "traceId": "00-a62cc28334fde7edd4fee244793a85b7-8ccbd6f6d677391d-00",
    "errors": {
        "$.DeviceGuid": [
            "Unable to parse Invalid device guid to GUID"
        "$.ClearingGuid": [
            "Unable to parse Invalid clearing guid to GUID"

This endpoint creates a bank clearing verify.

HTTP Request


Headers using token

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
Authorization Token. Eg: "Bearer eHSN5rTBzqDozgAAlN1UlTMVuIT1zSiAZWCo6E..."

Headers using API Key

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
UserAuthorization API Key. Eg: "e516b6db-3230-4b1c-ae3f-e5379b774a80"

Query Parameters

Parameter Type M/C/O Value
DeviceGuid string Mandatory Device’s Guid.
RoutingNumber string Mandatory Routing's number. Must be 9 characters (example: 490000018).
AccountNumber string Mandatory Account's number. Must be between 4 and 20 digits long. Accepts only numbers between 4 and 20 characters.
AccountOwnership string Mandatory Allowed values:

1. Personal
2. Business
FirstName string Mandatory when AccountOwnership('Personal') is provided User’s first name.
LastName string Mandatory when AccountOwnership('Personal') is provided User’s last name.
BusinessName string Mandatory when AccountOwnership('Business') is provided User’s business name. Accepts up to 50 characters.



Create sale

using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;

namespace ChoiceSample
    public class Sale
        public static void CreateSale()
                var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
                request.ContentType = "text/json";
                request.Method = "POST";

                var sale = new
                    DeviceGuid = "b29725af-b067-4a35-9819-bbb31bdf8808",
                    Amount = 19.74,
                    TipAmount = 0.74,
                    DualPricingFeeAmount = 3.00,
                    OrderNumber = "11518",
                    OrderDate = "2017-02-03",
                    SendReceipt = true,
                    CustomData = "order details",
                    CustomerLabel = "Patient",
                    CustomerId = "xt147",
                    StatementDescription = "Value stated by the user",
                    BusinessName = "Star Shoes California",
                    AssociateCustomerCard = true,
                    SemiIntegrated = false
                    Card = new
                        CardNumber = "5306764208460213",
                        CardHolderName = "John Doe",
                        Cvv2 = "998",
                        ExpirationDate = "2207",
                        Customer = new
                            FirstName = "John",
                            LastName = "Doe",
                            Phone = "9177563007",
                            City = "New York",
                            State = "NY",
                            Country = "US",
                            Email = "",
                            Address1 = "107 7th Av.",
                            Address2 = "",
                            Zip = "10007",
                            DateOfBirth = "1987-07-07",
                            DriverLicenseNumber = "12345678",
                            DriverLicenseState = "TX",
                            SSN4 = "1210"

                string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(sale);

                request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer 1A089D6ziUybPZFQ3mpPyjt9OEx9yrCs7eQIC6V3A0lmXR2N6-seGNK16Gsnl3td6Ilfbr2Xf_EyukFXwnVEO3fYL-LuGw-L3c8WuaoxhPE8MMdlMPILJTIOV3lTGGdxbFXdKd9U03bbJ9TDUkqxHqq8_VyyjDrw7fs0YOob7bg0OovXTeWgIvZaIrSR1WFR06rYJ0DfWn-Inuf7re1-4SMOjY1ZoCelVwduWCBJpw1111cNbWtHJfObV8u1CVf0");
                request.ContentType = "application/json";
                request.Accept = "application/json";

                using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(request.GetRequestStream()))

                    var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
                        string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
                catch (WebException wex)
                    if (wex.Response != null)
                        using (var errorResponse = (HttpWebResponse)wex.Response)
                            using (var reader = new StreamReader(errorResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                                string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
            catch (IOException e)
using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;

namespace ChoiceSample
    public class Sale
        public static void CreateSale()
                var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
                request.ContentType = "text/json";
                request.Method = "POST";

                var sale = new
                    DeviceGuid = "b29725af-b067-4a35-9819-bbb31bdf8808",
                    Amount = 19.74,
                    TipAmount = 0.74,
                    DualPricingFeeAmount = 3.00,
                    PromptConsumer = true,
                    OrderNumber = "11518",
                    OrderDate = "2017-02-03",
                    SendReceipt = true,
                    CustomData = "order details",
                    CustomerLabel = "Patient",
                    CustomerId = "xt147",
                    StatementDescription = "Value stated by the user",
                    BusinessName = "Star Shoes California",
                    AssociateCustomerCard = true,
                    SemiIntegrated = true

                string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(sale);

                request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer 1A089D6ziUybPZFQ3mpPyjt9OEx9yrCs7eQIC6V3A0lmXR2N6-seGNK16Gsnl3td6Ilfbr2Xf_EyukFXwnVEO3fYL-LuGw-L3c8WuaoxhPE8MMdlMPILJTIOV3lTGGdxbFXdKd9U03bbJ9TDUkqxHqq8_VyyjDrw7fs0YOob7bg0OovXTeWgIvZaIrSR1WFR06rYJ0DfWn-Inuf7re1-4SMOjY1ZoCelVwduWCBJpw1111cNbWtHJfObV8u1CVf0");
                request.ContentType = "application/json";
                request.Accept = "application/json";

                using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(request.GetRequestStream()))

                    var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
                        string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
                catch (WebException wex)
                    if (wex.Response != null)
                        using (var errorResponse = (HttpWebResponse)wex.Response)
                            using (var reader = new StreamReader(errorResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                                string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
            catch (IOException e)

Json Example Request:

    "DeviceGuid": "b29725af-b067-4a35-9819-bbb31bdf8808",
    "Amount": 19.74,
    "dualPricingFeeAmount": 0.40,
    "OrderNumber": "11518",
    "OrderDate": "2020-11-24",
    "SendReceipt": true,
    "CustomData": "order details",
    "CustomerLabel": "Patient",
    "CustomerId": "xt147",
    "StatementDescription": "Value stated by the user",
    "BusinessName": "Star Shoes California",
    "AssociateCustomerCard": true,
    "Card": {
        "CardNumber": "5306764208460213",
        "CardHolderName": "John Doe",
        "Cvv2": "998",
        "ExpirationDate": "2207",
        "Customer": {
            "FirstName": "John",
            "LastName": "Doe",
            "Phone": "9177563007",
            "City": "New York",
            "State": "NY",
            "Country": "US",
            "Email": "",
            "Address1": "107 7th Av.",
            "Address2": "",
            "Zip": "10007",
            "DateOfBirth": "1987-07-07",
            "SSN4": "1210"

Json Example Request for Semi-Integrated Sale:

    "DeviceGuid": "b29725af-b067-4a35-9819-bbb31bdf8808",
    "Amount": 19.74,
    "DualPricingFeeAmount": 0.40,
    "PromptConsumer": true,
    "OrderNumber": "11518",
    "OrderDate": "2020-11-24",
    "SendReceipt": true,
    "CustomData": "order details",
    "CustomerLabel": "Patient",
    "CustomerId": "xt147",
    "StatementDescription": "Value stated by the user",
    "BusinessName": "Star Shoes California",
    "AssociateCustomerCard": true,
    "SemiIntegrated": true

Json Example Response:

    "guid": "1dde1960-3dea-472c-836e-402840967e7b",
    "status": "Transaction - Approved",
    "batchStatus": "Batch - Open",
    "timeStamp": "2023-06-28T13:01:06.52-05:00",
    "deviceGuid": "b29725af-b067-4a35-9819-bbb31bdf8808",
    "amount": 20.900,
    "currencyQuote": 1.000,
    "currency": "USD",
    "effectiveAmount": 20.900,
    "dualPricingFeeAmount": 0.400,
    "grossAmount": 20.500,
    "orderNumber": "11518",
    "orderDate": "2020-11-24T00:00:00.00-06:00",
    "cardDataSource": "INTERNET",
    "customerLabel": "Patient",
    "businessName": "Star Shoes California",
    "customerID": "xt147",
    "batchGuid": "014db6d5-e627-472b-8f7d-02901693725f",
    "processorStatusCode": "A0000",
    "processorResponseMessage": "Success, HostRef#: 317918751384",
    "wasProcessed": true,
    "authCode": "VTLMC1",
    "refNumber": "33488047",
    "customerReceipt": "Value stated by the user      \\n          8320 S HARDY DR           \\n           TEMPE AZ 85284\\n06/28/2023 14:06:06 \\n\\nCREDIT - SALE\\nTransaction - Approved\\n\\nJohn Doe\\nCard Number: **** **** **** 0213\\nCard Type: Mastercard\\nRef #: 33488047\\nAuth Code: VTLMC1\\n\\nTxn Amt $20.50\\nCash Discount $0.00\\n\\nTotal Amt $20.90\\n\\nOrder Number: 11518\\nCustomer Red Id: xt147\\nOrder Date: 11/24/2020 12:00:00 AM\\nOrder Details: order details\\n\\nCUSTOMER ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT OF \\n GOODS AND/OR SERVICES IN THE AMOUNT \\n OF THE TOTAL SHOWN HEREON AND AGREES \\n TO PERFORM THE OBLIGATIONS SET FORTH \\n BY THE CUSTOMER`S AGREEMENT WITH THE \\n ISSUER\\n              APPROVED              \\n\\n                                    \\n                                    \\n\\n            Customer Copy\\n",
    "statementDescription": "Value stated by the user",
    "customData": "order details",
    "generatedBy": "merchadmtest",
    "card": {
        "first6": "530676",
        "last4": "0213",
        "cardNumber": "1zcGT7J4pkGh0213",
        "cardNumberHashed": "1iyRPx5Pb41Bm/fFgMJiHVB+reM7mRKxHMl8feDVH7I=",
        "cardHolderName": "John Doe",
        "cardType": "Mastercard",
        "expirationDate": "2025-01",
        "customer": {
            "guid": "b70c80d2-4b07-423e-83be-33b93a64b6dd",
            "merchantGuid": "cd3d0150-819c-33b9-8efd-2fa248keqcce",
            "firstName": "John",
            "lastName": "Doe",
            "dateOfBirth": "1987-07-07T00:00:00",
            "address1": "107 7th Av.",
            "zip": "10007",
            "city": "New York",
            "state": "NY",
            "stateFullName": "New York",
            "country": "US",
            "phone": "9177563007",
            "email": "",
            "ssN4": "1210",
            "driverLicenseNumber": "12345678",
            "driverLicenseState": "TX",
            "driverLicenseExpirationDate": "2030-12-12T00:00:00",
            "dlStateFullName": "Texas",
            "personalPhone": "9177563007",
            "status": "Active",
            "displayName": "John Doe - 9177563007"
    "associateCustomerCard": true,
    "sequenceNumber": "546",
    "addressVerificationCode": "N",
    "addressVerificationResult": "No Match",
    "cvvVerificationCode": "M",
    "cvvVerificationResult": "Passed",
    "hostedPaymentPageGuid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"

Json Example Response for Cash Sale:

    "guid": "5d8ad876-cff8-4179-831f-65fad59c8faa",
    "status": "Transaction - Approved",
    "timeStamp": "2023-08-14T16:06:39.28+00:00",
    "amount": 50.000,
    "grossAmount": 50.000,
    "effectiveAmount": 50.000,
    "deviceGuid": "14c8bee4-a00b-4976-9a4a-adb13e2faf71",
    "processorResponseMessage": "Cash Sale Processed",
    "wasProcessed": true,
    "authCode": "TA55496",
    "refNumber": "42603996"

Json Example Error Response:

    "type": "",
    "title": "One or more validation errors occurred.",
    "status": 400,
    "traceId": "00-80ef7316ffe8e0708bfa9b776b0dfd24-9cd052939354564c-00",
    "errors": {
        "$.DeviceGuid": [
            "Unable to parse {{DEVICECCw}} to GUID"
        "$.Amount": [
            "Amount should be equal or greater than zero",
            "Unable to parse asdasd to Decimal",
            "The JSON value could not be converted to System.Decimal. Path: $.Amount | LineNumber: 2 | BytePositionInLine: 59.",
            "Amount can have 3 decimal places at most."
        "$.dualPricingFeeAmount": [
            "Amount should be equal or greater than zero",
            "Unable to parse asdsada to Decimal",
            "The JSON value could not be converted to System.Decimal. Path: $.Amount | LineNumber: 2 | BytePositionInLine: 59.",
            "dualPricingFeeAmount can have 3 decimal places at most."
        "$.grossAmount": [
            "Amount should be equal or greater than zero",
            "Unable to parse asdsada to Decimal",
            "The JSON value could not be converted to System.Decimal. Path: $.Amount | LineNumber: 2 | BytePositionInLine: 59.",
            "GrossAmount can have 3 decimal places at most."
        "OrderNumber": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 20"
        "BusinessName": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 100"
        "CustomerLabel": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 100"
        "SequenceNumber": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 100"
        "StatementDescription": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 50"
        "Currency": [
            "The field Currency is invalid."
        "$.AssociateCustomerCard": [
            "The JSON value could not be converted to System.Nullable`1[System.Boolean]. Path: $.AssociateCustomerCard | LineNumber: 15 | BytePositionInLine: 36."
        "Card": [
            "'Card' is required"
        "Card.CardNumber": [
            "The field CardNumber must be between 13 and 16 characters. is invalid."
        "Card.CardHolderName": [
            "The CardHolderName must be between 0 and 30 digits long",
            "The JSON value could not be converted to System.String. Path: $.Card.CardHolderName | LineNumber: 17 | BytePositionInLine: 32.",
        "Card.Cvv2": [
            "The field Cvv2 is invalid."
        "Card.ExpirationDate": [
            "Card has expired. Expiration date: 1902"
        "Card.Customer.Phone": [
            "Invalid phone number. Must be 10 digits numbers only no special characters.",
            "The field Phone is invalid."
        "Card.Customer.LastName": [
            "The field LastName is invalid.",
            "Field maximum length must be less than 100"
        "Card.Customer.FirstName": [
            "The field FirstName is invalid.",
            "Field maximum length must be less than 100"
        "$.Card.Customer.DateOfBirth": [
            "The JSON value could not be converted to System.Nullable`1[System.DateTime]. Path: $.Card.Customer.DateOfBirth | LineNumber: 30 | BytePositionInLine: 46."
        "Card.ExpirationDate": [
            "Card has expired. Expiration date: 1902"
        "Card.Customer.Zip": [
            "The Zip must be between 0 and 10 characters long"
        "Card.Customer.SsN4": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 4",
            "The field SsN4 is invalid."
        "Card.Customer.Phone": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 10",
            "Invalid phone number. Must be 10 digits numbers only no special characters.",
            "The field Phone is invalid."
        "Card.Customer.State": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 2",
            "The field State is invalid.",
        "Card.Customer.Country": [
            "The field Country is invalid."
        "Card.Customer.LastName": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 100",
            "The field LastName is invalid."
        "Card.Customer.FirstName": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 100",
            "The field FirstName is invalid."
        "Card.Customer.DriverLicenseState": [
            "The field DriverLicenseState is invalid.",
        "Card.Customer.DriverLicenseNumber": [
            "The field DriverLicenseNumber is invalid.",
            "Field maximum length must be less than 25",
            "Only letters, numbers, asterisc, ampersand, @ and hyphen are allowed"
        "$.EnhancedData.ShippingCharges": [
            "Amount should be equal or greater than zero",
            "Unable to parse gh to Decimal"
        "$.EnhancedData.SaleTax": [
            "Amount should be equal or greater than zero",
            "Unable to parse gh to Decimal"
        "$.EnhancedData.ShippingCharges": [
            "Amount should be equal or greater than zero",
            "Unable to parse gh to Decimal"
        "$.EnhancedData.AdditionalTaxDetailTaxAmount": [
            "Amount should be equal or greater than zero",
            "Unable to parse  to Decimal"
        "$.EnhancedData.AdditionalTaxDetailTaxRate": [
            "Amount should be equal or greater than zero",
            "Unable to parse sfsdfsdfsdfsdf2 to Decimal"
        "$.EnhancedData.DutyCharges": [
            "Amount should be equal or greater than zero",
            "Unable to parse sfsdfsdfsdfsdf2 to Decimal"
        "$.EnhancedData.AdditionalAmount": [
            "Amount should be equal or greater than zero",
            "Unable to parse AdditionalAmount to Decimal"
        "$.EnhancedData.Price": [
            "Amount should be equal or greater than zero",
            "Unable to parse asdasdasd to Decimal"
        "EnhancedData.ShipToZip": [
            "The ShipToZip must be between 5 and 10 characters long",
            "The field ShipToZip is invalid."
        "EnhancedData.VatInvoice": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 100"
        "EnhancedData.ProductCode": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 50"
        "EnhancedData.ProductName": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 50"
        "EnhancedData.ShipFromZip": [
            "The ShipFromZip must be between 5 and 10 characters long",
            "The field ShipFromZip is invalid."
        "EnhancedData.CustomerRefId": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 17"
        "EnhancedData.PurchaseOrder": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 100"
        "EnhancedData.MeasurementUnit": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 100"
        "EnhancedData.ChargeDescriptor": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 160"
        "EnhancedData.AdditionalAmountType": [
            "The field AdditionalAmountType is invalid."
        "EnhancedData.SummaryCommodityCode": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 100"
        "EnhancedData.SupplierReferenceNumber": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 10"

The Sale transaction is used to charge a credit card. When running a sale you’re authorizing an amount on a credit card that will make the settlement of that amount at the end of the day. The sale is just like running an AuthOnly and a Capture all together.

This endpoint creates a sale.

HTTP Request


Headers using token

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
Authorization Token. Eg: "Bearer eHSN5rTBzqDozgAAlN1UlTMVuIT1zSiAZWCo6E..."

Headers using API Key

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
UserAuthorization API Key. Eg: "e516b6db-3230-4b1c-ae3f-e5379b774a80"

Query Parameters

Parameter Type M/C/O Value
DeviceGuid string Mandatory Device's Guid.
Amount decimal Mandatory Amount of the transaction. Min. amt.: $0.50. Does not allow empty strings and up to 3 decimal places.
TipAmount decimal Optional Tip Amount of the transaction. Should be equal or greater than zero and only accepts numbers and up to 3 decimal places.
DualPricingFeeAmount decimal Optional Charge dual pricing. Should be equal or greater than zero and only accepts numbers and up to 3 decimal places.
PromptConsumer boolean Optional Applies only for Semi Integrated transactions, default value is true and if not sent would also be set as true. Value of true, prompts the consumer on the device to choose cash price or regular price.
SequenceNumber string Optional Use this number to call timeout reversal endpoint if you don't get a response. Max Length = 100.
OrderNumber string Optional Merchant's order number. The value sent on this element will be returned as InvoiceNumber. Max Length = 20.
OrderDate date Optional Order Date.
SendReceipt boolean Optional Set to “FALSE” if you do not want an e-mail receipt to be sent to the customer. Set to “TRUE” or leave empty if you want e-mail to be sent.
CustomData string Optional order details. Max Length = 100.
CustomerLabel string Optional Any name you want to show instead of customer. Eg., Player, Patient, Buyer. Max Length = 100.
CustomerID string Optional Any combination of numbers and letters you use to identify the customer. Max length = 100. Not allow special characters. Max Length = 100.
BusinessName string Optional A merchant name you want to use instead of your DBA.
AssociateCustomerCard boolean Optional An option to know if you want use to save customer and card token.
SemiIntegrated boolean Optional Only when physical terminal used on semi integrated mode, send value True.
Currency string Optional Currency of the transaction.Default value: USD

Allowed values: USD, ARS, AUD, BRL, CAD, CHF, EUR, GBP, JPY, MXN, NZD, SGD
Card object Mandatory Card.
EnhancedData object Optional EnhancedData.
CardNumber string Mandatory Card number. Must be between 13 and 16 characters. (example: 4532538795426624) or token (example: FfL7exC7Xe2y6624).
CardHolderName string Optional Cardholder's name. Must be between 0 and 30 digits long.
Cvv2 string Optional This is the three or four digit CVV code at the back side of the credit and debit card.
ExpirationDate date Optional with Token Card's expiry date in the YYMM format.
Customer object Optional Customer.
FirstName string Optional Customer's first name. Max length = 100.
LastName string Optional Customer's last name. Max length = 100.
Phone string Optional Customer's phone number. The phone number must be syntactically correct. For example, 4152345678. Must be 10 digits numbers only, no special characters.
City string Optional Customer's city. Max length = 50.
State string Optional Customer's short name state. The ISO 3166-2 CA and US state or province code of a customer. Length = 2.
Country string Optional Customer's country. The ISO country code of a customer’s country. Length = 2 or 3.
Email string Optional Customer's valid email address. Max length = 1000.
Address1 string Optional Customer's address. Max length = 100.
Address2 string Optional Customer's address line 2. Max length = 100.
Zip strings Optional Customer's zipcode. Length = 5. Max length = 10.
DateOfBirth date Optional Customer's date of birth.

Allowed format:

For example: 2002-05-30
SSN4 string Mandatory when DOB is not submitted Customer's social security number. Max length = 4.
SaleTax decimal Optional Transaction's amount. Should be equal or greater than zero.
SaleTaxZipCode decimal Optional Sale Tax's zipcode. Length = 5..
SaleTaxZipCodePercentage decimal Optional Sale Tax ZipCode Percentage.
AdditionalTaxDetailTaxCategory string Optional Tax Category. Not allow special characters.
AdditionalTaxDetailTaxType string Optional Tax Type. Not allow special characters.
AdditionalTaxDetailTaxAmount decimal Optional Tax Amount. Should be equal or greater than zero.
AdditionalTaxDetailTaxRate decimal Optional Tax Rate. Should be equal or greater than zero.
PurchaseOrder string Optional Purchase Order. Max length = 100. Not allow special characters.
ShippingCharges decimal Optional Shipping Charges. Should be equal or greater than zero.
DutyCharges decimal Optional Duty Charges. Should be equal or greater than zero.
CustomerVATNumber string Optional Customer VAT Number. Not allow special characters. Max length = 100.
VATInvoice string Optional VAT Invoice. Not allow special characters. Max length = 100.
SummaryCommodityCode string Optional Summary Commodity Code. Not allow special characters. Max length = 100.
ShipToZip string Optional Ship To Zip. Must be between 5 and 10 characters long. Not allow letters or special characters.
ShipFromZip string Optional Ship From Zip. Must be between 5 and 10 characters long. Not allow letters or special characters.
DestinationCountryCode string Optional Destination Country Code. Not allow special characters.
SupplierReferenceNumber string Optional Supplier Reference Number. Not allow special characters. Max length = 10.
CustomerRefID string Optional Customer Ref ID. Max length = 17.
ChargeDescriptor string Optional Charge Descriptor. Not allow special characters. Max length = 160.
AdditionalAmount decimal Optional Additional Amount. Should be equal or greater than zero. Only accepts numbers and up to 3 decimal places.
AdditionalAmountType string Optional Additional Amount Type.
ProductName string Optional Product Name. Max length = 50.
ProductCode string Optional Product Code. Max length = 50.
AddPrice string Optional Price. Should be equal or greater than zero. Only accepts numbers and up to 3 decimal places.
MeasurementUnit string Optional Measurement Unit. Only accepts numbers and up to 3 decimal places. Max length = 100.


Get sale

using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;

namespace ChoiceSample
    public class Sale
        public static void GetSale()
                var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
                request.Method = "GET";

                request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer 1A089D6ziUybPZFQ3mpPyjt9OEx9yrCs7eQIC6V3A0lmXR2N6-seGNK16Gsnl3td6Ilfbr2Xf_EyukFXwnVEO3fYL-LuGw-L3c8WuaoxhPE8MMdlMPILJTIOV3lTGGdxbFXdKd9U03bbJ9TDUkqxHqq8_VyyjDrw7fs0YOob7bg0OovXTeWgIvZaIrSR1WFR06rYJ0DfWn-Inuf7re1-4SMOjY1ZoCelVwduWCBJpw1111cNbWtHJfObV8u1CVf0");

                    var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
                        string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
                catch (WebException wex)
                    if (wex.Response != null)
                        using (var errorResponse = (HttpWebResponse)wex.Response)
                            using (var reader = new StreamReader(errorResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                                string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
            catch (IOException e)

Json Example Response:

    "guid": "1dde1960-3dea-472c-836e-402840967e7b",
    "status": "Transaction - Approved",
    "batchStatus": "Batch - Open",
    "timeStamp": "2023-06-28T13:16:15.26-05:00",
    "deviceGuid": "b29725af-b067-4a35-9819-bbb31bdf8808",
    "amount": 20.540,
    "currencyQuote": 1.000,
    "currency": "USD",
    "effectiveAmount": 20.540,
    "dualPricingFeeAmount": 0.400,
    "grossAmount": 20.140,
    "orderNumber": "11518",
    "orderDate": "2020-11-24T00:00:00.00-06:00",
    "cardDataSource": "INTERNET",
    "customerLabel": "Patient",
    "businessName": "Star Shoes California",
    "customerID": "xt147",
    "batchGuid": "014db6d5-e627-472b-8f7d-02901693725f",
    "semiIntegrated": false,
    "processorStatusCode": "A0000",
    "processorResponseMessage": "Success, HostRef#: 317918501066",
    "wasProcessed": true,
    "authCode": "VTLMC1",
    "refNumber": "33488489",
    "customerReceipt": "Value stated by the user      \\n          8320 S HARDY DR           \\n           TEMPE AZ 85284\\n06/28/2023 14:06:15 \\n\\nCREDIT - SALE\\nTransaction - Approved\\n\\nJohn Doe\\nCard Number: **** **** **** 0213\\nCard Type: Mastercard\\nRef #: 33488489\\nAuth Code: VTLMC1\\n\\nTxn Amt $20.14\\nCash Discount $0.00\\n\\nTotal Amt $20.54\\n\\nOrder Number: 11518\\nCustomer Red Id: xt147\\nOrder Date: 11/24/2020 12:00:00 AM\\nOrder Details: order details\\n\\nCUSTOMER ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT OF \\n GOODS AND/OR SERVICES IN THE AMOUNT \\n OF THE TOTAL SHOWN HEREON AND AGREES \\n TO PERFORM THE OBLIGATIONS SET FORTH \\n BY THE CUSTOMER`S AGREEMENT WITH THE \\n ISSUER\\n              APPROVED              \\n\\n                                    \\n                                    \\n\\n            Customer Copy\\n",
    "statementDescription": "Value stated by the user",
    "customData": "order details",
    "generatedBy": "merchadmtest",
    "card": {
        "first6": "530676",
        "last4": "0213",
        "cardNumber": "1zcGT7J4pkGh0213",
        "cardNumberHashed": "1iyRPx5Pb41Bm/fFgMJiHVB+reM7mRKxHMl8feDVH7I=",
        "cardHolderName": "John Doe",
        "cardType": "Mastercard",
        "expirationDate": "2025-01",
        "customer": {
            "guid": "b70c80d2-4b07-423e-83be-33b93a64b6dd",
            "merchantGuid": "cd3d5432-819c-44b9-8efd-2fa248fcacce",
            "firstName": "John",
            "lastName": "Doe",
            "dateOfBirth": "1987-07-07T00:00:00",
            "address1": "107 7th Av.",
            "zip": "10007",
            "city": "New York",
            "state": "NY",
            "stateFullName": "New York",
            "country": "US",
            "phone": "9177563007",
            "email": "",
            "ssN4": "1210",
            "driverLicenseNumber": "12345678",
            "driverLicenseExpirationDate": "2030-12-12T00:00:00",
            "personalPhone": "9177563007",
            "status": "Active",
            "displayName": "John Doe - 9177563007"
    "associateCustomerCard": true,
    "eciFlag": "",
    "addressVerificationCode": "N",
    "addressVerificationResult": "No Match",
    "cvvVerificationCode": "M",
    "cvvVerificationResult": "Passed",
    "hostedPaymentPageGuid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"

Json Example Error Response:

    "type": "",
    "title": "One or more validation errors occurred.",
    "status": 400,
    "traceId": "00-2be920374480ac59ebadf4a9a6057706-0680052537eeceae-00",
    "errors": {
        "guid": [
            "The value 'invalid guid' is not valid."

This endpoint gets a sale.

HTTP Request


Headers using token

Key Value
Authorization Token. Eg: "Bearer eHSN5rTBzqDozgAAlN1UlTMVuIT1zSiAZWCo6E..."

Headers using API Key

Key Value
UserAuthorization API Key. Eg: "e516b6db-3230-4b1c-ae3f-e5379b774a80"

URL Parameters

Parameter Description
guid Sale’s guid to get


Create Tip Adjustment

using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;

namespace ChoiceSample
    public class Sale
        public static void CreateTipAdjustment()
                var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
                request.ContentType = "text/json";
                request.Method = "POST";

                var tipAdjustment = new
                    DeviceGuid = "b29725af-b067-4a35-9819-bbb31bdf8808",
                    TipAmount = 3.00,
                    SaleGuid = "1dde1960-3dea-472c-836e-402840967e7b"

                string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(tipAdjustment);

                request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer 1A089D6ziUybPZFQ3mpPyjt9OEx9yrCs7eQIC6V3A0lmXR2N6-seGNK16Gsnl3td6Ilfbr2Xf_EyukFXwnVEO3fYL-LuGw-L3c8WuaoxhPE8MMdlMPILJTIOV3lTGGdxbFXdKd9U03bbJ9TDUkqxHqq8_VyyjDrw7fs0YOob7bg0OovXTeWgIvZaIrSR1WFR06rYJ0DfWn-Inuf7re1-4SMOjY1ZoCelVwduWCBJpw1111cNbWtHJfObV8u1CVf0");
                request.ContentType = "application/json";
                request.Accept = "application/json";

                using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(request.GetRequestStream()))

                    var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
                        string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
                catch (WebException wex)
                    if (wex.Response != null)
                        using (var errorResponse = (HttpWebResponse)wex.Response)
                            using (var reader = new StreamReader(errorResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                                string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
            catch (IOException e)

Json Example Request:

  "DeviceGuid" : "b29725af-b067-4a35-9819-bbb31bdf8808",
  "TipAmount" : 3.00,
  "SaleGuid" : "1dde1960-3dea-472c-836e-402840967e7b"

Json Example Response:

  "guid": "dbd023d0-733c-4317-9e7f-a67a45a56637",
  "tipAmount": 3.000,
  "status": "Transaction - Approved",
  "timeStamp": "2023-06-28T13:24:31.75-05:00",
  "deviceGuid": "b29725af-b067-4a35-9819-bbb31bdf8808",
  "saleGuid": "1dde1960-3dea-472c-836e-402840967e7b",
  "saleReferenceNumber": "33488629",
  "customerReceipt": "Valuestatedbytheuser\\n8320SHARDYDR\\nTEMPEAZ85284\\n06/28/202311:24:31\\n\\nCREDIT-SALE\\n\\nCARD#:************0213\\nCARDTYPE:MASTERCARD\\nEntryMode:MANUAL\\n\\nTRANSACTIONID:33488629\\nInvoicenumber:11518\\nAUTHCODE:VTLMC1\\nSubtotal:$20.54\\n--------------------------------------\\nTip:$03.00\\n--------------------------------------\\nTotal:$23.54\\n--------------------------------------\\n\\n\\n\\nJohnDoe\\n\\nCUSTOMERACKNOWLEDGESRECEIPTOF\\nGOODSAND/ORSERVICESINTHEAMOUNT\\nOFTHETOTALSHOWNHEREONANDAGREES\\nTOPERFORMTHEOBLIGATIONSSETFORTH\\nBYTHECUSTOMER`SAGREEMENTWITHTHE\\nISSUER\\nAPPROVED\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nCustomerCopy",
  "processorStatusCode": "A0000",
  "wasProcessed": true,
  "sale": {
    "guid": "1dde1960-3dea-472c-836e-402840967e7b",
    "status": "Transaction - Approved",
    "batchStatus": "Batch - Open",
    "timeStamp": "2023-06-28T13:24:29.97-05:00",
    "deviceGuid": "b29725af-b067-4a35-9819-bbb31bdf8808",
    "amount": 20.540,
    "currencyQuote": 1.000,
    "currency": "USD",
    "effectiveAmount": 23.540,
    "dualPricingFeeAmount": 0.400,
    "grossAmount": 20.140,
    "orderNumber": "11518",
    "orderDate": "2020-11-24T00:00:00.00-06:00",
    "cardDataSource": "INTERNET",
    "customerLabel": "Patient",
    "businessName": "Star Shoes California",
    "customerID": "xt147",
    "batchGuid": "014db6d5-e627-472b-8f7d-02901693725f",
    "semiIntegrated": false,
    "processorStatusCode": "A0000",
    "processorResponseMessage": "Success, HostRef#: 317918501989",
    "wasProcessed": true,
    "authCode": "VTLMC1",
    "refNumber": "33488629",
    "customerReceipt": "Valuestatedbytheuser\\n8320SHARDYDR\\nTEMPEAZ85284\\n06/28/202311:24:31\\n\\nCREDIT-SALE\\n\\nCARD#:************0213\\nCARDTYPE:MASTERCARD\\nEntryMode:MANUAL\\n\\nTRANSACTIONID:33488629\\nInvoicenumber:11518\\nAUTHCODE:VTLMC1\\nSubtotal:$20.54\\n--------------------------------------\\nTip:$03.00\\n--------------------------------------\\nTotal:$23.54\\n--------------------------------------\\n\\n\\n\\nJohnDoe\\n\\nCUSTOMERACKNOWLEDGESRECEIPTOF\\nGOODSAND/ORSERVICESINTHEAMOUNT\\nOFTHETOTALSHOWNHEREONANDAGREES\\nTOPERFORMTHEOBLIGATIONSSETFORTH\\nBYTHECUSTOMER`SAGREEMENTWITHTHE\\nISSUER\\nAPPROVED\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nCustomerCopy",
    "statementDescription": "Value stated by the user",
    "customData": "order details",
    "generatedBy": "merchadmtest",
    "card": {
      "first6": "530676",
      "last4": "0213",
      "cardNumber": "1zcGT7J4pkGh0213",
      "cardNumberHashed": "1iyRPx5Pb41Bm/fFgMJiHVB+reM7mRKxHMl8feDVH7I=",
      "cardHolderName": "John Doe",
      "cardType": "Mastercard",
      "expirationDate": "2025-01",
      "customer": {
        "guid": "b70c80d2-4b07-423e-83be-33b93a64b6dd",
        "merchantGuid": "cd3d0150-759b-22l9-8efd-2fa248fcacce",
        "firstName": "John",
        "lastName": "Doe",
        "dateOfBirth": "1987-07-07T00:00:00",
        "address1": "107 7th Av.",
        "zip": "10007",
        "city": "New York",
        "state": "NY",
        "stateFullName": "New York",
        "country": "US",
        "phone": "9177563007",
        "email": "",
        "ssN4": "1210",
        "driverLicenseNumber": "12345678",
        "driverLicenseState": "TX",
        "driverLicenseExpirationDate": "2030-12-12T00:00:00",
        "dlStateFullName": "Texas",
        "personalPhone": "9177563007",
        "status": "Active",
        "displayName": "John Doe - 9177563007"
    "associateCustomerCard": true,
    "eciFlag": "",
    "addressVerificationCode": "N",
    "addressVerificationResult": "No Match",
    "cvvVerificationCode": "M",
    "cvvVerificationResult": "Passed",
    "hostedPaymentPageGuid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"

Json Example Error Response:

    "type": "",
    "title": "One or more validation errors occurred.",
    "status": 400,
    "traceId": "00-3806be1e15be98d0d5324d30ad60b558-756ade8fffaee186-00",
    "errors": {
        "$.DeviceGuid": [
            "The JSON value could not be converted to System.Nullable`1[System.Guid]. Path: $.DeviceGuid | LineNumber: 1 | BytePositionInLine: 32."
        "$.TipAmount": [
            "Unable to parse dsfsdf to Decimal"
        "$.SaleGuid": [
            "The JSON value could not be converted to System.Nullable`1[System.Guid]. Path: $.SaleGuid | LineNumber: 3 | BytePositionInLine: 36."

This endpoint creates a tip adjustment.

HTTP Request


Headers using token

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
Authorization Token. Eg: "Bearer eHSN5rTBzqDozgAAlN1UlTMVuIT1zSiAZWCo6E..."

Headers using API Key

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
UserAuthorization API Key. Eg: "e516b6db-3230-4b1c-ae3f-e5379b774a80"

Query Parameters

Parameter Type M/C/O Value
DeviceGuid string Mandatory Device's Guid.
TipAmount decimal Mandatory Tip Amount.
SaleGuid string Mandatory when SaleReferenceNumber field are not sent Sale's Guid.
SaleReferenceNumber string Mandatory when SaleGuid field are not sent Sale Reference Number.


Sales by batch

using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;

namespace ChoiceSample
    public class Sale
        public static void GetSaleByBatch()
                var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
                request.Method = "GET";

                request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer 1A089D6ziUybPZFQ3mpPyjt9OEx9yrCs7eQIC6V3A0lmXR2N6-seGNK16Gsnl3td6Ilfbr2Xf_EyukFXwnVEO3fYL-LuGw-L3c8WuaoxhPE8MMdlMPILJTIOV3lTGGdxbFXdKd9U03bbJ9TDUkqxHqq8_VyyjDrw7fs0YOob7bg0OovXTeWgIvZaIrSR1WFR06rYJ0DfWn-Inuf7re1-4SMOjY1ZoCelVwduWCBJpw1111cNbWtHJfObV8u1CVf0");

                    var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
                        string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
                catch (WebException wex)
                    if (wex.Response != null)
                        using (var errorResponse = (HttpWebResponse)wex.Response)
                            using (var reader = new StreamReader(errorResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                                string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
            catch (IOException e)

Json Example Response:

        "guid": "4bc828c2-fc98-4018-80e2-5f6af466cbdf",
        "status": "Transaction - Approved",
        "batchStatus": "Batch - Closed",
        "timeStamp": "2023-04-03T11:45:53.91-05:00",
        "deviceGuid": "397eb067-2ebf-4934-bbb4-ace4e4a6194e",
        "amount": 20.540,
        "currency": "USD",
        "effectiveAmount": 0.000,
        "dualPricingFeeAmount": 0.400,
        "grossAmount": 20.140,
        "orderNumber": "11518",
        "orderDate": "2020-11-24T00:00:00.00-06:00",
        "cardDataSource": "INTERNET",
        "customerLabel": "Patient",
        "businessName": "Star Shoes California",
        "customerID": "xt147",
        "batchGuid": "b6a4cc29-b3a5-477a-b244-210a41f2b2ab",
        "semiIntegrated": false,
        "processorStatusCode": "A0000",
        "processorResponseMessage": "Success, HostRef#: 309316501990",
        "wasProcessed": true,
        "authCode": "VTLMC1",
        "refNumber": "28212321",
        "customerReceipt": "Value stated by the user      \\n          8320 S HARDY DR           \\n           TEMPE AZ 85284\\n04/03/2023 12:04:53 \\n\\nCREDIT - SALE\\nTransaction - Approved\\n\\nJohn Doe\\nCard Number: **** **** **** 0213\\nCard Type: Mastercard\\nRef #: 28212321\\nAuth Code: VTLMC1\\n\\nTxn Amt $20.14\\nCash Discount $0.00\\n\\nTotal Amt $20.54\\n\\nOrderNumber: 11518\\nOrderDate: 11/24/2020 12:00:00 AM\\nOrderDetails: order details\\n\\nCUSTOMER ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT OF \\n GOODS AND/OR SERVICES IN THE AMOUNT \\n OF THE TOTAL SHOWN HEREON AND AGREES \\n TO PERFORM THE OBLIGATIONS SET FORTH \\n BY THE CUSTOMER`S AGREEMENT WITH THE \\n ISSUER\\n              APPROVED              \\n\\n                                    \\n                                    \\n\\n            Customer Copy\\n",
        "statementDescription": "Value stated by the user",
        "customData": "order details",
        "generatedBy": "merchadmtest",
        "card": {
            "first6": "530676",
            "last4": "0213",
            "cardNumber": "1zcGT7J4pkGh0213",
            "cardHolderName": "John Doe",
            "cardType": "Mastercard",
            "expirationDate": "2025-01"
        "relatedVoid": {
            "guid": "9a36400b-6dbf-4b14-8ec5-c0280d370fed",
            "batchStatus": "Batch - Closed",
            "timeStamp": "2023-04-03T11:45:59.36-05:00",
            "deviceGuid": "397eb067-2ebf-4934-bbb4-ace4e4a6194e",
            "status": "Transaction - Approved",
            "processorStatusCode": "A0000",
            "wasProcessed": true,
            "batchGuid": "b6a4cc29-b3a5-477a-b244-210a41f2b2ab",
            "authCode": "VTLMC1",
            "refNumber": "28212321",
            "invoiceNumber": "11518",
            "customerReceipt": "      Value stated by the user      \\n          8320 S HARDY DR           \\n           TEMPE AZ 85284           \\n04/03/2023 09:45:58\\n\\n            CREDIT - VOID            \\n\\nCARD # : **** **** **** 0213\\nCARD TYPE :MASTERCARD\\nEntry Mode : MANUAL\\n\\nTRANSACTION ID : 28212321               \\nInvoice number : 11518                  \\nAUTH CODE : VTLMC1\\nVoid Amount:                    $20.54\\n--------------------------------------\\n\\n\\n\\n              John Doe              \\n\\n CUSTOMER ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT OF \\n GOODS AND/OR SERVICES IN THE AMOUNT \\n OF THE TOTAL SHOWN HEREON AND AGREES \\n TO PERFORM THE OBLIGATIONS SET FORTH \\n BY THE CUSTOMER`S AGREEMENT WITH THE \\n ISSUER\\n              APPROVED              \\n\\n                                    \\n                                    \\n\\n            Customer Copy            "
        "associateCustomerCard": true,
        "eciFlag": "",
        "sequenceNumber": "7790001",
        "addressVerificationCode": "N",
        "addressVerificationResult": "No Match",
        "cvvVerificationCode": "M",
        "cvvVerificationResult": "Passed",
        "hostedPaymentPageGuid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"

Json example error response:

    "type": "",
    "title": "One or more validation errors occurred.",
    "status": 400,
    "traceId": "00-546395b993d26b2f474b0d8cf1293767-b4c0d1b3c046a431-00",
    "errors": {
        "guid": [
            "The value 'invalid guid' is not valid."

This endpoint searches all sales by batch.

HTTP Request


Headers using token

Key Value
Authorization Token. Eg: "Bearer eHSN5rTBzqDozgAAlN1UlTMVuIT1zSiAZWCo6E..."

Headers using API Key

Key Value
UserAuthorization API Key. Eg: "e516b6db-3230-4b1c-ae3f-e5379b774a80"

URL Parameters

Parameter Description
guid Batch’s guid to get


Timeout Reversal

using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;

namespace ChoiceSample
    public class Sale
        public static void TimeoutReversal()
                var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
                request.ContentType = "text/json";
                request.Method = "POST";

                var sale = new
                    DeviceGuid = "b29725af-b067-4a35-9819-bbb31bdf8808",
                    SequenceNumber = "849741"

                string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(sale);

                request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer 1A089D6ziUybPZFQ3mpPyjt9OEx9yrCs7eQIC6V3A0lmXR2N6-seGNK16Gsnl3td6Ilfbr2Xf_EyukFXwnVEO3fYL-LuGw-L3c8WuaoxhPE8MMdlMPILJTIOV3lTGGdxbFXdKd9U03bbJ9TDUkqxHqq8_VyyjDrw7fs0YOob7bg0OovXTeWgIvZaIrSR1WFR06rYJ0DfWn-Inuf7re1-4SMOjY1ZoCelVwduWCBJpw1111cNbWtHJfObV8u1CVf0");
                request.ContentType = "application/json";
                request.Accept = "application/json";

                using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(request.GetRequestStream()))

                    var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
                        string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
                catch (WebException wex)
                    if (wex.Response != null)
                        using (var errorResponse = (HttpWebResponse)wex.Response)
                            using (var reader = new StreamReader(errorResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                                string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
            catch (IOException e)

Json Example Request:

    "DeviceGuid": "b29725af-b067-4a35-9819-bbb31bdf8808",
    "SequenceNumber": "849741"

Json Example Response:

"Device Guid and Sequence Number combination found and voided."

Json Example Error Response:

    "type": "",
    "title": "One or more validation errors occurred.",
    "status": 400,
    "traceId": "00-a6e6f0490dfc58508e80cb1aad71b3e8-f57ae29dc45672dc-00",
    "errors": {
        "$.DeviceGuid": [
            "Unable to parse {{DEVICECefC}} to GUID"

This a feature that allows a user to void a transaction if it never got a response. You must send the device guid of the terminal used to run the transaction and the sequence number. If there was a sale run on that device with that sequence and it was approved, it will be voided. Otherwise you will be informed that a sale was found but it had not been approved or that there was no sale at all with that combination of device guid and sequence number.

HTTP Request


Headers using token

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
Authorization Token. Eg: "Bearer eHSN5rTBzqDozgAAlN1UlTMVuIT1zSiAZWCo6E..."

Headers using API Key

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
UserAuthorization API Key. Eg: "e516b6db-3230-4b1c-ae3f-e5379b774a80"

Query Parameters

Parameter Type M/C/O Value
DeviceGuid string Mandatory Device's Guid.
SequenceNumber string Mandatory Sequence Number. Max Length = 100.


EBT Transactions

Create EBT Cash Benefit Purchases

using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;

namespace ChoiceSample
    public class EbtCashBenefitPurchases
        public static void CreateEbtCashBenefitPurchases()
                var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
                request.ContentType = "text/json";
                request.Method = "POST";

                var EbtCashBenefitPurchases = new
                    DeviceGuid = "b29725af-b067-4a35-9819-bbb31bdf8808",
                    Amount = 26.00,
                    dualPricingFeeAmount = 0.40,
                    GrossAmount = 26.40,
                    CustomData = "order details",
                    Card = new
                        CardNumber: "4539808036544136",
                        ExpirationDate: "3012",
                        CardDataSource: "MANUAL",
                        Pin = "86085F76523FA7F1",
                        PinKSN = "5B076002128020D0",
                        Customer = new
                            FirstName = "John",
                            LastName = "Doe",
                            Phone = "9177563007",
                            City = "New York",
                            State = "NY",
                            Country = "US",
                            Email = "",
                            Address1 = "107 7th Av.",
                            Zip = "10007",

                string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(EbtCashBenefitPurchases);

                request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer 1A089D6ziUybPZFQ3mpPyjt9OEx9yrCs7eQIC6V3A0lmXR2N6-seGNK16Gsnl3td6Ilfbr2Xf_EyukFXwnVEO3fYL-LuGw-L3c8WuaoxhPE8MMdlMPILJTIOV3lTGGdxbFXdKd9U03bbJ9TDUkqxHqq8_VyyjDrw7fs0YOob7bg0OovXTeWgIvZaIrSR1WFR06rYJ0DfWn-Inuf7re1-4SMOjY1ZoCelVwduWCBJpw1111cNbWtHJfObV8u1CVf0");
                request.ContentType = "application/json";
                request.Accept = "application/json";

                using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(request.GetRequestStream()))

                    var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
                        string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
                catch (WebException wex)
                    if (wex.Response != null)
                        using (var errorResponse = (HttpWebResponse)wex.Response)
                            using (var reader = new StreamReader(errorResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                                string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
            catch (IOException e)

Json Example Request:

    "DeviceGuid": "b29725af-b067-4a35-9819-bbb31bdf8808",
    "Amount": "26.00",
    "DualPricingFeeAmount": 0.40,
    "CustomData": "order details",
    "Card": {
        "CardNumber": "4539808036544136",
        "ExpirationDate": "3012",
        "CardDataSource": "MANUAL",
        "Pin": "86085F76523FA7F1",
        "PinKSN": "5B076002128020D0",
        "Customer": {
            "FirstName": "Javier",
            "LastName": "Choice Tech",
            "Phone": "9177563046",
            "City": "New York",
            "State": "NY",
            "Country": "US",
            "Email": "",
            "Address1": "110 10th Av.",
            "Zip": "10010"

Json Example Response:

    "effectiveAmount": 26.000,
    "balanceAmount": 1234.560,
    "guid": "698abf6a-c18d-4551-a0ff-610813f43500",
    "status": "Transaction - Approved",
    "batchStatus": "Batch - Open",
    "timeStamp": "2023-06-28T13:37:08.00-05:00",
    "deviceGuid": "397eb067-2ebf-4934-bbb4-ace4e4a6194e",
    "amount": 26.000,
    "grossAmount": 26.000,
    "batchGuid": "9fca53a2-5d5b-44f0-bff3-b04f577405ce",
    "semiIntegrated": false,
    "processorStatusCode": "A0000",
    "processorResponseMessage": "Success, HostRef#: 317933489053",
    "wasProcessed": true,
    "authCode": "TAS766",
    "refNumber": "33489053",
    "invoiceNumber": "33489053",
    "customerReceipt": "CHOICE MERCHANT SOLUTIONS       \\n          8320 S HARDY DR           \\n           TEMPE AZ 85284\\n06/28/2023 14:06:08 \\n\\nDEBIT - SALE\\nTransaction - Approved\\n\\nCard Number: **** **** **** 4136\\nCard Type: n/a\\nRef #: 33489053\\nAuth Code: TAS766\\n\\nTxn Amt $25.60\\nCash Discount $0.00\\n\\nTotal Amt $26.00\\n\\nOrder Details: order details\\n\\nCUSTOMER ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT OF \\n GOODS AND/OR SERVICES IN THE AMOUNT \\n OF THE TOTAL SHOWN HEREON AND AGREES \\n TO PERFORM THE OBLIGATIONS SET FORTH \\n BY THE CUSTOMER`S AGREEMENT WITH THE \\n ISSUER\\n              APPROVED              \\n\\n                                    \\n                                    \\n\\n            Customer Copy\\n",
    "customData": "order details",
    "generatedBy": "merchadmtest",
    "card": {
        "first6": "453980",
        "last4": "4136",
        "cardNumber": "r3ryoBPiaEKp4136",
        "cardNumberHashed": "5zmMP7xvO7DUi03uFL/Nm+r49UVhzubW5KQflSaYmrY=",
        "cardType": "Visa",
        "expirationDate": "2030-12",
        "pin": "86085F76523FA7F1",
        "pinKsn": "5B076002128020D0",
        "cardDataSource": "INTERNET",
        "customer": {
            "guid": "c5ed7b38-782d-4efa-be03-2be1efb63f68",
            "merchantGuid": "cd3d0150-819c-44b9-8efd-2fa248fcacce",
            "firstName": "Javier",
            "lastName": "Choice Tech",
            "address1": "110 10th Av.",
            "zip": "10010",
            "city": "New York",
            "state": "NY",
            "country": "US",
            "phone": "9177563046",
            "email": "",
            "personalPhone": "9177563046",
            "status": "Active",
            "displayName": "Javier Choice Tech - 9177563046"

Json Example Error Response:

    "type": "",
    "title": "One or more validation errors occurred.",
    "status": 400,
    "traceId": "00-7ab42f4987cd8222f11254253d7a9468-aa69591b47795f7a-00",
    "errors": {
        "DeviceGuid": [
            "The field DeviceGuid is invalid."
        "Amount": [
            "Amount can have 3 decimal places at most.",
            "Unable to parse letters to Decimal"
        "Card.CardNumber": [
            "The field CardNumber must be between 13 and 16 characters. is invalid."
        "Card.CardHolderName": [
            "The CardHolderName must be between 0 and 30 digits long"
        "Card.Cvv2": [
            "The field Cvv2 is invalid."
        "Card.Pin": [
            "The Pin must be between 4 and 20 digits long"
        "Card.PinKsn": [
            "The PinKsn should be 20 digits long"
        "Card.ExpirationDate": [
            "The field ExpirationDate is invalid."
        "Card.Customer.FirstName": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 100",
            "The field FirstName is invalid."
        "Card.Customer.LastName": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 100",
            "The field LastName is invalid."
        "Card.Customer.Address1": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 100",
            "The field Address1 is invalid."
        "Card.Customer.City": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 50"
        "Card.Customer.State": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 2",
            "The field State is invalid."
        "Card.Customer.Email": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 1000"
        "Card.Customer.SsN4": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 4",
            "The field SsN4 is invalid."
        "Card.Customer.Zip": [
            "The Zip must be between 0 and 10 characters long",
            "The field Zip is invalid."
        "Card.Customer.DriverLicenseNumber": [
            "The field DriverLicenseNumber is invalid.",
            "Field maximum length must be less than 25",
            "Only letters, numbers, asterisc, ampersand, @ and hyphen are allowed"
        "Card.Customer.DriverLicenseState": [
            "The field DriverLicenseState is invalid."
        "Card.Customer.Phone": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 10",
            "Invalid phone number. Must be 10 digits numbers only no special characters."
        "Card.Customer.Country": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 50",
            "The field Country is invalid."

The EBT transaction is used to charge a credit card. When running a EBT transaction you’re authorizing an amount on a credit card that will make the settlement of that amount at the end of the day. The sale is just like running an AuthOnly and a Capture all together.

This endpoint creates a EBT transaction.

HTTP Request


Headers using token

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
Authorization Token. Eg: "Bearer eHSN5rTBzqDozgAAlN1UlTMVuIT1zSiAZWCo6E..."

Headers using API Key

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
UserAuthorization API Key. Eg: "e516b6db-3230-4b1c-ae3f-e5379b774a80"

Query Parameters

Parameter Type M/C/O Value
DeviceGuid string Mandatory Device's Guid.
Amount decimal Mandatory Amount of the transaction. Min. amt.: $0.50. Does not allow empty strings and up to 3 decimal places.
DualPricingFeeAmount decimal Optional Charge dual pricing. Should be equal or greater than zero and only accepts numbers and up to 3 decimal places.
GrossAmount Decimal mandatory if dual pricing fee amount is used Total amount of "amount" and dual pricing fee amount.
CustomData string Optional order details.
Card object Mandatory Card.
CardNumber string Mandatory Card number. Must be between 13 and 16 characters. (example: 4532538795426624) or token (example: FfL7exC7Xe2y6624).
CardHolderName string Optional Cardholder's name. Must be between 0 and 30 digits long.
PIN string Mandatory Identifies the PIN for the terminal. Must between 4 and 20 digits long.
PinKsn string Mandatory The KSN for DUKPT PIN encryption. Max length = 20. Note: Required only if the PIN is encrypted using DUKPT.
Cvv2 string Optional This is the three or four digit CVV code at the back side of the credit and debit card.
ExpirationDate date Optional with Token Card's expiry date in the YYMM format.
Customer object Optional Customer.
FirstName string Optional Customer's first name. Max length = 100.
LastName string Optional Customer's last name. Max length = 100.
Phone string Optional Customer's phone number. The phone number must be syntactically correct. For example, 4152345678. Must be 10 digits numbers only, no special characters.
City string Optional Customer's city. Max length = 50.
State string Optional Customer's short name state. The ISO 3166-2 CA and US state or province code of a customer. Length = 2.
Country string Optional Customer's country. The ISO country code of a customer’s country. Length = 2 or 3.
Email string Optional Customer's valid email address. Max length = 1000.
Address1 string Optional Customer's address. Max length = 100.
Address2 string Optional Customer's address line 2. Max length = 100.
Zip strings Optional Customer's zipcode. Length = 5. Max length = 10.
DateOfBirth date Optional Customer's date of birth.

Allowed format:

For example: 2002-05-30
DriverLicenseNumber string Optional Customer's driver license number. Not allow special characters. Max length = 25.
DriverLicenseState string Mandatory when DriverLicenseNumber is provided Customer's driver license short name state. The ISO 3166-2 CA and US state or province code of a customer. Length = 2.
SSN4 string Mandatory when DOB is not submitted Customer's social security number. Max length = 4.


Create EBT Food Stamp Purchases

using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;

namespace ChoiceSample
    public class ebtFoodStampPurchases
        public static void CreateebtFoodStampPurchases()
                var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
                request.ContentType = "text/json";
                request.Method = "POST";

                var ebtFoodStampPurchases = new
                    DeviceGuid = "b29725af-b067-4a35-9819-bbb31bdf8808",
                    Amount = 19.74,
                    CustomData = "order details",
                    Card = new
                     CardNumber = "4539808036544136",
                     ExpirationDate = "3012",
                     CardDataSource = "MANUAL",
                     Pin = "86085F76523FA7F1",
                     PinKSN = "5B076002128020D0",
                     FcsID = "0534962",
                            FirstName = "John",
                            LastName = "Doe",
                            Phone = "9177563007",
                            City = "New York",
                            State = "NY",
                            Country = "US",
                            Email = "",
                            Address1 = "107 7th Av.",
                            Zip = "10007",

                string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ebtFoodStampPurchases);

                request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer 1A089D6ziUybPZFQ3mpPyjt9OEx9yrCs7eQIC6V3A0lmXR2N6-seGNK16Gsnl3td6Ilfbr2Xf_EyukFXwnVEO3fYL-LuGw-L3c8WuaoxhPE8MMdlMPILJTIOV3lTGGdxbFXdKd9U03bbJ9TDUkqxHqq8_VyyjDrw7fs0YOob7bg0OovXTeWgIvZaIrSR1WFR06rYJ0DfWn-Inuf7re1-4SMOjY1ZoCelVwduWCBJpw1111cNbWtHJfObV8u1CVf0");
                request.ContentType = "application/json";
                request.Accept = "application/json";

                using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(request.GetRequestStream()))

                    var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
                        string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
                catch (WebException wex)
                    if (wex.Response != null)
                        using (var errorResponse = (HttpWebResponse)wex.Response)
                            using (var reader = new StreamReader(errorResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                                string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
            catch (IOException e)

Json Example Request:

    "DeviceGuid": "b29725af-b067-4a35-9819-bbb31bdf8808",
    "Amount": "26.00",
    "CustomData": "order details",
    "Card": {
        "CardNumber": "4539808036544136",
        "ExpirationDate": "3012",
        "CardDataSource": "MANUAL",
        "Pin": "86085F76523FA7F1",
        "PinKSN": "5B076002128020D0",
        "FcsID": "0534962",
        "Customer": {
            "FirstName": "Javier",
            "LastName": "Choice Tech",
            "Phone": "9177563046",
            "City": "New York",
            "State": "NY",
            "Country": "US",
            "Email": "",
            "Address1": "110 10th Av.",
            "Zip": "10010"

Json Example Response:

    "effectiveAmount": 26.000,
    "balanceAmount": 6543.210,
    "guid": "80395a36-7f52-4a0c-9a14-1781c302c8f2",
    "status": "Transaction - Approved",
    "batchStatus": "Batch - Open",
    "timeStamp": "2023-06-28T13:40:43.03-05:00",
    "deviceGuid": "397eb067-2ebf-4934-bbb4-ace4e4a6194e",
    "amount": 26.000,
    "batchGuid": "9fca53a2-5d5b-44f0-bff3-b04f577405ce",
    "semiIntegrated": false,
    "processorStatusCode": "A0000",
    "processorResponseMessage": "Success, HostRef#: 317933489155",
    "wasProcessed": true,
    "authCode": "TAS767",
    "refNumber": "33489155",
    "invoiceNumber": "33489155",
    "customerReceipt": "CHOICE MERCHANT SOLUTIONS       \\n          8320 S HARDY DR           \\n           TEMPE AZ 85284\\n06/28/2023 14:06:43 \\n\\nDEBIT - SALE\\nTransaction - Approved\\n\\nCard Number: **** **** **** 4136\\nCard Type: n/a\\nRef #: 33489155\\nAuth Code: TAS767\\n\\nTxn Amt $26.00\\n\\nTotal Amt $26.00\\n\\nOrder Details: order details\\n\\nCUSTOMER ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT OF \\n GOODS AND/OR SERVICES IN THE AMOUNT \\n OF THE TOTAL SHOWN HEREON AND AGREES \\n TO PERFORM THE OBLIGATIONS SET FORTH \\n BY THE CUSTOMER`S AGREEMENT WITH THE \\n ISSUER\\n              APPROVED              \\n\\n                                    \\n                                    \\n\\n            Customer Copy\\n",
    "customData": "order details",
    "generatedBy": "merchadmtest",
    "card": {
        "first6": "453980",
        "last4": "4136",
        "cardNumber": "r3ryoBPiaEKp4136",
        "cardNumberHashed": "5zmMP7xvO7DUi03uFL/Nm+r49UVhzubW5KQflSaYmrY=",
        "cardType": "Visa",
        "expirationDate": "2030-12",
        "pin": "86085F76523FA7F1",
        "pinKsn": "5B076002128020D0",
        "fcsId": "0534962",
        "cardDataSource": "INTERNET",
        "customer": {
            "guid": "c5ed7b38-782d-4efa-be03-2be1efb63f68",
            "merchantGuid": "cd3d0150-819c-44b9-8efd-2fa248fcacce",
            "firstName": "Javier",
            "lastName": "Choice Tech",
            "address1": "110 10th Av.",
            "zip": "10010",
            "city": "New York",
            "state": "NY",
            "country": "US",
            "phone": "9177563046",
            "email": "",
            "personalPhone": "9177563046",
            "status": "Active",
            "displayName": "Javier Choice Tech - 9177563046"

Json Example Error Response:

    "type": "",
    "title": "One or more validation errors occurred.",
    "status": 400,
    "traceId": "00-80ef7316ffe8e0708bfa9b776b0dfd24-9cd052939354564c-00",
    "errors": {
        "$.DeviceGuid": [
            "Unable to parse {{DEVICECCw}} to GUID"
        "$.Amount": [
            "Amount should be equal or greater than zero",
            "Unable to parse asdasd to Decimal",
            "The JSON value could not be converted to System.Decimal. Path: $.Amount | LineNumber: 2 | BytePositionInLine: 59.",
            "Amount can have 3 decimal places at most."
        "Card": [
            "'Card' is required"
        "Card.CardNumber": [
            "The field CardNumber must be between 13 and 16 characters. is invalid."
        "Card.CardHolderName": [
            "The CardHolderName must be between 0 and 30 digits long",
            "The JSON value could not be converted to System.String. Path: $.Card.CardHolderName | LineNumber: 17 | BytePositionInLine: 32.",
        "Card.Cvv2": [
            "The field Cvv2 is invalid."
        "Card.ExpirationDate": [
            "Card has expired. Expiration date: 1902"
        "Card.Pin": [
            "The Pin must be between 4 and 20 digits long"
        "Card.PinKsn": [
            "The PinKsn should be 20 digits long"
        "Card.Customer.LastName": [
            "The field LastName is invalid.",
            "Field maximum length must be less than 100"
        "Card.Customer.FirstName": [
            "The field FirstName is invalid.",
            "Field maximum length must be less than 100"
        "Card.Customer.Phone": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 10",
            "Invalid phone number. Must be 10 digits numbers only no special characters.",
            "The field Phone is invalid."
        "Card.Customer.City": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 50"
        "Card.Customer.State": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 2",
            "The field State is invalid."
        "Card.Customer.Country": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 50",
            "The field Country is invalid."
        "Card.Customer.Email": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 1000",
            "The field Email is invalid."
        "Card.Customer.Zip": [
            "The Zip must be between 0 and 10 characters long",
            "The field Zip is invalid."
        "Card.Customer.Address1": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 100"
        "Card.Customer.Address2": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 100"
        "$.Card.Customer.DateOfBirth": [
            "The JSON value could not be converted to System.Nullable`1[System.DateTime]. Path: $.Card.Customer.DateOfBirth | LineNumber: 22 | BytePositionInLine: 40."
        "Card.Customer.DriverLicenseNumber": [
            "The field DriverLicenseNumber is invalid.",
            "Field maximum length must be less than 25",
            "Only letters, numbers, asterisc, ampersand, @ and hyphen are allowed"
        "Card.Customer.DriverLicenseState": [
            "The field DriverLicenseState is invalid."
        "Card.Customer.SsN4": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 4",
            "The field SsN4 is invalid."

The EBT transaction is used to charge a credit card. When running a EBT transaction you’re authorizing an amount on a credit card that will make the settlement of that amount at the end of the day. The sale is just like running an AuthOnly and a Capture all together.

This endpoint creates a EBT transaction.

HTTP Request


Headers using token

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
Authorization Token. Eg: "Bearer eHSN5rTBzqDozgAAlN1UlTMVuIT1zSiAZWCo6E..."

Headers using API Key

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
UserAuthorization API Key. Eg: "e516b6db-3230-4b1c-ae3f-e5379b774a80"

Query Parameters

Parameter Type M/C/O Value
DeviceGuid string Mandatory Device's Guid.
Amount decimal Mandatory Amount of the transaction. Min. amt.: $0.50. Does not allow empty strings and up to 3 decimal places.
CustomData string Optional order details.
SemiIntegrated boolean Optional Only when physical terminal used on semi integrated mode, send value True.
Card object Mandatory Card.
CardNumber string Mandatory Card number. Must be between 13 and 16 characters. (example: 4532538795426624) or token (example: FfL7exC7Xe2y6624).
CardHolderName string Optional Cardholder's name. Must be between 0 and 30 digits long.
PIN string Mandatory Identifies the PIN for the terminal. Must between 4 and 20 digits long.
PinKsn string Mandatory The KSN for DUKPT PIN encryption. Max length = 20. Note: Required only if the PIN is encrypted using DUKPT.
Cvv2 string Optional This is the three or four digit CVV code at the back side of the credit and debit card.
ExpirationDate date Optional with Token Card's expiry date in the YYMM format.
FcsID string Optional The Food and Consumer Service (FCS) ID number.
Customer object Optional Customer.
FirstName string Optional Customer's first name. Max length = 100.
LastName string Optional Customer's last name. Max length = 100.
Phone string Optional Customer's phone number. The phone number must be syntactically correct. For example, 4152345678. Must be 10 digits numbers only, no special characters.
City string Optional Customer's city. Max length = 50.
State string Optional Customer's short name state. The ISO 3166-2 CA and US state or province code of a customer. Length = 2.
Country string Optional Customer's country. The ISO country code of a customer’s country. Length = 2 or 3.
Email string Optional Customer's valid email address. Max length = 1000.
Address1 string Optional Customer's address. Max length = 100.
Address2 string Optional Customer's address line 2. Max length = 100.
Zip strings Optional Customer's zipcode. Length = 5. Max length = 10.
DateOfBirth date Optional Customer's date of birth.

Allowed format:

For example: 2002-05-30
DriverLicenseNumber string Optional Customer's driver license number. Not allow special characters. Max length = 25.
DriverLicenseState string Mandatory when DriverLicenseNumber is provided Customer's driver license short name state. The ISO 3166-2 CA and US state or province code of a customer. Length = 2.
SSN4 string Mandatory when DOB is not submitted Customer's social security number. Max length = 4.


Create EBT Electronic Vouchers

using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;

namespace ChoiceSample
    public class ebtElectronicVouchers
        public static void CreateebtebtElectronicVouchers()
                var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
                request.ContentType = "text/json";
                request.Method = "POST";

                var ebtElectronicVouchers = new
                    DeviceGuid = "b29725af-b067-4a35-9819-bbb31bdf8808",
                    Amount = 19.74,
                    EbtVoucherNumber = "123456789012345",
                    EbtVoucherApprovalCode = "123456",
                    Card = new
                        CardNumber = "4539808036544136",
                        ExpirationDate = "3012",
                        CardDataSource = "MANUAL"
                        FcsID = "1234567"
                        Customer = new
                            FirstName = "John",
                            LastName = "Doe",
                            Phone = "9177563007",
                            City = "New York",
                            State = "NY",
                            Country = "US",
                            Email = "",
                            Address1 = "107 7th Av.",
                            Zip = "10007"

                string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ebtElectronicVouchers);

                request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer 1A089D6ziUybPZFQ3mpPyjt9OEx9yrCs7eQIC6V3A0lmXR2N6-seGNK16Gsnl3td6Ilfbr2Xf_EyukFXwnVEO3fYL-LuGw-L3c8WuaoxhPE8MMdlMPILJTIOV3lTGGdxbFXdKd9U03bbJ9TDUkqxHqq8_VyyjDrw7fs0YOob7bg0OovXTeWgIvZaIrSR1WFR06rYJ0DfWn-Inuf7re1-4SMOjY1ZoCelVwduWCBJpw1111cNbWtHJfObV8u1CVf0");
                request.ContentType = "application/json";
                request.Accept = "application/json";

                using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(request.GetRequestStream()))

                    var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
                        string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
                catch (WebException wex)
                    if (wex.Response != null)
                        using (var errorResponse = (HttpWebResponse)wex.Response)
                            using (var reader = new StreamReader(errorResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                                string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
            catch (IOException e)

Json Example Request:

  "deviceGuid" : "8B2572A8-D269-4A55-A909-1D51ED397A94",
  "Amount": 7.00,
  "Card": {
        "CardNumber": "4539808036544136",
        "ExpirationDate": "3012",
        "CardDataSource": "MANUAL",
        "FcsID": "1234567",
        "Customer": {
            "FirstName": "Javier",
            "LastName": "Choice Tech",
            "Phone": "9177563046",
            "City": "New York",
            "State": "NY",
            "Country": "US",
            "Email": "",
            "Address1": "110 10th Av.",
            "Zip": "10010"        }

Json Example Response:

    "effectiveAmount": 7.000,
    "balanceAmount": 1234.560,
    "ebtVoucherNumber": "123456789012345",
    "ebtVoucherApprovalCode": "123456",
    "guid": "f51d28f8-6b15-4be6-9131-266eab0a277d",
    "status": "Transaction - Approved",
    "batchStatus": "Batch - Open",
    "timeStamp": "2023-06-28T13:42:32.49-05:00",
    "deviceGuid": "397eb067-2ebf-4934-bbb4-ace4e4a6194e",
    "amount": 7.000,
    "batchGuid": "9fca53a2-5d5b-44f0-bff3-b04f577405ce",
    "semiIntegrated": false,
    "processorStatusCode": "A0000",
    "processorResponseMessage": "Success, HostRef#: 317933489225",
    "wasProcessed": true,
    "authCode": "TAS768",
    "refNumber": "33489225",
    "invoiceNumber": "33489225",
    "customerReceipt": "CHOICE MERCHANT SOLUTIONS       \\n          8320 S HARDY DR           \\n           TEMPE AZ 85284\\n06/28/2023 14:06:32 \\n\\nDEBIT - SALE\\nTransaction - Approved\\n\\nCard Number: **** **** **** \\nCard Type: n/a\\nRef #: 33489225\\nAuth Code: TAS768\\n\\nTxn Amt $7.00\\n\\nTotal Amt $7.00\\n\\n\\nCUSTOMER ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT OF \\n GOODS AND/OR SERVICES IN THE AMOUNT \\n OF THE TOTAL SHOWN HEREON AND AGREES \\n TO PERFORM THE OBLIGATIONS SET FORTH \\n BY THE CUSTOMER`S AGREEMENT WITH THE \\n ISSUER\\n              APPROVED              \\n\\n                                    \\n                                    \\n\\n            Customer Copy\\n",
    "generatedBy": "merchadmtest",
    "card": {
        "first6": "453980",
        "last4": "4136",
        "cardNumber": "CARD NOT TOKENIZED",
        "cardNumberHashed": "5zmMP7xvO7DUi03uFL/Nm+r49UVhzubW5KQflSaYmrY=",
        "cardType": "Visa",
        "expirationDate": "2030-12",
        "fcsId": "1234567",
        "cardDataSource": "INTERNET",
        "customer": {
            "guid": "c5ed7b38-782d-4efa-be03-2be1efb63f68",
            "merchantGuid": "cd3d0150-819c-44b9-8efd-2fa248fcacce",
            "firstName": "Javier",
            "lastName": "Choice Tech",
            "address1": "110 10th Av.",
            "zip": "10010",
            "city": "New York",
            "state": "NY",
            "country": "US",
            "phone": "9177563046",
            "email": "",
            "personalPhone": "9177563046",
            "status": "Active",
            "displayName": "Javier Choice Tech - 9177563046"

Json Example Error Response:

    "type": "",
    "title": "One or more validation errors occurred.",
    "status": 400,
    "traceId": "00-6de3825602400c856c40a443dcebaf68-729d1ac910f537b1-00",
    "errors": {
        "DeviceGuid": [
            "The field DeviceGuid is invalid."
        "Amount": [
            "Amount can have 3 decimal places at most.",
            "Unable to parse letters to Decimal"
        "Card.CardNumber": [
            "The field CardNumber must be between 13 and 16 characters. is invalid."
        "Card.CardHolderName": [
            "The CardHolderName must be between 0 and 30 digits long"
        "Card.Cvv2": [
            "The field Cvv2 is invalid."
        "Card.ExpirationDate": [
            "The field ExpirationDate is invalid."
        "Card.Customer.FirstName": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 100",
            "The field FirstName is invalid."
        "Card.Customer.LastName": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 100",
            "The field LastName is invalid."
        "Card.Customer.Address1": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 100",
            "The field Address1 is invalid."
        "Card.Customer.City": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 50"
        "Card.Customer.State": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 2",
            "The field State is invalid."
        "Card.Customer.Email": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 1000"
        "Card.Customer.SsN4": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 4",
            "The field SsN4 is invalid."
        "Card.Customer.Zip": [
            "The Zip must be between 0 and 10 characters long",
            "The field Zip is invalid."
        "Card.Customer.DriverLicenseNumber": [
            "The field DriverLicenseNumber is invalid.",
            "Field maximum length must be less than 25",
            "Only letters, numbers, asterisc, ampersand, @ and hyphen are allowed"
        "Card.Customer.DriverLicenseState": [
            "The field DriverLicenseState is invalid."
        "Card.Customer.Phone": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 10",
            "Invalid phone number. Must be 10 digits numbers only no special characters."
        "Card.Customer.Country": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 50",
            "The field Country is invalid."

The EBT transaction is used to charge a credit card. When running a EBT transaction you’re authorizing an amount on a credit card that will make the settlement of that amount at the end of the day. The sale is just like running an AuthOnly and a Capture all together.

This endpoint creates a EBT transaction.

HTTP Request


Headers using token

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
Authorization Token. Eg: "Bearer eHSN5rTBzqDozgAAlN1UlTMVuIT1zSiAZWCo6E..."

Headers using API Key

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
UserAuthorization API Key. Eg: "e516b6db-3230-4b1c-ae3f-e5379b774a80"

Query Parameters

Parameter Type M/C/O Value
DeviceGuid string Mandatory Device's Guid.
Amount decimal Mandatory Amount of the transaction. Min. amt.: $0.50. Does not allow empty strings and up to 3 decimal places.
CustomData string Optional order details.
EbtVoucherApprovalCode string optional Voucher's approval code
EbtVoucherNumber string optional Voucher designated number
Card object Mandatory Card.
CardNumber string Mandatory Card number. Must be between 13 and 16 characters. (example: 4532538795426624) or token (example: FfL7exC7Xe2y6624).
CardHolderName string Optional Cardholder's name. Must be between 0 and 30 digits long.
Cvv2 string Optional This is the three or four digit CVV code at the back side of the credit and debit card.
ExpirationDate date Optional with Token Card's expiry date in the YYMM format.
FcsID string Optional The Food and Consumer Service (FCS) ID number.
Customer object Optional Customer.
FirstName string Optional Customer's first name. Max length = 100.
LastName string Optional Customer's last name. Max length = 100.
Phone string Optional Customer's phone number. The phone number must be syntactically correct. For example, 4152345678. Must be 10 digits numbers only, no special characters.
City string Optional Customer's city. Max length = 50.
State string Optional Customer's short name state. The ISO 3166-2 CA and US state or province code of a customer. Length = 2.
Country string Optional Customer's country. The ISO country code of a customer’s country. Length = 2 or 3.
Email string Optional Customer's valid email address. Max length = 1000.
Address1 string Optional Customer's address. Max length = 100.
Address2 string Optional Customer's address line 2. Max length = 100.
Zip strings Optional Customer's zipcode. Length = 5. Max length = 10.
DateOfBirth date Optional Customer's date of birth.

Allowed format:

For example: 2002-05-30
DriverLicenseNumber string Optional Customer's driver license number. Not allow special characters. Max length = 25.
DriverLicenseState string Mandatory when DriverLicenseNumber is provided Customer's driver license short name state. The ISO 3166-2 CA and US state or province code of a customer. Length = 2.
SSN4 string Mandatory when DOB is not submitted Customer's social security number. Max length = 4.


Get EBT Cash Benefit Purchases

using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;

namespace ChoiceSample
    public class EbtCashBenefitPurchases
        public static void GetEbtCashBenefitPurchases()
                var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
                request.Method = "GET";

                request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer 1A089D6ziUybPZFQ3mpPyjt9OEx9yrCs7eQIC6V3A0lmXR2N6-seGNK16Gsnl3td6Ilfbr2Xf_EyukFXwnVEO3fYL-LuGw-L3c8WuaoxhPE8MMdlMPILJTIOV3lTGGdxbFXdKd9U03bbJ9TDUkqxHqq8_VyyjDrw7fs0YOob7bg0OovXTeWgIvZaIrSR1WFR06rYJ0DfWn-Inuf7re1-4SMOjY1ZoCelVwduWCBJpw1111cNbWtHJfObV8u1CVf0");

                    var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
                        string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
                catch (WebException wex)
                    if (wex.Response != null)
                        using (var errorResponse = (HttpWebResponse)wex.Response)
                            using (var reader = new StreamReader(errorResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                                string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
            catch (IOException e)

Json Example Error Response:

    "type": "",
    "title": "One or more validation errors occurred.",
    "status": 400,
    "traceId": "00-748b29ad1ba57334d858725a19e3c374-5a93d63a64aa3a32-00",
    "errors": {
        "guid": [
            "The value 'wrongGuid' is not valid."

This endpoint gets a EBT Cash Benefit Purchases.

HTTP Request


Headers using token

Key Value
Authorization Token. Eg: "Bearer eHSN5rTBzqDozgAAlN1UlTMVuIT1zSiAZWCo6E..."

Headers using API Key

Key Value
UserAuthorization API Key. Eg: "e516b6db-3230-4b1c-ae3f-e5379b774a80"

URL Parameters

Parameter Description
guid EBT Cash Benefit Purchases guid to get


Get EBT Food Stamp Purchases

using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;

namespace ChoiceSample
    public class ebtFoodStampPurchases
        public static void GetebtFoodStampPurchases()
                var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
                request.Method = "GET";

                request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer 1A089D6ziUybPZFQ3mpPyjt9OEx9yrCs7eQIC6V3A0lmXR2N6-seGNK16Gsnl3td6Ilfbr2Xf_EyukFXwnVEO3fYL-LuGw-L3c8WuaoxhPE8MMdlMPILJTIOV3lTGGdxbFXdKd9U03bbJ9TDUkqxHqq8_VyyjDrw7fs0YOob7bg0OovXTeWgIvZaIrSR1WFR06rYJ0DfWn-Inuf7re1-4SMOjY1ZoCelVwduWCBJpw1111cNbWtHJfObV8u1CVf0");

                    var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
                        string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
                catch (WebException wex)
                    if (wex.Response != null)
                        using (var errorResponse = (HttpWebResponse)wex.Response)
                            using (var reader = new StreamReader(errorResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                                string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
            catch (IOException e)

Json Example Response:

    "effectiveAmount": 26.000,
    "balanceAmount": 6543.210,
    "guid": "d6c8c5a1-afce-486d-9ba8-de759988a4a1",
    "status": "Transaction - Approved",
    "batchStatus": "Batch - Open",
    "timeStamp": "2023-06-28T13:44:52.39-05:00",
    "deviceGuid": "397eb067-2ebf-4934-bbb4-ace4e4a6194e",
    "amount": 26.000,
    "batchGuid": "9fca53a2-5d5b-44f0-bff3-b04f577405ce",
    "semiIntegrated": false,
    "processorStatusCode": "A0000",
    "processorResponseMessage": "Success, HostRef#: 317933489303",
    "wasProcessed": true,
    "authCode": "TAS770",
    "refNumber": "33489303",
    "invoiceNumber": "33489303",
    "customerReceipt": "CHOICE MERCHANT SOLUTIONS       \\n          8320 S HARDY DR           \\n           TEMPE AZ 85284\\n06/28/2023 14:06:52 \\n\\nDEBIT - SALE\\nTransaction - Approved\\n\\nCard Number: **** **** **** 4136\\nCard Type: n/a\\nRef #: 33489303\\nAuth Code: TAS770\\n\\nTxn Amt $26.00\\n\\nTotal Amt $26.00\\n\\nOrder Details: order details\\n\\nCUSTOMER ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT OF \\n GOODS AND/OR SERVICES IN THE AMOUNT \\n OF THE TOTAL SHOWN HEREON AND AGREES \\n TO PERFORM THE OBLIGATIONS SET FORTH \\n BY THE CUSTOMER`S AGREEMENT WITH THE \\n ISSUER\\n              APPROVED              \\n\\n                                    \\n                                    \\n\\n            Customer Copy\\n",
    "customData": "order details",
    "generatedBy": "merchadmtest",
    "card": {
        "first6": "453980",
        "last4": "4136",
        "cardNumber": "r3ryoBPiaEKp4136",
        "cardNumberHashed": "5zmMP7xvO7DUi03uFL/Nm+r49UVhzubW5KQflSaYmrY=",
        "cardType": "Visa",
        "expirationDate": "2030-12",
        "pin": "86085F76523FA7F1",
        "pinKsn": "5B076002128020D0",
        "fcsId": "0534962",
        "cardDataSource": "INTERNET",
        "customer": {
            "guid": "c5ed7b38-782d-4efa-be03-2be1efb63f68",
            "merchantGuid": "cd3d0150-819c-44b9-8efd-2fa248fcacce",
            "firstName": "Javier",
            "lastName": "Choice Tech",
            "address1": "110 10th Av.",
            "zip": "10010",
            "city": "New York",
            "state": "NY",
            "country": "US",
            "phone": "9177563046",
            "email": "",
            "personalPhone": "9177563046",
            "status": "Active",
            "displayName": "Javier Choice Tech - 9177563046"

Json Example Error Response:

    "type": "",
    "title": "One or more validation errors occurred.",
    "status": 400,
    "traceId": "00-748b29ad1ba57334d858725a19e3c374-5a93d63a64aa3a32-00",
    "errors": {
        "guid": [
            "The value 'wrongGuid' is not valid."

This endpoint gets a EBT Food Stamp Purchases.

HTTP Request


Headers using token

Key Value
Authorization Token. Eg: "Bearer eHSN5rTBzqDozgAAlN1UlTMVuIT1zSiAZWCo6E..."

Headers using API Key

Key Value
UserAuthorization API Key. Eg: "e516b6db-3230-4b1c-ae3f-e5379b774a80"

URL Parameters

Parameter Description
guid EBT Food Stamp Purchases guid to get


Get EBT Electronic Vouchers

using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;

namespace ChoiceSample
    public class ebtElectronicVouchers
        public static void GetebtElectronicVouchers()
                var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
                request.Method = "GET";

                request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer 1A089D6ziUybPZFQ3mpPyjt9OEx9yrCs7eQIC6V3A0lmXR2N6-seGNK16Gsnl3td6Ilfbr2Xf_EyukFXwnVEO3fYL-LuGw-L3c8WuaoxhPE8MMdlMPILJTIOV3lTGGdxbFXdKd9U03bbJ9TDUkqxHqq8_VyyjDrw7fs0YOob7bg0OovXTeWgIvZaIrSR1WFR06rYJ0DfWn-Inuf7re1-4SMOjY1ZoCelVwduWCBJpw1111cNbWtHJfObV8u1CVf0");

                    var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
                        string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
                catch (WebException wex)
                    if (wex.Response != null)
                        using (var errorResponse = (HttpWebResponse)wex.Response)
                            using (var reader = new StreamReader(errorResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                                string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
            catch (IOException e)

Json Example Response:

    "effectiveAmount": 7.000,
    "balanceAmount": 1234.560,
    "ebtVoucherNumber": "123456789012345",
    "ebtVoucherApprovalCode": "123456",
    "guid": "a4cf4aea-3a34-440f-92a7-e6d026d543d7",
    "status": "Transaction - Approved",
    "batchStatus": "Batch - Open",
    "timeStamp": "2023-06-28T13:45:56.35-05:00",
    "deviceGuid": "397eb067-2ebf-4934-bbb4-ace4e4a6194e",
    "amount": 7.000,
    "batchGuid": "9fca53a2-5d5b-44f0-bff3-b04f577405ce",
    "semiIntegrated": false,
    "processorStatusCode": "A0000",
    "processorResponseMessage": "Success, HostRef#: 317933489361",
    "wasProcessed": true,
    "authCode": "TAS771",
    "refNumber": "33489361",
    "invoiceNumber": "33489361",
    "customerReceipt": "CHOICE MERCHANT SOLUTIONS       \\n          8320 S HARDY DR           \\n           TEMPE AZ 85284\\n06/28/2023 14:06:56 \\n\\nDEBIT - SALE\\nTransaction - Approved\\n\\nCard Number: **** **** **** \\nCard Type: n/a\\nRef #: 33489361\\nAuth Code: TAS771\\n\\nTxn Amt $7.00\\n\\nTotal Amt $7.00\\n\\n\\nCUSTOMER ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT OF \\n GOODS AND/OR SERVICES IN THE AMOUNT \\n OF THE TOTAL SHOWN HEREON AND AGREES \\n TO PERFORM THE OBLIGATIONS SET FORTH \\n BY THE CUSTOMER`S AGREEMENT WITH THE \\n ISSUER\\n              APPROVED              \\n\\n                                    \\n                                    \\n\\n            Customer Copy\\n",
    "generatedBy": "merchadmtest",
    "card": {
        "first6": "453980",
        "last4": "4136",
        "cardNumber": "CARD NOT TOKENIZED",
        "cardNumberHashed": "5zmMP7xvO7DUi03uFL/Nm+r49UVhzubW5KQflSaYmrY=",
        "cardType": "Visa",
        "expirationDate": "2030-12",
        "fcsId": "1234567",
        "cardDataSource": "INTERNET",
        "customer": {
            "guid": "c5ed7b38-782d-4efa-be03-2be1efb63f68",
            "merchantGuid": "cd3d0150-819c-44b9-8efd-2fa248fcacce",
            "firstName": "Javier",
            "lastName": "Choice Tech",
            "address1": "110 10th Av.",
            "zip": "10010",
            "city": "New York",
            "state": "NY",
            "country": "US",
            "phone": "9177563046",
            "email": "",
            "personalPhone": "9177563046",
            "status": "Active",
            "displayName": "Javier Choice Tech - 9177563046"

Json Example Error Response:

    "type": "",
    "title": "One or more validation errors occurred.",
    "status": 400,
    "traceId": "00-748b29ad1ba57334d858725a19e3c374-5a93d63a64aa3a32-00",
    "errors": {
        "guid": [
            "The value 'wrongGuid' is not valid."

This endpoint gets a EBT Electronic Vouchers.

HTTP Request


Headers using token

Key Value
Authorization Token. Eg: "Bearer eHSN5rTBzqDozgAAlN1UlTMVuIT1zSiAZWCo6E..."

Headers using API Key

Key Value
UserAuthorization API Key. Eg: "e516b6db-3230-4b1c-ae3f-e5379b774a80"

URL Parameters

Parameter Description
guid EBT Electronic Vouchers guid to get



Create AuthOnly

using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;

namespace ChoiceSample
    public class AuthOnly
        public static void CreateAuthOnly()
                var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
                request.ContentType = "text/json";
                request.Method = "POST";

                var authOnly = new
                    DeviceGuid = "7290ed47-3066-49db-a904-3d23924c46be",
                    Amount = 10.00,
                    DualPricingFeeAmount = 0.40,
                    OrderNumber = "11518",
                    OrderDate = "2020-11-24",
                    SendReceipt = true,
                    CustomData = "order details",
                    CustomerLabel = "Patient",
                    CustomerId = "xt147",
                    AssociateCustomerCard = true,
                    Card = new
                        CardNumber = "5486477674539426",
                        CardHolderName = "John Doe",
                        Cvv2 = "998",
                        ExpirationDate = "2012",
                        Customer = new
                            FirstName = "John",
                            LastName = "Doe",
                            Phone = "9177563006",
                            City = "New York",
                            State = "NY",
                            Country = "US",
                            Email = "",
                            Address1 = "106 6th Av.",
                            Address2 = "",
                            Zip = "10006",
                            DateOfBirth = "1986-06-06",
                            DriverLicenseNumber = "12345678",
                            DriverLicenseExpDate = "2025-10-10"
                            DriverLicenseState = "TX",                           
                            SSN4 = "1210"

                string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(authOnly);

                request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer 1A089D6ziUybPZFQ3mpPyjt9OEx9yrCs7eQIC6V3A0lmXR2N6-seGNK16Gsnl3td6Ilfbr2Xf_EyukFXwnVEO3fYL-LuGw-L3c8WuaoxhPE8MMdlMPILJTIOV3lTGGdxbFXdKd9U03bbJ9TDUkqxHqq8_VyyjDrw7fs0YOob7bg0OovXTeWgIvZaIrSR1WFR06rYJ0DfWn-Inuf7re1-4SMOjY1ZoCelVwduWCBJpw1111cNbWtHJfObV8u1CVf0");
                request.ContentType = "application/json";
                request.Accept = "application/json";

                using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(request.GetRequestStream()))

                    var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
                        string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
                catch (WebException wex)
                    if (wex.Response != null)
                        using (var errorResponse = (HttpWebResponse)wex.Response)
                            using (var reader = new StreamReader(errorResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                                string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
            catch (IOException e)


using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;

namespace ChoiceSample
    public class AuthOnly
        public static void CreateAuthOnly()
                var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
                request.ContentType = "text/json";
                request.Method = "POST";

                var authOnly = new
                    DeviceGuid = "7290ed47-3066-49db-a904-3d23924c46be",
                    Amount = 10.00,
                    DualPricingFeeAmount = 0.40,
                    PromptConsumer = true,
                    OrderNumber = "11518",
                    OrderDate = "2020-11-24",
                    SendReceipt = true,
                    CustomData = "order details",
                    CustomerLabel = "Patient",
                    CustomerId = "xt147",
                    AssociateCustomerCard = true,
                    SemiIntegrated = true

                string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(authOnly);

                request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer 1A089D6ziUybPZFQ3mpPyjt9OEx9yrCs7eQIC6V3A0lmXR2N6-seGNK16Gsnl3td6Ilfbr2Xf_EyukFXwnVEO3fYL-LuGw-L3c8WuaoxhPE8MMdlMPILJTIOV3lTGGdxbFXdKd9U03bbJ9TDUkqxHqq8_VyyjDrw7fs0YOob7bg0OovXTeWgIvZaIrSR1WFR06rYJ0DfWn-Inuf7re1-4SMOjY1ZoCelVwduWCBJpw1111cNbWtHJfObV8u1CVf0");
                request.ContentType = "application/json";
                request.Accept = "application/json";

                using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(request.GetRequestStream()))

                    var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
                        string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
                catch (WebException wex)
                    if (wex.Response != null)
                        using (var errorResponse = (HttpWebResponse)wex.Response)
                            using (var reader = new StreamReader(errorResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                                string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
            catch (IOException e)

Json Example Request:

  "DeviceGuid" : "b29725af-b067-4a35-9819-bbb31bdf8808",
  "Amount" : 10.00,
  "DualPricingFeeAmount": 0.40,
  "OrderNumber" : "11518",
  "OrderDate" : "2020-11-24",
  "SendReceipt" : true,
  "CustomData" : "order details",
  "CustomerLabel" : "Patient",
  "CustomerId" : "xt147",
  "AssociateCustomerCard" : true,
    "CardNumber" : "5486477674539426",
    "CardHolderName" : "John Doe",
    "Cvv2" : "998",
    "ExpirationDate" : "2012",
      "FirstName" : "John",
      "LastName" : "Doe",
      "Phone" : "9177563006",
      "City" : "New York",
      "State" : "NY",
      "Country" : "US",
      "Email" : "",
      "Address1" : "106 6th Av.",
      "Address2" : "",
      "Zip" : "10006",
      "DateOfBirth" : "1986-06-06",
      "DriverLicenseExpDate": "2024-10-10",
      "DriverLicenseNumber" : "12345678",
      "DriverLicenseState" : "TX",
      "SSN4" : "1210"

Json Example Request For Semi-Integrated Sale:

  "DeviceGuid" : "b29725af-b067-4a35-9819-bbb31bdf8808",
  "Amount" : 10.00,
  "DualPricingFeeAmount": 0.40,
  "PromptConsumer": true,
  "OrderNumber" : "11518",
  "OrderDate" : "2020-11-24",
  "SendReceipt" : true,
  "CustomData" : "order details",
  "CustomerLabel" : "Patient",
  "CustomerId" : "xt147",
  "AssociateCustomerCard" : true,
  "SemiIntegrated": true

Json Example Response:

    "guid": "493cffed-232a-4896-b9ca-36b543d7da13",
    "status": "Transaction - Approved",
    "timeStamp": "2023-06-28T13:47:46.72-05:00",
    "amount": 10.400,
    "grossAmount": 10.000,
    "effectiveAmount": 10.400,
    "dualPricingFeeAmount": 0.400,
    "orderNumber": "11518",
    "orderDate": "2020-11-24T00:00:00",
    "deviceGuid": "b29725af-b067-4a35-9819-bbb31bdf8808",
    "customData": "order details",
    "cardDataSource": "INTERNET",
    "customerLabel": "Patient",
    "customerID": "xt147",
    "batchGuid": "014db6d5-e627-472b-8f7d-02901693725f",
    "sendReceipt": true,
    "allowCardEmv": false,
    "processorStatusCode": "A0000",
    "processorResponseMessage": "Success, HostRef#: 317918504768",
    "wasProcessed": true,
    "authCode": "VTLMC1",
    "refNumber": "33489445",
    "invoiceNumber": "",
    "customerReceipt": "CHOICE MERCHANT SOLUTIONS       \\n          8320 S HARDY DR           \\n           TEMPE AZ 85284\\n06/28/2023 14:06:46 \\n\\nCREDIT - AUTH ONLY\\nTransaction - Approved\\n\\nJohn Doe\\nCard Number: **** **** **** 9426\\nCard Type: Mastercard\\nRef #: 33489445\\nAuth Code: VTLMC1\\n\\nTxn Amt $10.00\\nCash Discount $0.00\\n\\nTotal Authorized Amt $10.40\\n\\nOrder Number: 11518\\nOrder Date: 11/24/2020 12:00:00 AM\\nOrder Details: order details\\n\\nCUSTOMER ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT OF \\n GOODS AND/OR SERVICES IN THE AMOUNT \\n OF THE TOTAL SHOWN HEREON AND AGREES \\n TO PERFORM THE OBLIGATIONS SET FORTH \\n BY THE CUSTOMER`S AGREEMENT WITH THE \\n ISSUER\\n              APPROVED              \\n\\n                                    \\n                                    \\n\\n            Customer Copy\\n",
    "enhancedData": {},
    "card": {
        "first6": "548647",
        "last4": "9426",
        "cardNumber": "inkpSUbbYay59426",
        "cardNumberHashed": "OzF5YGq3YeBLnEeMpD5PXixZz2guba1nrzeZcnS+W1Q=",
        "cardHolderName": "John Doe",
        "cardType": "Mastercard",
        "expirationDate": "2025-12",
        "customer": {
            "guid": "1dea1f06-efb8-4062-8a3a-1a64aabd10e8",,
            "merchantGuid": "cd3d0150-987j-66m8-5hyt-2fa248fcacce",
            "firstName": "John",
            "lastName": "Doe",
            "dateOfBirth": "1987-07-07T00:00:00",
            "address1": "107 7th Av.",
            "zip": "10007",
            "city": "New York",
            "state": "NY",
            "stateFullName": "New York",
            "country": "US",
            "phone": "9177563007",
            "email": "",
            "ssN4": "1210",
            "driverLicenseNumber": "12345678",
            "driverLicenseState": "TX",
            "driverLicenseExpirationDate": "2030-12-12T00:00:00",
            "dlStateFullName": "Texas",
            "personalPhone": "9177563007",
            "status": "Active",
            "displayName": "John Doe - 9177563007"
    "associateCustomerCard": true,
    "sequenceNumber": "224",
    "addressVerificationCode": "N",
    "addressVerificationResult": "No Match",
    "cvvVerificationCode": "M",
    "cvvVerificationResult": "Passed"

Json Example Response For Cash Sale:

    "guid": "5d8ad876-cff8-4179-831f-65fad59c8faa",
    "status": "Transaction - Approved",
    "timeStamp": "2023-08-14T16:06:39.28+00:00",
    "amount": 50.000,
    "grossAmount": 50.000,
    "effectiveAmount": 50.000,
    "deviceGuid": "14c8bee4-a00b-4976-9a4a-adb13e2faf71",
    "processorResponseMessage": "Cash Sale Processed",
    "wasProcessed": true,
    "authCode": "TA55496",
    "refNumber": "42603996"

Json Example Error Response:

    "type": "",
    "title": "One or more validation errors occurred.",
    "status": 400,
    "traceId": "00-54cbeac4191938ca6b2795b591012337-3b071e38900c1ba0-00",
    "errors": {
        "Amount": [
            "Amount can have 3 decimal places at most.",
            "Unable to parse letters to Decimal"
        "DeviceGuid": [
            "The field DeviceGuid is invalid."
        "DualPricingFeeAmount": [
            "DualPricingFeeAmount can have 3 decimal places at most.",
            "Unable to parse letters to Decimal"
        "SequenceNumber": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 100"
        "OrderNumber": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 20",
            "The field OrderNumber is invalid."
        "CustomerLabel": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 100",
            "The field CustomerLabel is invalid."
        "CustomerId": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 100",
            "The field CustomerId is invalid."
        "Currency": [
            "The field Currency is invalid."
        "Card.CardNumber": [
            "The field CardNumber must be between 13 and 16 characters. is invalid."
        "Card.CardHolderName": [
            "The CardHolderName must be between 0 and 30 digits long"
        "Card.Cvv2": [
            "The field Cvv2 is invalid."
        "Card.ExpirationDate": [
            "The field ExpirationDate is invalid."
        "Card.Customer.FirstName": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 100",
            "The field FirstName is invalid."
        "Card.Customer.LastName": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 100",
            "The field LastName is invalid."
        "Card.Customer.Address1": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 100",
            "The field Address1 is invalid."
        "Card.Customer.City": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 50"
        "Card.Customer.State": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 2",
            "The field State is invalid."
        "Card.Customer.Email": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 1000"
        "Card.Customer.SsN4": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 4",
            "The field SsN4 is invalid."
        "Card.Customer.Zip": [
            "The Zip must be between 0 and 10 characters long",
            "The field Zip is invalid."
        "Card.Customer.DriverLicenseNumber": [
            "The field DriverLicenseNumber is invalid.",
            "Field maximum length must be less than 25",
            "Only letters, numbers, asterisc, ampersand, @ and hyphen are allowed"
        "Card.Customer.DriverLicenseState": [
            "The field DriverLicenseState is invalid."
        "Card.Customer.Phone": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 10",
            "Invalid phone number. Must be 10 digits numbers only no special characters."
        "Card.Customer.Country": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 50",
            "The field Country is invalid."
        "EnhancedData.SaleTax": [
            "SaleTax can have 3 decimal places at most."
        "EnhancedData.AdditionalTaxDetailTaxType": [
            "The field AdditionalTaxDetailTaxType is invalid."
        "EnhancedData.AdditionalTaxDetailTaxAmount": [
            "AdditionalTaxDetailTaxAmount can have 3 decimal places at most."
        "EnhancedData.AdditionalTaxDetailTaxRate": [
            "AdditionalTaxDetailTaxRate can have 3 decimal places at most."
        "EnhancedData.PurchaseOrder": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 100",
            "The field PurchaseOrder is invalid."
        "EnhancedData.ShippingCharges": [
            "ShippingCharges can have 3 decimal places at most."
        "EnhancedData.DutyCharges": [
            "DutyCharges can have 3 decimal places at most."
        "EnhancedData.CustomerVatNumber": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 100",
            "The field CustomerVatNumber is invalid."
        "EnhancedData.VatInvoice": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 100",
            "The field VatInvoice is invalid."
        "EnhancedData.SummaryCommodityCode": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 100",
            "The field SummaryCommodityCode is invalid."
        "EnhancedData.ShipToZip": [
            "The ShipToZip must be between 5 and 10 characters long",
            "The field ShipToZip is invalid."
        "EnhancedData.ShipFromZip": [
            "The ShipFromZip must be between 5 and 10 characters long",
            "The field ShipFromZip is invalid."
        "EnhancedData.SupplierReferenceNumber": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 10",
            "The field SupplierReferenceNumber is invalid."
        "EnhancedData.CustomerRefId": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 17"
        "EnhancedData.ChargeDescriptor": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 160",
            "The field ChargeDescriptor is invalid."
        "EnhancedData.ProductName": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 50",
            "Product Name only allows numbers, letters, dash '-' and underscore '_'"
        "EnhancedData.ProductCode": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 50"
        "EnhancedData.Price": [
            "Price shouldn't be greater than $999,999,999",
            "Price can have 3 decimal places at most."
        "EnhancedData.MeasurementUnit": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 100",
            "The field MeasurementUnit is invalid."

You could use the AuthOnly transaction to authorize an amount on a credit card without making the actual settlement of that amount. In this case, you actually reserve an amount for a certain period against the credit limit of the card holder. The sale will be completed only if you run a successful capture later.

This endpoint creates an AuthOnly.

HTTP Request


Headers using token

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
Authorization Token. Eg: "Bearer eHSN5rTBzqDozgAAlN1UlTMVuIT1zSiAZWCo6E..."

Headers using API Key

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
UserAuthorization API Key. Eg: "e516b6db-3230-4b1c-ae3f-e5379b774a80"

Query Parameters

Parameter Type M/C/O Value
DeviceGuid string Mandatory Device's Guid.
Amount decimal Mandatory Amount of the transaction. Min. amt.: $0.50. Does not allow empty strings and up to 3 decimal places.
DualPricingFeeAmount decimal Optional Charge dual pricing. Should be equal or greater than zero and only accepts numbers and up to 3 decimal places.
PromptConsumer boolean Optional Applies only for Semi Integrated transactions, default value is true and if not sent would also be set as true. Value of true, prompts the consumer on the device to choose cash price or regular price.
SequenceNumber string Optional Use this number to call timeout reversal endpoint if you don't get a response. Max Length = 100.
OrderNumber string Optional Merchant's order number. The value sent on this element will be returned as InvoiceNumber. Length = 17. Max length = 20. Not allow special characters.
OrderDate date Optional Order Date.
SendReceipt boolean Optional Set to “FALSE” if you do not want an e-mail receipt to be sent to the customer. Set to “TRUE” or leave empty if you want e-mail to be sent.
CustomData string Optional order details.
CustomerLabel string Optional Any name you want to show instead of customer. Eg., Player, Patient, Buyer. Max Length = 100. Not allow special characters.
CustomerID string Optional Any combination of numbers and letters you use to identify the customer. Max length = 100. Not allow special characters.
AssociateCustomerCard boolean Optional An option to know if you want use to save customer and card token.
SemiIntegrated boolean Optional Only when physical terminal used on semi integrated mode, send value True.
Currency string Optional Currency of the transaction.Default value: USD

Allowed values: USD, ARS, AUD, BRL, CAD, CHF, EUR, GBP, JPY, MXN, NZD, SGD
Card object Mandatory Card.
EnhancedData object Optional EnhancedData.
CardNumber string Mandatory Card number. Must be between 13 and 16 characters. (example: 4532538795426624) or token (example: FfL7exC7Xe2y6624).
CardHolderName string Optional Cardholder's name. Must be between 0 and 30 digits long.
Cvv2 string Optional This is the three or four digit CVV code at the back side of the credit and debit card.
ExpirationDate date Optional with Token Card's expiry date in the YYMM format.
Customer object Optional Customer.
FirstName string Optional Customer's first name. Max length = 100.
LastName string Optional Customer's last name. Max length = 100.
Phone string Optional Customer's phone number. The phone number must be syntactically correct. For example, 4152345678. Must be 10 digits numbers only, no special characters.
City string Optional Customer's city. Max length = 50.
State string Optional Customer's short name state. The ISO 3166-2 CA and US state or province code of a customer. Length = 2.
Country string Optional Customer's country. The ISO country code of a customer’s country. Length = 2 or 3.
Email string Optional Customer's valid email address. Max length = 1000.
Address1 string Optional Customer's address. Max length = 100.
Address2 string Optional Customer's address line 2. Max length = 100.
Zip string Optional Customer's zipcode. Length = 5.
DateOfBirth date Optional Customer's date of birth.

Allowed format:

For example: 2002-05-30
SSN4 string Mandatory when DOB is not submitted Customer's social security number. Max length = 4.
SaleTax decimal Optional Transaction's amount. Should be equal or greater than zero.
AdditionalTaxDetailTaxCategory string Optional Tax Category. Not allow special characters.
AdditionalTaxDetailTaxType string Optional Tax Type. Not allow special characters. It only accepts numbers and up to 3 decimal places.
AdditionalTaxDetailTaxAmount decimal Optional Tax Amount. Should be equal or greater than zero. It only accepts numbers and up to 3 decimal places.
AdditionalTaxDetailTaxRate decimal Optional Tax Rate. Should be equal or greater than zero. It only accepts numbers and up to 3 decimal places.
PurchaseOrder string Optional Purchase Order. Max length = 100. Not allow special characters.
ShippingCharges decimal Optional Shipping Charges. Should be equal or greater than zero.
DutyCharges decimal Optional Duty Charges. Should be equal or greater than zero.
CustomerVATNumber string Optional Customer VAT Number. Not allow special characters. Max length = 100.
VATInvoice string Optional VAT Invoice. Not allow special characters. Max length = 100.
SummaryCommodityCode string Optional Summary Commodity Code. Not allow special characters. Max length = 100.
ShipToZip string Optional Ship To Zip. Must be between 5 and 10 characters long. Not allow letters or special characters.
ShipFromZip string Optional Ship From Zip. Must be between 5 and 10 characters long. Not allow letters or special characters.
DestinationCountryCode string Optional Destination Country Code. Not allow special characters.
SupplierReferenceNumber string Optional Supplier Reference Number. Not allow special characters. Max length = 10.
CustomerRefID string Optional Customer Ref ID. Max length = 17.
ChargeDescriptor string Optional Charge Descriptor. Not allow special characters. Max length = 160.
AdditionalAmount decimal Optional Additional Amount. Should be equal or greater than zero. Only accepts numbers and up to 3 decimal places.
AdditionalAmountType string Optional Additional Amount Type.
ProductName string Optional Product Name. Max length = 50.
ProductCode string Optional Product Code. Max length = 50.
AddPrice string Optional Price. Should be equal or greater than zero. Only accepts numbers and up to 3 decimal places.
MeasurementUnit string Optional Measurement Unit. Only accepts numbers and up to 3 decimal places. Max length = 100.


Create Incremental Auth

using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;

namespace ChoiceSample
    public class AuthOnly
        public static void CreateIncrementalAuth()
                var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
                request.ContentType = "text/json";
                request.Method = "POST";

                var authOnly = new
                    DeviceGuid = "7290ed47-3066-49db-a904-3d23924c46be",
                    Amount = 2.00,
                    AuthOnlyGuid = "72g0ed47-3056-49db-a904-3d23926646be"

                string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(authOnly);

                request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer 1A089D6ziUybPZFQ3mpPyjt9OEx9yrCs7eQIC6V3A0lmXR2N6-seGNK16Gsnl3td6Ilfbr2Xf_EyukFXwnVEO3fYL-LuGw-L3c8WuaoxhPE8MMdlMPILJTIOV3lTGGdxbFXdKd9U03bbJ9TDUkqxHqq8_VyyjDrw7fs0YOob7bg0OovXTeWgIvZaIrSR1WFR06rYJ0DfWn-Inuf7re1-4SMOjY1ZoCelVwduWCBJpw1111cNbWtHJfObV8u1CVf0");
                request.ContentType = "application/json";
                request.Accept = "application/json";

                using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(request.GetRequestStream()))

                    var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
                        string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
                catch (WebException wex)
                    if (wex.Response != null)
                        using (var errorResponse = (HttpWebResponse)wex.Response)
                            using (var reader = new StreamReader(errorResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                                string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
            catch (IOException e)

Json Example Request:

  "DeviceGuid" : "b29725af-b067-4a35-9819-bbb31bdf8808",
  "Amount" : 2.00,
  "AuthOnlyGuid" : "m29d25af-b067-4a35-9c19-bbb31jyf820d"

Json Example Response:

    "guid": "2ac72740-5a12-4cab-a60c-8ac2b713254f",
    "status": "Transaction - Approved",
    "authOnlyGuid": "4f005bc2-a3ad-48d0-b433-704a834bfe7a",
    "amount": 2.000,
    "deviceGuid": "397eb067-2ebf-4934-bbb4-ace4e4a6194e",
    "totalAmount": 2.000,
    "timeStamp": "2023-06-28T13:50:52.84-05:00",
    "processorStatusCode": "VTLMC1",
    "processorResponseMessage": "STA: PASS | R.MSG: Success | TASK#: 34536301 | AUTHCODE: VTLMC1 | HOSTREF#: 317918750122 | TAMT: 2.00 | PAMT: 2.00 | VERIFCVV:  | AVC: 0 | CHVC:  | CT: M",
    "wasProcessed": true,
    "authCode": "VTLMC1",
    "refNumber": "33489631",
    "customerReceipt": "CHOICE MERCHANT SOLUTIONS       \\n          8320 S HARDY DR           \\n           TEMPE AZ 85284\\n06/28/2023 14:06:52 \\n\\nCREDIT - AUTH ONLY\\nTransaction - Approved\\n\\nJohn Doe\\nCard Number: **** **** **** 9426\\nCard Type: Mastercard\\nRef #: 33489629\\nAuth Code: VTLMC1\\n\\nTxn Amt $10.00\\nCash Discount $0.00\\n\\nTotal Incremental Amt $2.00\\nTotal Authorized Amt $12.40\\n\\nOrder Number: 11518\\nOrder Date: 11/24/2020 12:00:00 AM\\nOrder Details: order details\\n\\nCUSTOMER ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT OF \\n GOODS AND/OR SERVICES IN THE AMOUNT \\n OF THE TOTAL SHOWN HEREON AND AGREES \\n TO PERFORM THE OBLIGATIONS SET FORTH \\n BY THE CUSTOMER`S AGREEMENT WITH THE \\n ISSUER\\n              APPROVED              \\n\\n                                    \\n                                    \\n\\n            Customer Copy\\n"

Json Example Error Response:

    "type": "",
    "title": "One or more validation errors occurred.",
    "status": 400,
    "traceId": "00-22562aa5d40d1b82a6a442037a8bea0b-b9580e83c8223b55-00",
    "errors": {
        "$.DeviceGuid": [
            "Unable to parse {{invalidDevice}} to GUID"
        "$.AuthOnlyGuid": [
            "Unable to parse {{invalidGuid}} to GUID"

You could use the IncrementalAuth transaction to increase an amount on a authOnly transactions existing.

This endpoint creates an Incremental Auth.

HTTP Request


Headers using token

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
Authorization Token. Eg: "Bearer eHSN5rTBzqDozgAAlN1UlTMVuIT1zSiAZWCo6E..."

Headers using API Key

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
UserAuthorization API Key. Eg: "e516b6db-3230-4b1c-ae3f-e5379b774a80"

Query Parameters

Parameter Type M/C/O Value
DeviceGuid string Mandatory Device's Guid.
AuthOnlyGuid string Mandatory AuthOnly's Guid for increasing
Amount decimal Mandatory Amount of the transaction. Does not allow empty strings and up to 3 decimal places.


Get AuthOnly

using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;

namespace ChoiceSample
    public class AuthOnly
        public static void GetAuthOnly()
                var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
                request.Method = "GET";

                request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer 1A089D6ziUybPZFQ3mpPyjt9OEx9yrCs7eQIC6V3A0lmXR2N6-seGNK16Gsnl3td6Ilfbr2Xf_EyukFXwnVEO3fYL-LuGw-L3c8WuaoxhPE8MMdlMPILJTIOV3lTGGdxbFXdKd9U03bbJ9TDUkqxHqq8_VyyjDrw7fs0YOob7bg0OovXTeWgIvZaIrSR1WFR06rYJ0DfWn-Inuf7re1-4SMOjY1ZoCelVwduWCBJpw1111cNbWtHJfObV8u1CVf0");

                    var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
                        string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
                catch (WebException wex)
                    if (wex.Response != null)
                        using (var errorResponse = (HttpWebResponse)wex.Response)
                            using (var reader = new StreamReader(errorResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                                string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
            catch (IOException e)

Json Example Response:

    "guid": "493cffed-232a-4896-b9ca-36b543d7da13",
    "status": "Transaction - Approved",
    "timeStamp": "2023-06-28T13:51:59.46-05:00",
    "amount": 10.400,
    "grossAmount": 10.000,
    "effectiveAmount": 10.400,
    "dualPricingFeeAmount": 0.400,
    "orderNumber": "11518",
    "orderDate": "2020-11-24T00:00:00",
    "deviceGuid": "b29725af-b067-4a35-9819-bbb31bdf8808",
    "customData": "order details",
    "cardDataSource": "INTERNET",
    "customerLabel": "Patient",
    "customerID": "xt147",
    "batchGuid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
    "sendReceipt": true,
    "allowCardEmv": false,
    "processorStatusCode": "A0000",
    "processorResponseMessage": "Success, HostRef#: 317918750268",
    "wasProcessed": true,
    "authCode": "VTLMC1",
    "refNumber": "33489691",
    "invoiceNumber": "",
    "customerReceipt": "CHOICE MERCHANT SOLUTIONS       \\n          8320 S HARDY DR           \\n           TEMPE AZ 85284\\n06/28/2023 14:06:59 \\n\\nCREDIT - AUTH ONLY\\nTransaction - Approved\\n\\nJohn Doe\\nCard Number: **** **** **** 9426\\nCard Type: Mastercard\\nRef #: 33489691\\nAuth Code: VTLMC1\\n\\nTxn Amt $10.00\\nCash Discount $0.00\\n\\nTotal Authorized Amt $10.40\\n\\nOrder Number: 11518\\nOrder Date: 11/24/2020 12:00:00 AM\\nOrder Details: order details\\n\\nCUSTOMER ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT OF \\n GOODS AND/OR SERVICES IN THE AMOUNT \\n OF THE TOTAL SHOWN HEREON AND AGREES \\n TO PERFORM THE OBLIGATIONS SET FORTH \\n BY THE CUSTOMER`S AGREEMENT WITH THE \\n ISSUER\\n              APPROVED              \\n\\n                                    \\n                                    \\n\\n            Customer Copy\\n",
    "enhancedData": {},
    "card": {
        "first6": "548647",
        "last4": "9426",
        "cardNumber": "inkpSUbbYay59426",
        "cardNumberHashed": "OzF5YGq3YeBLnEeMpD5PXixZz2guba1nrzeZcnS+W1Q=",
        "cardHolderName": "John Doe",
        "cardType": "Mastercard",
        "expirationDate": "2025-12",
        "customer": {
            "guid": "1dea1f06-efb8-4062-8a3a-1a64aabd10e8",
            "merchantGuid": "cd3d0150-819c-44b9-9nju-2fa248fcacce",
            "firstName": "John",
            "lastName": "Doe",
            "dateOfBirth": "1987-07-07T00:00:00",
            "address1": "107 7th Av.",
            "zip": "10007",
            "city": "New York",
            "state": "NY",
            "stateFullName": "New York",
            "country": "US",
            "phone": "9177563007",
            "email": "",
            "ssN4": "1210",
            "driverLicenseNumber": "12345678",
            "driverLicenseState": "TX",
            "driverLicenseExpirationDate": "2030-12-12T00:00:00",
            "dlStateFullName": "Texas",
            "personalPhone": "9177563007",
            "status": "Active",
            "displayName": "John Doe - 9177563007"
    "associateCustomerCard": true,
    "sequenceNumber": "820001",
    "addressVerificationCode": "N",
    "addressVerificationResult": "No Match",
    "cvvVerificationCode": "M",
    "cvvVerificationResult": "Passed"

Json Example Error Response:

  "type": "",
  "title": "One or more validation errors occurred.",
  "status": 400,
  "traceId": "00-5495f1fc8f00492441a3b2540d309096-3c5ac05d4e3bf6d2-00",
  "errors": {
      "guid": [
          "The value 'wrongGuid' is not valid."

This endpoint gets an AuthOnly.

HTTP Request


Headers using token

Key Value
Authorization Token. Eg: "Bearer eHSN5rTBzqDozgAAlN1UlTMVuIT1zSiAZWCo6E..."

Headers using API Key

Key Value
UserAuthorization API Key. Eg: "e516b6db-3230-4b1c-ae3f-e5379b774a80"

URL Parameters

Parameter Description
guid AuthOnly’s guid to get


Timeout Reversal

using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;

namespace ChoiceSample
    public class Sale
        public static void TimeoutReversal()
                var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
                request.ContentType = "text/json";
                request.Method = "POST";

                var sale = new
                    DeviceGuid = "b29725af-b067-4a35-9819-bbb31bdf8808",
                    SequenceNumber = "849741"

                string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(sale);

                request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer 1A089D6ziUybPZFQ3mpPyjt9OEx9yrCs7eQIC6V3A0lmXR2N6-seGNK16Gsnl3td6Ilfbr2Xf_EyukFXwnVEO3fYL-LuGw-L3c8WuaoxhPE8MMdlMPILJTIOV3lTGGdxbFXdKd9U03bbJ9TDUkqxHqq8_VyyjDrw7fs0YOob7bg0OovXTeWgIvZaIrSR1WFR06rYJ0DfWn-Inuf7re1-4SMOjY1ZoCelVwduWCBJpw1111cNbWtHJfObV8u1CVf0");
                request.ContentType = "application/json";
                request.Accept = "application/json";

                using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(request.GetRequestStream()))

                    var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
                        string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
                catch (WebException wex)
                    if (wex.Response != null)
                        using (var errorResponse = (HttpWebResponse)wex.Response)
                            using (var reader = new StreamReader(errorResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                                string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
            catch (IOException e)

Json Example Request:

    "DeviceGuid": "b29725af-b067-4a35-9819-bbb31bdf8808",
    "SequenceNumber": "849741"

Json Example Response:

"Device Guid and Sequence Number combination found and voided."

Json Example Error Response:

  "type": "",
  "title": "One or more validation errors occurred.",
  "status": 400,
  "traceId": "00-5495f1fc8f00492441a3b2540d309096-3c5ac05d4e3bf6d2-00",
  "errors": {
      "guid": [
          "The value 'wrongGuid' is not valid."

This a feature that allows a user to void a transaction if it never got a response. You must send the device guid of the terminal used to run the transaction and the sequence number. If there was a sale run on that device with that sequence and it was approved, it will be voided. Otherwise you will be informed that a sale was found but it had not been approved or that there was no sale at all with that combination of device guid and sequence number.

HTTP Request


Headers using token

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
Authorization Token. Eg: "Bearer eHSN5rTBzqDozgAAlN1UlTMVuIT1zSiAZWCo6E..."

Headers using API Key

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
UserAuthorization API Key. Eg: "e516b6db-3230-4b1c-ae3f-e5379b774a80"

Query Parameters

Parameter Type M/C/O Value
DeviceGuid string Mandatory Device's Guid.
SequenceNumber string Mandatory Sequence Number. Max Length = 100.



Create capture

using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;

namespace ChoiceSample
    public class Capture
        public static void CreateCapture()
                var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
                request.ContentType = "text/json";
                request.Method = "POST";

                var capture = new
                    DeviceGuid = "b29725af-b067-4a35-9819-bbb31bdf8808",
                    AuthOnlyGuid = "493cffed-232a-4896-b9ca-36b543d7da13",
                    NewAmount = 10.00

                string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(capture);

                request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer 1A089D6ziUybPZFQ3mpPyjt9OEx9yrCs7eQIC6V3A0lmXR2N6-seGNK16Gsnl3td6Ilfbr2Xf_EyukFXwnVEO3fYL-LuGw-L3c8WuaoxhPE8MMdlMPILJTIOV3lTGGdxbFXdKd9U03bbJ9TDUkqxHqq8_VyyjDrw7fs0YOob7bg0OovXTeWgIvZaIrSR1WFR06rYJ0DfWn-Inuf7re1-4SMOjY1ZoCelVwduWCBJpw1111cNbWtHJfObV8u1CVf0");
                request.ContentType = "application/json";
                request.Accept = "application/json";

                using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(request.GetRequestStream()))

                    var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
                        string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
                catch (WebException wex)
                    if (wex.Response != null)
                        using (var errorResponse = (HttpWebResponse)wex.Response)
                            using (var reader = new StreamReader(errorResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                                string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
            catch (IOException e)

Json Example Request:

  "DeviceGuid" : "b29725af-b067-4a35-9819-bbb31bdf8808",
  "AuthOnlyGuid" : "493cffed-232a-4896-b9ca-36b543d7da13",
  "NewAmount" : 10.00,
  "SemiIntegrated": true

Json Example Response:

    "guid": "284dd923-a266-4d0f-80bd-e8441154c742",
    "status": "Transaction - Approved",
    "timeStamp": "2023-06-28T13:53:54.79-05:00",
    "deviceGuid": "b29725af-b067-4a35-9819-bbb31bdf8808",
    "authOnlyGuid": "493cffed-232a-4896-b9ca-36b543d7da13",
    "saleGuid": "61e6769f-ead3-4e58-906a-24a86a1110be",
    "authOnlyReferenceNumber": "33489799",
    "newAmount": 10.400,
    "grossAmount": 10.000,
    "effectiveAmount": 10.400,
    "dualPricingFeeAmount": 0.400,
    "processorStatusCode": "A0000",
    "processorResponseMessage": "Success, HostRef#:  | TAMT: 10.4",
    "wasProcessed": true,
    "authCode": "VTLMC1",
    "refNumber": "33489799",
    "invoiceNumber": "",
    "customerReceipt": "CHOICE MERCHANT SOLUTIONS       \\n          8320 S HARDY DR           \\n           TEMPE AZ 85284           \\n06/28/2023 11:53:54\\n\\n            CREDIT - SALE            \\n\\nCARD # : **** **** **** 9426\\nCARD TYPE :MASTERCARD\\nEntry Mode : MANUAL\\n\\nTRANSACTION ID : 33489799               \\nInvoice number : 11518                  \\nAUTH CODE : VTLMC1\\nSubtotal:                       $10.40\\n--------------------------------------\\nTotal:                          $10.40\\n--------------------------------------\\n\\n\\n\\n              John Doe              \\n\\n CUSTOMER ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT OF \\n GOODS AND/OR SERVICES IN THE AMOUNT \\n OF THE TOTAL SHOWN HEREON AND AGREES \\n TO PERFORM THE OBLIGATIONS SET FORTH \\n BY THE CUSTOMER`S AGREEMENT WITH THE \\n ISSUER\\n              APPROVED              \\n\\n                                    \\n                                    \\n\\n            Customer Copy",
    "authOnly": {
        "guid": "bc0fadd8-406e-4120-9d06-f83e739b54c0",
        "status": "Transaction - Approved",
        "timeStamp": "2023-06-28T13:53:52.67-05:00",
        "amount": 10.400,
        "grossAmount": 10.000,
        "effectiveAmount": 10.400,
        "dualPricingFeeAmount": 0.400,
        "orderNumber": "11518",
        "orderDate": "2020-11-24T00:00:00",
        "deviceGuid": "397eb067-2ebf-4934-bbb4-ace4e4a6194e",
        "customData": "order details",
        "cardDataSource": "INTERNET",
        "customerLabel": "Patient",
        "customerID": "xt147",
        "batchGuid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
        "sendReceipt": true,
        "allowCardEmv": false,
        "processorStatusCode": "A0000",
        "processorResponseMessage": "Success, HostRef#: 317918750507",
        "wasProcessed": true,
        "authCode": "VTLMC1",
        "refNumber": "33489799",
        "invoiceNumber": "",
        "customerReceipt": "CHOICE MERCHANT SOLUTIONS       \\n          8320 S HARDY DR           \\n           TEMPE AZ 85284\\n06/28/2023 14:06:52 \\n\\nCREDIT - AUTH ONLY\\nTransaction - Approved\\n\\nJohn Doe\\nCard Number: **** **** **** 9426\\nCard Type: Mastercard\\nRef #: 33489799\\nAuth Code: VTLMC1\\n\\nTxn Amt $10.00\\nCash Discount $0.00\\n\\nTotal Authorized Amt $10.40\\n\\nOrder Number: 11518\\nOrder Date: 11/24/2020 12:00:00 AM\\nOrder Details: order details\\n\\nCUSTOMER ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT OF \\n GOODS AND/OR SERVICES IN THE AMOUNT \\n OF THE TOTAL SHOWN HEREON AND AGREES \\n TO PERFORM THE OBLIGATIONS SET FORTH \\n BY THE CUSTOMER`S AGREEMENT WITH THE \\n ISSUER\\n              APPROVED              \\n\\n                                    \\n                                    \\n\\n            Customer Copy\\n",
        "enhancedData": {},
        "card": {
            "first6": "548647",
            "last4": "9426",
            "cardNumber": "inkpSUbbYay59426",
            "cardNumberHashed": "OzF5YGq3YeBLnEeMpD5PXixZz2guba1nrzeZcnS+W1Q=",
            "cardHolderName": "John Doe",
            "cardType": "Mastercard",
            "expirationDate": "2025-12",
            "customer": {
                "guid": "0d701720-5407-4d95-ad35-29d7dc2c876b",
                "merchantGuid": "cd3d0150-819c-44b9-8efd-2fa248fcacce",
                "firstName": "John",
                "lastName": "Doe",
                "dateOfBirth": "1987-07-07T00:00:00",
                "address1": "107 7th Av.",
                "zip": "10007",
                "city": "New York",
                "state": "NY",
                "stateFullName": "New York",
                "country": "US",
                "phone": "9177563007",
                "email": "",
                "ssN4": "1210",
                "driverLicenseNumber": "12345678",
                "driverLicenseState": "TX",
                "driverLicenseExpirationDate": "2030-12-12T00:00:00",
                "dlStateFullName": "Texas",
                "personalPhone": "9177563007",
                "status": "Active",
                "displayName": "John Doe - 9177563007"
        "associateCustomerCard": true,
        "sequenceNumber": "300001",
        "addressVerificationCode": "N",
        "addressVerificationResult": "No Match",
        "cvvVerificationCode": "M",
        "cvvVerificationResult": "Passed"
    "relatedSale": {
        "guid": "61e6769f-ead3-4e58-906a-24a86a1110be",
        "status": "Transaction - Approved",
        "batchStatus": "Batch - Open",
        "timeStamp": "2023-06-28T13:53:54.79-05:00",
        "deviceGuid": "397eb067-2ebf-4934-bbb4-ace4e4a6194e",
        "amount": 10.400,
        "effectiveAmount": 10.400,
        "dualPricingFeeAmount": 0.400,
        "grossAmount": 10.000,
        "cardDataSource": "INTERNET",
        "batchGuid": "9fca53a2-5d5b-44f0-bff3-b04f577405ce",
        "processorStatusCode": "A0000",
        "processorResponseMessage": "Success, HostRef#:  | TAMT: 10.4",
        "wasProcessed": true,
        "authCode": "VTLMC1",
        "refNumber": "33489799",
        "customerReceipt": "CHOICE MERCHANT SOLUTIONS       \\n          8320 S HARDY DR           \\n           TEMPE AZ 85284           \\n06/28/2023 11:53:54\\n\\n            CREDIT - SALE            \\n\\nCARD # : **** **** **** 9426\\nCARD TYPE :MASTERCARD\\nEntry Mode : MANUAL\\n\\nTRANSACTION ID : 33489799               \\nInvoice number : 11518                  \\nAUTH CODE : VTLMC1\\nSubtotal:                       $10.40\\n--------------------------------------\\nTotal:                          $10.40\\n--------------------------------------\\n\\n\\n\\n              John Doe              \\n\\n CUSTOMER ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT OF \\n GOODS AND/OR SERVICES IN THE AMOUNT \\n OF THE TOTAL SHOWN HEREON AND AGREES \\n TO PERFORM THE OBLIGATIONS SET FORTH \\n BY THE CUSTOMER`S AGREEMENT WITH THE \\n ISSUER\\n              APPROVED              \\n\\n                                    \\n                                    \\n\\n            Customer Copy",
        "generatedBy": "merchadmtest",
        "card": {
            "first6": "548647",
            "last4": "9426",
            "cardNumber": "inkpSUbbYay59426",
            "cardNumberHashed": "OzF5YGq3YeBLnEeMpD5PXixZz2guba1nrzeZcnS+W1Q=",
            "cardHolderName": "John Doe",
            "cardType": "Mastercard",
            "expirationDate": "2025-12",
            "customer": {
                "guid": "0d701720-5407-4d95-ad35-29d7dc2c876b",
                "merchantGuid": "cd3d0150-819c-44b9-8efd-2fa248fcacce",
                "firstName": "John",
                "lastName": "Doe",
                "dateOfBirth": "1987-07-07T00:00:00",
                "address1": "107 7th Av.",
                "zip": "10007",
                "city": "New York",
                "state": "NY",
                "stateFullName": "New York",
                "country": "US",
                "phone": "9177563007",
                "email": "",
                "ssN4": "1210",
                "driverLicenseNumber": "12345678",
                "driverLicenseState": "TX",
                "driverLicenseExpirationDate": "2030-12-12T00:00:00",
                "dlStateFullName": "Texas",
                "personalPhone": "9177563007",
                "status": "Active",
                "displayName": "John Doe - 9177563007"
        "hostedPaymentPageGuid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"

Json Example Error Response:

  "type": "",
  "title": "One or more validation errors occurred.",
  "status": 400,
  "traceId": "00-f68d0721a8ba8297ec49f34b747734f3-3847f3b8e10c085a-00",
  "errors": {
      "DeviceGuid": [
          "The field DeviceGuid is invalid."

The Capture transaction is used to collect the money that you had asked during the AuthOnly transaction. You need to provide the AuthOnlyGuid that you received when you ran the AuthOnly.

This endpoint creates a capture.

HTTP Request


Headers using token

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
Authorization Token. Eg: "Bearer eHSN5rTBzqDozgAAlN1UlTMVuIT1zSiAZWCo6E..."

Headers using API Key

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
UserAuthorization API Key. Eg: "e516b6db-3230-4b1c-ae3f-e5379b774a80"

Query Parameters

Parameter Type M/C/O Value
DeviceGuid string Mandatory Device’s Guid.
AuthOnlyGuid string Mandatory AuthOnly’s Guid.
NewAmount decimal Optional Transaction's new amount. Min. amt.: $0.50


Get capture

using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;

namespace ChoiceSample
    public class Capture
        public static void GetCapture()
                var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
                request.Method = "GET";

                request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer 1A089D6ziUybPZFQ3mpPyjt9OEx9yrCs7eQIC6V3A0lmXR2N6-seGNK16Gsnl3td6Ilfbr2Xf_EyukFXwnVEO3fYL-LuGw-L3c8WuaoxhPE8MMdlMPILJTIOV3lTGGdxbFXdKd9U03bbJ9TDUkqxHqq8_VyyjDrw7fs0YOob7bg0OovXTeWgIvZaIrSR1WFR06rYJ0DfWn-Inuf7re1-4SMOjY1ZoCelVwduWCBJpw1111cNbWtHJfObV8u1CVf0");

                    var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
                        string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
                catch (WebException wex)
                    if (wex.Response != null)
                        using (var errorResponse = (HttpWebResponse)wex.Response)
                            using (var reader = new StreamReader(errorResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                                string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
            catch (IOException e)

Json Example Response:

    "guid": "cc7dcd9f-3a6e-43cb-8c78-8b03a03f2016",
    "status": "Transaction - Approved",
    "timeStamp": "2023-06-28T13:55:45.32-05:00",
    "deviceGuid": "397eb067-2ebf-4934-bbb4-ace4e4a6194e",
    "authOnlyGuid": "20724d1f-4193-4720-9b64-2c71f7d4ff1f",
    "saleGuid": "c17c69aa-571f-4956-b620-11fdce37b84a",
    "authOnlyReferenceNumber": "33489917",
    "newAmount": 10.400,
    "grossAmount": 10.000,
    "effectiveAmount": 10.400,
    "dualPricingFeeAmount": 0.400,
    "processorStatusCode": "A0000",
    "processorResponseMessage": "Success, HostRef#:  | TAMT: 10.4",
    "wasProcessed": true,
    "authCode": "VTLMC1",
    "refNumber": "33489917",
    "invoiceNumber": "",
    "customerReceipt": "CHOICE MERCHANT SOLUTIONS       \\n          8320 S HARDY DR           \\n           TEMPE AZ 85284           \\n06/28/2023 11:55:45\\n\\n            CREDIT - SALE            \\n\\nCARD # : **** **** **** 9426\\nCARD TYPE :MASTERCARD\\nEntry Mode : MANUAL\\n\\nTRANSACTION ID : 33489917               \\nInvoice number : 11518                  \\nAUTH CODE : VTLMC1\\nSubtotal:                       $10.40\\n--------------------------------------\\nTotal:                          $10.40\\n--------------------------------------\\n\\n\\n\\n              John Doe              \\n\\n CUSTOMER ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT OF \\n GOODS AND/OR SERVICES IN THE AMOUNT \\n OF THE TOTAL SHOWN HEREON AND AGREES \\n TO PERFORM THE OBLIGATIONS SET FORTH \\n BY THE CUSTOMER`S AGREEMENT WITH THE \\n ISSUER\\n              APPROVED              \\n\\n                                    \\n                                    \\n\\n            Customer Copy",
    "authOnly": {
        "guid": "20724d1f-4193-4720-9b64-2c71f7d4ff1f",
        "status": "Transaction - Approved",
        "timeStamp": "2023-06-28T13:55:44.02-05:00",
        "amount": 10.400,
        "grossAmount": 10.000,
        "effectiveAmount": 10.400,
        "dualPricingFeeAmount": 0.400,
        "orderNumber": "11518",
        "orderDate": "2020-11-24T00:00:00",
        "deviceGuid": "397eb067-2ebf-4934-bbb4-ace4e4a6194e",
        "customData": "order details",
        "cardDataSource": "INTERNET",
        "customerLabel": "Patient",
        "customerID": "xt147",
        "batchGuid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
        "sendReceipt": true,
        "allowCardEmv": false,
        "processorStatusCode": "A0000",
        "processorResponseMessage": "Success, HostRef#: 317918750755",
        "wasProcessed": true,
        "authCode": "VTLMC1",
        "refNumber": "33489917",
        "invoiceNumber": "",
        "customerReceipt": "CHOICE MERCHANT SOLUTIONS       \\n          8320 S HARDY DR           \\n           TEMPE AZ 85284\\n06/28/2023 14:06:44 \\n\\nCREDIT - AUTH ONLY\\nTransaction - Approved\\n\\nJohn Doe\\nCard Number: **** **** **** 9426\\nCard Type: Mastercard\\nRef #: 33489917\\nAuth Code: VTLMC1\\n\\nTxn Amt $10.00\\nCash Discount $0.00\\n\\nTotal Authorized Amt $10.40\\n\\nOrder Number: 11518\\nOrder Date: 11/24/2020 12:00:00 AM\\nOrder Details: order details\\n\\nCUSTOMER ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT OF \\n GOODS AND/OR SERVICES IN THE AMOUNT \\n OF THE TOTAL SHOWN HEREON AND AGREES \\n TO PERFORM THE OBLIGATIONS SET FORTH \\n BY THE CUSTOMER`S AGREEMENT WITH THE \\n ISSUER\\n              APPROVED              \\n\\n                                    \\n                                    \\n\\n            Customer Copy\\n",
        "enhancedData": {},
        "card": {
            "first6": "548647",
            "last4": "9426",
            "cardNumber": "inkpSUbbYay59426",
            "cardNumberHashed": "OzF5YGq3YeBLnEeMpD5PXixZz2guba1nrzeZcnS+W1Q=",
            "cardHolderName": "John Doe",
            "cardType": "Mastercard",
            "expirationDate": "2025-12",
            "customer": {
                "guid": "0d701720-5407-4d95-ad35-29d7dc2c876b",
                "merchantGuid": "cd3d0150-819c-44b9-8efd-2fa248fcacce",
                "firstName": "John",
                "lastName": "Doe",
                "dateOfBirth": "1987-07-07T00:00:00",
                "address1": "107 7th Av.",
                "zip": "10007",
                "city": "New York",
                "state": "NY",
                "stateFullName": "New York",
                "country": "US",
                "phone": "9177563007",
                "email": "",
                "ssN4": "1210",
                "driverLicenseNumber": "12345678",
                "driverLicenseState": "TX",
                "driverLicenseExpirationDate": "2030-12-12T00:00:00",
                "dlStateFullName": "Texas",
                "personalPhone": "9177563007",
                "status": "Active",
                "displayName": "John Doe - 9177563007"
        "associateCustomerCard": true,
        "sequenceNumber": "8560001",
        "addressVerificationCode": "N",
        "addressVerificationResult": "No Match",
        "cvvVerificationCode": "M",
        "cvvVerificationResult": "Passed"
    "relatedSale": {
        "guid": "c17c69aa-571f-4956-b620-11fdce37b84a",
        "status": "Transaction - Approved",
        "batchStatus": "Batch - Open",
        "timeStamp": "2023-06-28T13:55:45.32-05:00",
        "deviceGuid": "397eb067-2ebf-4934-bbb4-ace4e4a6194e",
        "amount": 10.400,
        "effectiveAmount": 10.400,
        "dualPricingFeeAmount": 0.400,
        "grossAmount": 10.000,
        "cardDataSource": "INTERNET",
        "batchGuid": "9fca53a2-5d5b-44f0-bff3-b04f577405ce",
        "processorStatusCode": "A0000",
        "processorResponseMessage": "Success, HostRef#:  | TAMT: 10.4",
        "wasProcessed": true,
        "authCode": "VTLMC1",
        "refNumber": "33489917",
        "customerReceipt": "CHOICE MERCHANT SOLUTIONS       \\n          8320 S HARDY DR           \\n           TEMPE AZ 85284           \\n06/28/2023 11:55:45\\n\\n            CREDIT - SALE            \\n\\nCARD # : **** **** **** 9426\\nCARD TYPE :MASTERCARD\\nEntry Mode : MANUAL\\n\\nTRANSACTION ID : 33489917               \\nInvoice number : 11518                  \\nAUTH CODE : VTLMC1\\nSubtotal:                       $10.40\\n--------------------------------------\\nTotal:                          $10.40\\n--------------------------------------\\n\\n\\n\\n              John Doe              \\n\\n CUSTOMER ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT OF \\n GOODS AND/OR SERVICES IN THE AMOUNT \\n OF THE TOTAL SHOWN HEREON AND AGREES \\n TO PERFORM THE OBLIGATIONS SET FORTH \\n BY THE CUSTOMER`S AGREEMENT WITH THE \\n ISSUER\\n              APPROVED              \\n\\n                                    \\n                                    \\n\\n            Customer Copy",
        "generatedBy": "merchadmtest",
        "card": {
            "first6": "548647",
            "last4": "9426",
            "cardNumber": "inkpSUbbYay59426",
            "cardNumberHashed": "OzF5YGq3YeBLnEeMpD5PXixZz2guba1nrzeZcnS+W1Q=",
            "cardHolderName": "John Doe",
            "cardType": "Mastercard",
            "expirationDate": "2025-12",
            "customer": {
                "guid": "0d701720-5407-4d95-ad35-29d7dc2c876b",
                "merchantGuid": "cd3d0150-819c-44b9-8efd-2fa248fcacce",
                "firstName": "John",
                "lastName": "Doe",
                "dateOfBirth": "1987-07-07T00:00:00",
                "address1": "107 7th Av.",
                "zip": "10007",
                "city": "New York",
                "state": "NY",
                "stateFullName": "New York",
                "country": "US",
                "phone": "9177563007",
                "email": "",
                "ssN4": "1210",
                "driverLicenseNumber": "12345678",
                "driverLicenseState": "TX",
                "driverLicenseExpirationDate": "2030-12-12T00:00:00",
                "dlStateFullName": "Texas",
                "personalPhone": "9177563007",
                "status": "Active",
                "displayName": "John Doe - 9177563007"
        "hostedPaymentPageGuid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"

Json Example Error Response:

  "type": "",
  "title": "One or more validation errors occurred.",
  "status": 400,
  "traceId": "00-f68d0721a8ba8297ec49f34b747734f3-3847f3b8e10c085a-00",
  "errors": {
      "DeviceGuid": [
          "The field 'wrongGuid' is invalid."

This endpoint gets a capture.

HTTP Request


Headers using token

Key Value
Authorization Token. Eg: "Bearer eHSN5rTBzqDozgAAlN1UlTMVuIT1zSiAZWCo6E..."

Headers using API Key

Key Value
UserAuthorization API Key. Eg: "e516b6db-3230-4b1c-ae3f-e5379b774a80"

URL Parameters

Parameter Description
guid Capture’s guid to get



Create void

using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;

namespace ChoiceSample
    public class Void
        public static void CreateVoid()
                var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
                request.ContentType = "text/json";
                request.Method = "POST";

                var void1 = new
                    DeviceGuid = "b29725af-b067-4a35-9819-bbb31bdf8808",
                    SaleGuid = "c7a9a2a6-08bb-42c5-acc6-f20d39c7f5de",  
                    VoidReason = "DEVICE_TIMEOUT"

                string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(void1);

                request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer 1A089D6ziUybPZFQ3mpPyjt9OEx9yrCs7eQIC6V3A0lmXR2N6-seGNK16Gsnl3td6Ilfbr2Xf_EyukFXwnVEO3fYL-LuGw-L3c8WuaoxhPE8MMdlMPILJTIOV3lTGGdxbFXdKd9U03bbJ9TDUkqxHqq8_VyyjDrw7fs0YOob7bg0OovXTeWgIvZaIrSR1WFR06rYJ0DfWn-Inuf7re1-4SMOjY1ZoCelVwduWCBJpw1111cNbWtHJfObV8u1CVf0");
                request.ContentType = "application/json";
                request.Accept = "application/json";

                using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(request.GetRequestStream()))

                    var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
                        string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
                catch (WebException wex)
                    if (wex.Response != null)
                        using (var errorResponse = (HttpWebResponse)wex.Response)
                            using (var reader = new StreamReader(errorResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                                string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
            catch (IOException e)

Json Example Request:

  "DeviceGuid" : "b29725af-b067-4a35-9819-bbb31bdf8808",
  "SaleGuid": "c7a9a2a6-08bb-42c5-acc6-f20d39c7f5de",
  "VoidReason": "DEVICE_TIMEOUT",
  "SemiIntegrated": true

Json Example Response:

    "guid": "240410b2-4cf4-4d70-908f-eec4bd68fa96",
    "batchStatus": "Batch - Open",
    "timeStamp": "2023-06-28T13:57:13.97-05:00",
    "deviceGuid": "397eb067-2ebf-4934-bbb4-ace4e4a6194e",
    "saleGuid": "d892f30e-ad1a-4e5f-8fea-a63fbb28ddcd",
    "status": "Transaction - Approved",
    "voidReason": "DEVICE_TIMEOUT",
    "processorStatusCode": "A0000",
    "wasProcessed": true,
    "batchGuid": "9fca53a2-5d5b-44f0-bff3-b04f577405ce",
    "authCode": "VTLMC1",
    "refNumber": "33489989",
    "invoiceNumber": "11518",
    "customerReceipt": "      Value stated by the user      \\n          8320 S HARDY DR           \\n           TEMPE AZ 85284           \\n06/28/2023 11:57:13\\n\\n            CREDIT - VOID            \\n\\nCARD # : **** **** **** 0213\\nCARD TYPE :MASTERCARD\\nEntry Mode : MANUAL\\n\\nTRANSACTION ID : 33489989               \\nInvoice number : 11518                  \\nAUTH CODE : VTLMC1\\nVoid Amount:                    $20.54\\n--------------------------------------\\n\\n\\n\\n              John Doe              \\n\\n CUSTOMER ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT OF \\n GOODS AND/OR SERVICES IN THE AMOUNT \\n OF THE TOTAL SHOWN HEREON AND AGREES \\n TO PERFORM THE OBLIGATIONS SET FORTH \\n BY THE CUSTOMER`S AGREEMENT WITH THE \\n ISSUER\\n              APPROVED              \\n\\n                                    \\n                                    \\n\\n            Customer Copy            ",
    "sale": {
        "guid": "d892f30e-ad1a-4e5f-8fea-a63fbb28ddcd",
        "status": "Transaction - Approved",
        "batchStatus": "Batch - Open",
        "timeStamp": "2023-06-28T13:57:11.30-05:00",
        "deviceGuid": "397eb067-2ebf-4934-bbb4-ace4e4a6194e",
        "amount": 20.540,
        "currencyQuote": 1.000,
        "currency": "USD",
        "effectiveAmount": 0.000,
        "dualPricingFeeAmount": 0.400,
        "grossAmount": 20.140,
        "orderNumber": "11518",
        "orderDate": "2020-11-24T00:00:00.00-06:00",
        "cardDataSource": "INTERNET",
        "customerLabel": "Patient",
        "businessName": "Star Shoes California",
        "customerID": "xt147",
        "batchGuid": "9fca53a2-5d5b-44f0-bff3-b04f577405ce",
        "semiIntegrated": false,
        "processorStatusCode": "A0000",
        "processorResponseMessage": "Success, HostRef#: 317918750942",
        "wasProcessed": true,
        "authCode": "VTLMC1",
        "refNumber": "33489989",
        "customerReceipt": "Value stated by the user      \\n          8320 S HARDY DR           \\n           TEMPE AZ 85284\\n06/28/2023 14:06:11 \\n\\nCREDIT - SALE\\nTransaction - Approved\\n\\nJohn Doe\\nCard Number: **** **** **** 0213\\nCard Type: Mastercard\\nRef #: 33489989\\nAuth Code: VTLMC1\\n\\nTxn Amt $20.14\\nCash Discount $0.00\\n\\nTotal Amt $20.54\\n\\nOrder Number: 11518\\nCustomer Red Id: xt147\\nOrder Date: 11/24/2020 12:00:00 AM\\nOrder Details: order details\\n\\nCUSTOMER ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT OF \\n GOODS AND/OR SERVICES IN THE AMOUNT \\n OF THE TOTAL SHOWN HEREON AND AGREES \\n TO PERFORM THE OBLIGATIONS SET FORTH \\n BY THE CUSTOMER`S AGREEMENT WITH THE \\n ISSUER\\n              APPROVED              \\n\\n                                    \\n                                    \\n\\n            Customer Copy\\n",
        "statementDescription": "Value stated by the user",
        "customData": "order details",
        "generatedBy": "merchadmtest",
        "card": {
            "first6": "530676",
            "last4": "0213",
            "cardNumber": "1zcGT7J4pkGh0213",
            "cardNumberHashed": "1iyRPx5Pb41Bm/fFgMJiHVB+reM7mRKxHMl8feDVH7I=",
            "cardHolderName": "John Doe",
            "cardType": "Mastercard",
            "expirationDate": "2025-01",
            "customer": {
                "guid": "0d701720-5407-4d95-ad35-29d7dc2c876b",
                "merchantGuid": "cd3d0150-819c-44b9-8efd-2fa248fcacce",
                "firstName": "John",
                "lastName": "Doe",
                "dateOfBirth": "1987-07-07T00:00:00",
                "address1": "107 7th Av.",
                "zip": "10007",
                "city": "New York",
                "state": "NY",
                "stateFullName": "New York",
                "country": "US",
                "phone": "9177563007",
                "email": "",
                "ssN4": "1210",
                "driverLicenseNumber": "12345678",
                "driverLicenseState": "TX",
                "driverLicenseExpirationDate": "2030-12-12T00:00:00",
                "dlStateFullName": "Texas",
                "personalPhone": "9177563007",
                "status": "Active",
                "displayName": "John Doe - 9177563007"
        "associateCustomerCard": true,
        "eciFlag": "",
        "addressVerificationCode": "N",
        "addressVerificationResult": "No Match",
        "cvvVerificationCode": "M",
        "cvvVerificationResult": "Passed",
        "hostedPaymentPageGuid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
    "semiIntegrated": false

Json Example Error Response:

  "type": "",
  "title": "One or more validation errors occurred.",
  "status": 400,
  "traceId": "00-315d4e8941d534dbb8830a273fc3dcb8-b24e3b6f74c6d688-00",
  "errors": {
      "DeviceGuid": [
          "The field DeviceGuid is invalid."
      "VoidReason": [
          "The field VoidReason is invalid."
      "SaleReferenceNumber": [
          "The field SaleReferenceNumber is invalid."
      "AuthOnlyReferenceNumber": [
          "The field AuthOnlyReferenceNumber is invalid."

You can run a Void when you need to cancel a sale that has not been settled yet or an authOnly. To void a sale you need to provide the SaleGuid or SaleReferenceNumber that you received when you ran the Sale. To void an authOnly you need to provide the AuthOnlyGuid or AuthOnlyReferenceNumber that you received when you ran the authOnly.

This endpoint creates a void.

HTTP Request


Headers using token

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
Authorization Token. Eg: "Bearer eHSN5rTBzqDozgAAlN1UlTMVuIT1zSiAZWCo6E..."

Headers using API Key

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
UserAuthorization API Key. Eg: "e516b6db-3230-4b1c-ae3f-e5379b774a80"

Query Parameters

Parameter Type M/C/O Value
DeviceGuid string Mandatory Device’s Guid.
SaleGuid string Mandatory when SaleReferenceNumber, EbtFoodStampPurchasesGuid, EbtCashBenefitPurchasesGuid, AuthOnlyGuid and AuthOnlyReferenceNumber field are not sent Sale’s Guid.
SaleReferenceNumber string Mandatory when SaleGuid, EbtFoodStampPurchasesGuid, EbtCashBenefitPurchasesGuid, AuthOnlyGuid and AuthOnlyReferenceNumber field are not sent SaleReferenceNumber.Not allow special characters.
AuthOnlyGuid string Mandatory when SaleGuid, SaleReferenceNumber EbtFoodStampPurchasesGuid, EbtCashBenefitPurchasesGuid, and AuthOnlyReferenceNumber field are not sent AuthOnlyGuid’s Guid.
AuthOnlyReferenceNumber string Mandatory when SaleGuid, EbtFoodStampPurchasesGuid, EbtCashBenefitPurchasesGuid, SaleReferenceNumber and AuthOnlyGuid field are not sent AuthOnlyReferenceNumber. Not allow special characters.
EbtFoodStampPurchasesGuid string Mandatory when SaleGuid, SaleReferenceNumber, EbtCashBenefitPurchasesGuid and AuthOnlyGuid field are not sent EbtFoodStampPurchasesGuid.
EbtCashBenefitPurchasesGuid string Mandatory when SaleGuid, SaleReferenceNumber, EbtFoodStampPurchasesGuid and AuthOnlyGuid field are not sent EbtCashBenefitPurchasesGuid.
VoidReason string Optional Indicates the reason the transaction was voided.

Allowed values:


Note: Send either SaleGuid, SaleReferenceNumber, EbtFoodStampPurchasesGuid, EbtCashBenefitPurchasesGuid, AuthOnlyGuid or AuthOnlyReferenceNumber field in a request.


Get void

using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;

namespace ChoiceSample
    public class Void
        public static void GetVoid()
                var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
                request.Method = "GET";

                request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer 1A089D6ziUybPZFQ3mpPyjt9OEx9yrCs7eQIC6V3A0lmXR2N6-seGNK16Gsnl3td6Ilfbr2Xf_EyukFXwnVEO3fYL-LuGw-L3c8WuaoxhPE8MMdlMPILJTIOV3lTGGdxbFXdKd9U03bbJ9TDUkqxHqq8_VyyjDrw7fs0YOob7bg0OovXTeWgIvZaIrSR1WFR06rYJ0DfWn-Inuf7re1-4SMOjY1ZoCelVwduWCBJpw1111cNbWtHJfObV8u1CVf0");

                    var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
                        string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
                catch (WebException wex)
                    if (wex.Response != null)
                        using (var errorResponse = (HttpWebResponse)wex.Response)
                            using (var reader = new StreamReader(errorResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                                string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
            catch (IOException e)

Json Example Response:

    "guid": "b2641225-0f30-4bc2-93f5-242ce38caba2",
    "batchStatus": "Batch - Open",
    "timeStamp": "2023-06-28T13:58:43.99-05:00",
    "deviceGuid": "397eb067-2ebf-4934-bbb4-ace4e4a6194e",
    "saleGuid": "39da0157-b080-452c-b65a-3cd9b1ef2bde",
    "status": "Transaction - Approved",
    "voidReason": "DEVICE_TIMEOUT",
    "processorStatusCode": "A0000",
    "wasProcessed": true,
    "batchGuid": "9fca53a2-5d5b-44f0-bff3-b04f577405ce",
    "authCode": "VTLMC1",
    "refNumber": "33490035",
    "invoiceNumber": "11518",
    "customerReceipt": "      Value stated by the user      \\n          8320 S HARDY DR           \\n           TEMPE AZ 85284           \\n06/28/2023 11:58:43\\n\\n            CREDIT - VOID            \\n\\nCARD # : **** **** **** 0213\\nCARD TYPE :MASTERCARD\\nEntry Mode : MANUAL\\n\\nTRANSACTION ID : 33490035               \\nInvoice number : 11518                  \\nAUTH CODE : VTLMC1\\nVoid Amount:                    $20.54\\n--------------------------------------\\n\\n\\n\\n              John Doe              \\n\\n CUSTOMER ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT OF \\n GOODS AND/OR SERVICES IN THE AMOUNT \\n OF THE TOTAL SHOWN HEREON AND AGREES \\n TO PERFORM THE OBLIGATIONS SET FORTH \\n BY THE CUSTOMER`S AGREEMENT WITH THE \\n ISSUER\\n              APPROVED              \\n\\n                                    \\n                                    \\n\\n            Customer Copy            ",
    "sale": {
        "guid": "39da0157-b080-452c-b65a-3cd9b1ef2bde",
        "status": "Transaction - Approved",
        "batchStatus": "Batch - Open",
        "timeStamp": "2023-06-28T13:58:41.87-05:00",
        "deviceGuid": "397eb067-2ebf-4934-bbb4-ace4e4a6194e",
        "amount": 20.540,
        "currencyQuote": 1.000,
        "currency": "USD",
        "effectiveAmount": 0.000,
        "dualPricingFeeAmount": 0.400,
        "grossAmount": 20.140,
        "orderNumber": "11518",
        "orderDate": "2020-11-24T00:00:00.00-06:00",
        "cardDataSource": "INTERNET",
        "customerLabel": "Patient",
        "businessName": "Star Shoes California",
        "customerID": "xt147",
        "batchGuid": "9fca53a2-5d5b-44f0-bff3-b04f577405ce",
        "semiIntegrated": false,
        "processorStatusCode": "A0000",
        "processorResponseMessage": "Success, HostRef#: 317918752140",
        "wasProcessed": true,
        "authCode": "VTLMC1",
        "refNumber": "33490035",
        "customerReceipt": "Value stated by the user      \\n          8320 S HARDY DR           \\n           TEMPE AZ 85284\\n06/28/2023 14:06:41 \\n\\nCREDIT - SALE\\nTransaction - Approved\\n\\nJohn Doe\\nCard Number: **** **** **** 0213\\nCard Type: Mastercard\\nRef #: 33490035\\nAuth Code: VTLMC1\\n\\nTxn Amt $20.14\\nCash Discount $0.00\\n\\nTotal Amt $20.54\\n\\nOrder Number: 11518\\nCustomer Red Id: xt147\\nOrder Date: 11/24/2020 12:00:00 AM\\nOrder Details: order details\\n\\nCUSTOMER ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT OF \\n GOODS AND/OR SERVICES IN THE AMOUNT \\n OF THE TOTAL SHOWN HEREON AND AGREES \\n TO PERFORM THE OBLIGATIONS SET FORTH \\n BY THE CUSTOMER`S AGREEMENT WITH THE \\n ISSUER\\n              APPROVED              \\n\\n                                    \\n                                    \\n\\n            Customer Copy\\n",
        "statementDescription": "Value stated by the user",
        "customData": "order details",
        "generatedBy": "merchadmtest",
        "card": {
            "first6": "530676",
            "last4": "0213",
            "cardNumber": "1zcGT7J4pkGh0213",
            "cardNumberHashed": "1iyRPx5Pb41Bm/fFgMJiHVB+reM7mRKxHMl8feDVH7I=",
            "cardHolderName": "John Doe",
            "cardType": "Mastercard",
            "expirationDate": "2025-01",
            "customer": {
                "guid": "0d701720-5407-4d95-ad35-29d7dc2c876b",
                "merchantGuid": "cd3d0150-819c-44b9-8efd-2fa248fcacce",
                "firstName": "John",
                "lastName": "Doe",
                "dateOfBirth": "1987-07-07T00:00:00",
                "address1": "107 7th Av.",
                "zip": "10007",
                "city": "New York",
                "state": "NY",
                "stateFullName": "New York",
                "country": "US",
                "phone": "9177563007",
                "email": "",
                "ssN4": "1210",
                "driverLicenseNumber": "12345678",
                "driverLicenseState": "TX",
                "driverLicenseExpirationDate": "2030-12-12T00:00:00",
                "dlStateFullName": "Texas",
                "personalPhone": "9177563007",
                "status": "Active",
                "displayName": "John Doe - 9177563007"
        "associateCustomerCard": true,
        "eciFlag": "",
        "addressVerificationCode": "N",
        "addressVerificationResult": "No Match",
        "cvvVerificationCode": "M",
        "cvvVerificationResult": "Passed",
        "hostedPaymentPageGuid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
    "semiIntegrated": false

Json Example Error Response:

    "type": "",
    "title": "One or more validation errors occurred.",
    "status": 400,
    "traceId": "00-546395b993d26b2f474b0d8cf1293767-b4c0d2c4c046a431-00",
    "errors": {
        "guid": [
            "The value 'invalid guid' is not valid."

This endpoint gets a void.

HTTP Request


Headers using token

Key Value
Authorization Token. Eg: "Bearer eHSN5rTBzqDozgAAlN1UlTMVuIT1zSiAZWCo6E..."

Headers using API Key

Key Value
UserAuthorization API Key. Eg: "e516b6db-3230-4b1c-ae3f-e5379b774a80"

URL Parameters

Parameter Description
guid Void’s guid to get



Create return

using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;

namespace ChoiceSample
    public class Return
        public static void CreateReturn()
                var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
                request.ContentType = "text/json";
                request.Method = "POST";

                var returns = new
                    DeviceGuid = "b29725af-b067-4a35-9819-bbb31bdf8808",
                    SaleGuid = "b4084e11-884d-468c-84d9-614c5b986fde",
                    Amount = 19.74

                string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(returns);

                request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer 1A089D6ziUybPZFQ3mpPyjt9OEx9yrCs7eQIC6V3A0lmXR2N6-seGNK16Gsnl3td6Ilfbr2Xf_EyukFXwnVEO3fYL-LuGw-L3c8WuaoxhPE8MMdlMPILJTIOV3lTGGdxbFXdKd9U03bbJ9TDUkqxHqq8_VyyjDrw7fs0YOob7bg0OovXTeWgIvZaIrSR1WFR06rYJ0DfWn-Inuf7re1-4SMOjY1ZoCelVwduWCBJpw1111cNbWtHJfObV8u1CVf0");
                request.ContentType = "application/json";
                request.Accept = "application/json";

                using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(request.GetRequestStream()))

                    var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
                        string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
                catch (WebException wex)
                    if (wex.Response != null)
                        using (var errorResponse = (HttpWebResponse)wex.Response)
                            using (var reader = new StreamReader(errorResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                                string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
            catch (IOException e)

Json Example Request:

  "DeviceGuid" : "b29725af-b067-4a35-9819-bbb31bdf8808",
  "SaleGuid": "b4084e11-884d-468c-84d9-614c5b986fde",
  "Amount": 19.74

Json Example Response:

    "guid": "9517fa8f-e164-40b0-95db-f72954cf8d87",
    "batchStatus": "Batch - Open",
    "timeStamp": "2023-06-28T13:59:42.84-05:00",
    "deviceGuid": "397eb067-2ebf-4934-bbb4-ace4e4a6194e",
    "saleGuid": "91861125-e5c1-4a79-88f4-485b55e0eaed",
    "status": "Transaction - Approved",
    "amount": 19.740,
    "batchGuid": "9fca53a2-5d5b-44f0-bff3-b04f577405ce",
    "processorStatusCode": "A0014",
    "wasProcessed": true,
    "authCode": "VTLMC1",
    "refNumber": "33490083",
    "invoiceNumber": "",
    "customerReceipt": "Value stated by the user      \\n          8320 S HARDY DR           \\n           TEMPE AZ 85284\\n06/28/2023 14:06:42 \\n\\nCREDIT - VOID\\nTransaction - Approved\\n\\nJohn Doe\\nCard Number: **** **** **** 0213\\nCard Type: Mastercard\\nRef #: 33490083\\nAuth Code: VTLMC1\\n\\nTxn Amt $19.74\\n\\nTotal Amt $19.74\\n\\nOrder Number: 11518\\nOrder Date: 11/24/2020 12:00:00 AM\\n\\nCUSTOMER ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT OF \\n GOODS AND/OR SERVICES IN THE AMOUNT \\n OF THE TOTAL SHOWN HEREON AND AGREES \\n TO PERFORM THE OBLIGATIONS SET FORTH \\n BY THE CUSTOMER`S AGREEMENT WITH THE \\n ISSUER\\n              APPROVED              \\n\\n                                    \\n                                    \\n\\n            Customer Copy\\n",
    "sale": {
        "guid": "91861125-e5c1-4a79-88f4-485b55e0eaed",
        "status": "Transaction - Approved",
        "batchStatus": "Batch - Open",
        "timeStamp": "2023-06-28T13:59:42.34-05:00",
        "deviceGuid": "397eb067-2ebf-4934-bbb4-ace4e4a6194e",
        "amount": 20.540,
        "currencyQuote": 1.000,
        "currency": "USD",
        "effectiveAmount": 0.800,
        "dualPricingFeeAmount": 0.400,
        "grossAmount": 20.140,
        "orderNumber": "11518",
        "orderDate": "2020-11-24T00:00:00.00-06:00",
        "cardDataSource": "INTERNET",
        "customerLabel": "Patient",
        "businessName": "Star Shoes California",
        "customerID": "xt147",
        "batchGuid": "9fca53a2-5d5b-44f0-bff3-b04f577405ce",
        "semiIntegrated": false,
        "processorStatusCode": "A0000",
        "processorResponseMessage": "Success, HostRef#: 317918752268",
        "wasProcessed": true,
        "authCode": "VTLMC1",
        "refNumber": "33490079",
        "customerReceipt": "Value stated by the user      \\n          8320 S HARDY DR           \\n           TEMPE AZ 85284\\n06/28/2023 14:06:42 \\n\\nCREDIT - SALE\\nTransaction - Approved\\n\\nJohn Doe\\nCard Number: **** **** **** 0213\\nCard Type: Mastercard\\nRef #: 33490079\\nAuth Code: VTLMC1\\n\\nTxn Amt $20.14\\nCash Discount $0.00\\n\\nTotal Amt $20.54\\n\\nOrder Number: 11518\\nCustomer Red Id: xt147\\nOrder Date: 11/24/2020 12:00:00 AM\\nOrder Details: order details\\n\\nCUSTOMER ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT OF \\n GOODS AND/OR SERVICES IN THE AMOUNT \\n OF THE TOTAL SHOWN HEREON AND AGREES \\n TO PERFORM THE OBLIGATIONS SET FORTH \\n BY THE CUSTOMER`S AGREEMENT WITH THE \\n ISSUER\\n              APPROVED              \\n\\n                                    \\n                                    \\n\\n            Customer Copy\\n",
        "statementDescription": "Value stated by the user",
        "customData": "order details",
        "generatedBy": "merchadmtest",
        "card": {
            "first6": "530676",
            "last4": "0213",
            "cardNumber": "1zcGT7J4pkGh0213",
            "cardNumberHashed": "1iyRPx5Pb41Bm/fFgMJiHVB+reM7mRKxHMl8feDVH7I=",
            "cardHolderName": "John Doe",
            "cardType": "Mastercard",
            "expirationDate": "2025-01",
            "customer": {
                "guid": "0d701720-5407-4d95-ad35-29d7dc2c876b",
                "merchantGuid": "cd3d0150-819c-44b9-8efd-2fa248fcacce",
                "firstName": "John",
                "lastName": "Doe",
                "dateOfBirth": "1987-07-07T00:00:00",
                "address1": "107 7th Av.",
                "zip": "10007",
                "city": "New York",
                "state": "NY",
                "stateFullName": "New York",
                "country": "US",
                "phone": "9177563007",
                "email": "",
                "ssN4": "1210",
                "driverLicenseNumber": "12345678",
                "driverLicenseState": "TX",
                "driverLicenseExpirationDate": "2030-12-12T00:00:00",
                "dlStateFullName": "Texas",
                "personalPhone": "9177563007",
                "status": "Active",
                "displayName": "John Doe - 9177563007"
        "associateCustomerCard": true,
        "eciFlag": "",
        "addressVerificationCode": "N",
        "addressVerificationResult": "No Match",
        "cvvVerificationCode": "M",
        "cvvVerificationResult": "Passed",
        "hostedPaymentPageGuid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
    "currency": "USD",
    "generatedBy": "merchadmtest"

Json Example Error Response:

    "type": "",
    "title": "One or more validation errors occurred.",
    "status": 400,
    "traceId": "00-de875c3cd1b91a6e834ba6038b1aa233-05bb7d71b2329021-00",
    "errors": {
        "Amount": [
            "Amount can have 3 decimal places at most."

You can run a Return transaction when you need to refund either a partial or the full amount of a sale that has been settled. The Return amount doesn’t need to be the same as the total amount originally charged in the sale. To refund a sale you need to provide the SaleGuid or SaleReferenceNumber that you received when you ran the Sale.

This endpoint creates a return.

HTTP Request


Headers using token

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
Authorization Token. Eg: "Bearer eHSN5rTBzqDozgAAlN1UlTMVuIT1zSiAZWCo6E..."

Headers using API Key

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
UserAuthorization API Key. Eg: "e516b6db-3230-4b1c-ae3f-e5379b774a80"

Query Parameters

Parameter Type M/C/O Value
DeviceGuid string Mandatory Device’s Guid.
SaleGuid string Mandatory when SaleReferenceNumber field is not sent Sale’s Guid.
SaleReferenceNumber string Mandatory when SaleGuid field is not sent SaleReferenceNumber.
Amount decimal Mandatory Transaction's amount. Min. amt.: $0.50. Does not allow empty strings and up to 3 decimal places.

Note: Send either SaleGuid or SaleReferenceNumber field in a request.


Get return

using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;

namespace ChoiceSample
    public class Return
        public static void GetReturn()
                var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
                request.Method = "GET";

                request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer 1A089D6ziUybPZFQ3mpPyjt9OEx9yrCs7eQIC6V3A0lmXR2N6-seGNK16Gsnl3td6Ilfbr2Xf_EyukFXwnVEO3fYL-LuGw-L3c8WuaoxhPE8MMdlMPILJTIOV3lTGGdxbFXdKd9U03bbJ9TDUkqxHqq8_VyyjDrw7fs0YOob7bg0OovXTeWgIvZaIrSR1WFR06rYJ0DfWn-Inuf7re1-4SMOjY1ZoCelVwduWCBJpw1111cNbWtHJfObV8u1CVf0");

                    var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
                        string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
                catch (WebException wex)
                    if (wex.Response != null)
                        using (var errorResponse = (HttpWebResponse)wex.Response)
                            using (var reader = new StreamReader(errorResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                                string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
            catch (IOException e)

Json Example Response:

    "guid": "312b57d4-51ba-49ef-a229-2476f226834c",
    "batchStatus": "Batch - Open",
    "timeStamp": "2023-06-28T14:00:49.82-05:00",
    "deviceGuid": "397eb067-2ebf-4934-bbb4-ace4e4a6194e",
    "saleGuid": "4cb0582e-cfb7-4ae2-8c74-4f54f84efd7f",
    "status": "Transaction - Approved",
    "amount": 19.740,
    "batchGuid": "9fca53a2-5d5b-44f0-bff3-b04f577405ce",
    "processorStatusCode": "A0014",
    "wasProcessed": true,
    "authCode": "VTLMC1",
    "refNumber": "33490161",
    "invoiceNumber": "",
    "customerReceipt": "Value stated by the user      \\n          8320 S HARDY DR           \\n           TEMPE AZ 85284\\n06/28/2023 15:06:49 \\n\\nCREDIT - VOID\\nTransaction - Approved\\n\\nJohn Doe\\nCard Number: **** **** **** 0213\\nCard Type: Mastercard\\nRef #: 33490161\\nAuth Code: VTLMC1\\n\\nTxn Amt $19.74\\n\\nTotal Amt $19.74\\n\\nOrder Number: 11518\\nOrder Date: 11/24/2020 12:00:00 AM\\n\\nCUSTOMER ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT OF \\n GOODS AND/OR SERVICES IN THE AMOUNT \\n OF THE TOTAL SHOWN HEREON AND AGREES \\n TO PERFORM THE OBLIGATIONS SET FORTH \\n BY THE CUSTOMER`S AGREEMENT WITH THE \\n ISSUER\\n              APPROVED              \\n\\n                                    \\n                                    \\n\\n            Customer Copy\\n",
    "sale": {
        "guid": "4cb0582e-cfb7-4ae2-8c74-4f54f84efd7f",
        "status": "Transaction - Approved",
        "batchStatus": "Batch - Open",
        "timeStamp": "2023-06-28T14:00:49.36-05:00",
        "deviceGuid": "397eb067-2ebf-4934-bbb4-ace4e4a6194e",
        "amount": 20.540,
        "currencyQuote": 1.000,
        "currency": "USD",
        "effectiveAmount": 0.800,
        "dualPricingFeeAmount": 0.400,
        "grossAmount": 20.140,
        "orderNumber": "11518",
        "orderDate": "2020-11-24T00:00:00.00-06:00",
        "cardDataSource": "INTERNET",
        "customerLabel": "Patient",
        "businessName": "Star Shoes California",
        "customerID": "xt147",
        "batchGuid": "9fca53a2-5d5b-44f0-bff3-b04f577405ce",
        "semiIntegrated": false,
        "processorStatusCode": "A0000",
        "processorResponseMessage": "Success, HostRef#: 317919752363",
        "wasProcessed": true,
        "authCode": "VTLMC1",
        "refNumber": "33490159",
        "customerReceipt": "Value stated by the user      \\n          8320 S HARDY DR           \\n           TEMPE AZ 85284\\n06/28/2023 15:06:49 \\n\\nCREDIT - SALE\\nTransaction - Approved\\n\\nJohn Doe\\nCard Number: **** **** **** 0213\\nCard Type: Mastercard\\nRef #: 33490159\\nAuth Code: VTLMC1\\n\\nTxn Amt $20.14\\nCash Discount $0.00\\n\\nTotal Amt $20.54\\n\\nOrder Number: 11518\\nCustomer Red Id: xt147\\nOrder Date: 11/24/2020 12:00:00 AM\\nOrder Details: order details\\n\\nCUSTOMER ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT OF \\n GOODS AND/OR SERVICES IN THE AMOUNT \\n OF THE TOTAL SHOWN HEREON AND AGREES \\n TO PERFORM THE OBLIGATIONS SET FORTH \\n BY THE CUSTOMER`S AGREEMENT WITH THE \\n ISSUER\\n              APPROVED              \\n\\n                                    \\n                                    \\n\\n            Customer Copy\\n",
        "statementDescription": "Value stated by the user",
        "customData": "order details",
        "generatedBy": "merchadmtest",
        "card": {
            "first6": "530676",
            "last4": "0213",
            "cardNumber": "1zcGT7J4pkGh0213",
            "cardNumberHashed": "1iyRPx5Pb41Bm/fFgMJiHVB+reM7mRKxHMl8feDVH7I=",
            "cardHolderName": "John Doe",
            "cardType": "Mastercard",
            "expirationDate": "2025-01",
            "customer": {
                "guid": "0d701720-5407-4d95-ad35-29d7dc2c876b",
                "merchantGuid": "cd3d0150-819c-44b9-8efd-2fa248fcacce",
                "firstName": "John",
                "lastName": "Doe",
                "dateOfBirth": "1987-07-07T00:00:00",
                "address1": "107 7th Av.",
                "zip": "10007",
                "city": "New York",
                "state": "NY",
                "stateFullName": "New York",
                "country": "US",
                "phone": "9177563007",
                "email": "",
                "ssN4": "1210",
                "driverLicenseNumber": "12345678",
                "driverLicenseState": "TX",
                "driverLicenseExpirationDate": "2030-12-12T00:00:00",
                "dlStateFullName": "Texas",
                "personalPhone": "9177563007",
                "status": "Active",
                "displayName": "John Doe - 9177563007"
        "associateCustomerCard": true,
        "eciFlag": "",
        "addressVerificationCode": "N",
        "addressVerificationResult": "No Match",
        "cvvVerificationCode": "M",
        "cvvVerificationResult": "Passed",
        "hostedPaymentPageGuid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
    "currency": "USD",
    "generatedBy": "merchadmtest"

Json Example Error Response:

    "type": "",
    "title": "One or more validation errors occurred.",
    "status": 400,
    "traceId": "00-5495f1fc8f00492441a3b2540d309096-3c5ac05d4e3bf6d2-00",
    "errors": {
        "guid": [
            "The value 'wrongGuid' is not valid."

This endpoint gets a return.

HTTP Request


Headers using token

Key Value
Authorization Token. Eg: "Bearer eHSN5rTBzqDozgAAlN1UlTMVuIT1zSiAZWCo6E..."

Headers using API Key

Key Value
UserAuthorization API Key. Eg: "e516b6db-3230-4b1c-ae3f-e5379b774a80"

URL Parameters

Parameter Description
guid Return’s guid to get


Return EBT

Create return EBT

using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;

namespace ChoiceSample
    public class ReturnEBT
        public static void CreateReturnEBT()
                var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
                request.ContentType = "text/json";
                request.Method = "POST";

                var returns = new
                    DeviceGuid = "b29725af-b067-4a35-9819-bbb31bdf8808",
                    SaleGuid = "b4084e11-884d-468c-84d9-614c5b986fde",
                    Amount = 19.74

                string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ReturnEBT);

                request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer 1A089D6ziUybPZFQ3mpPyjt9OEx9yrCs7eQIC6V3A0lmXR2N6-seGNK16Gsnl3td6Ilfbr2Xf_EyukFXwnVEO3fYL-LuGw-L3c8WuaoxhPE8MMdlMPILJTIOV3lTGGdxbFXdKd9U03bbJ9TDUkqxHqq8_VyyjDrw7fs0YOob7bg0OovXTeWgIvZaIrSR1WFR06rYJ0DfWn-Inuf7re1-4SMOjY1ZoCelVwduWCBJpw1111cNbWtHJfObV8u1CVf0");
                request.ContentType = "application/json";
                request.Accept = "application/json";

                using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(request.GetRequestStream()))

                    var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
                        string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
                catch (WebException wex)
                    if (wex.Response != null)
                        using (var errorResponse = (HttpWebResponse)wex.Response)
                            using (var reader = new StreamReader(errorResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                                string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
            catch (IOException e)

Json Example Request:

  "DeviceGuid" : "b29725af-b067-4a35-9819-bbb31bdf8808",
  "ebtElectronicVoucherGuid": "b4084e11-884d-468c-84d9-614c5b986fde",
  "Amount": 19.74,
  "card" : {
    "ExpirationDate": "3012",
    "Track2Data": "4761739001010267=22121011317125989",
    "cardHolderName": "ExampleName",
    "pin": "1234567890234567",
    "pinKsn": "1234567890234567",
    "isSwiped": "true",
    "fcsID": "1234567"

Json Example Response:

    "guid": "9c0f41fe-afd1-46be-ada6-ba1a01b9b5af",
    "deviceGuid": "397eb067-2ebf-4934-bbb4-ace4e4a6194e",
    "ebtElectronicVoucherGuid": "9f849828-0231-44f9-9e10-27237c146c6c",
    "batchGuid": "9fca53a2-5d5b-44f0-bff3-b04f577405ce",
    "timeStamp": "2023-06-28T14:01:58.49-05:00",
    "batchStatus": "Batch - Open",
    "status": "Transaction - Approved",
    "amount": 7.000,
    "processorStatusCode": "A0000",
    "wasProcessed": true,
    "authCode": "TAS775",
    "refNumber": "33490221",
    "generatedBy": "merchadmtest",
    "ebtElectronicVoucher": {
        "effectiveAmount": 0.000,
        "balanceAmount": 1234.560,
        "ebtVoucherNumber": "123456789012345",
        "ebtVoucherApprovalCode": "123456",
        "guid": "9f849828-0231-44f9-9e10-27237c146c6c",
        "status": "Transaction - Approved",
        "batchStatus": "Batch - Open",
        "timeStamp": "2023-06-28T14:01:54.00-05:00",
        "deviceGuid": "397eb067-2ebf-4934-bbb4-ace4e4a6194e",
        "amount": 7.000,
        "batchGuid": "9fca53a2-5d5b-44f0-bff3-b04f577405ce",
        "semiIntegrated": false,
        "processorStatusCode": "A0000",
        "processorResponseMessage": "Success, HostRef#: 317933490219",
        "wasProcessed": true,
        "authCode": "TAS774",
        "refNumber": "33490219",
        "invoiceNumber": "33490219",
        "customerReceipt": "CHOICE MERCHANT SOLUTIONS       \\n          8320 S HARDY DR           \\n           TEMPE AZ 85284\\n06/28/2023 15:06:53 \\n\\nDEBIT - SALE\\nTransaction - Approved\\n\\nCard Number: **** **** **** \\nCard Type: n/a\\nRef #: 33490219\\nAuth Code: TAS774\\n\\nTxn Amt $7.00\\n\\nTotal Amt $7.00\\n\\n\\nCUSTOMER ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT OF \\n GOODS AND/OR SERVICES IN THE AMOUNT \\n OF THE TOTAL SHOWN HEREON AND AGREES \\n TO PERFORM THE OBLIGATIONS SET FORTH \\n BY THE CUSTOMER`S AGREEMENT WITH THE \\n ISSUER\\n              APPROVED              \\n\\n                                    \\n                                    \\n\\n            Customer Copy\\n",
        "generatedBy": "merchadmtest",
        "card": {
            "first6": "453980",
            "last4": "4136",
            "cardNumber": "CARD NOT TOKENIZED",
            "cardNumberHashed": "5zmMP7xvO7DUi03uFL/Nm+r49UVhzubW5KQflSaYmrY=",
            "cardType": "Visa",
            "expirationDate": "2030-12",
            "fcsId": "1234567",
            "cardDataSource": "INTERNET",
            "customer": {
                "guid": "c5ed7b38-782d-4efa-be03-2be1efb63f68",
                "merchantGuid": "cd3d0150-819c-44b9-8efd-2fa248fcacce",
                "firstName": "Javier",
                "lastName": "Choice Tech",
                "address1": "110 10th Av.",
                "zip": "10010",
                "city": "New York",
                "state": "NY",
                "country": "US",
                "phone": "9177563046",
                "email": "",
                "personalPhone": "9177563046",
                "status": "Active",
                "displayName": "Javier Choice Tech - 9177563046"

Json Example Error Response:

  "type": "",
  "title": "One or more validation errors occurred.",
  "status": 400,
  "traceId": "00-cdabd02f676530772de5e84e209fb890-c1e59fba1963af05-00",
  "errors": {
      "Amount": [
          "Amount can have 3 decimal places at most."
      "Card.CardNumber": [
          "The field CardNumber must be between 13 and 16 characters. is invalid."
      "Card.CardHolderName": [
          "The CardHolderName must be between 0 and 30 digits long"
      "Card.Cvv2": [
          "The field Cvv2 is invalid."
      "Card.ExpirationDate": [
          "The field ExpirationDate is invalid."

To be able to make a return, it is mandatory to have previously made a close batch. You can run a Return transaction when you need to refund either a partial or the full amount of a sale that has been settled. The Return amount doesn’t need to be the same as the total amount originally charged in the sale. To refund a sale you need to provide the SaleGuid or SaleReferenceNumber that you received when you ran the Sale.

This endpoint creates a EBT return.

HTTP Request


Headers using token

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
Authorization Token. Eg: "Bearer eHSN5rTBzqDozgAAlN1UlTMVuIT1zSiAZWCo6E..."

Headers using API Key

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
UserAuthorization API Key. Eg: "e516b6db-3230-4b1c-ae3f-e5379b774a80"

Query Parameters

Parameter Type M/C/O Value
DeviceGuid string Mandatory Device’s Guid.
ebtElectronicVoucherGuid string Mandatory depending on the corresponding EBT transaction EBT Electronic Voucher Guid Guid.
ebtFoodStampPurchasesGuid string Mandatory depending on the corresponding EBT transaction EBT Food Stamp Purchases Guid.
ebtCashBenefitPurchasesGuid string Mandatory depending on the corresponding EBT transaction EBT Cash Benefit Purchases Guid.
Amount decimal Mandatory Transaction's amount. Min. amt.: $0.50. Does not allow empty strings and up to 3 decimal places.
Card object Mandatory Card.
CardNumber string Mandatory Card number. Must be between 13 and 16 characters. (example: 4532538795426624) or token (example: FfL7exC7Xe2y6624).
CardHolderName string Optional Cardholder's name. Must be between 0 and 30 digits long.
Cvv2 string Optional This is the three or four digit CVV code at the back side of the credit and debit card.
ExpirationDate date Optional with Token Card's expiry date in the YYMM format.


Get return EBT

using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;

namespace ChoiceSample
    public class ReturnEBT
        public static void GetReturnEBT()
                var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
                request.Method = "GET";

                request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer 1A089D6ziUybPZFQ3mpPyjt9OEx9yrCs7eQIC6V3A0lmXR2N6-seGNK16Gsnl3td6Ilfbr2Xf_EyukFXwnVEO3fYL-LuGw-L3c8WuaoxhPE8MMdlMPILJTIOV3lTGGdxbFXdKd9U03bbJ9TDUkqxHqq8_VyyjDrw7fs0YOob7bg0OovXTeWgIvZaIrSR1WFR06rYJ0DfWn-Inuf7re1-4SMOjY1ZoCelVwduWCBJpw1111cNbWtHJfObV8u1CVf0");

                    var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
                        string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
                catch (WebException wex)
                    if (wex.Response != null)
                        using (var errorResponse = (HttpWebResponse)wex.Response)
                            using (var reader = new StreamReader(errorResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                                string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
            catch (IOException e)

Json Example Response:

    "guid": "0a24ccb5-79cf-45ae-ba2c-eab835638f29",
    "deviceGuid": "397eb067-2ebf-4934-bbb4-ace4e4a6194e",
    "ebtElectronicVoucherGuid": "b87358d0-b7c8-455b-b950-be7cf3887d79",
    "batchGuid": "9fca53a2-5d5b-44f0-bff3-b04f577405ce",
    "timeStamp": "2023-06-28T14:03:04.35-05:00",
    "batchStatus": "Batch - Open",
    "status": "Transaction - Approved",
    "amount": 7.000,
    "processorStatusCode": "A0000",
    "wasProcessed": true,
    "authCode": "TAS777",
    "refNumber": "33490267",
    "generatedBy": "merchadmtest",
    "ebtElectronicVoucher": {
        "effectiveAmount": 0.000,
        "balanceAmount": 1234.560,
        "ebtVoucherNumber": "123456789012345",
        "ebtVoucherApprovalCode": "123456",
        "guid": "b87358d0-b7c8-455b-b950-be7cf3887d79",
        "status": "Transaction - Approved",
        "batchStatus": "Batch - Open",
        "timeStamp": "2023-06-28T14:03:02.17-05:00",
        "deviceGuid": "397eb067-2ebf-4934-bbb4-ace4e4a6194e",
        "amount": 7.000,
        "batchGuid": "9fca53a2-5d5b-44f0-bff3-b04f577405ce",
        "semiIntegrated": false,
        "processorStatusCode": "A0000",
        "processorResponseMessage": "Success, HostRef#: 317933490265",
        "wasProcessed": true,
        "authCode": "TAS776",
        "refNumber": "33490265",
        "invoiceNumber": "33490265",
        "customerReceipt": "CHOICE MERCHANT SOLUTIONS       \\n          8320 S HARDY DR           \\n           TEMPE AZ 85284\\n06/28/2023 15:06:02 \\n\\nDEBIT - SALE\\nTransaction - Approved\\n\\nCard Number: **** **** **** \\nCard Type: n/a\\nRef #: 33490265\\nAuth Code: TAS776\\n\\nTxn Amt $7.00\\n\\nTotal Amt $7.00\\n\\n\\nCUSTOMER ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT OF \\n GOODS AND/OR SERVICES IN THE AMOUNT \\n OF THE TOTAL SHOWN HEREON AND AGREES \\n TO PERFORM THE OBLIGATIONS SET FORTH \\n BY THE CUSTOMER`S AGREEMENT WITH THE \\n ISSUER\\n              APPROVED              \\n\\n                                    \\n                                    \\n\\n            Customer Copy\\n",
        "generatedBy": "merchadmtest",
        "card": {
            "first6": "453980",
            "last4": "4136",
            "cardNumber": "CARD NOT TOKENIZED",
            "cardNumberHashed": "5zmMP7xvO7DUi03uFL/Nm+r49UVhzubW5KQflSaYmrY=",
            "cardType": "Visa",
            "expirationDate": "2030-12",
            "fcsId": "1234567",
            "cardDataSource": "INTERNET",
            "customer": {
                "guid": "c5ed7b38-782d-4efa-be03-2be1efb63f68",
                "merchantGuid": "cd3d0150-819c-44b9-8efd-2fa248fcacce",
                "firstName": "Javier",
                "lastName": "Choice Tech",
                "address1": "110 10th Av.",
                "zip": "10010",
                "city": "New York",
                "state": "NY",
                "country": "US",
                "phone": "9177563046",
                "email": "",
                "personalPhone": "9177563046",
                "status": "Active",
                "displayName": "Javier Choice Tech - 9177563046"

Json Example Error Response:

    "type": "",
    "title": "One or more validation errors occurred.",
    "status": 400,
    "traceId": "00-5495f1fc8f00492441a3b2540d309096-3c5ac05d4e3bf6d2-00",
    "errors": {
        "guid": [
            "The value 'wrongGuid' is not valid."

This endpoint gets a return EBT.

HTTP Request


Headers using token

Key Value
Authorization Token. Eg: "Bearer eHSN5rTBzqDozgAAlN1UlTMVuIT1zSiAZWCo6E..."

Headers using API Key

Key Value
UserAuthorization API Key. Eg: "e516b6db-3230-4b1c-ae3f-e5379b774a80"

URL Parameters

Parameter Description
guid Return’s guid to get



Create verify

using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;

namespace ChoiceSample
    public class Verify
        public static void CreateVerify()
                var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
                request.ContentType = "text/json";
                request.Method = "POST";

                var verify = new
                    DeviceGuid = "b29725af-b067-4a35-9819-bbb31bdf8808",
                    Card = new
                        CardNumber = "4532922657097402",
                        CardHolderName = "Justin Troudeau",
                        Cvv2 = "999",
                        ExpirationDate = "2012",
                        Customer = new
                            FirstName = "Justin",
                            LastName = "Troudeau",
                            Phone = "9177563051",
                            City = "New York",
                            State = "NY",
                            Country = "US",
                            Email = "",
                            Address1 = "111 11th Av.",
                            Address2 = "",
                            Zip = "10011",
                            DateOfBirth = "1991-11-11",
                            DriverLicenseNumber = "12345678",
                            DriverLicenseState = "TX",
                            SSN4 = "1210"

                string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(verify);

                request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer 1A089D6ziUybPZFQ3mpPyjt9OEx9yrCs7eQIC6V3A0lmXR2N6-seGNK16Gsnl3td6Ilfbr2Xf_EyukFXwnVEO3fYL-LuGw-L3c8WuaoxhPE8MMdlMPILJTIOV3lTGGdxbFXdKd9U03bbJ9TDUkqxHqq8_VyyjDrw7fs0YOob7bg0OovXTeWgIvZaIrSR1WFR06rYJ0DfWn-Inuf7re1-4SMOjY1ZoCelVwduWCBJpw1111cNbWtHJfObV8u1CVf0");
                request.ContentType = "application/json";
                request.Accept = "application/json";

                using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(request.GetRequestStream()))

                    var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
                        string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
                catch (WebException wex)
                    if (wex.Response != null)
                        using (var errorResponse = (HttpWebResponse)wex.Response)
                            using (var reader = new StreamReader(errorResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                                string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
            catch (IOException e)

Json Example Request:

  "DeviceGuid" : "b29725af-b067-4a35-9819-bbb31bdf8808",
    "CardNumber" : "4532922657097402",
    "CardHolderName" : "Justin Troudeau",
    "Cvv2" : "999",
    "ExpirationDate" : "2012",
      "FirstName" : "Justin",
      "LastName" : "Troudeau",
      "Phone" : "9177563051",
      "City" : "New York",
      "State" : "NY",
      "Country" : "US",
      "Email" : "",
      "Address1" : "111 11th Av.",
      "Address2" : "",
      "Zip" : "10011",
      "DateOfBirth" : "1991-11-11",
      "DriverLicenseNumber" : "12345678",
      "DriverLicenseState" : "TX",
      "SSN4" : "1210"

Json Example Response:

    "guid": "95eef4fc-bc5f-4982-8a7d-463a157953ad",
    "status": "Transaction - Approved",
    "timeStamp": "2023-06-28T14:04:20.23-05:00",
    "deviceGuid": "397eb067-2ebf-4934-bbb4-ace4e4a6194e",
    "card": {
        "first6": "453292",
        "last4": "7402",
        "cardNumber": "hNDbeGr7VBgY7402",
        "cardNumberHashed": "aovVE7DlGvPWcCaOBkpyYjxMwqLQKVYbAzkn3/KiJNE=",
        "cardHolderName": "Justin Troudeau",
        "cardType": "Visa",
        "expirationDate": "2025-12",
        "customer": {
            "guid": "f187a416-aff9-4d72-8b5f-725a0acfcf0e",
            "merchantGuid": "cd3d0150-819c-44b9-8efd-2fa248fcacce",
            "firstName": "Justin",
            "lastName": "Troudeau",
            "dateOfBirth": "1991-11-11T00:00:00",
            "address1": "111 11th Av.",
            "zip": "10011",
            "city": "New York",
            "state": "NY",
            "stateFullName": "New York",
            "country": "US",
            "phone": "9177563051",
            "email": "",
            "ssN4": "1210",
            "driverLicenseNumber": "12345678",
            "driverLicenseState": "TX",
            "dlStateFullName": "Texas",
            "personalPhone": "9177563051",
            "status": "Active",
            "displayName": "Justin Troudeau - 9177563051"
    "cardDataSource": "INTERNET",
    "processorStatusCode": "A0000",
    "wasProcessed": true

Json Example Error Response:

    "type": "",
    "title": "One or more validation errors occurred.",
    "status": 400,
    "traceId": "00-f7b4fbbb7f311ed1265ca490b109d9de-172e4fbb04986ded-00",
    "errors": {
        "Card": [
            "The Card field is required."
        "Card.CardNumber": [
            "The field CardNumber must be between 13 and 16 characters. is invalid."
        "Card.CardHolderName": [
            "The CardHolderName must be between 0 and 30 digits long"
        "Card.Cvv2": [
            "The field Cvv2 is invalid."
        "Card.ExpirationDate": [
            "The field ExpirationDate is invalid."
        "Card.Customer.FirstName": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 100",
            "The field FirstName is invalid."
        "Card.Customer.LastName": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 100",
            "The field LastName is invalid."
        "Card.Customer.Address1": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 100",
            "The field Address1 is invalid."
        "Card.Customer.City": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 50"
        "Card.Customer.State": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 2",
            "The field State is invalid."
        "Card.Customer.Email": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 1000"
        "Card.Customer.SsN4": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 4",
            "The field SsN4 is invalid."
        "Card.Customer.Zip": [
            "The Zip must be between 0 and 10 characters long",
            "The field Zip is invalid."
        "Card.Customer.DriverLicenseNumber": [
            "The field DriverLicenseNumber is invalid.",
            "Field maximum length must be less than 25",
            "Only letters, numbers, asterisc, ampersand, @ and hyphen are allowed"
        "Card.Customer.DriverLicenseState": [
            "The field DriverLicenseState is invalid."
        "Card.Customer.Phone": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 10",
            "Invalid phone number. Must be 10 digits numbers only no special characters."
        "Card.Customer.Country": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 50",
            "The field Country is invalid."

The Verify transaction is used when you want to know if the card data you have is valid and it’s ready to run other transactions like Auth Only or Sale. Therefore we are talking about a $0.00 amount transaction, no money is moved.

This endpoint creates a verify.

HTTP Request


Headers using token

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
Authorization Token. Eg: "Bearer eHSN5rTBzqDozgAAlN1UlTMVuIT1zSiAZWCo6E..."

Headers using API Key

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
UserAuthorization API Key. Eg: "e516b6db-3230-4b1c-ae3f-e5379b774a80"

Query Parameters

Parameter Type M/C/O Value
DeviceGuid string Mandatory Device’s Guid.
CardNumber string Mandatory Card number. Must be between 13 and 16 characters. (example: 4532538795426624) or token (example: FfL7exC7Xe2y6624).
CardHolderName string Optional Cardholder's name. Must be between 0 and 30 digits long.
Cvv2 string Optional This is the three or four digit CVV code at the back side of the credit and debit card.
ExpirationDate date Optional with Token Card's expiry date in the YYMM format.
Customer object Optional Customer.
FirstName string Optional Customer's first name. Max length = 100.
LastName string Optional Customer's last name. Max length = 100.
Phone string Optional Customer's phone number. The phone number must be syntactically correct. For example, 4152345678. Must be 10 digits numbers only, no special characters.
City string Optional Customer's city. Max length = 50.
State string Optional Customer's short name state. The ISO 3166-2 CA and US state or province code of a customer. Length = 2.
Country string Optional Customer's country. The ISO country code of a customer’s country. Length = 2 or 3.
Email string Optional Customer's valid email address. Max length = 1000.
Address1 string Optional Customer's address. Max length = 100.
Address2 string Optional Customer's address line 2. Max length = 100.
Zip string Optional Customer's zipcode. Length = 5.
DateOfBirth date Optional Customer's date of birth.

Allowed format:

For example: 2002-05-30
DriverLicenseNumber string Optional Customer's driver license number. Not allow special characters. Max length = 25.
DriverLicenseState string Mandatory when DriverLicenseNumber is provided Customer's driver license short name state. The ISO 3166-2 CA and US state or province code of a customer. Length = 2.
SSN4 string Mandatory when DOB is not submitted Customer's social security number. Max length = 4.


Get verify

using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;

namespace ChoiceSample
    public class Verify
        public static void GetVerify()
                var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
                request.Method = "GET";

                request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer 1A089D6ziUybPZFQ3mpPyjt9OEx9yrCs7eQIC6V3A0lmXR2N6-seGNK16Gsnl3td6Ilfbr2Xf_EyukFXwnVEO3fYL-LuGw-L3c8WuaoxhPE8MMdlMPILJTIOV3lTGGdxbFXdKd9U03bbJ9TDUkqxHqq8_VyyjDrw7fs0YOob7bg0OovXTeWgIvZaIrSR1WFR06rYJ0DfWn-Inuf7re1-4SMOjY1ZoCelVwduWCBJpw1111cNbWtHJfObV8u1CVf0");

                    var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
                        string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
                catch (WebException wex)
                    if (wex.Response != null)
                        using (var errorResponse = (HttpWebResponse)wex.Response)
                            using (var reader = new StreamReader(errorResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                                string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
            catch (IOException e)


Json Example Response:

    "guid": "513bdd0f-5be8-4717-b4b5-644bb536c058",
    "status": "Transaction - Approved",
    "timeStamp": "2023-06-28T14:04:23.36-05:00",
    "deviceGuid": "397eb067-2ebf-4934-bbb4-ace4e4a6194e",
    "card": {
        "first6": "453292",
        "last4": "7402",
        "cardNumber": "hNDbeGr7VBgY7402",
        "cardNumberHashed": "aovVE7DlGvPWcCaOBkpyYjxMwqLQKVYbAzkn3/KiJNE=",
        "cardHolderName": "Justin Troudeau",
        "cardType": "Visa",
        "expirationDate": "2025-12",
        "customer": {
            "guid": "f187a416-aff9-4d72-8b5f-725a0acfcf0e",
            "merchantGuid": "cd3d0150-819c-44b9-8efd-2fa248fcacce",
            "firstName": "Justin",
            "lastName": "Troudeau",
            "dateOfBirth": "1991-11-11T00:00:00",
            "address1": "111 11th Av.",
            "zip": "10011",
            "city": "New York",
            "state": "NY",
            "country": "US",
            "phone": "9177563051",
            "email": "",
            "ssN4": "1210",
            "driverLicenseNumber": "12345678",
            "personalPhone": "9177563051",
            "status": "Active",
            "displayName": "Justin Troudeau - 9177563051"
    "cardDataSource": "INTERNET",
    "processorStatusCode": "A0000",
    "wasProcessed": true

Json Example Error Response:

    "type": "",
    "title": "One or more validation errors occurred.",
    "status": 400,
    "traceId": "00-5495f1fc8f00492441a3b2540d309096-3c5ac05d4e3bf6d2-00",
    "errors": {
        "guid": [
            "The value 'wrongGuid' is not valid."

This endpoint gets a verify.

HTTP Request


Headers using token

Key Value
Authorization Token. Eg: "Bearer eHSN5rTBzqDozgAAlN1UlTMVuIT1zSiAZWCo6E..."

Headers using API Key

Key Value
UserAuthorization API Key. Eg: "e516b6db-3230-4b1c-ae3f-e5379b774a80"

URL Parameters

Parameter Description
guid Verify’s guid to get



Create tokenization

using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;

namespace ChoiceSample
    public class Tokenization
        public static void CreateTokenization()
                var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
                request.ContentType = "text/json";
                request.Method = "POST";

                var tokenization = new
                    DeviceGuid = "F050E264-EABF-433E-8C81-916DFE110159",
                    Card = new
                        CardNumber = "4024007194311436",
                        CardHolderName = "John Doe",
                        ExpirationDate = "2507",
                        Customer = new
                            FirstName = "John",
                            LastName = "Doe"

                string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(tokenization);

                request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer 1A089D6ziUybPZFQ3mpPyjt9OEx9yrCs7eQIC6V3A0lmXR2N6-seGNK16Gsnl3td6Ilfbr2Xf_EyukFXwnVEO3fYL-LuGw-L3c8WuaoxhPE8MMdlMPILJTIOV3lTGGdxbFXdKd9U03bbJ9TDUkqxHqq8_VyyjDrw7fs0YOob7bg0OovXTeWgIvZaIrSR1WFR06rYJ0DfWn-Inuf7re1-4SMOjY1ZoCelVwduWCBJpw1111cNbWtHJfObV8u1CVf0");
                request.ContentType = "application/json";
                request.Accept = "application/json";

                using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(request.GetRequestStream()))

                    var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
                        string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
                catch (WebException wex)
                    if (wex.Response != null)
                        using (var errorResponse = (HttpWebResponse)wex.Response)
                            using (var reader = new StreamReader(errorResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                                string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
            catch (IOException e)

Json Example Request:

    "DeviceGuid": "F050E264-EABF-433E-8C81-916DFE110159",
    "Card": {
        "CardNumber": "4024007194311436",
        "CardHolderName": "John Doe",
        "ExpirationDate": "2507",
        "Customer": {
            "FirstName": "John",
            "LastName": "Doe"

Json Example Response:

    "guid": "a2b8842a-a248-4759-ad71-9607a472e7cc",
    "status": "Transaction - Approved",
    "timeStamp": "2021-07-16T15:36:07.31",
    "deviceGuid": "F050E264-EABF-433E-8C81-916DFE110159",
    "cardDataSource": "INTERNET",
    "processorStatusCode": "A0000",
    "card": {
        "first6": "402400",
        "last4": "1436",
        "cardNumber": "XR6ngXrNGdD31436",
        "cardHolderName": "John Doe",
        "cardType": "Visa",
        "expirationDate": "2025-07"

Json Example Error Response:

    "type": "",
    "title": "One or more validation errors occurred.",
    "status": 400,
    "traceId": "00-1e6f082a8f7d73cfefb5b1b35aaa3952-4d73978c4c4b8ff9-00",
    "errors": {
        "Card": [
            "The Card field is required."
        "Card.CardHolderName": [
            "The CardHolderName must be between 0 and 30 digits long"
        "Card.ExpirationDate": [
            "ExpirationDate Must be in the format of YYMM"
        "Card.Customer.LastName": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 100",
            "The field LastName is invalid."
        "Card.Customer.FirstName": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 100",
            "The field FirstName is invalid."

The Tokenization service is used when you want to obtain a tokenized value of the card number but no validation to be performed at the issuing bank.

This endpoint creates a tokenization.

HTTP Request


Headers using token

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
Authorization Token. Eg: "Bearer eHSN5rTBzqDozgAAlN1UlTMVuIT1zSiAZWCo6E..."

Headers using API Key

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
UserAuthorization API Key. Eg: "e516b6db-3230-4b1c-ae3f-e5379b774a80"

Query Parameters

Parameter Type M/C/O Value
DeviceGuid string Mandatory Device’s Guid.
CardNumber string Mandatory Card number. Must be between 13 and 16 characters.
CardHolderName string Optional Cardholder's name. Must be between 0 and 30 digits long
ExpirationDate date Mandatory Card's expiry date in the YYMM format.
Customer object Optional Customer.
FirstName string Optional Customer's first name. Only letters. Max length = 100.
LastName string Optional Customer's last name. Only letters. Max length = 100.


Recurring Billing

Create recurring billing

using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;

namespace ChoiceSample
    public class RecurringBilling
        public static void CreateRecurringBilling()
                var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
                request.ContentType = "text/json";
                request.Method = "POST";

                var recurringBilling = new
                    DeviceGuid = "b29725af-b067-4a35-9819-bbb31bdf8808",
                    Amount = 10.50,
                    Interval = "monthly",
                    IntervalValue = "april, may, june",
                    StartDate = "2021-05-13T00:00:01.000Z",
                    EndDate = "2023-04-01T00:00:01.000Z",
                    PaymentCount = "",
                    ScheduleNotes = "Cable",
                    Description = "Description",
                    Card = new
                        CardNumber = "4556395004716019",
                        CardHolderName = "John Doe",
                        Cvv2 = "999",
                        ExpirationDate = "2012",
                        Customer = new
                            FirstName = "John",
                            LastName = "Doe",
                            Phone = "9865123654",
                            City = "New York",
                            State = "NY",
                            Country = "US",
                            Email = "",
                            Address1 = "12th Ave. 5472",
                            Address2 = "",
                            Zip = "10003",
                            DateOfBirth = "1989-10-01T00:00:01.000Z",
                            DriverLicenseNumber = "12345678",
                            DriverLicenseExpDate = "2024-10-10",
                            DriverLicenseState = "TX",
                            SSN4 = "1210"

                string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(recurringBilling);

                request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer 1A089D6ziUybPZFQ3mpPyjt9OEx9yrCs7eQIC6V3A0lmXR2N6-seGNK16Gsnl3td6Ilfbr2Xf_EyukFXwnVEO3fYL-LuGw-L3c8WuaoxhPE8MMdlMPILJTIOV3lTGGdxbFXdKd9U03bbJ9TDUkqxHqq8_VyyjDrw7fs0YOob7bg0OovXTeWgIvZaIrSR1WFR06rYJ0DfWn-Inuf7re1-4SMOjY1ZoCelVwduWCBJpw1111cNbWtHJfObV8u1CVf0");
                request.ContentType = "application/json";
                request.Accept = "application/json";

                using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(request.GetRequestStream()))

                    var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
                        string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
                catch (WebException wex)
                    if (wex.Response != null)
                        using (var errorResponse = (HttpWebResponse)wex.Response)
                            using (var reader = new StreamReader(errorResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                                string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
            catch (IOException e)

Json Example Request:

  "DeviceGuid" : "b29725af-b067-4a35-9819-bbb31bdf8808",
  "Amount" : 10.50,
  "Interval" : "monthly",
  "IntervalValue" : "april, may, june",
  "StartDate" : "2021-05-13",
  "EndDate" : "2023-04-01",
  "PaymentCount" : "",
  "ScheduleNotes" : "Cable",
  "Description" : "Description",
    "CardNumber" : "4556395004716019",
    "CardHolderName" : "John Doe",
    "Cvv2" : "999",
    "ExpirationDate" : "2012",
      "FirstName" : "John",
      "LastName" : "Doe",
      "Phone" : "9865123654",
      "City" : "New York",
      "State" : "NY",
      "Country" : "US",
      "Email" : "",
      "Address1" : "12th Ave. 5472",
      "Address2" : "",
      "Zip" : "10003",
      "DateOfBirth" : "1989-10-01T00:00:01.000Z",
      "DriverLicenseNumber" : "12345678",
      "DriverLicenseState" : "TX",
      "SSN4" : "1210"

Json Example Response:

    "guid": "a0acdb65-8817-4079-b8e4-66078dcebbac",
    "deviceGuid": "397eb067-2ebf-4934-bbb4-ace4e4a6194e",
    "status": "RecurringBilling - Active",
    "interval": "monthly",
    "intervalValue": "april, may, june",
    "amount": 10.500,
    "recurringBillingNumber": "65968078",
    "createdDate": "2023-06-28T14:10:09.27-05:00",
    "startDate": "2024-05-13T00:00:00.00-05:00",
    "endDate": "2024-07-01T00:00:00.00-05:00",
    "scheduleNotes": "Cable",
    "description": "Description",
    "merchantProductListGuid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
    "invoiceGuid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
    "merchantProductListTotalAmount": 0.000,
    "merchantGuid": "cd3d0150-819c-44b9-8efd-2fa248fcacce",
    "processorStatusCode": "OK",
    "processorResponseMessage": "Recurring billing scheduled. Payment Count: 2. First payment: Monday, May 13, 2024. Last payment: Thursday, June 13, 2024.",
    "wasProcessed": true,
    "card": {
        "first6": "455639",
        "last4": "6019",
        "cardNumber": "7hEtLJIhooTE6019",
        "cardNumberHashed": "wLJfShYSYRTsa1IDvxa7FRgNGLgGd0e6mCRj8C7EoPk=",
        "cardHolderName": "John Doe",
        "cardType": "Visa",
        "expirationDate": "2025-12",
        "cardDataSource": "INTERNET",
        "customer": {
            "guid": "0d701720-5407-4d95-ad35-29d7dc2c876b",
            "merchantGuid": "cd3d0150-819c-44b9-8efd-2fa248fcacce",
            "firstName": "John",
            "lastName": "Doe",
            "dateOfBirth": "1987-07-07T00:00:00",
            "address1": "107 7th Av.",
            "zip": "10007",
            "city": "New York",
            "state": "NY",
            "stateFullName": "New York",
            "country": "US",
            "phone": "9177563007",
            "email": "",
            "ssN4": "1210",
            "driverLicenseNumber": "12345678",
            "driverLicenseState": "TX",
            "driverLicenseExpirationDate": "2030-12-12T00:00:00",
            "dlStateFullName": "Texas",
            "personalPhone": "9177563007",
            "status": "Active",
            "displayName": "John Doe - 9177563007"
    "merchantProcessorAccountGuid": "596c06da-7c03-431c-a50d-3c77f1bd1a15",
    "startDateParsed": "2024-05-13",
    "endDateParsed": "2024-07-01",
    "customer": {
        "guid": "0d701720-5407-4d95-ad35-29d7dc2c876b",
        "merchantGuid": "cd3d0150-819c-44b9-8efd-2fa248fcacce",
        "firstName": "John",
        "lastName": "Doe",
        "dateOfBirth": "1987-07-07T00:00:00",
        "address1": "107 7th Av.",
        "zip": "10007",
        "city": "New York",
        "state": "NY",
        "stateFullName": "New York",
        "country": "US",
        "phone": "9177563007",
        "email": "",
        "ssN4": "1210",
        "driverLicenseNumber": "12345678",
        "driverLicenseState": "TX",
        "driverLicenseExpirationDate": "2030-12-12T00:00:00",
        "dlStateFullName": "Texas",
        "personalPhone": "9177563007",
        "status": "Active",
        "displayName": "John Doe - 9177563007"
    "scheduleAndPayments": [
            "scheduledPaymentDate": "2024-05-13T00:00:00.00-05:00",
            "scheduledPaymentDateDayOfWeek": "Monday",
            "scheduledPaymentNumber": 1,
            "scheduledWasProcessed": false
            "scheduledPaymentDate": "2024-06-13T00:00:00.00-05:00",
            "scheduledPaymentDateDayOfWeek": "Thursday",
            "scheduledPaymentNumber": 2,
            "scheduledWasProcessed": false

Json Example Error Response:

    "type": "",
    "title": "One or more validation errors occurred.",
    "status": 400,
    "traceId": "00-1a77db26404f2e8d70f0673ffb26765b-783ede07eea154f0-00",
    "errors": {
        "$.DeviceGuid": [
            "The JSON value could not be converted to System.Nullable`1[System.Guid]. Path: $.DeviceGuid | LineNumber: 1 | BytePositionInLine: 33."
        "$.Amount": [
            "Amount should be equal or greater than zero",
            "Unable to parse testText to Decimal",
            "The JSON value could not be converted to System.Decimal. Path: $.Amount | LineNumber: 2 | BytePositionInLine: 59.",
            "Amount can have 3 decimal places at most."
        "ScheduleNotes": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 200",
            "The field ScheduleNotes is invalid."
        "Description": [
            "The field Description is invalid.",
            "Field maximum length must be less than 500"
        "$.InvoiceGuid": [
            "The JSON value could not be converted to System.Nullable`1[System.Guid]. Path: $.InvoiceGuid | LineNumber: 6 | BytePositionInLine: 30."
        "$.MerchantProductListGuid": [
            "The JSON value could not be converted to System.Nullable`1[System.Guid]. Path: $.MerchantProductListGuid | LineNumber: 6 | BytePositionInLine: 30."
        "Card": [
            "'Card' is required"
        "Card.CardNumber": [
            "The field CardNumber must be between 13 and 16 characters. is invalid."
        "Card.CardHolderName": [
            "The CardHolderName must be between 0 and 30 digits long",
            "The JSON value could not be converted to System.String. Path: $.Card.CardHolderName | LineNumber: 17 | BytePositionInLine: 32.",
        "Card.Cvv2": [
            "The field Cvv2 is invalid."
        "Card.ExpirationDate": [
            "Card has expired. Expiration date: 1902"
        "Card.Customer.LastName": [
            "The field LastName is invalid.",
            "Field maximum length must be less than 100"
        "Card.Customer.FirstName": [
            "The field FirstName is invalid.",
            "Field maximum length must be less than 100"
        "Card.Customer.Phone": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 10",
            "Invalid phone number. Must be 10 digits numbers only no special characters.",
            "The field Phone is invalid."
        "Card.Customer.City": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 50"
        "Card.Customer.State": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 2",
            "The field State is invalid."
        "Card.Customer.Country": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 50",
            "The field Country is invalid."
        "Card.Customer.Email": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 1000",
            "The field Email is invalid."
        "Card.Customer.Zip": [
            "The Zip must be between 0 and 10 characters long",
            "The field Zip is invalid."
        "Card.Customer.Address1": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 100"
        "Card.Customer.Address2": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 100"
        "Card.Customer.DriverLicenseNumber": [
            "The field DriverLicenseNumber is invalid.",
            "Field maximum length must be less than 25",
            "Only letters, numbers, asterisc, ampersand, @ and hyphen are allowed"
        "Card.Customer.DriverLicenseState": [
            "The field DriverLicenseState is invalid."
        "Card.Customer.SsN4": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 4",
            "The field SsN4 is invalid."
        "EnhancedData.SaleTax": [
            "SaleTax should be equal or greater than zero",
            "Unable to parse "textTest" to Decimal",
            "The JSON value could not be converted to System.Decimal. Path: $.SaleTax | LineNumber: 2 | BytePositionInLine: 59.",
            "SaleTax can have 3 decimal places at most.",
        "EnhancedData.AdditionalTaxDetailTaxCategory": [
            "The field AdditionalTaxDetailTaxCategory is invalid."
        "EnhancedData.Price": [
            "Price should be equal or greater than zero",
            "Unable to parse "textTest" to Decimal",
            "The JSON value could not be converted to System.Decimal. Path: $.Price | LineNumber: 2 | BytePositionInLine: 59.",
            "Price can have 3 decimal places at most.",
        "EnhancedData.ShipToZip": [
            "The field ShipToZip is invalid."
        "EnhancedData.VatInvoice": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 100",
            "The field VatInvoice is invalid."
        "EnhancedData.DutyCharges": [
            "DutyCharges should be equal or greater than zero""Unable to parse "textTest" to Decimal",
            "The JSON value could not be converted to System.Decimal. Path: $.DutyCharges | LineNumber: 2 | BytePositionInLine: 59.",
            "DutyCharges can have 3 decimal places at most.",
        "EnhancedData.ProductCode": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 50"
        "EnhancedData.ProductName": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 50",
            "Product Name only allows numbers, letters, dash '-' and underscore '_'"
        "EnhancedData.ShipFromZip": [
            "The field ShipFromZip is invalid."
        "EnhancedData.CustomerRefId": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 17"
        "EnhancedData.PurchaseOrder": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 100",
            "The field PurchaseOrder is invalid."
        "EnhancedData.MeasurementUnit": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 100",
            "The field MeasurementUnit is invalid."
        "EnhancedData.ShippingCharges": [
            "ShippingCharges should be equal or greater than zero",
            "Unable to parse "textTest" to Decimal",
            "The JSON value could not be converted to System.Decimal. Path: $.ShippingCharges | LineNumber: 2 | BytePositionInLine: 59.",
            "ShippingCharges can have 3 decimal places at most.",
        "EnhancedData.AdditionalAmount": [
            "AdditionalAmount should be equal or greater than zero",
            "Unable to parse "textTest" to Decimal",
            "The JSON value could not be converted to System.Decimal. Path: $.AdditionalAmount | LineNumber: 2 | BytePositionInLine: 59.",
            "AdditionalAmount can have 3 decimal places at most.",
        "EnhancedData.ChargeDescriptor": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 160",
            "The field ChargeDescriptor is invalid."
        "EnhancedData.CustomerVatNumber": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 100",
            "The field CustomerVatNumber is invalid."
        "EnhancedData.AdditionalAmountType": [
            "AdditionalAmountType should be equal or greater than zero",
            "Unable to parse "textTest" to Decimal",
            "The JSON value could not be converted to System.Decimal. Path: $.AdditionalAmountType | LineNumber: 2 | BytePositionInLine: 59.",
            "AdditionalAmountType can have 3 decimal places at most.",
        "EnhancedData.SummaryCommodityCode": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 100",
            "The field SummaryCommodityCode is invalid."
        "EnhancedData.DestinationCountryCode": [
            "The field DestinationCountryCode is invalid."
        "EnhancedData.SupplierReferenceNumber": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 10",
            "The field SupplierReferenceNumber is invalid."
        "EnhancedData.AdditionalTaxDetailTaxRate": [
            "AdditionalTaxDetailTaxRate should be equal or greater than zero",
            "Unable to parse "textTest" to Decimal",
            "The JSON value could not be converted to System.Decimal. Path: $.AdditionalTaxDetailTaxRate | LineNumber: 2 | BytePositionInLine: 59.",
            "AdditionalTaxDetailTaxRate can have 3 decimal places at most.",
        "EnhancedData.AdditionalTaxDetailTaxType": [
            "The field AdditionalTaxDetailTaxType is invalid."
        "EnhancedData.AdditionalTaxDetailTaxAmount": [
            "AdditionalTaxDetailTaxAmount should be equal or greater than zero",
            "Unable to parse "textTest" to Decimal",
            "The JSON value could not be converted to System.Decimal. Path: $.AdditionalTaxDetailTaxAmount | LineNumber: 2 | BytePositionInLine: 59.",
            "AdditionalTaxDetailTaxAmount can have 3 decimal places at most.",
        "EnhancedData.AdditionalTaxDetailTaxCategory": [
            "The field AdditionalTaxDetailTaxCategory is invalid."

Recurring billing is a great feature you can use when you want to charge a card or debit from a bank account every a determined period of time. Period can be daily, weekly, biweekly, monthly, yearly, etc. Check the fields to know how to work with each of them.

This endpoint creates a recurring billing.

HTTP Request


Headers using token

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
Authorization Token. Eg: "Bearer eHSN5rTBzqDozgAAlN1UlTMVuIT1zSiAZWCo6E..."

Headers using API Key

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
UserAuthorization API Key. Eg: "e516b6db-3230-4b1c-ae3f-e5379b774a80"

Query Parameters

Parameter Type M/C/O Value
DeviceGuid string Optional Device's Guid. Mandatory when providing a CreditCard or a BankAccount. Not required when providing an InvoiceGuid.
InvoiceGuid string Optional The Guid of the Invoice you want to make recurring. Do not send amount, nor Card neither Bank Account in this case.
Amount decimal Optional Transaction's amount. Min. amt.: $0.50. Mandatory when amount is fixed. Up to 3 decimal places.
Interval string Mandatory Recurring billing interval. A customer can schedule the recurring payment at a desired interval.

Allowed values:

1. yearly
2. halfYearly
3. quarterly
4. monthly
5. fortnightly
6. weekly
7. biweekly
8. daily
9. CustomDates
10. each1st
11. each15th
12. 1st15th
IntervalValue string Mandatory for monthly, weekly and custom dates modes Allowed values:

1.For the yearly, halfYearly , quarterly, fortnightly, biweekly and daily mode, does not need to enter IntervalValue, since they do not have.

2.For the monthly mode, select everyMonth or the months of the year. Example: "Interval" : "monthly", "IntervalValue" : "april, may, june".

3.For weekly mode, select everyWeek or the days of the week. Example: "Interval" : "weekly", "IntervalValue" : "monday, tuesday, wednesday".

4.For CustomDates mode, select a list of dates (yyyy-MM-dd) separated by commas. Example: "Interval" : "CustomDates", "IntervalValue" : "2017-03-12, 2017-04-06, 2017-05-17, 2017-06-12".
SubIntervalValue string Mandatory for monthly Allowed values:

1.Any day of the month.
StartDate date Mandatory The first payment date of the recurring billing schedule.

Allowed Recurring Billing format:

For example: 2002-05-30
EndDate date Mandatory when payment count is not submitted The last payment date of the recurring billing schedule.

Allowed Recurring Billing format:

For example: 2002-05-30

Note: Send either EndDate or PaymentCount field in a request.
PaymentCount integer Mandatory when end date is not submitted The count of payments in a recurring schedule payment, set by a customer.

Note: Send either PaymentCount or EndDate field in a request.
ScheduleNotes string Optional This field provides a place for the user to identify the reason they added or modified the recurring schedule. Only letters and numbers. Max length = 200.
Description string Optional General description about the recurring billing. Only letters and numbers. Max length = 500.
DynamicAmount boolean Optional Mandatory and true when providing a merchant product list guid. Not compatible with enhanced data.
MerchantProductListGuid string Optional MerchantProductList's Guid. Mandatory when providing a dynamic amount.
SendReceipt boolean Optional Set to “FALSE” if you do not want an e-mail receipt to be sent to the customer. Set to “TRUE” or leave empty if you want e-mail to be sent.
EnhancedData object Optional EnhancedData.
SaleTax decimal Optional Transaction's amount. Should be equal or greater than zero.
AdditionalTaxDetailTaxCategory string Optional Tax Category. Not allow special characters.
AdditionalTaxDetailTaxType string Optional Tax Type. Not allow special characters.
AdditionalTaxDetailTaxAmount decimal Optional Tax Amount. Should be equal or greater than zero.
AdditionalTaxDetailTaxRate decimal Optional Tax Rate. Should be equal or greater than zero.
PurchaseOrder string Optional Purchase Order. Max length = 100. Not allow special characters.
ShippingCharges decimal Optional Shipping Charges. Should be equal or greater than zero. Not allow empty strings or letters.
DutyCharges decimal Optional Duty Charges. Should be equal or greater than zero. Not allow empty strings or letters.
CustomerVATNumber string Optional Customer VAT Number. Not allow special characters. Max length = 100.
VATInvoice string Optional VAT Invoice. Not allow special characters. Max length = 100.
SummaryCommodityCode string Optional Summary Commodity Code. Not allow special characters. Max length = 100.
ShipToZip string Optional Ship To Zip. Must be between 5 and 10 characters long. Not allow letters or special characters.
ShipFromZip string Optional Ship From Zip. Must be between 5 and 10 characters long. Not allow letters or special characters.
DestinationCountryCode string Optional Destination Country Code. Not allow special characters.
SupplierReferenceNumber string Optional Supplier Reference Number. Not allow special characters. Max length = 10.
CustomerRefID string Optional Customer Ref ID. Max length = 17.
ChargeDescriptor string Optional Charge Descriptor. Not allow special characters. Max length = 160.
AdditionalAmount decimal Optional Additional Amount. Should be equal or greater than zero. Only accepts numbers and up to 3 decimal places.
AdditionalAmountType string Optional Additional Amount Type. Be equal or greater than zero.
ProductName string Optional Product Name. Max length = 50.
ProductCode string Optional Product Code. Max length = 50.
AddPrice string Optional Price. Should be equal or greater than zero. Only accepts numbers and up to 3 decimal places.
MeasurementUnit string Optional Measurement Unit. Only accepts numbers and up to 3 decimal places. Max length = 100.
Card Note: Send either Card or BankAccount object in a request.
CardNumber string Mandatory Card number. Must be between 13 and 16 characters. (example: 4532538795426624) or token (example: FfL7exC7Xe2y6624).
CardHolderName string Optional Cardholder's name. Must be between 0 and 30 digits long.
Cvv2 string Optional This is the three or four digit CVV code at the back side of the credit and debit card.
ExpirationDate date Optional with Token Card's expiry date in the YYMM format.
Customer object Optional Customer.
BankAccount Note: Send either BankAccount or Card object in a request.
RoutingNumber string Mandatory Routing's number. Must be 9 characters (example: 490000018).
AccountNumber string Mandatory Account's number. Must be between 4 and 20 digits long.
NameOnAccount string Mandatory Account's name.
Customer object Optional Customer.
FirstName string Mandatory with bank account
Optional with credit card
Customer's first name. Only letters. Max length = 100.
LastName string Mandatory with bank account
Optional with credit card
Customer's last name. Only letters. Max length = 100.
Phone string Mandatory with bank account
Optional with credit card
Customer's phone number. The phone number must be syntactically correct. For example, 4152345678.
City string Mandatory with bank account
Optional with credit card
Customer's city. Only letters and numbers. Max length = 50.
State string Mandatory with bank account
Optional with credit card
Customer's short name state. The ISO 3166-2 CA and US state or province code of a customer. Length = 2.
Country string Mandatory with bank account
Optional with credit card
Customer's country. The ISO country code of a customer’s country. Length = 2 or 3.
Email string Mandatory with bank account
Optional with credit card
Customer's valid email address. Max length = 1000.
Address1 string Mandatory with bank account
Optional with credit card
Customer's address. Only letters and numbers. Max length = 100.
Address2 string Optional Customer's address line 2. Only letters and numbers. Max length = 100.
Zip string Mandatory with bank account
Optional with credit card
Customer's zipcode. Length = 5.
DateOfBirth date With credit card: optional
With bank account: mandatory when SSN4 is not submitted
Customer's date of birth.

Allowed format:

For example: 2002-05-30
DriverLicenseNumber string With credit card: optional
With bank account: optional
Customer's driver license number.
DriverLicenseExpDate string With credit card: Required
With bank account: Required
Customer's driver license expiration date. It is required only if there is a driver license number.
DriverLicenseState string With credit card: optional
With bank account: mandatory when DriverLicenseNumber is provided
Customer's driver license short name state. The ISO 3166-2 CA and US state or province code of a customer. Length = 2.
SSN4 string With credit card: optional
With bank account: mandatory when DOB is not submitted
Customer's social security number. Only numbers. Max length = 4.


Update recurring billing

using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;

namespace ChoiceSample
    public class RecurringBilling
        public static void UpdateRecurringBilling()
                var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
                request.ContentType = "text/json";
                request.Method = "PUT";

                var recurringBilling = new
                    Amount = 25.40,
                    Interval = "monthly",
                    IntervalValue = "january",
                    StartDate = "2017-04-01T00:00:01.000Z",
                    EndDate = "2018-06-01T00:00:01.000Z",
                    PaymentCount = "",
                    ScheduleNotes = "Cable",
                    Description = "Description",
                    Status = "RecurringBilling -  Active"

                string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(recurringBilling);

                request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer 1A089D6ziUybPZFQ3mpPyjt9OEx9yrCs7eQIC6V3A0lmXR2N6-seGNK16Gsnl3td6Ilfbr2Xf_EyukFXwnVEO3fYL-LuGw-L3c8WuaoxhPE8MMdlMPILJTIOV3lTGGdxbFXdKd9U03bbJ9TDUkqxHqq8_VyyjDrw7fs0YOob7bg0OovXTeWgIvZaIrSR1WFR06rYJ0DfWn-Inuf7re1-4SMOjY1ZoCelVwduWCBJpw1111cNbWtHJfObV8u1CVf0");
                request.ContentType = "application/json";
                request.Accept = "application/json";

                using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(request.GetRequestStream()))

                    var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
                        string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
                catch (WebException wex)
                    if (wex.Response != null)
                        using (var errorResponse = (HttpWebResponse)wex.Response)
                            using (var reader = new StreamReader(errorResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                                string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
            catch (IOException e)

Json Example Request:

  "Amount" : 25.40,
  "Interval" : "monthly",
  "IntervalValue" : "january",
  "StartDate" : "2017-04-01T00:00:01.000Z",
  "EndDate" : "2018-06-01T00:00:01.000Z",
  "PaymentCount" : "",
  "ScheduleNotes" : "Cable",
  "Description" : "Description",
  "Status" : "RecurringBilling -  Active"

Json Example Response:

    "guid": "4f63b6c0-12bb-4cc6-8d93-716fa0869209",
    "deviceGuid": "397eb067-2ebf-4934-bbb4-ace4e4a6194e",
    "status": "RecurringBilling - Active",
    "interval": "monthly",
    "intervalValue": "april, may, june",
    "amount": 25.400,
    "recurringBillingNumber": "79427930",
    "createdDate": "2023-06-28T14:12:49.04-05:00",
    "startDate": "2024-05-13T00:00:00.00-05:00",
    "endDate": "2027-06-30T19:00:01.00-05:00",
    "scheduleNotes": "Cable",
    "description": "Description",
    "merchantProductListGuid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
    "invoiceGuid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
    "merchantProductListTotalAmount": 0.000,
    "merchantGuid": "cd3d0150-819c-44b9-8efd-2fa248fcacce",
    "processorStatusCode": "OK",
    "processorResponseMessage": "Recurring billing scheduled. Payment Count: 11. First payment: Monday, May 13, 2024. Last payment: Sunday, June 13, 2027.",
    "wasProcessed": true,
    "card": {
        "first6": "455639",
        "last4": "6019",
        "cardNumber": "7hEtLJIhooTE6019",
        "cardNumberHashed": "wLJfShYSYRTsa1IDvxa7FRgNGLgGd0e6mCRj8C7EoPk=",
        "cardHolderName": "John Doe",
        "cardType": "Visa",
        "expirationDate": "2025-12",
        "cardDataSource": "INTERNET",
        "customer": {
            "guid": "0d701720-5407-4d95-ad35-29d7dc2c876b",
            "merchantGuid": "cd3d0150-819c-44b9-8efd-2fa248fcacce",
            "firstName": "John",
            "lastName": "Doe",
            "dateOfBirth": "1987-07-07T00:00:00",
            "address1": "107 7th Av.",
            "zip": "10007",
            "city": "New York",
            "state": "NY",
            "stateFullName": "New York",
            "country": "US",
            "phone": "9177563007",
            "email": "",
            "ssN4": "1210",
            "driverLicenseNumber": "12345678",
            "driverLicenseState": "TX",
            "driverLicenseExpirationDate": "2030-12-12T00:00:00",
            "dlStateFullName": "Texas",
            "personalPhone": "9177563007",
            "status": "Active",
            "displayName": "John Doe - 9177563007"
    "merchantProcessorAccountGuid": "596c06da-7c03-431c-a50d-3c77f1bd1a15",
    "startDateParsed": "2024-05-13",
    "endDateParsed": "2027-06-30",
    "customer": {
        "guid": "0d701720-5407-4d95-ad35-29d7dc2c876b",
        "merchantGuid": "cd3d0150-819c-44b9-8efd-2fa248fcacce",
        "firstName": "John",
        "lastName": "Doe",
        "dateOfBirth": "1987-07-07T00:00:00",
        "address1": "107 7th Av.",
        "zip": "10007",
        "city": "New York",
        "state": "NY",
        "stateFullName": "New York",
        "country": "US",
        "phone": "9177563007",
        "email": "",
        "ssN4": "1210",
        "driverLicenseNumber": "12345678",
        "driverLicenseState": "TX",
        "driverLicenseExpirationDate": "2030-12-12T00:00:00",
        "dlStateFullName": "Texas",
        "personalPhone": "9177563007",
        "status": "Active",
        "displayName": "John Doe - 9177563007"
    "scheduleAndPayments": [
            "scheduledPaymentDate": "2024-05-13T00:00:00.00-05:00",
            "scheduledPaymentDateDayOfWeek": "Monday",
            "scheduledPaymentNumber": 1,
            "scheduledWasProcessed": false
            "scheduledPaymentDate": "2024-06-13T00:00:00.00-05:00",
            "scheduledPaymentDateDayOfWeek": "Thursday",
            "scheduledPaymentNumber": 2,
            "scheduledWasProcessed": false

Json Example Error Response:

    "type": "",
    "title": "One or more validation errors occurred.",
    "status": 400,
    "traceId": "00-14aabb6545c2f55830ee5248a8106429-25339569eab50857-00",
    "errors": {
        "guid": [
            "The value 'invalidGuid' is not valid."
        "Amount": [
            "Amount can have 3 decimal places at most."
        "ScheduleNotes": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 200",
            "The field ScheduleNotes is invalid."
        "Description": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 500",
            "The field Description is invalid."

This endpoint updates a recurring billing.

HTTP Request


Headers using token

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
Authorization Token. Eg: "Bearer eHSN5rTBzqDozgAAlN1UlTMVuIT1zSiAZWCo6E..."

Headers using API Key

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
UserAuthorization API Key. Eg: "e516b6db-3230-4b1c-ae3f-e5379b774a80"

URL Parameters

Parameter Description
guid Recurring billings’s guid to update

Query Parameters

Parameter Type M/C/O Value
Amount decimal Optional Transaction's amount. Min. amt.: $0.50. Mandatory when amount is fixed. Up to 3 decimal places.
Interval string Optional Recurring billing interval. A customer can schedule the recurring payment at a desired interval.

Allowed values:

1. yearly
2. halfYearly
3. quarterly
4. monthly
5. fortnightly
6. weekly
7. biweekly
8. daily
9. CustomDates
10. each1st
11. each15th
12. 1st15th
IntervalValue string Optional Allowed values:

1.For the yearly, halfYearly , quarterly, fortnightly, biweekly and daily mode, does not need to enter IntervalValue, since they do not have.

2.For the monthly mode, select everyMonth or the months of the year. Example: "Interval" : "monthly", "IntervalValue" : "april, may, june".

3.For weekly mode, select everyWeek or the days of the week. Example: "Interval" : "weekly", "IntervalValue" : "monday, tuesday, wednesday".

4.For CustomDates mode, select a list of dates (yyyy-MM-dd) separated by commas. Example: "Interval" : "CustomDates", "IntervalValue" : "2017-03-12, 2017-04-06, 2017-05-17, 2017-06-12".
SubIntervalValue string Mandatory for monthly Allowed values:

1.Any day of the month.
StartDate date Optional The first payment date of the recurring billing schedule.

Allowed Recurring Billing format:

For example: 2002-05-30
EndDate date Optional The first payment date of the recurring billing schedule.

Allowed Recurring Billing format:

For example: 2002-05-30

Note: Send either EndDate or PaymentCount field in a request.
PaymentCount integer Optional The count of payments in a recurring schedule payment, set by a customer.

Note: Send either PaymentCount or EndDate field in a request.
ScheduleNotes string Optional This field provides a place for the user to identify the reason they added or modified the recurring schedule. Only letters and numbers. Max length = 200.
Description string Optional General description about the recurring billing. Only letters and numbers. Max length = 500.
SendReceipt boolean Optional Set to “FALSE” if you do not want an e-mail receipt to be sent to the customer. Set to “TRUE” or leave empty if you want e-mail to be sent.
Status string Optional Recurring billing status.

Allowed values:

1. RecurringBilling - Active
2. RecurringBilling - Created - Local
3. RecurringBilling - Created - Error: Processor not reached
4. RecurringBilling - Created - Processor Fail
5. RecurringBilling - Deactivated
6. RecurringBilling - Paused
7. RecurringBilling - Finished
8. RecurringBilling - Deleted
9. RecurringBilling - Active Started


Get recurring billing

using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;

namespace ChoiceSample
    public class RecurringBilling
        public static void GetRecurringBilling()
                var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
                request.Method = "GET";

                request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer 1A089D6ziUybPZFQ3mpPyjt9OEx9yrCs7eQIC6V3A0lmXR2N6-seGNK16Gsnl3td6Ilfbr2Xf_EyukFXwnVEO3fYL-LuGw-L3c8WuaoxhPE8MMdlMPILJTIOV3lTGGdxbFXdKd9U03bbJ9TDUkqxHqq8_VyyjDrw7fs0YOob7bg0OovXTeWgIvZaIrSR1WFR06rYJ0DfWn-Inuf7re1-4SMOjY1ZoCelVwduWCBJpw1111cNbWtHJfObV8u1CVf0");

                    var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
                        string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
                catch (WebException wex)
                    if (wex.Response != null)
                        using (var errorResponse = (HttpWebResponse)wex.Response)
                            using (var reader = new StreamReader(errorResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                                string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
            catch (IOException e)

Json Example Response:

    "guid": "70e84bdc-bc4f-463e-8f20-e817942784e5",
    "deviceGuid": "397eb067-2ebf-4934-bbb4-ace4e4a6194e",
    "status": "RecurringBilling - Active",
    "interval": "monthly",
    "intervalValue": "april, may, june",
    "amount": 10.500,
    "recurringBillingNumber": "82776278",
    "createdDate": "2023-06-28T14:14:58.16-05:00",
    "startDate": "2024-05-13T00:00:00.00-05:00",
    "endDate": "2024-07-01T00:00:00.00-05:00",
    "scheduleNotes": "Cable",
    "description": "Description",
    "merchantProductListGuid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
    "invoiceGuid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
    "merchantProductListTotalAmount": 0.000,
    "merchantGuid": "cd3d0150-819c-44b9-8efd-2fa248fcacce",
    "processorStatusCode": "OK",
    "processorResponseMessage": "Recurring billing scheduled. Payment Count: 2. First payment: Monday, May 13, 2024. Last payment: Thursday, June 13, 2024.",
    "wasProcessed": true,
    "card": {
        "first6": "455639",
        "last4": "6019",
        "cardNumber": "7hEtLJIhooTE6019",
        "cardNumberHashed": "wLJfShYSYRTsa1IDvxa7FRgNGLgGd0e6mCRj8C7EoPk=",
        "cardHolderName": "John Doe",
        "cardType": "Visa",
        "expirationDate": "2025-12",
        "cardDataSource": "INTERNET",
        "customer": {
            "guid": "0d701720-5407-4d95-ad35-29d7dc2c876b",
            "merchantGuid": "cd3d0150-819c-44b9-8efd-2fa248fcacce",
            "firstName": "John",
            "lastName": "Doe",
            "dateOfBirth": "1987-07-07T00:00:00",
            "address1": "107 7th Av.",
            "zip": "10007",
            "city": "New York",
            "state": "NY",
            "stateFullName": "New York",
            "country": "US",
            "phone": "9177563007",
            "email": "",
            "ssN4": "1210",
            "driverLicenseNumber": "12345678",
            "driverLicenseState": "TX",
            "driverLicenseExpirationDate": "2030-12-12T00:00:00",
            "dlStateFullName": "Texas",
            "personalPhone": "9177563007",
            "status": "Active",
            "displayName": "John Doe - 9177563007"
    "merchantProcessorAccountGuid": "596c06da-7c03-431c-a50d-3c77f1bd1a15",
    "startDateParsed": "2024-05-13",
    "endDateParsed": "2024-07-01",
    "customer": {
        "guid": "0d701720-5407-4d95-ad35-29d7dc2c876b",
        "merchantGuid": "cd3d0150-819c-44b9-8efd-2fa248fcacce",
        "firstName": "John",
        "lastName": "Doe",
        "dateOfBirth": "1987-07-07T00:00:00",
        "address1": "107 7th Av.",
        "zip": "10007",
        "city": "New York",
        "state": "NY",
        "stateFullName": "New York",
        "country": "US",
        "phone": "9177563007",
        "email": "",
        "ssN4": "1210",
        "driverLicenseNumber": "12345678",
        "driverLicenseState": "TX",
        "driverLicenseExpirationDate": "2030-12-12T00:00:00",
        "dlStateFullName": "Texas",
        "personalPhone": "9177563007",
        "status": "Active",
        "displayName": "John Doe - 9177563007"
    "scheduleAndPayments": [
            "scheduledPaymentDate": "2024-05-13T00:00:00.00-05:00",
            "scheduledPaymentDateDayOfWeek": "Monday",
            "scheduledPaymentNumber": 1,
            "scheduledWasProcessed": false
            "scheduledPaymentDate": "2024-06-13T00:00:00.00-05:00",
            "scheduledPaymentDateDayOfWeek": "Thursday",
            "scheduledPaymentNumber": 2,
            "scheduledWasProcessed": false

Json Example Error Response:

    "type": "",
    "title": "One or more validation errors occurred.",
    "status": 400,
    "traceId": "00-5495f1fc8f00492441a3b2540d309096-3c5ac05d4e3bf6d2-00",
    "errors": {
        "guid": [
            "The value 'wrongGuid' is not valid."

This endpoint gets a recurring billing.

HTTP Request


Headers using token

Key Value
Authorization Token. Eg: "Bearer eHSN5rTBzqDozgAAlN1UlTMVuIT1zSiAZWCo6E..."

Headers using API Key

Key Value
UserAuthorization API Key. Eg: "e516b6db-3230-4b1c-ae3f-e5379b774a80"

URL Parameters

Parameter Description
guid Recurring billings’s guid to get



Close batch

using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;

namespace ChoiceSample
    public class Batch
        public static void CloseBatch()
                var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
                request.ContentType = "text/json";
                request.Method = "POST";

                var batch = new
                    DeviceGuid = "8257dde1-ded6-4c38-ab71-4338c4aa87ac"

                string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(batch);

                request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer 1A089D6ziUybPZFQ3mpPyjt9OEx9yrCs7eQIC6V3A0lmXR2N6-seGNK16Gsnl3td6Ilfbr2Xf_EyukFXwnVEO3fYL-LuGw-L3c8WuaoxhPE8MMdlMPILJTIOV3lTGGdxbFXdKd9U03bbJ9TDUkqxHqq8_VyyjDrw7fs0YOob7bg0OovXTeWgIvZaIrSR1WFR06rYJ0DfWn-Inuf7re1-4SMOjY1ZoCelVwduWCBJpw1111cNbWtHJfObV8u1CVf0");
                request.ContentType = "application/json";
                request.Accept = "application/json";

                using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(request.GetRequestStream()))

                    var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
                        string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
                catch (WebException wex)
                    if (wex.Response != null)
                        using (var errorResponse = (HttpWebResponse)wex.Response)
                            using (var reader = new StreamReader(errorResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                                string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
            catch (IOException e)

Json Example Request:

  "DeviceGuid" : "b29725af-b067-4a35-9819-bbb31bdf8808"

Json Example Response:

    "deviceGuid": "397eb067-2ebf-4934-bbb4-ace4e4a6194e",
    "guid": "aab41850-1ce6-462d-8c79-af5b85e87bc5",
    "status": "PASS",
    "responseCode": "A0000",
    "responseMessage": "Success",
    "closureDate": "2023-06-28T07:16:44.95Z",
    "batchInfo": {
        "batchNumber": "1687979801",
        "siccode": "5999",
        "saleCount": 1,
        "saleAmount": 20.540,
        "returnCount": 0,
        "returnAmount": 0.000,
        "batchNetAmount": 20.540

Json Example Error Response:

    "type": "",
    "title": "One or more validation errors occurred.",
    "status": 400,
    "traceId": "00-2c83f4778096f65d86cc31ffacd8b5dc-57aa2a2d3549d299-00",
    "errors": {
        "$.DeviceGuid": [
            "Unable to parse  to GUID"

Batch is processing all the authorized transactions of the day at the end of the day. However, you can close a batch manually before. You can also get your transactions searched by batch.

This endpoint closes a batch.

HTTP Request


Headers using token

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
Authorization Token. Eg: "Bearer eHSN5rTBzqDozgAAlN1UlTMVuIT1zSiAZWCo6E..."

Headers using API Key

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
UserAuthorization API Key. Eg: "e516b6db-3230-4b1c-ae3f-e5379b774a80"

Query Parameters

Parameter Type M/C/O Value
DeviceGuid string Mandatory Device’s Guid.
SemiIntegrated boolean Optional Only when physical terminal used on semi integrated mode, send value True.


Search batches

using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;

namespace ChoiceSample
    public class Batch
        public static void SearchBatch()
                var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
                request.ContentType = "text/json";
                request.Method = "POST";

                var batch = new
                    deviceGuid = "58ccf5a4-1d5d-4546-8202-da5c7ad10711",
                    startDate = "1/1/1900",
                    endDate = "12/31/2020"

                string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(batch);

                request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer 1A089D6ziUybPZFQ3mpPyjt9OEx9yrCs7eQIC6V3A0lmXR2N6-seGNK16Gsnl3td6Ilfbr2Xf_EyukFXwnVEO3fYL-LuGw-L3c8WuaoxhPE8MMdlMPILJTIOV3lTGGdxbFXdKd9U03bbJ9TDUkqxHqq8_VyyjDrw7fs0YOob7bg0OovXTeWgIvZaIrSR1WFR06rYJ0DfWn-Inuf7re1-4SMOjY1ZoCelVwduWCBJpw1111cNbWtHJfObV8u1CVf0");
                request.ContentType = "application/json";
                request.Accept = "application/json";

                using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(request.GetRequestStream()))

                    var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
                        string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
                catch (WebException wex)
                    if (wex.Response != null)
                        using (var errorResponse = (HttpWebResponse)wex.Response)
                            using (var reader = new StreamReader(errorResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                                string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
            catch (IOException e)

Json Example Request:

  "deviceGuid" : "58ccf5a4-1d5d-4546-8202-da5c7ad10711",
  "startDate" : "1/1/1900",
  "endDate" : "12/31/2020"

Json Example Response:

    "count": 3,
    "ret": [
            "batchGuid": "492af3ef-6919-4391-832d-6a7ac8a8223d",
            "batchNumber": "167648",
            "closureDate": "2023-02-15T14:54:57.447-06:00",
            "batchTotalAmount": 181.600,
            "userName": "merchadmtest",
            "summary": {
                "saleCount": 13,
                "saleAmount": 201.340,
                "returnCount": 1,
                "returnAmount": 19.740
            "transactions": [
                    "transactionGuid": "7cf0a604-4168-41c5-a2ed-0a3a619f2843",
                    "transactionType": "Ebt Food Stamp Purchase",
                    "transactionDatetime": "2023-02-15T17:37:02.19-06:00",
                    "lastFour": "4136",
                    "cardType": "Visa",
                    "amount": 7.000,
                    "processorResponseMessage": "Success",
                    "userName": "merchadmtest",
                    "deviceGuid": "397eb067-2ebf-4934-bbb4-ace4e4a6194e",
                    "processorResponseCode": "A0000",
                    "processorAuthCode": "TAS665",
                    "processorRefNumber": "25887719"
                    "transactionGuid": "7860cba6-39ca-4cc3-9479-ea53c3745b21",
                    "transactionType": "Sale",
                    "transactionDatetime": "2023-02-15T20:43:25.15-06:00",
                    "lastFour": "0213",
                    "cardType": "Mastercard",
                    "amount": 20.540,
                    "processorResponseMessage": "Success",
                    "userName": "merchadmtest",
                    "deviceGuid": "397eb067-2ebf-4934-bbb4-ace4e4a6194e",
                    "generatedByRecurringBilling": false,
                    "orderNumber": "11518",
                    "orderDate": "2020-11-24T00:00:00",
                    "processorResponseCode": "A0000",
                    "processorAuthCode": "VTLMC1",
                    "processorRefNumber": "25893269",
                    "cvvVerificationCode": "M",
                    "addressVerificationCode": "N",
                    "currencyCode": "USD",
                    "cardDataSource": "INTERNET",
                    "generatedByCapture": false,
                    "softDescriptor": "Value stated by the user",
                    "dualPricingFeeAmount": 0.400
                    "transactionGuid": "df3601af-d031-42d5-92b3-f36e66a30fe9",
                    "transactionType": "Sale",
                    "transactionDatetime": "2023-02-15T20:12:23.12-06:00",
                    "lastFour": "0213",
                    "cardType": "Mastercard",
                    "amount": 20.540,
                    "processorResponseMessage": "Success",
                    "userName": "merchadmtest",
                    "deviceGuid": "397eb067-2ebf-4934-bbb4-ace4e4a6194e",
                    "generatedByRecurringBilling": false,
                    "orderNumber": "11518",
                    "orderDate": "2020-11-24T00:00:00",
                    "processorResponseCode": "A0000",
                    "processorAuthCode": "VTLMC1",
                    "processorRefNumber": "25891729",
                    "cvvVerificationCode": "M",
                    "addressVerificationCode": "N",
                    "currencyCode": "USD",
                    "cardDataSource": "INTERNET",
                    "generatedByCapture": false,
                    "softDescriptor": "Value stated by the user",
                    "dualPricingFeeAmount": 0.400

This endpoint searches batches in a date range.

HTTP Request


Headers using token

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
Authorization Token. Eg: "Bearer eHSN5rTBzqDozgAAlN1UlTMVuIT1zSiAZWCo6E..."

Headers using API Key

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
UserAuthorization API Key. Eg: "e516b6db-3230-4b1c-ae3f-e5379b774a80"

Query Parameters

Parameter Type M/C/O Value
deviceGuid string Mandatory Device's guid.
startDate date Mandatory Search's start date.

Allowed Recurring Billing format:

For example: 2002-05-30
endDate date Mandatory Search's end date.

Allowed Recurring Billing format:

For example: 2002-05-30


Get batches with transactions

using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;

namespace ChoiceSample
    public class Batch
        public static void GetBatchsWithTransactions()
                var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
                request.Method = "GET";

                request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer 1A089D6ziUybPZFQ3mpPyjt9OEx9yrCs7eQIC6V3A0lmXR2N6-seGNK16Gsnl3td6Ilfbr2Xf_EyukFXwnVEO3fYL-LuGw-L3c8WuaoxhPE8MMdlMPILJTIOV3lTGGdxbFXdKd9U03bbJ9TDUkqxHqq8_VyyjDrw7fs0YOob7bg0OovXTeWgIvZaIrSR1WFR06rYJ0DfWn-Inuf7re1-4SMOjY1ZoCelVwduWCBJpw1111cNbWtHJfObV8u1CVf0");

                    var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
                        string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
                catch (WebException wex)
                    if (wex.Response != null)
                        using (var errorResponse = (HttpWebResponse)wex.Response)
                            using (var reader = new StreamReader(errorResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                                string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
            catch (IOException e)

Json Example Response:

        "transactionType": "Sale",
        "transactionGuid": "e1ad65e6-7abd-4467-8176-1cdd3c569d53",
        "transactionDateTime": "2023-06-28T19:18:13.77-05:00",
        "lastFour": "0213",
        "cardType": "Mastercard",
        "amount": 20.540,
        "processorResponseMessage": "STA: PASS | R.MSG: Success | TASK#: 34537155 | AUTHCODE: VTLMC1 | HOSTREF#: 317919501280 | TAMT: 20.54 | PAMT: 20.54 | VERIFCVV: M | AVC: N | CHVC:  | CT: M",
        "userName": "merchadmtest",
        "deviceGuid": "397eb067-2ebf-4934-bbb4-ace4e4a6194e",
        "generatedByRecurringBilling": false,
        "orderNumber": "11518",
        "orderDate": "2020-11-24T00:00:00.00-06:00",
        "processorResponseCode": "A0000",
        "processorAuthCode": "VTLMC1",
        "processorRefNumber": "33490707",
        "softDescriptor": "Value stated by the user",
        "dualPricingFeeAmount": 0.400,
        "cvvVerificationCode": "M",
        "addressVerificationCode": "N",
        "currencyCode": "USD",
        "semiIntegrated": false,
        "cardDataSource": "INTERNET",
        "generatedByCapture": false

Json Example Error Response:

    "type": "",
    "title": "One or more validation errors occurred.",
    "status": 400,
    "traceId": "00-2c83f4778096f65d86cc31ffacd8b5dc-57aa2a2d3549d299-00",
    "errors": {
        "$.DeviceGuid": [
            "Unable to parse  to GUID"

This endpoint gets a batch with its transactions.

HTTP Request


Headers using token

Key Value
Authorization Token. Eg: "Bearer eHSN5rTBzqDozgAAlN1UlTMVuIT1zSiAZWCo6E..."

Headers using API Key

Key Value
UserAuthorization API Key. Eg: "e516b6db-3230-4b1c-ae3f-e5379b774a80"

URL Parameters

Parameter Description
guid Batch’s guid to get



Create customer

using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;

namespace ChoiceSample
    public class Customer
        public static void CreateCustomer()
                var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
                request.ContentType = "text/json";
                request.Method = "POST";

                var invoiceCustomer = new
                    MerchantGuid = "24639b5f-f881-45dc-966c-4beece954e6c",
                    CompanyName = "Incutex",
                    FirstName = "John",
                    LastName = "Doe",
                    Address1 = "108 8th Av.",
                    Address2 = "8th Floor",
                    Zip = "10008",
                    City = "New York",
                    State = "NY",
                    PersonalPhone = "9727414574",
                    WorkPhone = "9177563046",
                    Fax = "8004578796",
                    Email = ""

                string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(customer);

                request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer 1A089D6ziUybPZFQ3mpPyjt9OEx9yrCs7eQIC6V3A0lmXR2N6-seGNK16Gsnl3td6Ilfbr2Xf_EyukFXwnVEO3fYL-LuGw-L3c8WuaoxhPE8MMdlMPILJTIOV3lTGGdxbFXdKd9U03bbJ9TDUkqxHqq8_VyyjDrw7fs0YOob7bg0OovXTeWgIvZaIrSR1WFR06rYJ0DfWn-Inuf7re1-4SMOjY1ZoCelVwduWCBJpw1111cNbWtHJfObV8u1CVf0");
                request.ContentType = "application/json";
                request.Accept = "application/json";

                using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(request.GetRequestStream()))

                    var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
                        string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
                catch (WebException wex)
                    if (wex.Response != null)
                        using (var errorResponse = (HttpWebResponse)wex.Response)
                            using (var reader = new StreamReader(errorResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                                string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
            catch (IOException e)

Json Example Request:

    "MerchantGuid" : "24639b5f-f881-45dc-966c-4beece954e6c",
    "CompanyName" : "Incutex",
    "FirstName": "John",
    "LastName": "Doe",
    "Address1": "108 8th Av.",
    "Address2": "8th Floor",
    "Zip": "10008",
    "City": "New York",
    "State": "NY",
    "PersonalPhone" : "9727414574",
    "WorkPhone" : "9177563046",
    "Fax" : "8004578796",
    "Email": ""

Json Example Response:

    "guid": "6dd3c199-7b06-43aa-b6f4-d3622d3f85de",
    "merchantGuid": "cd3d0150-819c-44b9-8efd-2fa248fcacce",
    "firstName": "John",
    "lastName": "Doe",
    "address1": "108 8th Av.",
    "address2": "8th Floor",
    "zip": "10008",
    "city": "New York",
    "state": "NY",
    "stateFullName": "New York",
    "email": "",
    "companyName": "Incutex",
    "workPhone": "9177563046",
    "fax": "8004578796",
    "status": "Active",
    "displayName": "John Doe - Incutex - "

Json Example Error Response:

    "type": "",
    "title": "One or more validation errors occurred.",
    "status": 400,
    "traceId": "00-ed75aea717a6c9e79817f8a04e7860d5-337ecc59546e76f0-00",
    "errors": {
        "$.MerchantGuid": [
            "The JSON value could not be converted to System.Nullable`1[System.Guid]. Path: $.MerchantGuid | LineNumber: 1 | BytePositionInLine: 35."
        "Fax": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 10",
            "The field Fax is invalid."
        "Zip": [
            "The Zip must be between 0 and 10 characters long",
            "The field Zip is invalid."
        "City": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 50",
            "The field City is invalid."
        "Email": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 1000",
            "The field Email is invalid."
        "State": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 2",
            "The field State is invalid.",
            "The field State is invalid."
        "Address1": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 100",
            "The field Address1 is invalid."
        "Address2": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 100",
            "The field Address2 is invalid."
        "LastName": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 100",
            "The field LastName is invalid."
        "FirstName": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 100",
            "The field FirstName is invalid."
        "WorkPhone": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 10",
            "Invalid phone number. Must be 10 digits numbers only no special characters.",
            "The field WorkPhone is invalid."
        "CompanyName": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 100",
            "The field CompanyName is invalid."

This endpoint creates a customer.

HTTP Request


Headers using token

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
Authorization Token. Eg: "Bearer eHSN5rTBzqDozgAAlN1UlTMVuIT1zSiAZWCo6E..."

Headers using API Key

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
UserAuthorization API Key. Eg: "e516b6db-3230-4b1c-ae3f-e5379b774a80"

Query Parameters

Parameter Type M/C/O Value
MerchantGuid string Mandatory Merchant’s Guid.
CompanyName string Optional Company Name. Only letters and numbers. Max length = 100.
FirstName string Optional User’s first name. Only letters and numbers. Max length = 100.
LastName string Optional User’s last name. Only letters and numbers. Max length = 100.
Address1 string Optional User’s address. Max length = 100.
Address2 string Optional User’s address line 2. Max lenght = 100.
City string Optional User’s city. Max length = 50.
State string Optional User’s short name state. The ISO 3166-2 CA and US state or province code of a user. Length = 2.
Zip string Optional User’s zipcode. Length = 5.
PersonalPhone string Optional User’s phone number. The phone number must be syntactically correct. For example, 4152345678.
WorkPhone string Optional User’s phone number. The phone number must be syntactically correct. For example, 4152345678.
Fax string Optional User’s phone number. The phone number must be syntactically correct. For example, 4152345678.
Email string Optional User’s valid email address. Max length = 1000.


Update customer

using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;

namespace ChoiceSample
    public class Customer
        public static void UpdateCustomer()
                var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
                request.ContentType = "text/json";
                request.Method = "PUT";

                var invoiceCustomer = new
                    CompanyName = "Incutex",
                    FirstName = "John",
                    LastName = "Doe",
                    Address1 = "108 8th Av.",
                    Address2 = "8th Floor",
                    Zip = "10008",
                    City = "New York",
                    State = "NY",
                    PersonalPhone = "9727414574",
                    WorkPhone = "9177563046",
                    Fax = "8004578796",
                    Email = ""

                string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(customer);

                request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer 1A089D6ziUybPZFQ3mpPyjt9OEx9yrCs7eQIC6V3A0lmXR2N6-seGNK16Gsnl3td6Ilfbr2Xf_EyukFXwnVEO3fYL-LuGw-L3c8WuaoxhPE8MMdlMPILJTIOV3lTGGdxbFXdKd9U03bbJ9TDUkqxHqq8_VyyjDrw7fs0YOob7bg0OovXTeWgIvZaIrSR1WFR06rYJ0DfWn-Inuf7re1-4SMOjY1ZoCelVwduWCBJpw1111cNbWtHJfObV8u1CVf0");
                request.ContentType = "application/json";
                request.Accept = "application/json";

                using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(request.GetRequestStream()))

                    var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
                        string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
                catch (WebException wex)
                    if (wex.Response != null)
                        using (var errorResponse = (HttpWebResponse)wex.Response)
                            using (var reader = new StreamReader(errorResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                                string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
            catch (IOException e)

Json Example Request:

  "CompanyName" : "Incutex",
  "FirstName": "John",
  "LastName": "Doe",
  "Address1": "108 8th Av.",
  "Address2": "8th Floor",
  "Zip": "10008",
  "City": "New York",
  "State": "NY",
  "PersonalPhone" : "9727414574",
  "WorkPhone" : "9177563046",
  "Fax" : "8004578796",
  "Email": ""

Json Example Response:

    "guid": "4d9eb3fe-7c03-41ce-872d-89095c21dc84",
    "merchantGuid": "cd3d0150-819c-44b9-8efd-2fa248fcacce",
    "firstName": "John",
    "lastName": "Doe",
    "address1": "108 8th Av.",
    "address2": "8th Floor",
    "zip": "10008",
    "city": "New York",
    "state": "NY",
    "stateFullName": "New York",
    "email": "",
    "companyName": "Incutex",
    "workPhone": "9177563046",
    "fax": "8004578796",
    "status": "Active",
    "displayName": "John Doe - Incutex - "

Json Example Error Response:

    "type": "",
    "title": "One or more validation errors occurred.",
    "status": 400,
    "traceId": "00-68780c6e1047faf4e7af803e426f41b0-42f4c09ca9720682-00",
    "errors": {
        "Fax": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 10",
            "The field Fax is invalid."
        "Zip": [
            "The Zip must be between 0 and 10 characters long",
            "The field Zip is invalid."
        "City": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 50",
            "The field City is invalid."
        "Email": [
            "The field Email is invalid."
        "State": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 2",
            "The field State is invalid.",
            "The field State is invalid."
        "Address1": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 100",
            "The field Address1 is invalid."
        "Address2": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 100",
            "The field Address2 is invalid."
        "LastName": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 100",
            "The field LastName is invalid."
        "FirstName": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 100",
            "The field FirstName is invalid."
        "WorkPhone": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 10",
            "Invalid phone number. Must be 10 digits numbers only no special characters.",
            "The field WorkPhone is invalid."
        "CompanyName": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 100",
            "The field CompanyName is invalid."

This endpoint updates a customer.

HTTP Request


Headers using token

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
Authorization Token. Eg: "Bearer eHSN5rTBzqDozgAAlN1UlTMVuIT1zSiAZWCo6E..."

Headers using API Key

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
UserAuthorization API Key. Eg: "e516b6db-3230-4b1c-ae3f-e5379b774a80"

URL Parameters

Parameter Description
guid customer’s guid to update

Query Parameters

Parameter Type M/C/O Value
CompanyName string Optional Company Name. Only letters and numbers. Max length = 100.
FirstName string Optional User’s first name. Only letters and numbers. Max length = 100.
LastName string Optional User’s last name. Only letters and numbers. Max length = 100.
Address1 string Optional User’s address. Max length = 100.
Address2 string Optional User’s address line 2. Max length = 100.
City string Optional User’s city. Max length = 50.
State string Optional User’s short name state. The ISO 3166-2 CA and US state or province code of a user. Length = 2.
Zip string Optional User’s zipcode. Length = 5.
PersonalPhone string Optional User’s phone number. The phone number must be syntactically correct. For example, 4152345678.
WorkPhone string Optional User’s phone number. The phone number must be syntactically correct. For example, 4152345678.
Fax string Optional User’s phone number. The phone number must be syntactically correct. For example, 4152345678.
Email string Optional User’s valid email address. Max length = 1000.


Get customer

using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;

namespace ChoiceSample
    public class customer
        public static void GetInvoiceCustomer()
                var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
                request.Method = "GET";

                request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer 1A089D6ziUybPZFQ3mpPyjt9OEx9yrCs7eQIC6V3A0lmXR2N6-seGNK16Gsnl3td6Ilfbr2Xf_EyukFXwnVEO3fYL-LuGw-L3c8WuaoxhPE8MMdlMPILJTIOV3lTGGdxbFXdKd9U03bbJ9TDUkqxHqq8_VyyjDrw7fs0YOob7bg0OovXTeWgIvZaIrSR1WFR06rYJ0DfWn-Inuf7re1-4SMOjY1ZoCelVwduWCBJpw1111cNbWtHJfObV8u1CVf0");

                    var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
                        string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
                catch (WebException wex)
                    if (wex.Response != null)
                        using (var errorResponse = (HttpWebResponse)wex.Response)
                            using (var reader = new StreamReader(errorResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                                string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
            catch (IOException e)

Json Example Response:

    "guid": "ae113c9e-ca00-47b6-8ca6-6ad23d8b83ae",
    "merchantGuid": "cd3d0150-819c-44b9-8efd-2fa248fcacce",
    "firstName": "John",
    "lastName": "Doe",
    "address1": "108 8th Av.",
    "address2": "8th Floor",
    "zip": "10008",
    "city": "New York",
    "state": "NY",
    "stateFullName": "New York",
    "email": "",
    "companyName": "Incutex",
    "workPhone": "9177563046",
    "fax": "8004578796",
    "status": "Active",
    "displayName": "John Doe - Incutex - "

Json Example Error Response:

    "type": "",
    "title": "One or more validation errors occurred.",
    "status": 400,
    "traceId": "00-d30ac376279a06d5f89e57e140123bd0-07a076df16418083-00",
    "errors": {
        "guid": [
            "The value '{{testGuid}}' is not valid."

This endpoint gets a customer.

HTTP Request


Headers using token

Key Value
Authorization Token. Eg: "Bearer eHSN5rTBzqDozgAAlN1UlTMVuIT1zSiAZWCo6E..."

Headers using API Key

Key Value
UserAuthorization API Key. Eg: "e516b6db-3230-4b1c-ae3f-e5379b774a80"

URL Parameters

Parameter Description
guid customer’s guid to get


Invoice Customer

Create invoice customer

using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;

namespace ChoiceSample
    public class InvoiceCustomer
        public static void CreateInvoiceCustomer()
                var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
                request.ContentType = "text/json";
                request.Method = "POST";

                var invoiceCustomer = new
                    MerchantGuid = "24639b5f-f881-45dc-966c-4beece954e6c",
                    CompanyName = "Incutex",
                    FirstName = "John",
                    LastName = "Doe",
                    Address1 = "108 8th Av.",
                    Address2 = "8th Floor",
                    Zip = "10008",
                    City = "New York",
                    State = "NY",
                    PersonalPhone = "9727414574",
                    WorkPhone = "9177563046",
                    Fax = "8004578796",
                    Email = ""

                string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(invoiceCustomer);

                request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer 1A089D6ziUybPZFQ3mpPyjt9OEx9yrCs7eQIC6V3A0lmXR2N6-seGNK16Gsnl3td6Ilfbr2Xf_EyukFXwnVEO3fYL-LuGw-L3c8WuaoxhPE8MMdlMPILJTIOV3lTGGdxbFXdKd9U03bbJ9TDUkqxHqq8_VyyjDrw7fs0YOob7bg0OovXTeWgIvZaIrSR1WFR06rYJ0DfWn-Inuf7re1-4SMOjY1ZoCelVwduWCBJpw1111cNbWtHJfObV8u1CVf0");
                request.ContentType = "application/json";
                request.Accept = "application/json";

                using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(request.GetRequestStream()))

                    var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
                        string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
                catch (WebException wex)
                    if (wex.Response != null)
                        using (var errorResponse = (HttpWebResponse)wex.Response)
                            using (var reader = new StreamReader(errorResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                                string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
            catch (IOException e)

Json Example Request:

    "MerchantGuid" : "24639b5f-f881-45dc-966c-4beece954e6c",
    "CompanyName" : "Incutex",
    "FirstName": "John",
    "LastName": "Doe",
    "Address1": "108 8th Av.",
    "Address2": "8th Floor",
    "Zip": "10008",
    "City": "New York",
    "State": "NY",
    "PersonalPhone" : "9727414574",
    "WorkPhone" : "9177563046",
    "Fax" : "8004578796",
    "Email": ""

Json Example Response:

    "guid": "b3370c63-48af-41e5-905b-7161a4b92ec5",
    "merchantGuid": "cd3d0150-819c-44b9-8efd-2fa248fcacce",
    "firstName": "John",
    "lastName": "Doe",
    "address1": "108 8th Av.",
    "address2": "8th Floor",
    "zip": "10008",
    "city": "New York",
    "state": "NY",
    "stateFullName": "New York",
    "email": "",
    "companyName": "Incutex",
    "workPhone": "9177563046",
    "fax": "8004578796",
    "status": "Active",
    "displayName": "John Doe - Incutex - "

Json Example Error Response:

    "type": "",
    "title": "One or more validation errors occurred.",
    "status": 400,
    "traceId": "00-926d6b34ca17098110279576019bd0e1-290ceacd25f20639-00",
    "errors": {
        "guid": [
            "The value '{{Testguid}}' is not valid."
        "$.MerchantGuid": [
            "The JSON value could not be converted to System.Nullable`1[System.Guid]. Path: $.MerchantGuid | LineNumber: 1 | BytePositionInLine: 34."
        "Fax": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 10",
            "The field Fax is invalid."
        "Zip": [
            "The Zip must be between 0 and 10 characters long",
            "The field Zip is invalid."
        "City": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 50",
            "The field City is invalid."
        "Email": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 1000",
            "The field Email is invalid."
        "State": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 2",
            "The field State is invalid.",
            "The field State is invalid."
        "Address1": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 100",
            "The field Address1 is invalid."
        "Address2": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 100",
            "The field Address2 is invalid."
        "LastName": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 100",
            "The field LastName is invalid."
        "FirstName": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 100",
            "The field FirstName is invalid."
        "WorkPhone": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 10",
            "Invalid phone number. Must be 10 digits numbers only no special characters.",
            "The field WorkPhone is invalid."
        "CompanyName": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 100",
            "The field CompanyName is invalid."

This endpoint creates a invoice customer.

HTTP Request


Headers using token

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
Authorization Token. Eg: "Bearer eHSN5rTBzqDozgAAlN1UlTMVuIT1zSiAZWCo6E..."

Headers using API Key

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
UserAuthorization API Key. Eg: "e516b6db-3230-4b1c-ae3f-e5379b774a80"

Query Parameters

Parameter Type M/C/O Value
MerchantGuid string Mandatory Merchant’s Guid.
CompanyName string Optional Company Name. Only letters and numbers. Max length = 100.
FirstName string Optional User’s first name. Only letters and numbers. Max length = 100.
LastName string Optional User’s last name. Only letters and numbers. Max length = 100.
Address1 string Optional User’s address. Max length = 100.
Address2 string Optional User’s address line 2. Max lenght = 100.
City string Optional User’s city. Max length = 50.
State string Optional User’s short name state. The ISO 3166-2 CA and US state or province code of a user. Length = 2.
Zip string Optional User’s zipcode. Length = 5.
PersonalPhone string Optional User’s phone number. The phone number must be syntactically correct. For example, 4152345678.
WorkPhone string Optional User’s phone number. The phone number must be syntactically correct. For example, 4152345678.
Fax string Optional User’s phone number. The phone number must be syntactically correct. For example, 4152345678.
Email string Optional User’s valid email address. Max length = 1000.


Update invoice customer

using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;

namespace ChoiceSample
    public class InvoiceCustomer
        public static void UpdateInvoiceCustomer()
                var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
                request.ContentType = "text/json";
                request.Method = "PUT";

                var invoiceCustomer = new
                    CompanyName = "Incutex",
                    FirstName = "John",
                    LastName = "Doe",
                    Address1 = "108 8th Av.",
                    Address2 = "8th Floor",
                    Zip = "10008",
                    City = "New York",
                    State = "NY",
                    PersonalPhone = "9727414574",
                    WorkPhone = "9177563046",
                    Fax = "8004578796",
                    Email = ""

                string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(invoiceCustomer);

                request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer 1A089D6ziUybPZFQ3mpPyjt9OEx9yrCs7eQIC6V3A0lmXR2N6-seGNK16Gsnl3td6Ilfbr2Xf_EyukFXwnVEO3fYL-LuGw-L3c8WuaoxhPE8MMdlMPILJTIOV3lTGGdxbFXdKd9U03bbJ9TDUkqxHqq8_VyyjDrw7fs0YOob7bg0OovXTeWgIvZaIrSR1WFR06rYJ0DfWn-Inuf7re1-4SMOjY1ZoCelVwduWCBJpw1111cNbWtHJfObV8u1CVf0");
                request.ContentType = "application/json";
                request.Accept = "application/json";

                using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(request.GetRequestStream()))

                    var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
                        string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
                catch (WebException wex)
                    if (wex.Response != null)
                        using (var errorResponse = (HttpWebResponse)wex.Response)
                            using (var reader = new StreamReader(errorResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                                string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
            catch (IOException e)

Json Example Request:

  "CompanyName" : "Incutex",
  "FirstName": "John",
  "LastName": "Doe",
  "Address1": "108 8th Av.",
  "Address2": "8th Floor",
  "Zip": "10008",
  "City": "New York",
  "State": "NY",
  "PersonalPhone" : "9727414574",
  "WorkPhone" : "9177563046",
  "Fax" : "8004578796",
  "Email": ""

Json Example Response:

    "guid": "f178c204-8819-4b79-ad1f-0587265bbc54",
    "merchantGuid": "cd3d0150-819c-44b9-8efd-2fa248fcacce",
    "firstName": "John",
    "lastName": "Doe",
    "address1": "108 8th Av.",
    "address2": "8th Floor",
    "zip": "10008",
    "city": "New York",
    "state": "NY",
    "stateFullName": "New York",
    "email": "",
    "companyName": "Incutex",
    "workPhone": "9177563046",
    "fax": "8004578796",
    "status": "Active",
    "displayName": "John Doe - Incutex - "

Json Example Error Response:

    "type": "",
    "title": "One or more validation errors occurred.",
    "status": 400,
    "traceId": "00-926d6b34ca17098110279576019bd0e1-290ceacd25f20639-00",
    "errors": {
        "guid": [
            "The value '{{Testguid}}' is not valid."
        "$.MerchantGuid": [
            "The JSON value could not be converted to System.Nullable`1[System.Guid]. Path: $.MerchantGuid | LineNumber: 1 | BytePositionInLine: 34."
        "Fax": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 10",
            "The field Fax is invalid."
        "Zip": [
            "The Zip must be between 0 and 10 characters long",
            "The field Zip is invalid."
        "City": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 50",
            "The field City is invalid."
        "Email": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 1000",
            "The field Email is invalid."
        "State": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 2",
            "The field State is invalid.",
            "The field State is invalid."
        "Address1": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 100",
            "The field Address1 is invalid."
        "Address2": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 100",
            "The field Address2 is invalid."
        "LastName": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 100",
            "The field LastName is invalid."
        "FirstName": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 100",
            "The field FirstName is invalid."
        "WorkPhone": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 10",
            "Invalid phone number. Must be 10 digits numbers only no special characters.",
            "The field WorkPhone is invalid."
        "CompanyName": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 100",
            "The field CompanyName is invalid."

This endpoint updates a invoice customer.

HTTP Request


Headers using token

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
Authorization Token. Eg: "Bearer eHSN5rTBzqDozgAAlN1UlTMVuIT1zSiAZWCo6E..."

Headers using API Key

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
UserAuthorization API Key. Eg: "e516b6db-3230-4b1c-ae3f-e5379b774a80"

URL Parameters

Parameter Description
guid Invoice customer’s guid to update

Query Parameters

Parameter Type M/C/O Value
MerchantGuid string Mandatory Merchant’s Guid.
CompanyName string Optional Company Name. Max length = 100.
FirstName string Optional User’s first name. Only letters. Max length = 100.
LastName string Optional User’s last name. Only letters. Max length = 100.
Address1 string Optional User’s address. Max length = 100.
Address2 string Optional User’s address line 2. Max length = 100.
City string Optional User’s city. Max length = 50.
State string Optional User’s short name state. The ISO 3166-2 CA and US state or province code of a user. Length = 2.
Zip string Optional User’s zipcode. Length = 5.
PersonalPhone string Optional User’s phone number. The phone number must be syntactically correct. For example, 4152345678.
WorkPhone string Optional User’s phone number. The phone number must be syntactically correct. For example, 4152345678.
Fax string Optional User’s phone number. The phone number must be syntactically correct. For example, 4152345678.
Email string Optional User’s valid email address


Get invoice customer

using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;

namespace ChoiceSample
    public class InvoiceCustomer
        public static void GetInvoiceCustomer()
                var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
                request.Method = "GET";

                request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer 1A089D6ziUybPZFQ3mpPyjt9OEx9yrCs7eQIC6V3A0lmXR2N6-seGNK16Gsnl3td6Ilfbr2Xf_EyukFXwnVEO3fYL-LuGw-L3c8WuaoxhPE8MMdlMPILJTIOV3lTGGdxbFXdKd9U03bbJ9TDUkqxHqq8_VyyjDrw7fs0YOob7bg0OovXTeWgIvZaIrSR1WFR06rYJ0DfWn-Inuf7re1-4SMOjY1ZoCelVwduWCBJpw1111cNbWtHJfObV8u1CVf0");

                    var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
                        string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
                catch (WebException wex)
                    if (wex.Response != null)
                        using (var errorResponse = (HttpWebResponse)wex.Response)
                            using (var reader = new StreamReader(errorResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                                string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
            catch (IOException e)

Json Example Response:

    "guid": "bb75d6ba-20bf-4d6b-8a56-6997c4e6fdde",
    "merchantGuid": "cd3d0150-819c-44b9-8efd-2fa248fcacce",
    "firstName": "John",
    "lastName": "Doe",
    "address1": "108 8th Av.",
    "address2": "8th Floor",
    "zip": "10008",
    "city": "New York",
    "state": "NY",
    "stateFullName": "New York",
    "email": "",
    "companyName": "Incutex",
    "workPhone": "9177563046",
    "fax": "8004578796",
    "status": "Active",
    "displayName": "John Doe - Incutex - "

Json Example Error Response:

    "type": "",
    "title": "One or more validation errors occurred.",
    "status": 400,
    "traceId": "00-d30ac376279a06d5f89e57e140123bd0-07a076df16418083-00",
    "errors": {
        "guid": [
            "The value '{{testGuid}}' is not valid."

This endpoint gets a invoice customer.

HTTP Request


Headers using token

Key Value
Authorization Token. Eg: "Bearer eHSN5rTBzqDozgAAlN1UlTMVuIT1zSiAZWCo6E..."

Headers using API Key

Key Value
UserAuthorization API Key. Eg: "e516b6db-3230-4b1c-ae3f-e5379b774a80"

URL Parameters

Parameter Description
guid Invoice customer’s guid to get


Get invoice customer by Merchant

using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;

namespace ChoiceSample
    public class InvoiceCustomer
        public static void GetInvoiceCustomerByMerchant()
                var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
                request.Method = "GET";

                request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer 1A089D6ziUybPZFQ3mpPyjt9OEx9yrCs7eQIC6V3A0lmXR2N6-seGNK16Gsnl3td6Ilfbr2Xf_EyukFXwnVEO3fYL-LuGw-L3c8WuaoxhPE8MMdlMPILJTIOV3lTGGdxbFXdKd9U03bbJ9TDUkqxHqq8_VyyjDrw7fs0YOob7bg0OovXTeWgIvZaIrSR1WFR06rYJ0DfWn-Inuf7re1-4SMOjY1ZoCelVwduWCBJpw1111cNbWtHJfObV8u1CVf0");

                    var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
                        string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
                catch (WebException wex)
                    if (wex.Response != null)
                        using (var errorResponse = (HttpWebResponse)wex.Response)
                            using (var reader = new StreamReader(errorResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                                string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
            catch (IOException e)

Json Example Response:

        "guid": "c6697789-6b5d-4243-bb2c-91da084b6e4a",
        "merchantGuid": "24639b5f-f881-45dc-966c-4beece954e6c",
        "customerCode": "NA1530",
        "companyName": "Incutex",
        "firstName": "Max",
        "lastName": "Tomassi",
        "address1": "Belgrano 383",
        "zip": "10016",
        "city": "New York",
        "state": "NY",
        "country": "United States",
        "province": "",
        "personalPhone": "",
        "email": "",
        "invoiceNumber": "000001",
        "shippingAddresses": [
                "isDeleted": false,
                "guid": "e45e0464-39c8-4d87-b1da-7bef8b251f29",
                "address1": "Belgrano 383",
                "zip": "10016",
                "city": "New York",
                "state": "NY",
                "country": "United States",
                "province": ""
        "guid": "e79ec8b0-dbd3-4be0-bf4e-8c12c632be7c",
        "merchantGuid": "24639b5f-f881-45dc-966c-4beece954e6c",
        "customerCode": "TD1627",
        "companyName": "Incutex",
        "firstName": "John",
        "lastName": "Doe",
        "address1": "108 8th Av.",
        "address2": "8th Floor",
        "zip": "10008",
        "city": "New York",
        "state": "NY",
        "personalPhone": "9727414574",
        "workPhone": "9177563046",
        "fax": "8004578796",
        "email": "",
        "invoiceNumber": "000001"
        "guid": "33524364-727a-422b-8bbe-5eab1a849e82",
        "merchantGuid": "24639b5f-f881-45dc-966c-4beece954e6c",
        "customerCode": "LJ7482",
        "companyName": "Incutex",
        "firstName": "John",
        "lastName": "Doe",
        "address1": "108 8th Av.",
        "address2": "8th Floor",
        "zip": "10008",
        "city": "New York",
        "state": "NY",
        "personalPhone": "9727414574",
        "workPhone": "9177563046",
        "fax": "8004578796",
        "email": "",
        "invoiceNumber": "000001"

Json Example Error Response:

    "type": "",
    "title": "One or more validation errors occurred.",
    "status": 400,
    "traceId": "00-d30ac376279a06d5f89e57e140123bd0-07a076df16418083-00",
    "errors": {
        "guid": [
            "The value '{{testGuid}}' is not valid."

This endpoint gets a invoice customer.

HTTP Request


Headers using token

Key Value
Authorization Token. Eg: "Bearer eHSN5rTBzqDozgAAlN1UlTMVuIT1zSiAZWCo6E..."

Headers using API Key

Key Value
UserAuthorization API Key. Eg: "e516b6db-3230-4b1c-ae3f-e5379b774a80"

URL Parameters

Parameter Description
merchantGuid Merchant’s guid to get



Create invoice

using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;

namespace ChoiceSample
    public class Invoice
        public static void CreateInvoice()
                var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
                request.ContentType = "text/json";
                request.Method = "POST";

                var invoice = new
                    MerchantGuid = "24639b5f-f881-45dc-966c-4beece954e6c",
                    InvoiceCustomerGuid = "c6697789-6b5d-4243-bb2c-91da084b6e4a",
                    InvoiceNumber = "000006",
                    OrderNumber = "000006",
                    PaymentTerm = "Due on Receipt",
                    DueDate = "11/26/2020",
                    Details = new Detail[]
                        new Detail{
                             ItemDescription = "Wine Malbec",
                             ItemName = "Wine Malbec",
                             Rate = 14.78,
                             Quantity = 8
                        new Detail{
                             ItemDescription = "Rum",
                             ItemName = "Rum",
                             Rate = 9.85,
                             Quantity = 4
                        new Detail{
                             ItemDescription = "Brandy",
                             ItemName = "Brandy",
                             Rate = 11.80,
                             Quantity = 2
                        new Detail{
                             ItemDescription = "Cigars",
                             ItemName = "Cigars",
                             Rate = 44.89,
                             Quantity = 3
                    DiscountType = "Fixed",
                    DiscountValue = 5.00,
                    TaxZip = "10016",
                    TaxAmount = 27.5932625,
                    TaxRate = 8.875,
                    Note = "For september services",
                    TermsAndConditions = "The ones you accepted when you clicked two pages ago",
                    SendStatus = "Scheduled To be Sent",
                    SendDate = "11/25/2020",
                    InvoiceRecipientEmail = "",
                    OtherRecipients = ",",
                    SendBySMS = true,
                    SendToPhoneNumber = "9174355176",
                    SendToOthersNumber ="6384910738, 9174607489"

                string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(invoice);

                request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer 1A089D6ziUybPZFQ3mpPyjt9OEx9yrCs7eQIC6V3A0lmXR2N6-seGNK16Gsnl3td6Ilfbr2Xf_EyukFXwnVEO3fYL-LuGw-L3c8WuaoxhPE8MMdlMPILJTIOV3lTGGdxbFXdKd9U03bbJ9TDUkqxHqq8_VyyjDrw7fs0YOob7bg0OovXTeWgIvZaIrSR1WFR06rYJ0DfWn-Inuf7re1-4SMOjY1ZoCelVwduWCBJpw1111cNbWtHJfObV8u1CVf0");
                request.ContentType = "application/json";
                request.Accept = "application/json";

                using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(request.GetRequestStream()))

                    var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
                        string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
                catch (WebException wex)
                    if (wex.Response != null)
                        using (var errorResponse = (HttpWebResponse)wex.Response)
                            using (var reader = new StreamReader(errorResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                                string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
            catch (IOException e)

Json Example Request:

    "merchantGuid": "24639b5f-f881-45dc-966c-4beece954e6c",
    "invoiceCustomerGuid": "c6697789-6b5d-4243-bb2c-91da084b6e4a",
    "invoiceNumber": "000006",
    "orderNumber": "000006",
    "paymentTerm": "Due on Receipt",
    "dueDate": "11/26/2020",
    "details": [
            "itemName": "Wine Malbec",
            "itemDescription": "",
            "quantity": 8,
            "rate": "14.78"
            "itemName": "Rum",
            "itemDescription": "",
            "quantity": 4,
            "rate": "9.85"
            "itemName": "Brandy",
            "itemDescription": "",
            "quantity": 2,
            "rate": "11.80"
            "itemName": "Cigars",
            "itemDescription": "",
            "quantity": 3,
            "rate": "44.89"
    "discountType": "Fixed",
    "discountValue": "5",
    "taxZip": "10016",
    "taxRate": 8.875,
    "taxAmount": 27.5932625,
    "note": "For september services",
    "termsAndConditions": "The ones you accepted when you clicked two pages ago",
    "sendStatus": "Scheduled To be Sent",
    "sendDate": "11/25/2020",
    "invoiceRecipientEmail": "",
    "sendToPhoneNumber": "9887555656",
    "sendBySMS": true

Json Example Response:

    "invoiceGuid": "3d6f573a-74c8-43cf-b049-1e84131022b1",
    "timeStamp": "2023-06-28T19:27:39.74+00:00",
    "merchantGuid": "cd3d0150-819c-44b9-8efd-2fa248fcacce",
    "invoiceCustomerGuid": "a39fbb42-5686-4958-9cac-2eb6c51bfbf3",
    "sendDate": "2030-02-25T00:00:00.00-06:00",
    "sendStatus": "Scheduled To be Sent",
    "paymentStatus": "Scheduled To be Sent",
    "invoiceRecipientEmail": "",
    "paymentTerm": "Custom",
    "dueDate": "2030-11-26T00:00:00.00-06:00",
    "invoiceNumber": "66d69497",
    "orderNumber": "556t623z1",
    "amountSubTotal": 315.910,
    "currencyQuote": 1.000,
    "currency": "USD",
    "amountDueTotal": 338.480,
    "remainingBalance": 0.000,
    "amountDiscounted": 5.000,
    "discountValue": 5.000,
    "discountType": "Fixed",
    "taxRate": 8.870,
    "taxAmount": 27.570,
    "taxZip": "10016",
    "note": "For september services",
    "termsAndConditions": "The ones you accepted when you clicked two pages ago",
    "extensionTotalAmount": 338.480,
    "otherRecipients": [],
    "extensionHostedPaymentPageRequestToken": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
    "extensionDisplayCreditCard": false,
    "extensionDisplayAch": false,
    "details": [
            "guid": "9ce8c168-8669-477d-a448-3d2abc0e738e",
            "invoiceGuid": "3d6f573a-74c8-43cf-b049-1e84131022b1",
            "itemName": "Wine Malbec",
            "rate": 14.780,
            "quantity": 8,
            "amount": 118.240,
            "isDeleted": false,
            "discountedAmount": 0.000,
            "finallyAmount": 118.240
            "guid": "4de4e1ba-fca3-4770-ba7f-995a8420cabf",
            "invoiceGuid": "3d6f573a-74c8-43cf-b049-1e84131022b1",
            "itemName": "Rum",
            "rate": 9.850,
            "quantity": 4,
            "amount": 39.400,
            "isDeleted": false,
            "discountedAmount": 0.000,
            "finallyAmount": 39.400
            "guid": "d9a8a274-20a6-44ed-adb3-8f11964c57be",
            "invoiceGuid": "3d6f573a-74c8-43cf-b049-1e84131022b1",
            "itemName": "Brandy",
            "rate": 11.800,
            "quantity": 2,
            "amount": 23.600,
            "isDeleted": false,
            "discountedAmount": 0.000,
            "finallyAmount": 23.600
            "guid": "688f9ee6-1d7f-408d-b758-a7241ca87517",
            "invoiceGuid": "3d6f573a-74c8-43cf-b049-1e84131022b1",
            "itemName": "Cigars",
            "rate": 44.890,
            "quantity": 3,
            "amount": 134.670,
            "isDeleted": false,
            "discountedAmount": 0.000,
            "finallyAmount": 134.670
    "reminders": [
            "guid": "84b394f0-c570-42e5-aa50-29a8960733fc",
            "invoiceGuid": "3d6f573a-74c8-43cf-b049-1e84131022b1",
            "reminderType": "5 days after due Date",
            "isActive": true,
            "isCompleted": false,
            "reminderDate": "2030-12-01T00:00:00.00-06:00"
    "merchant": {
        "guid": "cd3d0150-819c-44b9-8efd-2fa248fcacce",
        "mid": "888000002849",
        "allowOpenButton": false,
        "mainAdmin": "303e2684-75a2-4f96-8d55-7457ca41b213",
        "adminUserGuid": "303e2684-75a2-4f96-8d55-7457ca41b213",
        "dba": "merchtest",
        "legalName": "MerchTesting",
        "email": "",
        "phone": "4548888888",
        "address1": "Example Street 1",
        "address2": "Example Street 2",
        "zipCode": "10012",
        "city": "Manhattan",
        "state": "NY",
        "allowTips": true,
        "allowDualPricing": false,
        "allowCurrencyConversion": true,
        "surchargeLabel": "Surcharge Fee",
        "defaultSurchargeLabel": "Surcharge Fee",
        "achSecCode": "WEB",
        "requiredCustomerData": false,
        "requiredProductData": false,
        "alternativeNames": false,
        "alternativeBatchNotifications": false,
        "debtRepayment": false,
        "enableAchRiskValidation": true,
        "minTxnAmount": 1000.000,
        "sendEmail": true,
        "status": "Merchant - Active",
        "reAttemptRb": true,
        "adminUserRoles": [
                "guid": "d7e97432-01c2-43c6-b0c9-e164be9c18ca",
                "name": "Merchant Admin",
                "description": "A user who run all type of transactions and search for all those transactions."
        "webhookExist": false
    "invoiceCustomer": {
        "guid": "a39fbb42-5686-4958-9cac-2eb6c51bfbf3",
        "merchantGuid": "cd3d0150-819c-44b9-8efd-2fa248fcacce",
        "firstName": "Customer",
        "lastName": "Testing",
        "address1": "Example Street 1",
        "address2": "Example Street 2",
        "zip": "10012",
        "city": "Manhattan",
        "state": "NY",
        "stateFullName": "New York",
        "country": "United States",
        "province": "",
        "phone": "4548888888",
        "email": "",
        "personalPhone": "4548888888",
        "shippingAddresses": [
                "guid": "5e65933a-d094-4f47-ace3-18e59ef29220",
                "address1": "Example Street 1",
                "address2": "Example Street 2",
                "zip": "10012",
                "state": "NY",
                "city": "Manhattan",
                "country": "United States",
                "province": ""
        "status": "Active",
        "displayName": "Customer Testing - 4548888888"
    "sendBySms": true,
    "sendToPhoneNumber": "9887555656",
    "sendToOtherNumbers": [],
    "sendStatusCode": 5001,
    "paymentStatusCode": 5001,
    "paymentTermCode": 5000

Json Example Error Response:

    "type": "",
    "title": "One or more validation errors occurred.",
    "status": 400,
    "traceId": "00-f38046b86a364e08f1692c553db29a39-78c406e273bc38ea-00",
    "errors": {
        "InvoiceNumber": [
            "The InvoiceNumber field is required.",
            "The field InvoiceNumber is invalid."
        "PaymentTerm": [
            "The field PaymentTerm is invalid."
        "TaxAmount": [
            "TaxAmount can have 3 decimal places at most."
        "TaxRate": [
            "TaxRate can have 3 decimal places at most."
        "Note": [
            "The field Note is invalid."
        "TermsAndConditions": [
            "The field TermsAndConditions is invalid."
        "SendStatus": [
            "The field SendStatus is invalid."
        "InvoiceRecipientEmail": [
            "The InvoiceRecipientEmail field is not a valid e-mail address."
        "SendToPhoneNumber": [
            "The field SendToPhoneNumber is invalid."
        "Details[0].ItemName": [
            "The ItemName field is required."
        "Details[0].Rate": [
            "Rate can have 3 decimal places at most."

This endpoint creates a invoice.

HTTP Request


Headers using token

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
Authorization Token. Eg: "Bearer eHSN5rTBzqDozgAAlN1UlTMVuIT1zSiAZWCo6E..."

Headers using API Key

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
UserAuthorization API Key. Eg: "e516b6db-3230-4b1c-ae3f-e5379b774a80"

Query Parameters

Parameter Type M/C/O Value
MerchantGuid string Mandatory Merchant's Guid.
InvoiceCustomerGuid string Mandatory InvoiceCustomer's Guid.
DeviceCreditCardGuid string Optional Credit card device's Guid.
DeviceAchGuid string Optional Ach device's Guid.
InvoiceNumber string Mandatory Invoice Number. Only letters, numbers and /-#@.&$
OrderNumber string Optional Order number. Length = 30.
PaymentTerm string Optional The term of payments.

Allowed values:

1. Custom
2. Due on Receipt
3. Due end of month
4. Due end of next month
5. Net 15
6. Net 30
7. Net 45
8. Net 60DueDate
DiscountType string Optional Discount Type.

Allowed values:

1. Fixed
2. PercentageDiscountValue
TaxZip string Optional Tax Zip. Mandatory if there is a TaxRate.
TaxAmount decimal Optional Tax Amount. Only when TaxRate not sent. Up to 3 decimals.
TaxRate decimal Optional Tax Rate. Only when TaxAmount not sent. Up to 3 decimals.
Note string Optional Note. Only letters, numbers and /-#@.&$
TermsAndConditions string Optional Terms And Conditions. Only letters, numbers and /-#@.&$
SendStatus string Optional Send Status.

Allowed values:

1. Draft
2. Scheduled To be Sent. Note: Will send email and text.
3. Scheduled To be SentEMAIL. Note: Will send email only.
4. Scheduled To be SentSMS. Note: Will send SMS only.SendDate
InvoiceRecipientEmail string Optional Valid email address. Mandatory if SendStatus is scheduled to be sent or scheduled to be sent email.
SendBySMS boolean Optional True or False. Mandatory value of true if SendStatus if scheduled to be sent or scheduled to be sent SMS.
SendToPhoneNumber string Optional Phone number. The phone number must be syntactically correct. For example, 4152345678. Mandatory if SendStatus is scheduled to be sent or scheduled to be sent SMS.
Details object[] Mandatory Details.
Details array of detail
ItemDescription string Mandatory Item Description. Only letters, numbers and /-#@.&$
ItemName string Mandatory Item Name. Only letters, numbers and /-#@.&$
Rate decimal Mandatory Rate. Up to 3 decimals.
Quantity integer Mandatory Quantity.


Update invoice

using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;

namespace ChoiceSample
    public class Invoice
        public static void UpdateInvoice()
                var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
                request.ContentType = "text/json";
                request.Method = "PUT";

                var invoice = new
                    OrderNumber = "000006",
                    PaymentTerm = "Due on Receipt",
                    DueDate = "11/26/2020",
                    DiscountType = "Fixed",
                    DiscountValue = "5",
                    TaxZip = "10016",
                    TaxRate = 8.875,
                    TaxAmount = 27.5932625,
                    Note = "For september services",
                    TermsAndConditions = "The ones you accepted when you clicked two pages ago",
                    SendStatus = "Scheduled To be Sent",
                    SendDate = "11/25/2020",
                    InvoiceRecipientEmail = "",
                    SendToPhoneNumber = "9887555656",
                    SendBySMS = true

                string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(invoice);

                request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer 1A089D6ziUybPZFQ3mpPyjt9OEx9yrCs7eQIC6V3A0lmXR2N6-seGNK16Gsnl3td6Ilfbr2Xf_EyukFXwnVEO3fYL-LuGw-L3c8WuaoxhPE8MMdlMPILJTIOV3lTGGdxbFXdKd9U03bbJ9TDUkqxHqq8_VyyjDrw7fs0YOob7bg0OovXTeWgIvZaIrSR1WFR06rYJ0DfWn-Inuf7re1-4SMOjY1ZoCelVwduWCBJpw1111cNbWtHJfObV8u1CVf0");
                request.ContentType = "application/json";
                request.Accept = "application/json";

                using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(request.GetRequestStream()))

                    var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
                        string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
                catch (WebException wex)
                    if (wex.Response != null)
                        using (var errorResponse = (HttpWebResponse)wex.Response)
                            using (var reader = new StreamReader(errorResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                                string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
            catch (IOException e)

Json Example Request:

    "OrderNumber": "000006",
    "PaymentTerm": "Due on Receipt",
    "DueDate": "11/26/2020",
    "DiscountType": "Fixed",
    "DiscountValue": "5",
    "TaxZip": "10016",
    "TaxRate": 8.875,
    "TaxAmount": 27.5932625,
    "Note": "For september services",
    "TermsAndConditions": "The ones you accepted when you clicked two pages ago",
    "SendStatus": "Scheduled To be Sent",
    "SendDate": "11/25/2020",
    "InvoiceRecipientEmail": "",
    "SendToPhoneNumber": "9887555656",
    "SendBySMS": true

Json Example Response:

    "invoiceGuid": "3f9a9010-ebfc-4975-8bb2-e4ee301db742",
    "timeStamp": "2023-06-28T19:27:43.24+00:00",
    "merchantGuid": "cd3d0150-819c-44b9-8efd-2fa248fcacce",
    "invoiceCustomerGuid": "a39fbb42-5686-4958-9cac-2eb6c51bfbf3",
    "sendDate": "2030-11-25T00:00:00.00-06:00",
    "sendStatus": "Sent",
    "paymentStatus": "Unpaid",
    "invoiceRecipientEmail": "",
    "paymentTerm": "Custom",
    "dueDate": "2030-11-26T00:00:00.00-06:00",
    "invoiceNumber": "259p5557w",
    "orderNumber": "000006",
    "amountSubTotal": 315.910,
    "currencyQuote": 1.000,
    "currency": "USD",
    "amountDueTotal": 338.480,
    "remainingBalance": 0.000,
    "amountDiscounted": 5.000,
    "discountValue": 5.000,
    "discountType": "Fixed",
    "taxRate": 8.870,
    "taxAmount": 27.570,
    "taxZip": "10016",
    "note": "For september services",
    "termsAndConditions": "The ones you accepted when you clicked two pages ago",
    "extensionTotalAmount": 338.480,
    "otherRecipients": [],
    "extensionHostedPaymentPageRequestToken": "b88fac53-8d3f-46e1-abed-f46899a0f71f",
    "extensionDisplayCreditCard": false,
    "extensionDisplayAch": false,
    "details": [
            "guid": "7b3de906-e453-4f1a-b3fd-2061037f9a75",
            "invoiceGuid": "3f9a9010-ebfc-4975-8bb2-e4ee301db742",
            "itemName": "Wine Malbec",
            "rate": 14.780,
            "quantity": 8,
            "amount": 118.240,
            "isDeleted": false,
            "discountedAmount": 0.000,
            "finallyAmount": 118.240
            "guid": "682a998a-64c1-4104-88a7-46ec19c82acd",
            "invoiceGuid": "3f9a9010-ebfc-4975-8bb2-e4ee301db742",
            "itemName": "Rum",
            "rate": 9.850,
            "quantity": 4,
            "amount": 39.400,
            "isDeleted": false,
            "discountedAmount": 0.000,
            "finallyAmount": 39.400
            "guid": "10694fc0-84ce-4fbe-a41a-10d3fbcff8c7",
            "invoiceGuid": "3f9a9010-ebfc-4975-8bb2-e4ee301db742",
            "itemName": "Brandy",
            "rate": 11.800,
            "quantity": 2,
            "amount": 23.600,
            "isDeleted": false,
            "discountedAmount": 0.000,
            "finallyAmount": 23.600
            "guid": "8458f3af-63f2-42f6-9e4b-d9fd951f9dc5",
            "invoiceGuid": "3f9a9010-ebfc-4975-8bb2-e4ee301db742",
            "itemName": "Cigars",
            "rate": 44.890,
            "quantity": 3,
            "amount": 134.670,
            "isDeleted": false,
            "discountedAmount": 0.000,
            "finallyAmount": 134.670
    "reminders": [
            "guid": "ba5ab939-61a1-470b-b167-255b2410a03b",
            "invoiceGuid": "3f9a9010-ebfc-4975-8bb2-e4ee301db742",
            "reminderType": "5 days after due Date",
            "isActive": true,
            "isCompleted": false,
            "reminderDate": "2023-07-03T19:27:42.29-05:00"
    "merchant": {
        "guid": "cd3d0150-819c-44b9-8efd-2fa248fcacce",
        "mid": "888000002849",
        "allowOpenButton": false,
        "mainAdmin": "303e2684-75a2-4f96-8d55-7457ca41b213",
        "adminUserGuid": "303e2684-75a2-4f96-8d55-7457ca41b213",
        "dba": "merchtest",
        "legalName": "MerchTesting",
        "email": "",
        "phone": "4548888888",
        "address1": "Example Street 1",
        "address2": "Example Street 2",
        "zipCode": "10012",
        "city": "Manhattan",
        "state": "NY",
        "allowTips": true,
        "dualPricingFeeAmount": false,
        "allowCurrencyConversion": true,
        "surchargeLabel": "Surcharge Fee",
        "defaultSurchargeLabel": "Surcharge Fee",
        "achSecCode": "WEB",
        "requiredCustomerData": false,
        "requiredProductData": false,
        "alternativeNames": false,
        "alternativeBatchNotifications": false,
        "debtRepayment": false,
        "enableAchRiskValidation": true,
        "minTxnAmount": 1000.000,
        "sendEmail": true,
        "status": "Merchant - Active",
        "reAttemptRb": true,
        "adminUserRoles": [
                "guid": "d7e97432-01c2-43c6-b0c9-e164be9c18ca",
                "name": "Merchant Admin",
                "description": "A user who run all type of transactions and search for all those transactions."
        "webhookExist": false
    "invoiceCustomer": {
        "guid": "a39fbb42-5686-4958-9cac-2eb6c51bfbf3",
        "merchantGuid": "cd3d0150-819c-44b9-8efd-2fa248fcacce",
        "firstName": "Customer",
        "lastName": "Testing",
        "address1": "Example Street 1",
        "address2": "Example Street 2",
        "zip": "10012",
        "city": "Manhattan",
        "state": "NY",
        "stateFullName": "New York",
        "country": "United States",
        "province": "",
        "phone": "4548888888",
        "email": "",
        "personalPhone": "4548888888",
        "shippingAddresses": [
                "guid": "5e65933a-d094-4f47-ace3-18e59ef29220",
                "address1": "Example Street 1",
                "address2": "Example Street 2",
                "zip": "10012",
                "state": "NY",
                "city": "Manhattan",
                "country": "United States",
                "province": ""
        "status": "Active",
        "displayName": "Customer Testing - 4548888888"
    "sendBySms": true,
    "sendToPhoneNumber": "9887555656",
    "sendToOtherNumbers": [],
    "sendStatusCode": 5002,
    "paymentStatusCode": 5017,
    "paymentTermCode": 5000

Json Example Error Response:

    "type": "",
    "title": "One or more validation errors occurred.",
    "status": 400,
    "traceId": "00-f38046b86a364e08f1692c553db29a39-78c406e273bc38ea-00",
    "errors": {
        "InvoiceNumber": [
            "The InvoiceNumber field is required.",
            "The field InvoiceNumber is invalid."
        "PaymentTerm": [
            "The field PaymentTerm is invalid."
        "TaxAmount": [
            "TaxAmount can have 3 decimal places at most."
        "TaxRate": [
            "TaxRate can have 3 decimal places at most."
        "Note": [
            "The field Note is invalid."
        "TermsAndConditions": [
            "The field TermsAndConditions is invalid."
        "SendStatus": [
            "The field SendStatus is invalid."
        "InvoiceRecipientEmail": [
            "The InvoiceRecipientEmail field is not a valid e-mail address."
        "SendToPhoneNumber": [
            "The field SendToPhoneNumber is invalid."
        "Details[0].ItemName": [
            "The ItemName field is required."
        "Details[0].Rate": [
            "Rate can have 3 decimal places at most."

This endpoint updates a invoice.

HTTP Request


Headers using token

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
Authorization Token. Eg: "Bearer eHSN5rTBzqDozgAAlN1UlTMVuIT1zSiAZWCo6E..."

Headers using API Key

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
UserAuthorization API Key. Eg: "e516b6db-3230-4b1c-ae3f-e5379b774a80"

URL Parameters

Parameter Description
guid Invoice’s guid to update

Query Parameters

Parameter Type M/C/O Value
OrderNumber string Optional Order number. Only letters, numbers and /-#@.&$. Max Length = 30.
PaymentTerm string Optional The term of payments.

Allowed values:

1. Custom
2. Due on Receipt
3. Due end of month
4. Due end of next month
5. Net 15
6. Net 30
7. Net 45
8. Net 60DueDate
DiscountType string Optional Discount Type.

Allowed values:

1. Fixed
2. PercentageDiscountValue
TaxZip string Optional Tax Zip.
TaxAmount decimal Optional Tax Amount. Up to 3 decimals.
TaxRate decimal Optional Tax Rate. Up to 3 decimals.
Note string Optional Note.
TermsAndConditions string Optional Terms And Conditions. Only letters, numbers and /-#@.&$.
SendStatus string Optional Send Status.

Allowed values:

1. Draft
2. Scheduled To be Sent. Note: Will send email and text.
3. Scheduled To be SentEMAIL. Note: Will send email only.
4. Scheduled To be SentSMS. Note: Will send SMS only.SendDate
InvoiceRecipientEmail string Optional Valid email address. Mandatory if SendStatus is scheduled to be sent or scheduled to be sent email.
SendBySMS boolean Optional True or False. Mandatory value of true if SendStatus if scheduled to be sent or scheduled to be sent SMS.
SendToPhoneNumber string Optional Phone number. The phone number must be syntactically correct. For example, 4152345678. Mandatory if SendStatus is scheduled to be sent or scheduled to be sent SMS.


Get invoice

using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;

namespace ChoiceSample
    public class Invoice
        public static void GetInvoice()
                var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
                request.Method = "GET";

                request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer 1A089D6ziUybPZFQ3mpPyjt9OEx9yrCs7eQIC6V3A0lmXR2N6-seGNK16Gsnl3td6Ilfbr2Xf_EyukFXwnVEO3fYL-LuGw-L3c8WuaoxhPE8MMdlMPILJTIOV3lTGGdxbFXdKd9U03bbJ9TDUkqxHqq8_VyyjDrw7fs0YOob7bg0OovXTeWgIvZaIrSR1WFR06rYJ0DfWn-Inuf7re1-4SMOjY1ZoCelVwduWCBJpw1111cNbWtHJfObV8u1CVf0");

                    var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
                        string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
                catch (WebException wex)
                    if (wex.Response != null)
                        using (var errorResponse = (HttpWebResponse)wex.Response)
                            using (var reader = new StreamReader(errorResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                                string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
            catch (IOException e)

Json Example Response:

    "invoiceGuid": "8733b0ed-d5be-4f3b-85d7-16920201eba4",
    "timeStamp": "2023-06-28T19:27:45.91-05:00",
    "merchantGuid": "cd3d0150-819c-44b9-8efd-2fa248fcacce",
    "invoiceCustomerGuid": "a39fbb42-5686-4958-9cac-2eb6c51bfbf3",
    "sendDate": "2030-02-25T00:00:00.00-06:00",
    "sendStatus": "Scheduled To be Sent",
    "paymentStatus": "Scheduled To be Sent",
    "invoiceRecipientEmail": "",
    "paymentTerm": "Custom",
    "dueDate": "2030-11-26T00:00:00.00-06:00",
    "invoiceNumber": "499w3493q",
    "orderNumber": "1996w499q",
    "amountSubTotal": 315.910,
    "currencyQuote": 1.000,
    "currency": "USD",
    "amountDueTotal": 338.480,
    "remainingBalance": 0.000,
    "amountDiscounted": 5.000,
    "discountValue": 5.000,
    "discountType": "Fixed",
    "taxRate": 8.870,
    "taxAmount": 27.570,
    "taxZip": "10016",
    "note": "For september services",
    "termsAndConditions": "The ones you accepted when you clicked two pages ago",
    "extensionTotalAmount": 338.480,
    "otherRecipients": [],
    "extensionHostedPaymentPageRequestToken": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
    "extensionDisplayCreditCard": false,
    "extensionDisplayAch": false,
    "details": [
            "guid": "4c5ea719-eca2-4015-9ffa-d2082cf00042",
            "invoiceGuid": "8733b0ed-d5be-4f3b-85d7-16920201eba4",
            "itemName": "Wine Malbec",
            "itemDescription": "Example description",
            "rate": 14.780,
            "quantity": 8,
            "amount": 118.240,
            "isDeleted": false,
            "discountedAmount": 0.000,
            "finallyAmount": 118.240
            "guid": "7160fefd-d355-4c7f-83d2-39faaafb0108",
            "invoiceGuid": "8733b0ed-d5be-4f3b-85d7-16920201eba4",
            "itemName": "Rum",
            "itemDescription": "Example description",
            "rate": 9.850,
            "quantity": 4,
            "amount": 39.400,
            "isDeleted": false,
            "discountedAmount": 0.000,
            "finallyAmount": 39.400
            "guid": "f69ed1ec-58fb-48ee-94f9-0a49d8f2eab7",
            "invoiceGuid": "8733b0ed-d5be-4f3b-85d7-16920201eba4",
            "itemName": "Brandy",
            "itemDescription": "Example description",
            "rate": 11.800,
            "quantity": 2,
            "amount": 23.600,
            "isDeleted": false,
            "discountedAmount": 0.000,
            "finallyAmount": 23.600
            "guid": "12dc3d2b-eb80-499c-ac57-5eac6a764d5f",
            "invoiceGuid": "8733b0ed-d5be-4f3b-85d7-16920201eba4",
            "itemName": "Cigars",
            "itemDescription": "Example description",
            "rate": 44.890,
            "quantity": 3,
            "amount": 134.670,
            "isDeleted": false,
            "discountedAmount": 0.000,
            "finallyAmount": 134.670
    "reminders": [
            "guid": "d62745ad-1ffe-4e3c-9207-d77585e9d5e2",
            "invoiceGuid": "8733b0ed-d5be-4f3b-85d7-16920201eba4",
            "reminderType": "5 days after due Date",
            "isActive": true,
            "isCompleted": false,
            "reminderDate": "2030-12-01T00:00:00.00-06:00"
    "merchant": {
        "guid": "cd3d0150-819c-44b9-8efd-2fa248fcacce",
        "mid": "888000002849",
        "allowOpenButton": false,
        "mainAdmin": "303e2684-75a2-4f96-8d55-7457ca41b213",
        "adminUserGuid": "303e2684-75a2-4f96-8d55-7457ca41b213",
        "dba": "merchtest",
        "legalName": "MerchTesting",
        "email": "",
        "phone": "4548888888",
        "address1": "Example Street 1",
        "address2": "Example Street 2",
        "zipCode": "10012",
        "city": "Manhattan",
        "state": "NY",
        "allowTips": true,
        "dualPricingFeeAmount": false,
        "allowCurrencyConversion": true,
        "surchargeLabel": "Surcharge Fee",
        "defaultSurchargeLabel": "Surcharge Fee",
        "achSecCode": "WEB",
        "requiredCustomerData": false,
        "requiredProductData": false,
        "alternativeNames": false,
        "alternativeBatchNotifications": false,
        "debtRepayment": false,
        "enableAchRiskValidation": true,
        "minTxnAmount": 1000.000,
        "sendEmail": true,
        "status": "Merchant - Active",
        "reAttemptRb": true,
        "adminUserRoles": [
                "guid": "d7e97432-01c2-43c6-b0c9-e164be9c18ca",
                "name": "Merchant Admin",
                "description": "A user who run all type of transactions and search for all those transactions."
        "webhookExist": false
    "invoiceCustomer": {
        "guid": "a39fbb42-5686-4958-9cac-2eb6c51bfbf3",
        "merchantGuid": "cd3d0150-819c-44b9-8efd-2fa248fcacce",
        "firstName": "Customer",
        "lastName": "Testing",
        "address1": "Example Street 1",
        "address2": "Example Street 2",
        "zip": "10012",
        "city": "Manhattan",
        "state": "NY",
        "stateFullName": "New York",
        "country": "United States",
        "province": "",
        "phone": "4548888888",
        "email": "",
        "personalPhone": "4548888888",
        "status": "Active",
        "displayName": "Customer Testing - 4548888888"
    "sendBySms": true,
    "sendToPhoneNumber": "9887555656",
    "sendToOtherNumbers": [],
    "sendStatusCode": 5001,
    "paymentStatusCode": 5001,
    "paymentTermCode": 5000

Json Example Error Response:

    "type": "",
    "title": "One or more validation errors occurred.",
    "status": 400,
    "traceId": "00-d30ac376279a06d5f89e57e140123bd0-07a076df16418083-00",
    "errors": {
        "guid": [
            "The value '{{testGuid}}' is not valid."

This endpoint gets a invoice.

HTTP Request


Headers using token

Key Value
Authorization Token. Eg: "Bearer eHSN5rTBzqDozgAAlN1UlTMVuIT1zSiAZWCo6E..."

Headers using API Key

Key Value
UserAuthorization API Key. Eg: "e516b6db-3230-4b1c-ae3f-e5379b774a80"

URL Parameters

Parameter Description
guid Invoice’s guid to get


Invoice Detail

Add invoice detail

using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;

namespace ChoiceSample
    public class InvoiceDetail
        public static void CreateInvoiceDetail()
                var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
                request.ContentType = "text/json";
                request.Method = "POST";

                var invoiceDetail = new
                    InvoiceGuid = "4be52be2-bedf-4125-b7d5-2ed9ef8d6027",
                    ItemDescription = "Sparkling Wine",
                    Rate = 1.95,
                    Quantity = 3

                string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(invoiceDetail);

                request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer 1A089D6ziUybPZFQ3mpPyjt9OEx9yrCs7eQIC6V3A0lmXR2N6-seGNK16Gsnl3td6Ilfbr2Xf_EyukFXwnVEO3fYL-LuGw-L3c8WuaoxhPE8MMdlMPILJTIOV3lTGGdxbFXdKd9U03bbJ9TDUkqxHqq8_VyyjDrw7fs0YOob7bg0OovXTeWgIvZaIrSR1WFR06rYJ0DfWn-Inuf7re1-4SMOjY1ZoCelVwduWCBJpw1111cNbWtHJfObV8u1CVf0");
                request.ContentType = "application/json";
                request.Accept = "application/json";

                using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(request.GetRequestStream()))

                    var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
                        string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
                catch (WebException wex)
                    if (wex.Response != null)
                        using (var errorResponse = (HttpWebResponse)wex.Response)
                            using (var reader = new StreamReader(errorResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                                string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
            catch (IOException e)

Json Example Request:

    "invoiceGuid" : "2541692d-958f-46b7-8ca7-a127016ea3b6",
    "ItemDescription":"Sparkling Wine",
    "ItemName": "Sparkling Wine",
    "Quantity": 3

Json Example Response:

    "guid": "61935343-8fa1-4c83-9fa1-bb95f2341351",
    "invoiceGuid": "695262cb-233f-457d-83d6-ff759c941841",
    "itemName": "Sparkling Wine",
    "itemDescription": "Sparkling Wine",
    "rate": 1.950,
    "quantity": 3,
    "amount": 5.850,
    "isDeleted": false,
    "discountedAmount": 0.000,
    "finallyAmount": 5.850

Json Example Error Response:

    "type": "",
    "title": "One or more validation errors occurred.",
    "status": 400,
    "traceId": "00-6354424c900b182d51cddcd70c196c79-0426afe3e9a20afa-00",
    "errors": {
        "Rate": [
            "Rate can have 3 decimal places at most."
        "ItemName": [
            "The ItemName field is required."
        "ItemDescription": [
            "The field ItemDescription is invalid."

This endpoint add a invoice detail.

HTTP Request


Headers using token

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
Authorization Token. Eg: "Bearer eHSN5rTBzqDozgAAlN1UlTMVuIT1zSiAZWCo6E..."

Headers using API Key

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
UserAuthorization API Key. Eg: "e516b6db-3230-4b1c-ae3f-e5379b774a80"

Query Parameters

Parameter Type M/C/O Value
InvoiceGuid string Mandatory Invoice's Guid.
ItemDescription string Mandatory Item Description. Only letters, numbers and /-#@.&$
ItemName string Optional Item Name. Only letters, numbers and /-#@.&$
Rate decimal Mandatory Rate. Up to 3 decimals.
Quantity integer Mandatory Quantity.


Create invoice details list

using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;

namespace ChoiceSample
    public class InvoiceDetail
        public static void CreateInvoiceDetailsList()
                var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
                request.ContentType = "text/json";
                request.Method = "PUT";

                var invoiceDetailsList = new Detail[]
                    new Detail{
                         ItemDescription = "Red Wine",
                         ItemName = "Red Wine",
                         Rate = 14.78,
                         Quantity = 8
                    new Detail{
                         ItemDescription = "Purple Wine",
                         ItemName = "Purple Wine",
                         Rate = 9.85,
                         Quantity = 4

                string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(invoiceDetailsList);

                request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer 1A089D6ziUybPZFQ3mpPyjt9OEx9yrCs7eQIC6V3A0lmXR2N6-seGNK16Gsnl3td6Ilfbr2Xf_EyukFXwnVEO3fYL-LuGw-L3c8WuaoxhPE8MMdlMPILJTIOV3lTGGdxbFXdKd9U03bbJ9TDUkqxHqq8_VyyjDrw7fs0YOob7bg0OovXTeWgIvZaIrSR1WFR06rYJ0DfWn-Inuf7re1-4SMOjY1ZoCelVwduWCBJpw1111cNbWtHJfObV8u1CVf0");
                request.ContentType = "application/json";
                request.Accept = "application/json";

                using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(request.GetRequestStream()))

                    var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
                        string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
                catch (WebException wex)
                    if (wex.Response != null)
                        using (var errorResponse = (HttpWebResponse)wex.Response)
                            using (var reader = new StreamReader(errorResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                                string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
            catch (IOException e)

Json Example Request:

        "ItemDescription": "Red Wine",
        "ItemName": "Red Wine",
        "Rate": 1.95,
        "Quantity": 3
        "ItemDescription": "Purple Wine",
        "ItemName": "Purple Wine",
        "Rate": 7.55,
        "Quantity": 1

Json Example Response:

    "invoiceGuid": "ef083298-a15d-4f6b-9d76-6264d38fb715",
    "timeStamp": "2023-06-28T19:27:43.32-05:00",
    "merchantGuid": "cd3d0150-819c-44b9-8efd-2fa248fcacce",
    "invoiceCustomerGuid": "a39fbb42-5686-4958-9cac-2eb6c51bfbf3",
    "sendDate": "2030-02-25T00:00:00.00-06:00",
    "sendStatus": "Scheduled To be Sent",
    "paymentStatus": "Scheduled To be Sent",
    "invoiceRecipientEmail": "",
    "paymentTerm": "Custom",
    "dueDate": "2030-11-26T00:00:00.00-06:00",
    "invoiceNumber": "670y4690p",
    "orderNumber": "2680y670p",
    "amountSubTotal": 315.910,
    "currencyQuote": 1.000,
    "currency": "USD",
    "amountDueTotal": 338.480,
    "remainingBalance": 0.000,
    "amountDiscounted": 5.000,
    "discountValue": 5.000,
    "discountType": "Fixed",
    "taxRate": 8.870,
    "taxAmount": 27.570,
    "taxZip": "10016",
    "note": "For september services",
    "termsAndConditions": "The ones you accepted when you clicked two pages ago",
    "extensionTotalAmount": 338.480,
    "otherRecipients": [],
    "extensionHostedPaymentPageRequestToken": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
    "extensionDisplayCreditCard": false,
    "extensionDisplayAch": false,
    "details": [
            "guid": "1ab66367-9ced-4cca-aa7a-90618cce29e6",
            "invoiceGuid": "ef083298-a15d-4f6b-9d76-6264d38fb715",
            "itemName": "Red Wine",
            "itemDescription": "Red Wine",
            "rate": 1.950,
            "quantity": 3,
            "amount": 5.850,
            "isDeleted": false,
            "discountedAmount": 0.000,
            "finallyAmount": 5.850
            "guid": "55b1c847-ce5b-4158-b1d7-a9d4e6feaf85",
            "invoiceGuid": "ef083298-a15d-4f6b-9d76-6264d38fb715",
            "itemName": "Purple Wine",
            "itemDescription": "Purple Wine",
            "rate": 7.550,
            "quantity": 1,
            "amount": 7.550,
            "isDeleted": false,
            "discountedAmount": 0.000,
            "finallyAmount": 7.550
            "guid": "6979c2e3-e264-4b5e-a9c1-1831303aafb5",
            "invoiceGuid": "ef083298-a15d-4f6b-9d76-6264d38fb715",
            "itemName": "Wine Malbec",
            "itemDescription": "Example description",
            "rate": 14.780,
            "quantity": 8,
            "amount": 118.240,
            "isDeleted": true,
            "discountedAmount": 0.000,
            "finallyAmount": 118.240
            "guid": "f049e80e-923c-4e8f-a857-0ce43c55d57a",
            "invoiceGuid": "ef083298-a15d-4f6b-9d76-6264d38fb715",
            "itemName": "Rum",
            "itemDescription": "Example description",
            "rate": 9.850,
            "quantity": 4,
            "amount": 39.400,
            "isDeleted": true,
            "discountedAmount": 0.000,
            "finallyAmount": 39.400
            "guid": "2f658707-c114-4467-a314-164aad928439",
            "invoiceGuid": "ef083298-a15d-4f6b-9d76-6264d38fb715",
            "itemName": "Brandy",
            "itemDescription": "Example description",
            "rate": 11.800,
            "quantity": 2,
            "amount": 23.600,
            "isDeleted": true,
            "discountedAmount": 0.000,
            "finallyAmount": 23.600
            "guid": "e8bccc19-d2f3-4f46-be84-a55827f303da",
            "invoiceGuid": "ef083298-a15d-4f6b-9d76-6264d38fb715",
            "itemName": "Cigars",
            "itemDescription": "Example description",
            "rate": 44.890,
            "quantity": 3,
            "amount": 134.670,
            "isDeleted": true,
            "discountedAmount": 0.000,
            "finallyAmount": 134.670
    "reminders": [
            "guid": "d197c936-3659-4ee5-97e0-795b85201f3c",
            "invoiceGuid": "ef083298-a15d-4f6b-9d76-6264d38fb715",
            "reminderType": "5 days after due Date",
            "isActive": true,
            "isCompleted": false,
            "reminderDate": "2030-12-01T00:00:00.00-06:00"
    "merchant": {
        "guid": "cd3d0150-819c-44b9-8efd-2fa248fcacce",
        "mid": "888000002849",
        "allowOpenButton": false,
        "mainAdmin": "303e2684-75a2-4f96-8d55-7457ca41b213",
        "adminUserGuid": "303e2684-75a2-4f96-8d55-7457ca41b213",
        "dba": "merchtest",
        "legalName": "MerchTesting",
        "email": "",
        "phone": "4548888888",
        "address1": "Example Street 1",
        "address2": "Example Street 2",
        "zipCode": "10012",
        "city": "Manhattan",
        "state": "NY",
        "allowTips": true,
        "dualPricingFeeAmount": false,
        "allowCurrencyConversion": true,
        "surchargeLabel": "Surcharge Fee",
        "defaultSurchargeLabel": "Surcharge Fee",
        "achSecCode": "WEB",
        "requiredCustomerData": false,
        "requiredProductData": false,
        "alternativeNames": false,
        "alternativeBatchNotifications": false,
        "debtRepayment": false,
        "enableAchRiskValidation": true,
        "minTxnAmount": 1000.000,
        "sendEmail": true,
        "status": "Active",
        "reAttemptRb": true,
        "adminUserRoles": [],
        "webhookExist": false
    "invoiceCustomer": {
        "guid": "a39fbb42-5686-4958-9cac-2eb6c51bfbf3",
        "merchantGuid": "cd3d0150-819c-44b9-8efd-2fa248fcacce",
        "firstName": "Customer",
        "lastName": "Testing",
        "address1": "Example Street 1",
        "address2": "Example Street 2",
        "zip": "10012",
        "city": "Manhattan",
        "state": "NY",
        "stateFullName": "New York",
        "country": "United States",
        "province": "",
        "phone": "4548888888",
        "email": "",
        "personalPhone": "4548888888",
        "status": "Active",
        "displayName": "Customer Testing - 4548888888"
    "sendBySms": true,
    "sendToPhoneNumber": "9887555656",
    "sendToOtherNumbers": [],
    "sendStatusCode": 5001,
    "paymentStatusCode": 5001,
    "paymentTermCode": 5000

Json Example Error Response:

    "type": "",
    "title": "One or more validation errors occurred.",
    "status": 400,
    "traceId": "00-8dfb9ca55be762e5af908a2a73dec8a2-1e2f06055dd29c75-00",
    "errors": {
        "Rate": [
            "Rate can have 3 decimal places at most."
        "ItemName": [
            "The field ItemName is invalid.",
            "The ItemName field is required."
        "ItemDescription": [
            "The field ItemDescription is invalid."

This endpoint create a invoice details list.

HTTP Request


Headers using token

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
Authorization Token. Eg: "Bearer eHSN5rTBzqDozgAAlN1UlTMVuIT1zSiAZWCo6E..."

Headers using API Key

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
UserAuthorization API Key. Eg: "e516b6db-3230-4b1c-ae3f-e5379b774a80"

URL Parameters

Parameter Description
guid Invoice’s guid

Query Parameters

Parameter Type M/C/O Value
ItemDescription string Mandatory Item Description. Only letters, numbers and /-#@.&$
Rate decimal Mandatory Rate. Up to 3 decimals.
Quantity integer Mandatory Quantity.


Invoice Reminder

Create invoice reminder

using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;

namespace ChoiceSample
    public class InvoiceReminder
        public static void CreateInvoiceReminder()
                var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
                request.ContentType = "text/json";
                request.Method = "POST";

                var invoiceReminder = new
                    InvoiceGuid = "d5828cfd-12a6-4a7e-9be6-7c4b11f07dbf",
                    ReminderType = "2 weeks after due date"

                string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(invoiceReminder);

                request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer 1A089D6ziUybPZFQ3mpPyjt9OEx9yrCs7eQIC6V3A0lmXR2N6-seGNK16Gsnl3td6Ilfbr2Xf_EyukFXwnVEO3fYL-LuGw-L3c8WuaoxhPE8MMdlMPILJTIOV3lTGGdxbFXdKd9U03bbJ9TDUkqxHqq8_VyyjDrw7fs0YOob7bg0OovXTeWgIvZaIrSR1WFR06rYJ0DfWn-Inuf7re1-4SMOjY1ZoCelVwduWCBJpw1111cNbWtHJfObV8u1CVf0");
                request.ContentType = "application/json";
                request.Accept = "application/json";

                using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(request.GetRequestStream()))

                    var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
                        string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
                catch (WebException wex)
                    if (wex.Response != null)
                        using (var errorResponse = (HttpWebResponse)wex.Response)
                            using (var reader = new StreamReader(errorResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                                string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
            catch (IOException e)

Json Example Request:

    "InvoiceGuid" : "d5828cfd-12a6-4a7e-9be6-7c4b11f07dbf",
    "ReminderType" : "2 weeks after due date"

Json Example Response:

    "guid": "a8339fc4-bd83-4dec-9e54-c6278a2f84e3",
    "invoiceGuid": "ff93e7bc-c359-4dd1-8f23-63c8f480294e",
    "reminderType": "1 week after due date",
    "isActive": false,
    "isCompleted": false,
    "reminderDate": "2030-12-03T00:00:00.00-06:00"

Json Example Error Response:

    "type": "",
    "title": "One or more validation errors occurred.",
    "status": 400,
    "traceId": "00-e1d5356972f673aa4210109acc310229-c0f93983fec1a337-00",
    "errors": {
        "$.InvoiceGuid": [
            "Unable to parse {{wrongGuid}} to GUID"

This endpoint creates a invoice reminder.

HTTP Request


Headers using token

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
Authorization Token. Eg: "Bearer eHSN5rTBzqDozgAAlN1UlTMVuIT1zSiAZWCo6E..."

Headers using API Key

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
UserAuthorization API Key. Eg: "e516b6db-3230-4b1c-ae3f-e5379b774a80"

Query Parameters

Parameter Type M/C/O Value
InvoiceGuid string Mandatory Invoice's Guid.
ReminderType string Mandatory Reminder Type.

Allowed values:

1. X days before due date
2. 1 days before due date
3. 5 days before due date
4. 1 week before due date
5. 10 days before due date
6. 2 week before due date
7. X days after due date
8. 1 days after due date
9. 5 days after due date
10. 1 week after due date
11. 10 days after due date
12. 2 week after due date
ReminderDaysValue byte Optional Reminder Days Value. Only with "X days before due date" or "X days after due date"


Update invoice reminder

using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;

namespace ChoiceSample
    public class InvoiceReminder
        public static void UpdateInvoiceReminder()
                var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
                request.ContentType = "text/json";
                request.Method = "PUT";

                request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer 1A089D6ziUybPZFQ3mpPyjt9OEx9yrCs7eQIC6V3A0lmXR2N6-seGNK16Gsnl3td6Ilfbr2Xf_EyukFXwnVEO3fYL-LuGw-L3c8WuaoxhPE8MMdlMPILJTIOV3lTGGdxbFXdKd9U03bbJ9TDUkqxHqq8_VyyjDrw7fs0YOob7bg0OovXTeWgIvZaIrSR1WFR06rYJ0DfWn-Inuf7re1-4SMOjY1ZoCelVwduWCBJpw1111cNbWtHJfObV8u1CVf0");
                request.ContentType = "application/json";
                request.Accept = "application/json";

                    var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
                        string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
                catch (WebException wex)
                    if (wex.Response != null)
                        using (var errorResponse = (HttpWebResponse)wex.Response)
                            using (var reader = new StreamReader(errorResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                                string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
            catch (IOException e)

Json Example Response (PUT

    "guid": "a4e4278b-f2de-41d9-8da5-d0aabbf5a385",
    "invoiceGuid": "d5828cfd-12a6-4a7e-9be6-7c4b11f07dbf",
    "reminderType": "2 weeks after due date",
    "isActive": true,
    "isCompleted": false,
    "reminderDate": "2030-12-03T00:00:00.00-06:00"}

Json Example Response (PUT

    "guid": "a4e4278b-f2de-41d9-8da5-d0aabbf5a385",
    "invoiceGuid": "d5828cfd-12a6-4a7e-9be6-7c4b11f07dbf",
    "reminderType": "2 weeks after due date",
    "isActive": false,
    "isCompleted": false,
    "reminderDate": "2030-12-03T00:00:00.00-06:00"

Json Example Error Response:

    "type": "",
    "title": "One or more validation errors occurred.",
    "status": 400,
    "traceId": "00-e1d5356972f673aa4210109acc310229-c0f93983fec1a337-00",
    "errors": {
        "$.InvoiceGuid": [
            "Unable to parse {{wrongGuid}} to GUID"

This endpoint updates a invoice reminder.

HTTP Request




Headers using token

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
Authorization Token. Eg: "Bearer eHSN5rTBzqDozgAAlN1UlTMVuIT1zSiAZWCo6E..."

Headers using API Key

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
UserAuthorization API Key. Eg: "e516b6db-3230-4b1c-ae3f-e5379b774a80"

URL Parameters

Parameter Description
guid Reminder’s guid to update


Get invoice reminder

using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;

namespace ChoiceSample
    public class InvoiceReminder
        public static void GetInvoiceReminder()
                var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
                request.Method = "GET";

                request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer 1A089D6ziUybPZFQ3mpPyjt9OEx9yrCs7eQIC6V3A0lmXR2N6-seGNK16Gsnl3td6Ilfbr2Xf_EyukFXwnVEO3fYL-LuGw-L3c8WuaoxhPE8MMdlMPILJTIOV3lTGGdxbFXdKd9U03bbJ9TDUkqxHqq8_VyyjDrw7fs0YOob7bg0OovXTeWgIvZaIrSR1WFR06rYJ0DfWn-Inuf7re1-4SMOjY1ZoCelVwduWCBJpw1111cNbWtHJfObV8u1CVf0");

                    var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
                        string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
                catch (WebException wex)
                    if (wex.Response != null)
                        using (var errorResponse = (HttpWebResponse)wex.Response)
                            using (var reader = new StreamReader(errorResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                                string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
            catch (IOException e)

Json Example Response (GET

        "guid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
        "invoiceGuid": "d5828cfd-12a6-4a7e-9be6-7c4b11f07dbf",
        "reminderType": "1 day before due date",
        "isActive": false,
        "isCompleted": false,
         "reminderDate": "2030-12-03T00:00:00.00-06:00"
        "guid": "fbb2633f-0bf4-412b-a51e-edad3fb4b058",
        "invoiceGuid": "d5828cfd-12a6-4a7e-9be6-7c4b11f07dbf",
        "reminderType": "5 days before due date",
        "isActive": true,
        "isCompleted": false,
         "reminderDate": "2030-12-03T00:00:00.00-06:00"
        "guid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
        "invoiceGuid": "d5828cfd-12a6-4a7e-9be6-7c4b11f07dbf",
        "reminderType": "1 week before due date",
        "isActive": false,
        "isCompleted": false,
         "reminderDate": "2030-12-03T00:00:00.00-06:00"
        "guid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
        "invoiceGuid": "d5828cfd-12a6-4a7e-9be6-7c4b11f07dbf",
        "reminderType": "10 days before due date",
        "isActive": false,
        "isCompleted": false,
         "reminderDate": "2030-12-03T00:00:00.00-06:00"
        "guid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
        "invoiceGuid": "d5828cfd-12a6-4a7e-9be6-7c4b11f07dbf",
        "reminderType": "2 weeks before due date",
        "isActive": false,
        "isCompleted": false,
        "reminderDate": "2030-12-03T00:00:00.00-06:00"
        "guid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
        "invoiceGuid": "d5828cfd-12a6-4a7e-9be6-7c4b11f07dbf",
        "reminderType": "1 day after due date",
        "isActive": false,
        "isCompleted": false,
        "reminderDate": "2030-12-03T00:00:00.00-06:00"
        "guid": "cf7f8d0a-7540-43de-b637-09f7dec0a273",
        "invoiceGuid": "d5828cfd-12a6-4a7e-9be6-7c4b11f07dbf",
        "reminderType": "5 days after due date",
        "isActive": true,
        "isCompleted": false,
        "reminderDate": "2019-07-30T00:00:00"
        "guid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
        "invoiceGuid": "d5828cfd-12a6-4a7e-9be6-7c4b11f07dbf",
        "reminderType": "1 week after due date",
        "isActive": false,
        "isCompleted": false,
        "reminderDate": "2030-12-03T00:00:00.00-06:00"
        "guid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
        "invoiceGuid": "d5828cfd-12a6-4a7e-9be6-7c4b11f07dbf",
        "reminderType": "10 days after due date",
        "isActive": false,
        "isCompleted": false,
        "reminderDate": "2030-12-03T00:00:00.00-06:00"
        "guid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
        "invoiceGuid": "d5828cfd-12a6-4a7e-9be6-7c4b11f07dbf",
        "reminderType": "2 weeks after due date",
        "isActive": false,
        "isCompleted": false,
        "reminderDate": "2030-12-03T00:00:00.00-06:00"

Json Example Response (GET

        "guid": "fbb2633f-0bf4-412b-a51e-edad3fb4b058",
        "invoiceGuid": "d5828cfd-12a6-4a7e-9be6-7c4b11f07dbf",
        "reminderType": "5 days before due date",
        "isActive": true,
        "isCompleted": false,
        "reminderDate": "2030-12-03T00:00:00.00-06:00"
        "guid": "cf7f8d0a-7540-43de-b637-09f7dec0a273",
        "invoiceGuid": "d5828cfd-12a6-4a7e-9be6-7c4b11f07dbf",
        "reminderType": "5 days after due date",
        "isActive": true,
        "isCompleted": false,
        "reminderDate": "2030-12-03T00:00:00.00-06:00"

Json Example Error Response:

    "type": "",
    "title": "One or more validation errors occurred.",
    "status": 400,
    "traceId": "00-e1d5356972f673aa4210109acc310229-c0f93983fec1a337-00",
    "errors": {
        "$.InvoiceGuid": [
            "Unable to parse {{wrongGuid}} to GUID"

This endpoint gets a invoice reminder.

HTTP Request




Headers using token

Key Value
Authorization Token. Eg: "Bearer eHSN5rTBzqDozgAAlN1UlTMVuIT1zSiAZWCo6E..."

Headers using API Key

Key Value
UserAuthorization API Key. Eg: "e516b6db-3230-4b1c-ae3f-e5379b774a80"

URL Parameters

Parameter Description
guid Invoice’s guid to get



Search sales

using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;

namespace ChoiceSample
    public class Search
        public static void SearchSales()
                var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
                request.ContentType = "text/json";
                request.Method = "POST";

                var search = new
                    merchantGuid = "19344275-985e-4dff-81ee-cb84b8ad356c",
                    Status = "Transaction - Approved"

                string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(search);

                request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer 1A089D6ziUybPZFQ3mpPyjt9OEx9yrCs7eQIC6V3A0lmXR2N6-seGNK16Gsnl3td6Ilfbr2Xf_EyukFXwnVEO3fYL-LuGw-L3c8WuaoxhPE8MMdlMPILJTIOV3lTGGdxbFXdKd9U03bbJ9TDUkqxHqq8_VyyjDrw7fs0YOob7bg0OovXTeWgIvZaIrSR1WFR06rYJ0DfWn-Inuf7re1-4SMOjY1ZoCelVwduWCBJpw1111cNbWtHJfObV8u1CVf0");
                request.ContentType = "application/json";
                request.Accept = "application/json";

                using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(request.GetRequestStream()))

                    var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
                        string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
                catch (WebException wex)
                    if (wex.Response != null)
                        using (var errorResponse = (HttpWebResponse)wex.Response)
                            using (var reader = new StreamReader(errorResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                                string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
            catch (IOException e)

Json Example Request:

    "merchantGuid": "19344275-985e-4dff-81ee-cb84b8ad356c",
    "Status": "Transaction - Approved"

Json Example Response:

    "pageCurrent": 1,
    "pageCurrentResults": 1,
    "pageTotal": 1,
    "pageSize": 10,
    "totalResults": 1,
    "searchResultDto": [
            "status": "Transaction - Approved",
            "amount": 20.540,
            "card": {
                "cardHolderName": "John Doe",
                "cardType": "Mastercard",
                "last4": "0213",
                "cardToken": "1zcGT7J4pkGh0213"
            "orderNumber": "11518",
            "orderDate": "2020-11-24T00:00:00",
            "timeStamp": "2023-06-28T15:18:13.77-05:00",
            "customerId": "xt147",
            "processorResponseMessage": "Success",
            "effectiveAmount": 20.540,
            "batchStatus": "Batch - Closed",
            "guid": "e1ad65e6-7abd-4467-8176-1cdd3c569d53",
            "deviceGuid": "397eb067-2ebf-4934-bbb4-ace4e4a6194e",
            "customData": "order details",
            "generatedByCapture": false,
            "processorRefNumber": "33490707",
            "type": "Credit",
            "dualPricingFeeAmount": 0.400,
            "cardDataSource": "INTERNET",
            "allowCardEmv": false,
            "addressVerificationCode": "N",
            "addressVerificationResult": "No Match",
            "cvvVerificationCode": "M",
            "cvvVerificationResult": "Passed",
            "semiIntegrated": false,
            "userName": "merchadmtest",
            "hasRelatedReturn": "No"

Json error example response:

    "type": "",
    "title": "One or more validation errors occurred.",
    "status": 400,
    "traceId": "00-2be920374480ac59ebadf4a9a6057706-0680052537eeceae-00",
    "errors": {
        "guid": [
            "The value 'invalid guid' is not valid."

This endpoint search a sales.

HTTP Request




Headers using token

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
Authorization Token. Eg: "Bearer eHSN5rTBzqDozgAAlN1UlTMVuIT1zSiAZWCo6E..."

Headers using API Key

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
UserAuthorization API Key. Eg: "e516b6db-3230-4b1c-ae3f-e5379b774a80"

URL Parameters:

Parameter Type M/C/O Value
Exportable string Mandatory True or False. It means if you want results exportable to CSV.
PageNumber integer Optional Int. Number of page of the results. Default is 1 (Page size default is 500).
PageSize integer Optional Int. Size of each page of the results. Default is 500.

Json Body:

Parameter Type M/C/O Value
MerchantGuid string Mandatory Merchant's Guid.
AmountFrom decimal Optional Amount of the transaction. Min. amt.: $0.50
AmountTo decimal Optional Amount of the transaction. Min. amt.: $0.50
CardHolderName string Optional Cardholder's name. Must be between 0 and 30 digits long.
first6 string Optional Card first six number.
last4 string Optional Card last four number.
Card.Token string Optional Card tokenized number value
CardType string Optional Card type.
InvoiceNumber string Optional Sale's InvoiceNumber.
OrderNumber string Optional Sale's order number. Length = 17.
OrderDateFrom date Optional Sale's order Date.
OrderDateTo date Optional Sale's order Date.
TimeStampFrom date Optional Sale's TimeStamp.
TimeStampTo date Optional Sale's TimeStamp.
Status string Optional Sale’s status.

Allowed values:

1. Transaction - Approved
2. Transaction - Declined
3. Transaction - Created - Local
4. Transaction - Created - Error: Processor not reached
5. Transaction - Processor Error
6. Transaction - Approved - Warning
CustomerId string Optional Customer Id.
CustomData string Optional Customer Data.
GeneratedByCapture boolean Optional Generated By Capture.

Allowed values:

1. true
2. false
ProcessorRefNumber string Optional Processor Reference Number.
UserName string Optional UserName.


Search EBT Cash Benefit Purchases

using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;

namespace ChoiceSample
    public class Search
        public static void SearchEbtCashBenefitPurchases()
                var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
                request.ContentType = "text/json";
                request.Method = "POST";

                var search = new
                    merchantGuid = "19344275-985e-4dff-81ee-cb84b8ad356c",
                    Status = "Transaction - Approved"

                string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(search);

                request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer 1A089D6ziUybPZFQ3mpPyjt9OEx9yrCs7eQIC6V3A0lmXR2N6-seGNK16Gsnl3td6Ilfbr2Xf_EyukFXwnVEO3fYL-LuGw-L3c8WuaoxhPE8MMdlMPILJTIOV3lTGGdxbFXdKd9U03bbJ9TDUkqxHqq8_VyyjDrw7fs0YOob7bg0OovXTeWgIvZaIrSR1WFR06rYJ0DfWn-Inuf7re1-4SMOjY1ZoCelVwduWCBJpw1111cNbWtHJfObV8u1CVf0");
                request.ContentType = "application/json";
                request.Accept = "application/json";

                using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(request.GetRequestStream()))

                    var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
                        string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
                catch (WebException wex)
                    if (wex.Response != null)
                        using (var errorResponse = (HttpWebResponse)wex.Response)
                            using (var reader = new StreamReader(errorResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                                string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
            catch (IOException e)

Json Example Request:

    "merchantGuid": "19344275-985e-4dff-81ee-cb84b8ad356c",

Json Example Response:

    "pageCurrent": 1,
    "pageCurrentResults": 1,
    "pageTotal": 1,
    "pageSize": 10,
    "totalResults": 1,
    "cardSummary": null,
    "searchResultDTO": [
            "status": "Transaction - Approved",
            "amount": 20.00,
            "card": {
                "cardHolderName": null,
                "cardType": "Visa",
                "first6": "123456",
                "last4": "2910",
                "cardToken": "xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-2910"
            "timeStamp": "2020-11-26T06:34:34.46-06:00",
            "processorResponseMessage": "Success",
            "effectiveAmount": 0.00,
            "batchStatus": "Batch - Open",
            "relatedVoid": {
                "guid": "0f85c12d-9f51-49b8-8b8a-38238c89b9a6"
            "guid": "372d66e5-1a5d-48ec-bebc-bb9347abe200",
            "deviceGuid": "b29725af-b067-4a35-9819-bbb31bdf8808",
            "generatedByCapture": false,
            "processorRefNumber": "24823396",
            "type": "Credit",
            "surchargeType": null,
            "tipAmount": null,
            "cardDataSource": "INTERNET",
            "allowCardEmv": false,
            "addressVerificationCode": "0",
            "addressVerificationResult": "Full Match",
            "cvvVerificationResult": " ",
            "semiIntegrated": false,
            "userName": "maxduplessy"

Json error example response:

    "type": "",
    "title": "One or more validation errors occurred.",
    "status": 400,
    "traceId": "00-2be920374480ac59ebadf4a9a6057706-0680052537eeceae-00",
    "errors": {
        "guid": [
            "The value 'invalid guid' is not valid."

This endpoint search a EBT Cash Benefit Purchases.

HTTP Request




Headers using token

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
Authorization Token. Eg: "Bearer eHSN5rTBzqDozgAAlN1UlTMVuIT1zSiAZWCo6E..."

Headers using API Key

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
UserAuthorization API Key. Eg: "e516b6db-3230-4b1c-ae3f-e5379b774a80"

URL Parameters:

Parameter Type M/C/O Value
Exportable string Mandatory True or False. It means if you want results exportable to CSV.
PageNumber integer Optional Int. Number of page of the results. Default is 1 (Page size default is 500).
PageSize integer Optional Int. Size of each page of the results. Default is 500.

Json Body:

Parameter Type M/C/O Value
MerchantGuid string Mandatory Merchant's Guid.
AmountFrom decimal Optional Amount of the transaction. Min. amt.: $0.50
AmountTo decimal Optional Amount of the transaction. Min. amt.: $0.50
CardHolderName string Optional Cardholder's name. Must be between 0 and 30 digits long.
first6 string Optional Card first six number.
last4 string Optional Card last four number.
cardToken string Optional Card tokenized number value
CardType string Optional Card type.
InvoiceNumber string Optional Sale's InvoiceNumber.
OrderNumber string Optional Sale's order number. Length = 17.
OrderDateFrom date Optional Sale's order Date.
OrderDateTo date Optional Sale's order Date.
TimeStampFrom date Optional Sale's TimeStamp.
TimeStampTo date Optional Sale's TimeStamp.
Status string Optional Sale’s status.

Allowed values:

1. Transaction - Approved
2. Transaction - Declined
3. Transaction - Created - Local
4. Transaction - Created - Error: Processor not reached
5. Transaction - Processor Error
6. Transaction - Approved - Warning
CustomerId string Optional Customer Id.
CustomData string Optional Customer Data.
GeneratedByCapture boolean Optional Generated By Capture.

Allowed values:

1. true
2. false
ProcessorRefNumber string Optional Processor Reference Number.
UserName string Optional UserName.


Search EBT Food Stamp Purchases

using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;

namespace ChoiceSample
    public class Search
        public static void SearchEbtFoodStampPurchases()
                var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
                request.ContentType = "text/json";
                request.Method = "POST";

                var search = new
                    merchantGuid = "19344275-985e-4dff-81ee-cb84b8ad356c",
                    Status = "Transaction - Approved"

                string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(search);

                request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer 1A089D6ziUybPZFQ3mpPyjt9OEx9yrCs7eQIC6V3A0lmXR2N6-seGNK16Gsnl3td6Ilfbr2Xf_EyukFXwnVEO3fYL-LuGw-L3c8WuaoxhPE8MMdlMPILJTIOV3lTGGdxbFXdKd9U03bbJ9TDUkqxHqq8_VyyjDrw7fs0YOob7bg0OovXTeWgIvZaIrSR1WFR06rYJ0DfWn-Inuf7re1-4SMOjY1ZoCelVwduWCBJpw1111cNbWtHJfObV8u1CVf0");
                request.ContentType = "application/json";
                request.Accept = "application/json";

                using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(request.GetRequestStream()))

                    var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
                        string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
                catch (WebException wex)
                    if (wex.Response != null)
                        using (var errorResponse = (HttpWebResponse)wex.Response)
                            using (var reader = new StreamReader(errorResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                                string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
            catch (IOException e)

Json Example Request:

    "merchantGuid": "19344275-985e-4dff-81ee-cb84b8ad356c",

Json Example Response:

    "pageCurrent": 1,
    "pageCurrentResults": 1,
    "pageTotal": 1,
    "pageSize": 10,
    "totalResults": 1,
    "cardSummary": null,
    "searchResultDTO": [
            "status": "Transaction - Approved",
            "amount": 20.00,
            "card": {
                "cardHolderName": null,
                "cardType": "Visa",
                "first6": "123456",
                "last4": "2910",
                "cardToken": "xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-2910"
            "timeStamp": "2020-11-26T06:34:34.46-06:00",
            "processorResponseMessage": "Success",
            "effectiveAmount": 0.00,
            "batchStatus": "Batch - Open",
            "relatedVoid": {
                "guid": "0f85c12d-9f51-49b8-8b8a-38238c89b9a6"
            "guid": "372d66e5-1a5d-48ec-bebc-bb9347abe200",
            "deviceGuid": "b29725af-b067-4a35-9819-bbb31bdf8808",
            "generatedByCapture": false,
            "processorRefNumber": "24823396",
            "type": "Credit",
            "surchargeType": null,
            "tipAmount": null,
            "cardDataSource": "INTERNET",
            "allowCardEmv": false,
            "addressVerificationCode": "0",
            "addressVerificationResult": "Full Match",
            "cvvVerificationResult": " ",
            "semiIntegrated": false,
            "userName": "maxduplessy"

Json error example response:

    "type": "",
    "title": "One or more validation errors occurred.",
    "status": 400,
    "traceId": "00-2be920374480ac59ebadf4a9a6057706-0680052537eeceae-00",
    "errors": {
        "guid": [
            "The value 'invalid guid' is not valid."

This endpoint search a EBT Food Stamp Purchases.

HTTP Request




Headers using token

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
Authorization Token. Eg: "Bearer eHSN5rTBzqDozgAAlN1UlTMVuIT1zSiAZWCo6E..."

Headers using API Key

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
UserAuthorization API Key. Eg: "e516b6db-3230-4b1c-ae3f-e5379b774a80"

URL Parameters:

Parameter Type M/C/O Value
Exportable string Mandatory True or False. It means if you want results exportable to CSV.
PageNumber integer Optional Int. Number of page of the results. Default is 1 (Page size default is 500).
PageSize integer Optional Int. Size of each page of the results. Default is 500.

Json Body:

Parameter Type M/C/O Value
MerchantGuid string Mandatory Merchant's Guid.
AmountFrom decimal Optional Amount of the transaction. Min. amt.: $0.50
AmountTo decimal Optional Amount of the transaction. Min. amt.: $0.50
CardHolderName string Optional Cardholder's name. Must be between 0 and 30 digits long
first6 string Optional Card first six number.
last4 string Optional Card last four number.
cardToken string Optional Card tokenized number value
CardType string Optional Card type.
InvoiceNumber string Optional Sale's InvoiceNumber.
OrderNumber string Optional Sale's order number. Length = 17.
OrderDateFrom date Optional Sale's order Date.
OrderDateTo date Optional Sale's order Date.
TimeStampFrom date Optional Sale's TimeStamp.
TimeStampTo date Optional Sale's TimeStamp.
Status string Optional Sale’s status.

Allowed values:

1. Transaction - Approved
2. Transaction - Declined
3. Transaction - Created - Local
4. Transaction - Created - Error: Processor not reached
5. Transaction - Processor Error
6. Transaction - Approved - Warning
CustomerId string Optional Customer Id.
CustomData string Optional Customer Data.
GeneratedByCapture boolean Optional Generated By Capture.

Allowed values:

1. true
2. false
ProcessorRefNumber string Optional Processor Reference Number.
UserName string Optional UserName.


Search EBT Electronic Vouchers

using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;

namespace ChoiceSample
    public class Search
        public static void SearchEbtElectronicVouchers()
                var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
                request.ContentType = "text/json";
                request.Method = "POST";

                var search = new
                    merchantGuid = "19344275-985e-4dff-81ee-cb84b8ad356c",
                    Status = "Transaction - Approved"

                string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(search);

                request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer 1A089D6ziUybPZFQ3mpPyjt9OEx9yrCs7eQIC6V3A0lmXR2N6-seGNK16Gsnl3td6Ilfbr2Xf_EyukFXwnVEO3fYL-LuGw-L3c8WuaoxhPE8MMdlMPILJTIOV3lTGGdxbFXdKd9U03bbJ9TDUkqxHqq8_VyyjDrw7fs0YOob7bg0OovXTeWgIvZaIrSR1WFR06rYJ0DfWn-Inuf7re1-4SMOjY1ZoCelVwduWCBJpw1111cNbWtHJfObV8u1CVf0");
                request.ContentType = "application/json";
                request.Accept = "application/json";

                using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(request.GetRequestStream()))

                    var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
                        string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
                catch (WebException wex)
                    if (wex.Response != null)
                        using (var errorResponse = (HttpWebResponse)wex.Response)
                            using (var reader = new StreamReader(errorResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                                string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
            catch (IOException e)

Json Example Request:

    "merchantGuid": "19344275-985e-4dff-81ee-cb84b8ad356c",

Json Example Response:

    "pageCurrent": 1,
    "pageCurrentResults": 1,
    "pageTotal": 1,
    "pageSize": 10,
    "totalResults": 1,
    "cardSummary": null,
    "searchResultDTO": [
            "status": "Transaction - Approved",
            "amount": 20.00,
            "card": {
                "cardHolderName": null,
                "cardType": "Visa",
                "first6": "123456",
                "last4": "2910",
                "cardToken": "xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-2910"
            "timeStamp": "2020-11-26T06:34:34.46-06:00",
            "processorResponseMessage": "Success",
            "effectiveAmount": 0.00,
            "batchStatus": "Batch - Open",
            "relatedVoid": {
                "guid": "0f85c12d-9f51-49b8-8b8a-38238c89b9a6"
            "guid": "372d66e5-1a5d-48ec-bebc-bb9347abe200",
            "deviceGuid": "b29725af-b067-4a35-9819-bbb31bdf8808",
            "generatedByCapture": false,
            "processorRefNumber": "24823396",
            "type": "Credit",
            "surchargeType": null,
            "tipAmount": null,
            "cardDataSource": "INTERNET",
            "allowCardEmv": false,
            "addressVerificationCode": "0",
            "addressVerificationResult": "Full Match",
            "cvvVerificationResult": " ",
            "semiIntegrated": false,
            "userName": "maxduplessy"

Json error example response:

    "type": "",
    "title": "One or more validation errors occurred.",
    "status": 400,
    "traceId": "00-2be920374480ac59ebadf4a9a6057706-0680052537eeceae-00",
    "errors": {
        "guid": [
            "The value 'invalid guid' is not valid."

This endpoint search a Ebt Electronic Vouchers.

HTTP Request




Headers using token

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
Authorization Token. Eg: "Bearer eHSN5rTBzqDozgAAlN1UlTMVuIT1zSiAZWCo6E..."

Headers using API Key

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
UserAuthorization API Key. Eg: "e516b6db-3230-4b1c-ae3f-e5379b774a80"

URL Parameters:

Parameter Type M/C/O Value
Exportable string Mandatory True or False. It means if you want results exportable to CSV.
PageNumber integer Optional Int. Number of page of the results. Default is 1 (Page size default is 500).
PageSize integer Optional Int. Size of each page of the results. Default is 500.

Json Body:

Parameter Type M/C/O Value
MerchantGuid string Mandatory Merchant's Guid.
AmountFrom decimal Optional Amount of the transaction. Min. amt.: $0.50
AmountTo decimal Optional Amount of the transaction. Min. amt.: $0.50
CardHolderName string Optional Cardholder's name. Must be between 0 and 30 digits long.
first6 string Optional Card first six number.
last4 string Optional Card last four number.
cardToken string Optional Card tokenized number value
CardType string Optional Card type.
InvoiceNumber string Optional Sale's InvoiceNumber.
OrderNumber string Optional Sale's order number. Length = 17.
OrderDateFrom date Optional Sale's order Date.
OrderDateTo date Optional Sale's order Date.
TimeStampFrom date Optional Sale's TimeStamp.
TimeStampTo date Optional Sale's TimeStamp.
Status string Optional Sale’s status.

Allowed values:

1. Transaction - Approved
2. Transaction - Declined
3. Transaction - Created - Local
4. Transaction - Created - Error: Processor not reached
5. Transaction - Processor Error
6. Transaction - Approved - Warning
CustomerId string Optional Customer Id.
CustomData string Optional Customer Data.
GeneratedByCapture boolean Optional Generated By Capture.

Allowed values:

1. true
2. false
ProcessorRefNumber string Optional Processor Reference Number.
UserName string Optional UserName.


Search voids

using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;

namespace ChoiceSample
    public class Search
        public static void SearchVoids()
                var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
                request.ContentType = "text/json";
                request.Method = "POST";

                var search = new
                    merchantGuid = "19344275-985e-4dff-81ee-cb84b8ad356c",
                    Status = "Transaction - Approved"

                string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(search);

                request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer 1A089D6ziUybPZFQ3mpPyjt9OEx9yrCs7eQIC6V3A0lmXR2N6-seGNK16Gsnl3td6Ilfbr2Xf_EyukFXwnVEO3fYL-LuGw-L3c8WuaoxhPE8MMdlMPILJTIOV3lTGGdxbFXdKd9U03bbJ9TDUkqxHqq8_VyyjDrw7fs0YOob7bg0OovXTeWgIvZaIrSR1WFR06rYJ0DfWn-Inuf7re1-4SMOjY1ZoCelVwduWCBJpw1111cNbWtHJfObV8u1CVf0");
                request.ContentType = "application/json";
                request.Accept = "application/json";

                using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(request.GetRequestStream()))

                    var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
                        string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
                catch (WebException wex)
                    if (wex.Response != null)
                        using (var errorResponse = (HttpWebResponse)wex.Response)
                            using (var reader = new StreamReader(errorResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                                string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
            catch (IOException e)

Json Example Request:

    "merchantGuid": "19344275-985e-4dff-81ee-cb84b8ad356c",
    "Status": "Transaction - Approved"

Json Example Response:

    "pageCurrent": 1,
    "pageCurrentResults": 1,
    "pageTotal": 1,
    "pageSize": 500,
    "totalResults": 1,
    "cardSummary": null,
    "searchResultDTO": [
            "status": "Transaction - Approved",
            "sale": {
                "amount": 10.00,
                "card": {
                    "cardHolderName": null,
                    "cardType": "Visa",
                    "last4": "6734"
            "voidReason": "POST_AUTH_USER_DECLINE",
            "timeStamp": "2020-11-26T06:40:25.7-06:00",
            "processorStatusCode": "A0000",
            "batchStatus": "Batch - Open",
            "guid": "4130888a-cb0a-41a9-9d06-d90e10535b2a",
            "allowCardEmv": false,
            "userName": "maxduplessy"

Json error example response:

    "type": "",
    "title": "One or more validation errors occurred.",
    "status": 400,
    "traceId": "00-2be920374480ac59ebadf4a9a6057706-0680052537eeceae-00",
    "errors": {
        "guid": [
            "The value 'invalid guid' is not valid."

This endpoint search a voids.

HTTP Request




Headers using token

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
Authorization Token. Eg: "Bearer eHSN5rTBzqDozgAAlN1UlTMVuIT1zSiAZWCo6E..."

Headers using API Key

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
UserAuthorization API Key. Eg: "e516b6db-3230-4b1c-ae3f-e5379b774a80"

URL Parameters:

Parameter Type M/C/O Value
Exportable string Mandatory True or False. It means if you want results exportable to CSV.
PageNumber integer Optional Int. Number of page of the results. Default is 1 (Page size default is 500).
PageSize integer Optional Int. Size of each page of the results. Default is 500.

Json Body:

Parameter Type M/C/O Value
MerchantGuid string Mandatory Merchant's Guid.
VoidReason string Optional Indicates the reason the transaction was voided.

Allowed values:

Status string Optional Void’s status.

Allowed values:

1. Transaction - Approved
2. Transaction - Declined
3. Transaction - Created - Local
4. Transaction - Created - Error: Processor not reached
5. Transaction - Processor Error
6. Transaction - Approved - Warning
TimeStampFrom date Optional Void's TimeStamp.
TimeStampTo date Optional Void's TimeStamp.
UserName string Optional UserName.


Search returns

using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;

namespace ChoiceSample
    public class Search
        public static void SearchReturns()
                var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
                request.ContentType = "text/json";
                request.Method = "POST";

                var search = new
                    merchantGuid = "19344275-985e-4dff-81ee-cb84b8ad356c",
                    Status = "Transaction - Approved"                

                string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(search);

                request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer 1A089D6ziUybPZFQ3mpPyjt9OEx9yrCs7eQIC6V3A0lmXR2N6-seGNK16Gsnl3td6Ilfbr2Xf_EyukFXwnVEO3fYL-LuGw-L3c8WuaoxhPE8MMdlMPILJTIOV3lTGGdxbFXdKd9U03bbJ9TDUkqxHqq8_VyyjDrw7fs0YOob7bg0OovXTeWgIvZaIrSR1WFR06rYJ0DfWn-Inuf7re1-4SMOjY1ZoCelVwduWCBJpw1111cNbWtHJfObV8u1CVf0");
                request.ContentType = "application/json";
                request.Accept = "application/json";

                using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(request.GetRequestStream()))

                    var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
                        string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
                catch (WebException wex)
                    if (wex.Response != null)
                        using (var errorResponse = (HttpWebResponse)wex.Response)
                            using (var reader = new StreamReader(errorResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                                string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
            catch (IOException e)

Json Example Request:

    "merchantGuid": "19344275-985e-4dff-81ee-cb84b8ad356c",
    "Status": "Transaction - Approved"

Json Example Response:

    "pageCurrent": 1,
    "pageCurrentResults": 1,
    "pageTotal": 1,
    "pageSize": 500,
    "totalResults": 1,
    "cardSummary": null,
    "searchResultDTO": [
            "status": "Transaction - Approved",
            "amount": 19.74,
            "card": {
                "cardHolderName": "John Doe",
                "cardType": "Mastercard",
                "last4": "0213"
            "timeStamp": "2020-11-25T07:17:24.15-06:00",
            "processorStatusCode": "A0014",
            "batchStatus": "Batch - Closed",
            "userName": "maxduplessy",
            "guid": "9fb17f4e-b508-48d3-bd77-bb6813b42620",
            "deviceGuid": "b29725af-b067-4a35-9819-bbb31bdf8808",
            "saleGuid": "b4084e11-884d-468c-84d9-614c5b986fde",
            "type": "CreditReturn",
            "cardDataSource": "",
            "allowCardEmv": false

Json error example response:

    "type": "",
    "title": "One or more validation errors occurred.",
    "status": 400,
    "traceId": "00-2be920374480ac59ebadf4a9a6057706-0680052537eeceae-00",
    "errors": {
        "guid": [
            "The value 'invalid guid' is not valid."

This endpoint search a returns.

HTTP Request




Headers using token

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
Authorization Token. Eg: "Bearer eHSN5rTBzqDozgAAlN1UlTMVuIT1zSiAZWCo6E..."

Headers using API Key

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
UserAuthorization API Key. Eg: "e516b6db-3230-4b1c-ae3f-e5379b774a80"

URL Parameters:

Parameter Type M/C/O Value
Exportable string Mandatory True or False. It means if you want results exportable to CSV.
PageNumber integer Optional Int. Number of page of the results. Default is 1 (Page size default is 500).
PageSize integer Optional Int. Size of each page of the results. Default is 500.

Json Body:

Parameter Type M/C/O Value
MerchantGuid string Mandatory Merchant's Guid.
AmountFrom decimal Optional Amount of the transaction. Min. amt.: $0.50
AmountTo decimal Optional Amount of the transaction. Min. amt.: $0.50
Status string Optional Return’s status.

Allowed values:

1. Transaction - Approved
2. Transaction - Declined
3. Transaction - Created - Local
4. Transaction - Created - Error: Processor not reached
5. Transaction - Processor Error
6. Transaction - Approved - Warning
last4 string Optional Card last four number.
TimeStampFrom date Optional Return's TimeStamp.
TimeStampTo date Optional Return's TimeStamp.
UserName string Optional UserName.


Search returns EBT Transactions

using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;

namespace ChoiceSample
    public class Search
        public static void SearchReturnsEbtCashBenefitPurchases()
                var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
                request.ContentType = "text/json";
                request.Method = "POST";

                var search = new
                    merchantGuid = "19344275-985e-4dff-81ee-cb84b8ad356c",
                    Status = "Transaction - Approved"                

                string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(search);

                request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer 1A089D6ziUybPZFQ3mpPyjt9OEx9yrCs7eQIC6V3A0lmXR2N6-seGNK16Gsnl3td6Ilfbr2Xf_EyukFXwnVEO3fYL-LuGw-L3c8WuaoxhPE8MMdlMPILJTIOV3lTGGdxbFXdKd9U03bbJ9TDUkqxHqq8_VyyjDrw7fs0YOob7bg0OovXTeWgIvZaIrSR1WFR06rYJ0DfWn-Inuf7re1-4SMOjY1ZoCelVwduWCBJpw1111cNbWtHJfObV8u1CVf0");
                request.ContentType = "application/json";
                request.Accept = "application/json";

                using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(request.GetRequestStream()))

                    var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
                        string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
                catch (WebException wex)
                    if (wex.Response != null)
                        using (var errorResponse = (HttpWebResponse)wex.Response)
                            using (var reader = new StreamReader(errorResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                                string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
            catch (IOException e)

Json Example Request:

    "merchantGuid": "19344275-985e-4dff-81ee-cb84b8ad356c",

Json Example Response:

{   "pageCurrent": 1,
    "pageCurrentResults": 124,
    "pageTotal": 1,
    "pageSize": 500,
    "totalResults": 124,
    "cardSummary": null,
    "searchResultDto": [
            "status": "Transaction - Approved",
            "amount": 50.00,
            "card": {
                "cardHolderName": "ExampleText",
                "cardType": "Other",
                "last4": "0267"
            "orderNumber": null,
            "orderDate": null,
            "timeStamp": "2023-02-03T11:00:37.08-06:00",
            "customerId": null,
            "processorResponseMessage": "Success",
            "effectiveAmount": 30.50,
            "batchStatus": "Batch - Open",
            "relatedVoid": null,
            "relatedReturns": null,
            "guid": "125cc0f2-30db-4adc-9c1b-c3e098df90ef",
            "deviceGuid": "c7917935-7956-46a0-b6a6-d4725244dd58",
            "captureGuid": null,
            "customData": null,
            "generatedByCapture": false,
            "processorRefNumber": null,
            "partiallyApprovedAmount": null,
            "type": null,
            "surchargeAmount": null,
            "surchargeType": null,
            "dualPricingFeeAmount": null,
            "tipAmount": null,
            "saleTax": null,
            "shippingCharges": null,
            "cardDataSource": null,
            "allowCardEmv": false,
            "userName": "TestMerchant",
            "hasRelatedReturn": "Yes"

Json error example response:

    "type": "",
    "title": "One or more validation errors occurred.",
    "status": 400,
    "traceId": "00-2be920374480ac59ebadf4a9a6057706-0680052537eeceae-00",
    "errors": {
        "guid": [
            "The value 'invalid guid' is not valid."

This endpoint search a returns EBT Cash Benefit Purchases.

HTTP Request




Headers using token

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
Authorization Token. Eg: "Bearer eHSN5rTBzqDozgAAlN1UlTMVuIT1zSiAZWCo6E..."

Headers using API Key

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
UserAuthorization API Key. Eg: "e516b6db-3230-4b1c-ae3f-e5379b774a80"

URL Parameters:

Parameter Type M/C/O Value
Exportable string Mandatory True or False. It means if you want results exportable to CSV.
PageNumber integer Optional Int. Number of page of the results. Default is 1 (Page size default is 500).
PageSize integer Optional Int. Size of each page of the results. Default is 500.

Json Body:

Parameter Type M/C/O Value
MerchantGuid string Mandatory Merchant's Guid.
AmountFrom decimal Optional Amount of the transaction. Min. amt.: $0.50
AmountTo decimal Optional Amount of the transaction. Min. amt.: $0.50
Status string Optional Return’s status.

Allowed values:

1. Transaction - Approved
2. Transaction - Declined
3. Transaction - Created - Local
4. Transaction - Created - Error: Processor not reached
5. Transaction - Processor Error
6. Transaction - Approved - Warning
last4 string Optional Card last four number.
TimeStampFrom date Optional Return's TimeStamp.
TimeStampTo date Optional Return's TimeStamp.
UserName string Optional UserName.


Search authOnlys

using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;

namespace ChoiceSample
    public class Search
        public static void SearchAuthOnlys()
                var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
                request.ContentType = "text/json";
                request.Method = "POST";

                var search = new
                    merchantGuid = "19344275-985e-4dff-81ee-cb84b8ad356c",
                    Status = "Transaction - Approved"

                string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(search);

                request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer 1A089D6ziUybPZFQ3mpPyjt9OEx9yrCs7eQIC6V3A0lmXR2N6-seGNK16Gsnl3td6Ilfbr2Xf_EyukFXwnVEO3fYL-LuGw-L3c8WuaoxhPE8MMdlMPILJTIOV3lTGGdxbFXdKd9U03bbJ9TDUkqxHqq8_VyyjDrw7fs0YOob7bg0OovXTeWgIvZaIrSR1WFR06rYJ0DfWn-Inuf7re1-4SMOjY1ZoCelVwduWCBJpw1111cNbWtHJfObV8u1CVf0");
                request.ContentType = "application/json";
                request.Accept = "application/json";

                using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(request.GetRequestStream()))

                    var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
                        string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
                catch (WebException wex)
                    if (wex.Response != null)
                        using (var errorResponse = (HttpWebResponse)wex.Response)
                            using (var reader = new StreamReader(errorResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                                string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
            catch (IOException e)

Json Example Request:

    "merchantGuid": "19344275-985e-4dff-81ee-cb84b8ad356c",
    "Status": "Transaction - Approved"

Json Example Response:

    "pageCurrent": 1,
    "pageCurrentResults": 1,
    "pageTotal": 1,
    "pageSize": 10,
    "totalResults": 1,
    "cardSummary": null,
    "searchResultDTO": [
            "status": "Transaction - Approved",
            "amount": 10.00,
            "effectiveAmount": 10.00,
            "card": {
                "cardHolderName": "John Doe",
                "cardType": "Mastercard",
                "first6": "123456",
                "last4": "9426",
                "cardToken": "xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-9426"
            "orderNumber": "11518",
            "orderDate": "2020-11-24T00:00:00",
            "timeStamp": "2020-11-24T14:18:54.16-06:00",
            "customerId": "xt147",
            "processorResponseMessage": "Success",
            "batchStatus": "Batch - Closed",
            "relatedCapture": {
                "guid": "284dd923-a266-4d0f-80bd-e8441154c742",
                "newAmount": 10.00
            "relatedVoid": null,
            "guid": "493cffed-232a-4896-b9ca-36b543d7da13",
            "deviceGuid": "b29725af-b067-4a35-9819-bbb31bdf8808",
            "partiallyApprovedAmount": null,
            "cardDataSource": "INTERNET",
            "allowCardEmv": false,
            "addressVerificationCode": "N",
            "addressVerificationResult": "No Match",
            "cvvVerificationCode": "M",
            "cvvVerificationResult": "Passed",
            "semiIntegrated": null,
            "userName": "maxduplessy"

Json error example response:

    "type": "",
    "title": "One or more validation errors occurred.",
    "status": 400,
    "traceId": "00-2be920374480ac59ebadf4a9a6057706-0680052537eeceae-00",
    "errors": {
        "guid": [
            "The value 'invalid guid' is not valid."

This endpoint search an authOnlys.

HTTP Request




Headers using token

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
Authorization Token. Eg: "Bearer eHSN5rTBzqDozgAAlN1UlTMVuIT1zSiAZWCo6E..."

Headers using API Key

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
UserAuthorization API Key. Eg: "e516b6db-3230-4b1c-ae3f-e5379b774a80"

URL Parameters:

Parameter Type M/C/O Value
Exportable string Mandatory True or False. It means if you want results exportable to CSV.
PageNumber integer Optional Int. Number of page of the results. Default is 1 (Page size default is 500).
PageSize integer Optional Int. Size of each page of the results. Default is 500.

Json Body:

Parameter Type M/C/O Value
MerchantGuid string Mandatory Merchant's Guid.
AmountFrom decimal Optional Amount of the transaction. Min. amt.: $0.50
AmountTo decimal Optional Amount of the transaction. Min. amt.: $0.50
first6 string Optional Card first six number.
last4 string Optional Card last four number.
CardToken string Optional Card tokenized number value.
CardHolderName string Optional Cardholder's name. Must be between 0 and 30 digits long.
CardType string Optional Card Type.
InvoiceNumber string Optional AuthOnly's InvoiceNumber.
OrderNumber string Optional AuthOnly's order number. Length = 17.
OrderDateFrom date Optional AuthOnly's order Date.
OrderDateTo date Optional AuthOnly's order Date.
TimeStampFrom date Optional AuthOnly's TimeStamp.
TimeStampTo date Optional AuthOnly's TimeStamp.
Status string Optional AuthOnly’s status.

Allowed values:

1. Transaction - Approved
2. Transaction - Declined
3. Transaction - Created - Local
4. Transaction - Created - Error: Processor not reached
5. Transaction - Processor Error
6. Transaction - Approved - Warning
MerchantCustomerId string Optional Merchant Customer Id.
UserName string Optional UserName.


Search captures

using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;

namespace ChoiceSample
    public class Search
        public static void SearchCaptures()
                var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
                request.ContentType = "text/json";
                request.Method = "POST";

                var search = new
                    merchantGuid = "19344275-985e-4dff-81ee-cb84b8ad356c",
                    Status = "Transaction - Approved"

                string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(search);

                request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer 1A089D6ziUybPZFQ3mpPyjt9OEx9yrCs7eQIC6V3A0lmXR2N6-seGNK16Gsnl3td6Ilfbr2Xf_EyukFXwnVEO3fYL-LuGw-L3c8WuaoxhPE8MMdlMPILJTIOV3lTGGdxbFXdKd9U03bbJ9TDUkqxHqq8_VyyjDrw7fs0YOob7bg0OovXTeWgIvZaIrSR1WFR06rYJ0DfWn-Inuf7re1-4SMOjY1ZoCelVwduWCBJpw1111cNbWtHJfObV8u1CVf0");
                request.ContentType = "application/json";
                request.Accept = "application/json";

                using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(request.GetRequestStream()))

                    var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
                        string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
                catch (WebException wex)
                    if (wex.Response != null)
                        using (var errorResponse = (HttpWebResponse)wex.Response)
                            using (var reader = new StreamReader(errorResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                                string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
            catch (IOException e)

Json Example Request:

    "merchantGuid": "19344275-985e-4dff-81ee-cb84b8ad356c",
    "Status": "Transaction - Approved"

Json Example Response:

    "pageCurrent": 1,
    "pageCurrentResults": 1,
    "pageTotal": 1,
    "pageSize": 500,
    "totalResults": 1,
    "cardSummary": null,
    "searchResultDTO": [
            "status": "Transaction - Approved",
            "authOnly": {
                "status": null,
                "amount": 10.00,
                "effectiveAmount": null,
                "card": {
                    "cardHolderName": "John Doe",
                    "cardType": "Mastercard",
                    "last4": "9426"
                "orderNumber": "11518",
                "orderDate": "2020-11-24T00:00:00",
                "timeStamp": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
                "customerId": null,
                "processorResponseMessage": null,
                "batchStatus": null,
                "relatedCapture": null,
                "relatedVoid": null,
                "guid": "493cffed-232a-4896-b9ca-36b543d7da13",
                "deviceGuid": "b29725af-b067-4a35-9819-bbb31bdf8808",
                "partiallyApprovedAmount": null,
                "cardDataSource": null,
                "allowCardEmv": false,
                "addressVerificationCode": null,
                "addressVerificationResult": null,
                "cvvVerificationCode": null,
                "cvvVerificationResult": null,
                "semiIntegrated": null,
                "userName": null
            "newAmount": 10.00,
            "timeStamp": "2020-11-24T14:21:25.59-06:00",
            "processorResponseMessage": "Success",
            "batchStatus": "Batch - Closed",
            "guid": "284dd923-a266-4d0f-80bd-e8441154c742",
            "allowCardEmv": false,
            "userName": "maxduplessy"

Json error example response:

    "type": "",
    "title": "One or more validation errors occurred.",
    "status": 400,
    "traceId": "00-2be920374480ac59ebadf4a9a6057706-0680052537eeceae-00",
    "errors": {
        "guid": [
            "The value 'invalid guid' is not valid."

This endpoint search a captures.

HTTP Request




Headers using token

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
Authorization Token. Eg: "Bearer eHSN5rTBzqDozgAAlN1UlTMVuIT1zSiAZWCo6E..."

Headers using API Key

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
UserAuthorization API Key. Eg: "e516b6db-3230-4b1c-ae3f-e5379b774a80"

URL Parameters:

Parameter Type M/C/O Value
Exportable string Mandatory True or False. It means if you want results exportable to CSV.
PageNumber integer Optional Int. Number of page of the results. Default is 1 (Page size default is 500).
PageSize integer Optional Int. Size of each page of the results. Default is 500.

Json Body:

Parameter Type M/C/O Value
MerchantGuid string Mandatory Merchant's Guid.
NewAmountFrom decimal Optional NewAmount From of the transaction. Min. amt.: $0.50
NewAmountTo decimal Optional NewAmount To of the transaction. Min. amt.: $0.50
TimeStampFrom date Optional Capture's TimeStamp From.
TimeStampTo date Optional Capture's TimeStamp To.
Status string Optional Capture’s status.

Allowed values:

1. Transaction - Approved
2. Transaction - Declined
3. Transaction - Created - Local
4. Transaction - Created - Error: Processor not reached
5. Transaction - Processor Error
6. Transaction - Approved - Warning
UserName string Optional UserName.


Search verify

using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;

namespace ChoiceSample
    public class Search
        public static void SearchVerify()
                var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
                request.ContentType = "text/json";
                request.Method = "POST";

                var search = new
                    merchantGuid = "19344275-985e-4dff-81ee-cb84b8ad356c",
                    Status = "Transaction - Approved"

                string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(search);

                request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer 1A089D6ziUybPZFQ3mpPyjt9OEx9yrCs7eQIC6V3A0lmXR2N6-seGNK16Gsnl3td6Ilfbr2Xf_EyukFXwnVEO3fYL-LuGw-L3c8WuaoxhPE8MMdlMPILJTIOV3lTGGdxbFXdKd9U03bbJ9TDUkqxHqq8_VyyjDrw7fs0YOob7bg0OovXTeWgIvZaIrSR1WFR06rYJ0DfWn-Inuf7re1-4SMOjY1ZoCelVwduWCBJpw1111cNbWtHJfObV8u1CVf0");
                request.ContentType = "application/json";
                request.Accept = "application/json";

                using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(request.GetRequestStream()))

                    var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
                        string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
                catch (WebException wex)
                    if (wex.Response != null)
                        using (var errorResponse = (HttpWebResponse)wex.Response)
                            using (var reader = new StreamReader(errorResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                                string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
            catch (IOException e)

Json Example Request:

    "merchantGuid": "19344275-985e-4dff-81ee-cb84b8ad356c",
    "Status": "Transaction - Approved"

Json Example Response:

    "pageCurrent": 1,
    "pageCurrentResults": 1,
    "pageTotal": 1,
    "pageSize": 500,
    "totalResults": 1,
    "cardSummary": null,
    "searchResultDTO": [
            "status": "Transaction - Approved",
            "card": {
                "cardHolderName": "Justin Troudeau",
                "cardType": "Visa",
                "first6": "123456",
                "last4": "7402",
                "cardToken": "xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-7402"
            "timeStamp": "2020-11-25T07:24:25.29-06:00",
            "processorStatusCode": "A0000",
            "userName": "maxduplessy"

Json error example response:

    "type": "",
    "title": "One or more validation errors occurred.",
    "status": 400,
    "traceId": "00-2be920374480ac59ebadf4a9a6057706-0680052537eeceae-00",
    "errors": {
        "guid": [
            "The value 'invalid guid' is not valid."

This endpoint search a verify.

HTTP Request




Headers using token

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
Authorization Token. Eg: "Bearer eHSN5rTBzqDozgAAlN1UlTMVuIT1zSiAZWCo6E..."

Headers using API Key

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
UserAuthorization API Key. Eg: "e516b6db-3230-4b1c-ae3f-e5379b774a80"

URL Parameters:

Parameter Type M/C/O Value
Exportable string Mandatory True or False. It means if you want results exportable to CSV.
PageNumber integer Optional Int. Number of page of the results. Default is 1 (Page size default is 500).
PageSize integer Optional Int. Size of each page of the results. Default is 500.

Json Body:

Parameter Type M/C/O Value
MerchantGuid string Mandatory Merchant's Guid.
first6 string Optional Card first six number.
last4 string Optional Card last four number.
Card.Token string Optional Card tokenized number value
CardHolderName string Optional Cardholder's name. Must be between 0 and 30 digits long.
CardType string Optional Card Type.
TimeStampFrom date Optional Verify's TimeStamp From.
TimeStampTo date Optional Verify's TimeStamp To.
Status string Optional Verify’s status.

Allowed values:

1. Transaction - Approved
2. Transaction - Declined
3. Transaction - Created - Local
4. Transaction - Created - Error: Processor not reached
5. Transaction - Processor Error
6. Transaction - Approved - Warning
UserName string Optional UserName.


Search Recurring Billings

using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;

namespace ChoiceSample
    public class Search
        public static void SearchRecurringBillings()
                var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
                request.ContentType = "text/json";
                request.Method = "POST";

                var search = new
                    merchantGuid = "19344275-985e-4dff-81ee-cb84b8ad356c",
                    Status = "Transaction - Approved"

                string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(search);

                request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer 1A089D6ziUybPZFQ3mpPyjt9OEx9yrCs7eQIC6V3A0lmXR2N6-seGNK16Gsnl3td6Ilfbr2Xf_EyukFXwnVEO3fYL-LuGw-L3c8WuaoxhPE8MMdlMPILJTIOV3lTGGdxbFXdKd9U03bbJ9TDUkqxHqq8_VyyjDrw7fs0YOob7bg0OovXTeWgIvZaIrSR1WFR06rYJ0DfWn-Inuf7re1-4SMOjY1ZoCelVwduWCBJpw1111cNbWtHJfObV8u1CVf0");
                request.ContentType = "application/json";
                request.Accept = "application/json";

                using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(request.GetRequestStream()))

                    var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
                        string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
                catch (WebException wex)
                    if (wex.Response != null)
                        using (var errorResponse = (HttpWebResponse)wex.Response)
                            using (var reader = new StreamReader(errorResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                                string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
            catch (IOException e)

Json Example Request:

    "merchantGuid": "19344275-985e-4dff-81ee-cb84b8ad356c",
    "Status": "Transaction - Approved"

Json Example Response:

    "pageCurrent": 1,
    "pageCurrentResults": 1,
    "pageTotal": 1,
    "pageSize": 10,
    "totalResults": 1,
    "cardSummary": null,
    "searchResultDTO": [
            "status": "RecurringBilling - Active",
            "interval": "monthly",
            "intervalValue": "april, may, june",
            "amount": 10.50,
            "name": "John Doe",
            "recurringBillingNumber": "64942678",
            "startDate": "2021-05-13T00:00:00",
            "endDate": "2023-04-01T00:00:00",
            "paymentCount": null,
            "processorResponseMessage": null,
            "first6": "123456",
            "last4": "6019",
            "accountNumberLastFour": null,
            "timeStamp": "2020-11-25T14:31:38.6",
            "invoiceGuid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
            "invoiceNumber": null,
            "guid": "11fd2d0a-298f-4387-81ed-ffd6780f7a21",
            "scheduleNotes": "Cable",
            "pause": null,
            "accountNumber": "",
            "pauseStartDate": null,
            "pauseEndDate": null,
            "userName": "maxduplessy"

Json error example response:

    "type": "",
    "title": "One or more validation errors occurred.",
    "status": 400,
    "traceId": "00-2be920374480ac59ebadf4a9a6057706-0680052537eeceae-00",
    "errors": {
        "guid": [
            "The value 'invalid guid' is not valid."

This endpoint search a recurring billings.

HTTP Request




Headers using token

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
Authorization Token. Eg: "Bearer eHSN5rTBzqDozgAAlN1UlTMVuIT1zSiAZWCo6E..."

Headers using API Key

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
UserAuthorization API Key. Eg: "e516b6db-3230-4b1c-ae3f-e5379b774a80"

URL Parameters:

Parameter Type M/C/O Value
Exportable string Mandatory True or False. It means if you want results exportable to CSV.
PageNumber integer Optional Int. Number of page of the results. Default is 1 (Page size default is 500).
PageSize integer Optional Int. Size of each page of the results. Default is 500.

Json Body:

Parameter Type M/C/O Value
MerchantGuid string Mandatory Merchant's Guid.
CardOnly string Optional Card Only.
BankAccountOnly string Optional Bank Account Only.
Status string Optional Recurring billing status.

Allowed values:

1. RecurringBilling - Active
2. RecurringBilling - Created - Local
3. RecurringBilling - Created - Error: Processor not reached
4. RecurringBilling - Created - Processor Fail
5. RecurringBilling - Deactivated
6. RecurringBilling - Paused
7. RecurringBilling - Finished
8. RecurringBilling - Deleted
9. RecurringBilling - Active Started
Name string Optional Name.
AmountFrom decimal Optional amount from of the transaction. Min. amt.: $0.50
AmountTo decimal Optional amount to of the transaction. Min. amt.: $0.50
CreatedDateFrom date Optional Created Date From RecurringBillings.
CreatedDateTo date Optional Created Date To RecurringBillings.
BillingDateFrom date Optional Created Billing Date From RecurringBillings.
BillingDateTo date Optional Created Billing Date To RecurringBillings.
LastFour string Optional LastFour.
RecurringBillingNumber string Optional RecurringBillingNumber.
ScheduleNotes string Optional ScheduleNotes.
ScheduleExceptions string Optional ScheduleExceptions.
UserName string Optional UserName.
AccountNumber string Optional AccountNumber.


Search bank clearing

using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;

namespace ChoiceSample
    public class Search
        public static void SearchBankClearing()
                var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
                request.ContentType = "text/json";
                request.Method = "POST";

                var search = new
                    merchantGuid = "19344275-985e-4dff-81ee-cb84b8ad356c",
                    Status = "Transaction - Approved"

                string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(search);

                request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer 1A089D6ziUybPZFQ3mpPyjt9OEx9yrCs7eQIC6V3A0lmXR2N6-seGNK16Gsnl3td6Ilfbr2Xf_EyukFXwnVEO3fYL-LuGw-L3c8WuaoxhPE8MMdlMPILJTIOV3lTGGdxbFXdKd9U03bbJ9TDUkqxHqq8_VyyjDrw7fs0YOob7bg0OovXTeWgIvZaIrSR1WFR06rYJ0DfWn-Inuf7re1-4SMOjY1ZoCelVwduWCBJpw1111cNbWtHJfObV8u1CVf0");
                request.ContentType = "application/json";
                request.Accept = "application/json";

                using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(request.GetRequestStream()))

                    var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
                        string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
                catch (WebException wex)
                    if (wex.Response != null)
                        using (var errorResponse = (HttpWebResponse)wex.Response)
                            using (var reader = new StreamReader(errorResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                                string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
            catch (IOException e)

Json Example Request:

    "merchantGuid": "19344275-985e-4dff-81ee-cb84b8ad356c",
    "Status": "Transaction - Approved"

Json Example Response:

    "pageCurrent": 1,
    "pageCurrentResults": 1,
    "pageTotal": 1,
    "pageSize": 500,
    "totalResults": 1,
    "cardSummary": null,
    "searchResultDTO": [
            "status": "Transaction - Approved - Warning",
            "amount": 3.50,
            "effectiveAmount": 0.00,
            "bankAccount": {
                "nameOnAccount": "Joe Black",
                "routingNumber": "211274450",
                "lastFour": "2020"
            "orderNumber": "11518",
            "timeStamp": "2020-11-24T08:53:17.61-06:00",
            "updateTimeStamp": null,
            "fromRecurringBilling": false,
            "customerId": "xt147",
            "processorResponseMessage": "HELD",
            "relatedVoid": null,
            "relatedReturn": "f76fda9b-3632-441b-aa8c-f98ff4389ade",
            "guid": "8c7d4ce1-1cd2-4c92-ac24-86bf7ae1c0ed",
            "deviceGuid": "a9c0505b-a087-44b1-b9cd-0e7f75715d4d",
            "responseTransactionStatus": "Debit Sent",
            "responseSettlementStatus": "Credit Sent",
            "responseCode": "HELD",
            "userName": "maxduplessy"

Json error example response:

    "type": "",
    "title": "One or more validation errors occurred.",
    "status": 400,
    "traceId": "00-2be920374480ac59ebadf4a9a6057706-0680052537eeceae-00",
    "errors": {
        "guid": [
            "The value 'invalid guid' is not valid."

This endpoint search a bank clearings.

HTTP Request




Headers using token

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
Authorization Token. Eg: "Bearer eHSN5rTBzqDozgAAlN1UlTMVuIT1zSiAZWCo6E..."

Headers using API Key

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
UserAuthorization API Key. Eg: "e516b6db-3230-4b1c-ae3f-e5379b774a80"

URL Parameters:

Parameter Type M/C/O Value
Exportable string Mandatory True or False. It means if you want results exportable to CSV.
PageNumber integer Optional Int. Number of page of the results. Default is 1 (Page size default is 500).
PageSize integer Optional Int. Size of each page of the results. Default is 500.

Json Body:

Parameter Type M/C/O Value
MerchantGuid string Mandatory Merchant's Guid.
Status string Optional Bank clearing’s status.

Allowed values:

1. Transaction - Approved
2. Transaction - Declined
3. Transaction - Created - Local
4. Transaction - Created - Error: Processor not reached
5. Transaction - Processor Error
6. Transaction - Approved - Warning
TotalAmountFrom decimal Optional Total amount from of the transaction. Min. amt.: $0.50
TotalAmountTo decimal Optional Total amount to of the transaction. Min. amt.: $0.50
NameOnAccount string Optional Account's name.
RoutingNumber string Optional Routing's number. Must be 9 characters (example: 490000018).
AccountNumberLastFour string Optional Account's number last four.
FromRecurringBilling boolean Optional From RecurringBilling.
OrderNumber string Optional Merchant's order number. The value sent on this element will be returned as InvoiceNumber. Length = 17. Max length = 20. Not allow special characters.
TimeStampFrom date Optional Bank clearing's TimeStamp.
UpdateTimeStampFrom date Optional Bank clearing's UpdateTimeStamp.
TimeStampTo date Optional Bank clearing's TimeStamp.
UpdateTimeStampTo date Optional Bank clearing's UpdateTimeStamp.
MerchantCustomerId string Optional Merchant Customer Id.
UserName string Optional UserName.
SettlementStatus string Optional Settlement’s status.

Allowed values:

2. Debit Sent
3. Credit Sent
4. Chargeback
5. Not Available
6. No Credit
7. Voided
8. Returned
9. Cancelled


Search bank clearing voids

using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;

namespace ChoiceSample
    public class Search
        public static void SearchBankClearingVoids()
                var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
                request.ContentType = "text/json";
                request.Method = "POST";

                var search = new
                    merchantGuid = "19344275-985e-4dff-81ee-cb84b8ad356c",
                    Status = "Transaction - Approved"

                string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(search);

                request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer 1A089D6ziUybPZFQ3mpPyjt9OEx9yrCs7eQIC6V3A0lmXR2N6-seGNK16Gsnl3td6Ilfbr2Xf_EyukFXwnVEO3fYL-LuGw-L3c8WuaoxhPE8MMdlMPILJTIOV3lTGGdxbFXdKd9U03bbJ9TDUkqxHqq8_VyyjDrw7fs0YOob7bg0OovXTeWgIvZaIrSR1WFR06rYJ0DfWn-Inuf7re1-4SMOjY1ZoCelVwduWCBJpw1111cNbWtHJfObV8u1CVf0");
                request.ContentType = "application/json";
                request.Accept = "application/json";

                using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(request.GetRequestStream()))

                    var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
                        string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
                catch (WebException wex)
                    if (wex.Response != null)
                        using (var errorResponse = (HttpWebResponse)wex.Response)
                            using (var reader = new StreamReader(errorResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                                string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
            catch (IOException e)

Json Example Request:

    "merchantGuid": "19344275-985e-4dff-81ee-cb84b8ad356c",
    "UserName": "maxduplessy"

Json Example Response:

    "pageCurrent": 1,
    "pageCurrentResults": 1,
    "pageTotal": 1,
    "pageSize": 500,
    "totalResults": 1,
    "cardSummary": null,
    "searchResultDTO": [
            "status": "Transaction - Approved",
            "relatedClearing": {
                "status": null,
                "amount": 3.50,
                "effectiveAmount": 0.0,
                "bankAccount": {
                    "nameOnAccount": "max tomassi",
                    "routingNumber": "211274450",
                    "lastFour": "5678"
                "orderNumber": "11518",
                "timeStamp": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
                "updateTimeStamp": null,
                "fromRecurringBilling": null,
                "customerId": null,
                "processorResponseMessage": null,
                "relatedVoid": null,
                "relatedReturn": null,
                "guid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
                "deviceGuid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
                "responseTransactionStatus": null,
                "responseSettlementStatus": null,
                "responseCode": null,
                "userName": null
            "timeStamp": "2020-11-26T08:20:33.7-06:00",
            "processorResponseMessage": "VOIDED",
            "guid": "8fc24460-718f-4db2-a5cb-31ce722cec3a",
            "userName": "maxduplessy"

Json error example response:

    "type": "",
    "title": "One or more validation errors occurred.",
    "status": 400,
    "traceId": "00-2be920374480ac59ebadf4a9a6057706-0680052537eeceae-00",
    "errors": {
        "guid": [
            "The value 'invalid guid' is not valid."

This endpoint search a bank clearing voids.

HTTP Request




Headers using token

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
Authorization Token. Eg: "Bearer eHSN5rTBzqDozgAAlN1UlTMVuIT1zSiAZWCo6E..."

Headers using API Key

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
UserAuthorization API Key. Eg: "e516b6db-3230-4b1c-ae3f-e5379b774a80"

URL Parameters:

Parameter Type M/C/O Value
Exportable string Mandatory True or False. It means if you want results exportable to CSV.
PageNumber integer Optional Int. Number of page of the results. Default is 1 (Page size default is 500).
PageSize integer Optional Int. Size of each page of the results. Default is 500.

Json Body:

Parameter Type M/C/O Value
MerchantGuid string Mandatory Merchant's Guid.
OrderNumber string Optional Merchant's order number. The value sent on this element will be returned as InvoiceNumber. Length = 17. Max length = 20. Not allow special characters.
TimeStampFrom date Optional Bank clearing void's TimeStamp.
TimeStampTo date Optional Bank clearing void's TimeStamp.
Status string Optional Bank clearing void’s status.

Allowed values:

1. Transaction - Approved
2. Transaction - Declined
3. Transaction - Created - Local
4. Transaction - Created - Error: Processor not reached
5. Transaction - Processor Error
6. Transaction - Approved - Warning
UserName string Optional UserName.


Search bank clearing returns

using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;

namespace ChoiceSample
    public class Search
        public static void SearchBankClearingReturns()
                var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
                request.ContentType = "text/json";
                request.Method = "POST";

                var search = new
                    merchantGuid = "19344275-985e-4dff-81ee-cb84b8ad356c",
                    Status = "Transaction - Approved"

                string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(search);

                request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer 1A089D6ziUybPZFQ3mpPyjt9OEx9yrCs7eQIC6V3A0lmXR2N6-seGNK16Gsnl3td6Ilfbr2Xf_EyukFXwnVEO3fYL-LuGw-L3c8WuaoxhPE8MMdlMPILJTIOV3lTGGdxbFXdKd9U03bbJ9TDUkqxHqq8_VyyjDrw7fs0YOob7bg0OovXTeWgIvZaIrSR1WFR06rYJ0DfWn-Inuf7re1-4SMOjY1ZoCelVwduWCBJpw1111cNbWtHJfObV8u1CVf0");
                request.ContentType = "application/json";
                request.Accept = "application/json";

                using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(request.GetRequestStream()))

                    var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
                        string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
                catch (WebException wex)
                    if (wex.Response != null)
                        using (var errorResponse = (HttpWebResponse)wex.Response)
                            using (var reader = new StreamReader(errorResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                                string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
            catch (IOException e)

Json Example Request:

    "merchantGuid": "19344275-985e-4dff-81ee-cb84b8ad356c",
    "Status": "Transaction - Approved"

Json Example Response:

    "pageCurrent": 1,
    "pageCurrentResults": 1,
    "pageTotal": 1,
    "pageSize": 500,
    "totalResults": 1,
    "cardSummary": null,
    "searchResultDTO": [
            "status": "Transaction - Approved - Warning",
            "relatedClearing": {
                "status": null,
                "amount": 3.50,
                "effectiveAmount": 0.0,
                "bankAccount": {
                    "nameOnAccount": "Joe Black",
                    "routingNumber": "211274450",
                    "lastFour": "2020"
                "orderNumber": "11518",
                "timeStamp": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
                "updateTimeStamp": null,
                "fromRecurringBilling": null,
                "customerId": null,
                "processorResponseMessage": null,
                "relatedVoid": null,
                "relatedReturn": null,
                "guid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
                "deviceGuid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
                "responseTransactionStatus": null,
                "responseSettlementStatus": null,
                "responseCode": null,
                "userName": null
            "timeStamp": "2020-11-24T09:05:12.05-06:00",
            "processorResponseMessage": "HELD",
            "guid": "f76fda9b-3632-441b-aa8c-f98ff4389ade",
            "userName": null

Json error example response:

    "type": "",
    "title": "One or more validation errors occurred.",
    "status": 400,
    "traceId": "00-2be920374480ac59ebadf4a9a6057706-0680052537eeceae-00",
    "errors": {
        "guid": [
            "The value 'invalid guid' is not valid."

This endpoint search a bank clearing returns.

HTTP Request




Headers using token

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
Authorization Token. Eg: "Bearer eHSN5rTBzqDozgAAlN1UlTMVuIT1zSiAZWCo6E..."

Headers using API Key

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
UserAuthorization API Key. Eg: "e516b6db-3230-4b1c-ae3f-e5379b774a80"

URL Parameters:

Parameter Type M/C/O Value
Exportable string Mandatory True or False. It means if you want results exportable to CSV.
PageNumber integer Optional Int. Number of page of the results. Default is 1 (Page size default is 500).
PageSize integer Optional Int. Size of each page of the results. Default is 500.

Json Body:

Parameter Type M/C/O Value
MerchantGuid string Mandatory Merchant's Guid.
OrderNumber string Optional Merchant's order number. The value sent on this element will be returned as InvoiceNumber. Length = 17. Max length = 20. Not allow special characters.
TimeStampFrom date Optional Bank clearing void's TimeStamp.
TimeStampTo date Optional Bank clearing void's TimeStamp.
Status string Optional Bank clearing void’s status.

Allowed values:

1. Transaction - Approved
2. Transaction - Declined
3. Transaction - Created - Local
4. Transaction - Created - Error: Processor not reached
5. Transaction - Processor Error
6. Transaction - Approved - Warning
UserName string Optional UserName.


Search bank Clearing Settlement

using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;

namespace ChoiceSample
    public class Search
        public static void ShowSettlements()
                var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
                request.ContentType = "text/json";
                request.Method = "POST";

                var search = new
                    DeviceGuid = "a9c0505b-a087-44b1-b9cd-0e7f75715d4d",
                    SettleDateBegin = "01/01/2010",
                    SettleDateEnd = "12/01/2020"

                string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(search);

                request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer 1A089D6ziUybPZFQ3mpPyjt9OEx9yrCs7eQIC6V3A0lmXR2N6-seGNK16Gsnl3td6Ilfbr2Xf_EyukFXwnVEO3fYL-LuGw-L3c8WuaoxhPE8MMdlMPILJTIOV3lTGGdxbFXdKd9U03bbJ9TDUkqxHqq8_VyyjDrw7fs0YOob7bg0OovXTeWgIvZaIrSR1WFR06rYJ0DfWn-Inuf7re1-4SMOjY1ZoCelVwduWCBJpw1111cNbWtHJfObV8u1CVf0");
                request.ContentType = "application/json";
                request.Accept = "application/json";

                using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(request.GetRequestStream()))

                    var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
                        string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
                catch (WebException wex)
                    if (wex.Response != null)
                        using (var errorResponse = (HttpWebResponse)wex.Response)
                            using (var reader = new StreamReader(errorResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                                string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
            catch (IOException e)

Json Example Request:

    "DeviceGuid" : "a9c0505b-a087-44b1-b9cd-0e7f75715d4d",
    "SettleDateBegin": "01/01/2010",
    "SettleDateEnd": "12/01/2020"

Json Example Response:

    "summary": {
        "error": "",
        "message": "",
        "requestCount": 1,
        "successCount": 1,
        "failCount": 0,
        "timeStamp": "11/27/2020 8:58:20 AM",
        "executeTime": 0.0
    "items": [
            "settlementId": "1931",
            "settlementDate": "2020-11-17T08:22:00",
            "fileId": "1162",
            "subMerchantNum": "",
            "settlementAmount": 398.0000,
            "settlementType": "Origination File Settlement",
            "approvedDebits": 398.0000,
            "approvedCredits": 0.0,
            "debitCreditFees": 0.0,
            "nocFees": 0.0,
            "returnFees": 0.0,
            "reserve": 0.0,
            "discount": 0.0,
            "chargebacks": 0.0,
            "chargebackFees": 0.0,
            "extendedHoursFees": 0.0,
            "adminFees": 0.0,
            "deliveryMethod": 0.0,
            "offset": 0.0
    "messageXml": "<?xml version='1.0'?>\n<BOPRequest>\n<ResponseSummary>\n<Error></Error>\n<Message></Message>\n<RequestCount>1</RequestCount>\n<SuccessCount>1</SuccessCount>\n<FailCount>0</FailCount>\n<TimeStamp>11/27/2020 8:58:20 AM</TimeStamp>\n<ExecuteTime>0</ExecuteTime>\n</ResponseSummary>\n<Request ID=\"1\">\n<RequestType>ShowSettlements</RequestType>\n<Status>Success</Status>\n<StatusMessage/>\n<TimeStamp>11/27/2020 8:58:20 AM</TimeStamp>\n<Results Count=\"1\">\n<Result ID=\"1\">\n<SettlementID>1931</SettlementID>\n<SettlementDate>11/17/2020 8:22:00 AM</SettlementDate>\n<FileID>1162</FileID>\n<SubMerchantNum></SubMerchantNum>\n<SettlementAmount>398.0000</SettlementAmount>\n<SettlementType>1</SettlementType>\n<ApprovedDebits>398.0000</ApprovedDebits>\n<ApprovedCredits>0</ApprovedCredits>\n<DebitCreditFees>0</DebitCreditFees>\n<NOCFees>0</NOCFees>\n<ReturnFees>0</ReturnFees>\n<Reserve>0</Reserve>\n<Discount>0</Discount>\n<Chargebacks>0</Chargebacks>\n<ChargebackFees>0</ChargebackFees>\n<ExtendedHoursFees>0</ExtendedHoursFees>\n<AdminFees>0</AdminFees>\n<DeliveryMethod>ACH</DeliveryMethod>\n<Offset>0</Offset>\n</Result>\n</Results>\n</Request>\n</BOPRequest>\n"

Json error example response:

    "type": "",
    "title": "One or more validation errors occurred.",
    "status": 400,
    "traceId": "00-2be920374480ac59ebadf4a9a6057706-0680052537eeceae-00",
    "errors": {
        "guid": [
            "The value 'invalid guid' is not valid."

This endpoint searchs Bank Clearing Settlement.

HTTP Request


Headers using token

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
Authorization Token. Eg: "Bearer eHSN5rTBzqDozgAAlN1UlTMVuIT1zSiAZWCo6E..."

Headers using API Key

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
UserAuthorization API Key. Eg: "e516b6db-3230-4b1c-ae3f-e5379b774a80"

Json Body:

Parameter Type M/C/O Value
DeviceGuid string Mandatory Device's Guid.
SettleDateBegin string Mandatory Settle Date Begin.
SettleDateEnd string Mandatory Settle Date End.


Search bank Clearing Settlement Details

using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;

namespace ChoiceSample
    public class Search
        public static void ShowSettlementDetails()
                var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
                request.ContentType = "text/json";
                request.Method = "POST";

                var search = new
                    DeviceGuid = "a9c0505b-a087-44b1-b9cd-0e7f75715d4d",
                    SettlementId = "1931"

                string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(search);

                request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer 1A089D6ziUybPZFQ3mpPyjt9OEx9yrCs7eQIC6V3A0lmXR2N6-seGNK16Gsnl3td6Ilfbr2Xf_EyukFXwnVEO3fYL-LuGw-L3c8WuaoxhPE8MMdlMPILJTIOV3lTGGdxbFXdKd9U03bbJ9TDUkqxHqq8_VyyjDrw7fs0YOob7bg0OovXTeWgIvZaIrSR1WFR06rYJ0DfWn-Inuf7re1-4SMOjY1ZoCelVwduWCBJpw1111cNbWtHJfObV8u1CVf0");
                request.ContentType = "application/json";
                request.Accept = "application/json";

                using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(request.GetRequestStream()))

                    var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
                        string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
                catch (WebException wex)
                    if (wex.Response != null)
                        using (var errorResponse = (HttpWebResponse)wex.Response)
                            using (var reader = new StreamReader(errorResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                                string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
            catch (IOException e)

Json Example Request:

    "DeviceGuid" : "a9c0505b-a087-44b1-b9cd-0e7f75715d4d",
    "SettlementId" : 1931

Json Example Response:

    "summary": {
        "error": "",
        "message": "",
        "requestCount": 1,
        "successCount": 1,
        "failCount": 0,
        "timeStamp": "11/27/2020 9:00:23 AM",
        "executeTime": 0.0
    "item": {
        "status": "Success",
        "statusMessage": "",
        "transactionId": "22275",
        "transactionType": "CREDIT",
        "fileId": "1162",
        "subMerchantNum": "",
        "amount": 299.0000,
        "customerId": "543f9dd4-1234-4e69-a5e9-212b9486020e",
        "accountName": "Irish City"
    "messageXml": "<?xml version='1.0'?>\n<BOPRequest>\n<ResponseSummary>\n<Error></Error>\n<Message></Message>\n<RequestCount>1</RequestCount>\n<SuccessCount>1</SuccessCount>\n<FailCount>0</FailCount>\n<TimeStamp>11/27/2020 9:00:23 AM</TimeStamp>\n<ExecuteTime>0</ExecuteTime>\n</ResponseSummary>\n<Request ID=\"1\">\n<RequestType>ShowSettlementDetails</RequestType>\n<Status>Success</Status>\n<StatusMessage/>\n<TimeStamp>11/27/2020 9:00:23 AM</TimeStamp>\n<Results Count=\"2\">\n<Result ID=\"1\">\n<TransactionID>22274</TransactionID>\n<TransactionType>CREDIT</TransactionType>\n<FileID>1162</FileID>\n<SubMerchantNum></SubMerchantNum>\n<Amount>99.0000</Amount>\n<CustomerID>8337ea32-1234-4ddb-9b80-6f67c7d7048a</CustomerID>\n<AccountName>Galaxy Fun Park</AccountName>\n</Result>\n<Result ID=\"2\">\n<TransactionID>22275</TransactionID>\n<TransactionType>CREDIT</TransactionType>\n<FileID>1162</FileID>\n<SubMerchantNum></SubMerchantNum>\n<Amount>299.0000</Amount>\n<CustomerID>543f9dd4-1234-4e69-a5e9-212b9486020e</CustomerID>\n<AccountName>Irish City</AccountName>\n</Result>\n</Results>\n</Request>\n</BOPRequest>\n"

Json error example response:

    "type": "",
    "title": "One or more validation errors occurred.",
    "status": 400,
    "traceId": "00-2be920374480ac59ebadf4a9a6057706-0680052537eeceae-00",
    "errors": {
        "guid": [
            "The value 'invalid guid' is not valid."

This endpoint Searchs bank Clearing Settlement Details.

HTTP Request


Headers using token

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
Authorization Token. Eg: "Bearer eHSN5rTBzqDozgAAlN1UlTMVuIT1zSiAZWCo6E..."

Headers using API Key

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
UserAuthorization API Key. Eg: "e516b6db-3230-4b1c-ae3f-e5379b774a80"

Json Body:

Parameter Type M/C/O Value
DeviceGuid string Mandatory Device's Guid.
SettlementId string Mandatory Settlement Id.


Search bank Clearing Notifications

using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;

namespace ChoiceSample
    public class Search
        public static void ShowReturnNotificationList()
                var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
                request.ContentType = "text/json";
                request.Method = "POST";

                var search = new
                    DeviceGuid = "a9c0505b-a087-44b1-b9cd-0e7f75715d4d",
                    NotificationDateBegin = "2020-11-11",
                    NotificationDateEnd = "2021-11-11"

                string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(search);

                request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer 1A089D6ziUybPZFQ3mpPyjt9OEx9yrCs7eQIC6V3A0lmXR2N6-seGNK16Gsnl3td6Ilfbr2Xf_EyukFXwnVEO3fYL-LuGw-L3c8WuaoxhPE8MMdlMPILJTIOV3lTGGdxbFXdKd9U03bbJ9TDUkqxHqq8_VyyjDrw7fs0YOob7bg0OovXTeWgIvZaIrSR1WFR06rYJ0DfWn-Inuf7re1-4SMOjY1ZoCelVwduWCBJpw1111cNbWtHJfObV8u1CVf0");
                request.ContentType = "application/json";
                request.Accept = "application/json";

                using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(request.GetRequestStream()))

                    var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
                        string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
                catch (WebException wex)
                    if (wex.Response != null)
                        using (var errorResponse = (HttpWebResponse)wex.Response)
                            using (var reader = new StreamReader(errorResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                                string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
            catch (IOException e)

Json Example Request:

    "DeviceGuid": "0e51ea3e-56ff-49e6-9d72-39f2058774a1",
    "NotificationDateBegin": "2020-11-11",
    "NotificationDateEnd": "2021-11-11"

Json Example Response:

    "summary": {
        "error": "",
        "message": "",
        "requestCount": 1,
        "successCount": 1,
        "failCount": 0,
        "timeStamp": "11/16/2021 4:44:55 PM",
        "executeTime": 0.0
    "items": [
            "messageXml": "<Result ID=\"1\"><NotificationID>66</NotificationID><NotificationTime>11/23/2020 5:06:39 PM</NotificationTime><Announced>True</Announced><Retrieved>False</Retrieved><Description>RETURN NOTIFICATION FOR RETURN FILE ID: 9999</Description></Result>",
            "messageJson": "{\"Result\":{\"@ID\":\"1\",\"NotificationID\":\"66\",\"NotificationTime\":\"11/23/2020 5:06:39 PM\",\"Announced\":\"True\",\"Retrieved\":\"False\",\"Description\":\"RETURN NOTIFICATION FOR RETURN FILE ID: 9999\"}}",
            "notificationId": "66",
            "notificationTime": "2020-11-23T17:06:39",
            "announced": true,
            "retrieved": false,
            "description": "RETURN NOTIFICATION FOR RETURN FILE ID: 9999"
            "messageXml": "<Result ID=\"2\"><NotificationID>67</NotificationID><NotificationTime>11/23/2020 5:08:08 PM</NotificationTime><Announced>True</Announced><Retrieved>False</Retrieved><Description>RETURN NOTIFICATION FOR RETURN FILE ID: 9999</Description></Result>",
            "messageJson": "{\"Result\":{\"@ID\":\"2\",\"NotificationID\":\"67\",\"NotificationTime\":\"11/23/2020 5:08:08 PM\",\"Announced\":\"True\",\"Retrieved\":\"False\",\"Description\":\"RETURN NOTIFICATION FOR RETURN FILE ID: 9999\"}}",
            "notificationId": "67",
            "notificationTime": "2020-11-23T17:08:08",
            "announced": true,
            "retrieved": false,
            "description": "RETURN NOTIFICATION FOR RETURN FILE ID: 9999"
            "messageXml": "<Result ID=\"3\"><NotificationID>71</NotificationID><NotificationTime>12/2/2020 2:12:02 PM</NotificationTime><Announced>True</Announced><Retrieved>False</Retrieved><Description>RETURN NOTIFICATION FOR RETURN FILE ID: 9999</Description></Result>",
            "messageJson": "{\"Result\":{\"@ID\":\"3\",\"NotificationID\":\"71\",\"NotificationTime\":\"12/2/2020 2:12:02 PM\",\"Announced\":\"True\",\"Retrieved\":\"False\",\"Description\":\"RETURN NOTIFICATION FOR RETURN FILE ID: 9999\"}}",
            "notificationId": "71",
            "notificationTime": "2020-12-02T14:12:02",
            "announced": true,
            "retrieved": false,
            "description": "RETURN NOTIFICATION FOR RETURN FILE ID: 9999"
    "messageXml": "<?xml version='1.0'?>\n<BOPRequest>\n<ResponseSummary>\n<Error></Error>\n<Message></Message>\n<RequestCount>1</RequestCount>\n<SuccessCount>1</SuccessCount>\n<FailCount>0</FailCount>\n<TimeStamp>11/16/2021 4:44:55 PM</TimeStamp>\n<ExecuteTime>0</ExecuteTime>\n</ResponseSummary>\n<Request ID=\"1\">\n<RequestType>ShowReturnNotificationList</RequestType>\n<Status>Success</Status>\n<StatusMessage/>\n<TimeStamp>11/16/2021 4:44:55 PM</TimeStamp>\n<Results Count=\"3\">\n<Result ID=\"1\">\n<NotificationID>66</NotificationID>\n<NotificationTime>11/23/2020 5:06:39 PM</NotificationTime>\n<Announced>True</Announced>\n<Retrieved>False</Retrieved>\n<Description>RETURN NOTIFICATION FOR RETURN FILE ID: 9999</Description>\n</Result>\n<Result ID=\"2\">\n<NotificationID>67</NotificationID>\n<NotificationTime>11/23/2020 5:08:08 PM</NotificationTime>\n<Announced>True</Announced>\n<Retrieved>False</Retrieved>\n<Description>RETURN NOTIFICATION FOR RETURN FILE ID: 9999</Description>\n</Result>\n<Result ID=\"3\">\n<NotificationID>71</NotificationID>\n<NotificationTime>12/2/2020 2:12:02 PM</NotificationTime>\n<Announced>True</Announced>\n<Retrieved>False</Retrieved>\n<Description>RETURN NOTIFICATION FOR RETURN FILE ID: 9999</Description>\n</Result>\n</Results>\n</Request>\n</BOPRequest>\n",
    "messageJson": "{\"BOPRequest\":{\"ResponseSummary\":{\"Error\":\"\",\"Message\":\"\",\"RequestCount\":\"1\",\"SuccessCount\":\"1\",\"FailCount\":\"0\",\"TimeStamp\":\"11/16/2021 4:44:55 PM\",\"ExecuteTime\":\"0\"},\"Request\":{\"@ID\":\"1\",\"RequestType\":\"ShowReturnNotificationList\",\"Status\":\"Success\",\"StatusMessage\":null,\"TimeStamp\":\"11/16/2021 4:44:55 PM\",\"Results\":{\"@Count\":\"3\",\"Result\":[{\"@ID\":\"1\",\"NotificationID\":\"66\",\"NotificationTime\":\"11/23/2020 5:06:39 PM\",\"Announced\":\"True\",\"Retrieved\":\"False\",\"Description\":\"RETURN NOTIFICATION FOR RETURN FILE ID: 9999\"},{\"@ID\":\"2\",\"NotificationID\":\"67\",\"NotificationTime\":\"11/23/2020 5:08:08 PM\",\"Announced\":\"True\",\"Retrieved\":\"False\",\"Description\":\"RETURN NOTIFICATION FOR RETURN FILE ID: 9999\"},{\"@ID\":\"3\",\"NotificationID\":\"71\",\"NotificationTime\":\"12/2/2020 2:12:02 PM\",\"Announced\":\"True\",\"Retrieved\":\"False\",\"Description\":\"RETURN NOTIFICATION FOR RETURN FILE ID: 9999\"}]}}}}"

Json error example response:

    "type": "",
    "title": "One or more validation errors occurred.",
    "status": 400,
    "traceId": "00-2be920374480ac59ebadf4a9a6057706-0680052537eeceae-00",
    "errors": {
        "guid": [
            "The value 'invalid guid' is not valid."

This endpoint Searchs bank Clearing Notifications.

HTTP Request


Headers using token

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
Authorization Token. Eg: "Bearer eHSN5rTBzqDozgAAlN1UlTMVuIT1zSiAZWCo6E..."

Headers using API Key

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
UserAuthorization API Key. Eg: "e516b6db-3230-4b1c-ae3f-e5379b774a80"

Json Body:

Parameter Type M/C/O Value
DeviceGuid string Mandatory Device's Guid.
NotificationDateBegin string Mandatory Notification Date Begin.
NotificationDateEnd string Mandatory Notification Date End.


Search bank Clearing Notifications Details

using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;

namespace ChoiceSample
    public class Search
        public static void ShowReturnNotificationDetails()
                var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
                request.ContentType = "text/json";
                request.Method = "POST";

                var search = new
                    DeviceGuid = "a9c0505b-a087-44b1-b9cd-0e7f75715d4d",
                    NotificationId = "66"

                string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(search);

                request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer 1A089D6ziUybPZFQ3mpPyjt9OEx9yrCs7eQIC6V3A0lmXR2N6-seGNK16Gsnl3td6Ilfbr2Xf_EyukFXwnVEO3fYL-LuGw-L3c8WuaoxhPE8MMdlMPILJTIOV3lTGGdxbFXdKd9U03bbJ9TDUkqxHqq8_VyyjDrw7fs0YOob7bg0OovXTeWgIvZaIrSR1WFR06rYJ0DfWn-Inuf7re1-4SMOjY1ZoCelVwduWCBJpw1111cNbWtHJfObV8u1CVf0");
                request.ContentType = "application/json";
                request.Accept = "application/json";

                using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(request.GetRequestStream()))

                    var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
                        string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
                catch (WebException wex)
                    if (wex.Response != null)
                        using (var errorResponse = (HttpWebResponse)wex.Response)
                            using (var reader = new StreamReader(errorResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                                string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
            catch (IOException e)

Json Example Request:

    "DeviceGuid": "0e51ea3e-56ff-49e6-9d72-39f2058774a1",
    "NotificationId": "66"

Json Example Response:

    "summary": {
        "error": "",
        "message": "",
        "requestCount": 1,
        "successCount": 1,
        "failCount": 0,
        "timeStamp": "11/16/2021 5:10:39 PM",
        "executeTime": 0.0
    "items": [
            "messageXml": "<Result ID=\"1\"><TransactionID>22346</TransactionID><ReturnDate>11/23/2020 5:07:00 PM</ReturnDate><ReturnCode>R01</ReturnCode><ReturnDesc>INSUFFICIENT FUNDS</ReturnDesc><CustomerID>5c9aa8e8-38d3-44c8-a97e-637ccdb7fc3a</CustomerID></Result>",
            "messageJson": "{\"Result\":{\"@ID\":\"1\",\"TransactionID\":\"22346\",\"ReturnDate\":\"11/23/2020 5:07:00 PM\",\"ReturnCode\":\"R01\",\"ReturnDesc\":\"INSUFFICIENT FUNDS\",\"CustomerID\":\"5c9aa8e8-38d3-44c8-a97e-637ccdb7fc3a\"}}",
            "transactionId": "22346",
            "returnDate": "2020-11-23T17:07:00",
            "returnCode": "R01",
            "returnDesc": "INSUFFICIENT FUNDS",
            "customerId": "5c9aa8e8-38d3-44c8-a97e-637ccdb7fc3a"
    "messageXml": "<?xml version='1.0'?>\n<BOPRequest>\n<ResponseSummary>\n<Error></Error>\n<Message></Message>\n<RequestCount>1</RequestCount>\n<SuccessCount>1</SuccessCount>\n<FailCount>0</FailCount>\n<TimeStamp>11/16/2021 5:10:39 PM</TimeStamp>\n<ExecuteTime>0</ExecuteTime>\n</ResponseSummary>\n<Request ID=\"1\">\n<RequestType>ShowReturnNotificationDetails</RequestType>\n<Status>Success</Status>\n<StatusMessage/>\n<TimeStamp>11/16/2021 5:10:39 PM</TimeStamp>\n<Results Count=\"1\">\n<Result ID=\"1\">\n<TransactionID>22346</TransactionID>\n<ReturnDate>11/23/2020 5:07:00 PM</ReturnDate>\n<ReturnCode>R01</ReturnCode>\n<ReturnDesc>INSUFFICIENT FUNDS</ReturnDesc>\n<CustomerID>5c9aa8e8-38d3-44c8-a97e-637ccdb7fc3a</CustomerID>\n</Result>\n</Results>\n</Request>\n</BOPRequest>\n",
    "messageJson": "{\"BOPRequest\":{\"ResponseSummary\":{\"Error\":\"\",\"Message\":\"\",\"RequestCount\":\"1\",\"SuccessCount\":\"1\",\"FailCount\":\"0\",\"TimeStamp\":\"11/16/2021 5:10:39 PM\",\"ExecuteTime\":\"0\"},\"Request\":{\"@ID\":\"1\",\"RequestType\":\"ShowReturnNotificationDetails\",\"Status\":\"Success\",\"StatusMessage\":null,\"TimeStamp\":\"11/16/2021 5:10:39 PM\",\"Results\":{\"@Count\":\"1\",\"Result\":{\"@ID\":\"1\",\"TransactionID\":\"22346\",\"ReturnDate\":\"11/23/2020 5:07:00 PM\",\"ReturnCode\":\"R01\",\"ReturnDesc\":\"INSUFFICIENT FUNDS\",\"CustomerID\":\"5c9aa8e8-38d3-44c8-a97e-637ccdb7fc3a\"}}}}}"

Json error example response:

    "type": "",
    "title": "One or more validation errors occurred.",
    "status": 400,
    "traceId": "00-2be920374480ac59ebadf4a9a6057706-0680052537eeceae-00",
    "errors": {
        "guid": [
            "The value 'invalid guid' is not valid."

This endpoint Searchs bank Clearing Notifications Details.

HTTP Request


Headers using token

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
Authorization Token. Eg: "Bearer eHSN5rTBzqDozgAAlN1UlTMVuIT1zSiAZWCo6E..."

Headers using API Key

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
UserAuthorization API Key. Eg: "e516b6db-3230-4b1c-ae3f-e5379b774a80"

Json Body:

Parameter Type M/C/O Value
DeviceGuid string Mandatory Device's Guid.
NotificationId string Mandatory Notification Id.


Search bank Clearing Chargebacks

using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;

namespace ChoiceSample
    public class Search
        public static void Chargebacks()
                var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
                request.ContentType = "text/json";
                request.Method = "POST";

                var search = new
                    DeviceGuid = "a9c0505b-a087-44b1-b9cd-0e7f75715d4d",
                    ChargeBackDateBegin = "2020-11-11", 
                    ChargeBackDateEnd = "2021-11-11", 

                string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(search);

                request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer 1A089D6ziUybPZFQ3mpPyjt9OEx9yrCs7eQIC6V3A0lmXR2N6-seGNK16Gsnl3td6Ilfbr2Xf_EyukFXwnVEO3fYL-LuGw-L3c8WuaoxhPE8MMdlMPILJTIOV3lTGGdxbFXdKd9U03bbJ9TDUkqxHqq8_VyyjDrw7fs0YOob7bg0OovXTeWgIvZaIrSR1WFR06rYJ0DfWn-Inuf7re1-4SMOjY1ZoCelVwduWCBJpw1111cNbWtHJfObV8u1CVf0");
                request.ContentType = "application/json";
                request.Accept = "application/json";

                using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(request.GetRequestStream()))

                    var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
                        string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
                catch (WebException wex)
                    if (wex.Response != null)
                        using (var errorResponse = (HttpWebResponse)wex.Response)
                            using (var reader = new StreamReader(errorResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                                string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
            catch (IOException e)

Json Example Request:

    "DeviceGuid": "0e51ea3e-56ff-49e6-9d72-39f2058774a1",
    "ChargeBackDateBegin": "2020-11-11",
    "ChargeBackDateEnd": "2021-11-11"

Json Example Response:

    "summary": {
        "error": "",
        "message": "",
        "requestCount": 1,
        "successCount": 1,
        "failCount": 0,
        "timeStamp": "11/16/2021 5:23:17 PM",
        "executeTime": 0.0
    "items": [],
    "messageXml": "<?xml version='1.0'?>\n<BOPRequest>\n<ResponseSummary>\n<Error></Error>\n<Message></Message>\n<RequestCount>1</RequestCount>\n<SuccessCount>1</SuccessCount>\n<FailCount>0</FailCount>\n<TimeStamp>11/16/2021 5:23:17 PM</TimeStamp>\n<ExecuteTime>0</ExecuteTime>\n</ResponseSummary>\n<Request ID=\"1\">\n<RequestType>ShowChargebacks</RequestType>\n<Status>Success</Status>\n<StatusMessage/>\n<TimeStamp>11/16/2021 5:23:17 PM</TimeStamp>\n<Results Count=\"0\">\n</Results>\n</Request>\n</BOPRequest>\n",
    "messageJson": "{\"BOPRequest\":{\"ResponseSummary\":{\"Error\":\"\",\"Message\":\"\",\"RequestCount\":\"1\",\"SuccessCount\":\"1\",\"FailCount\":\"0\",\"TimeStamp\":\"11/16/2021 5:23:17 PM\",\"ExecuteTime\":\"0\"},\"Request\":{\"@ID\":\"1\",\"RequestType\":\"ShowChargebacks\",\"Status\":\"Success\",\"StatusMessage\":null,\"TimeStamp\":\"11/16/2021 5:23:17 PM\",\"Results\":{\"@Count\":\"0\"}}}}"

Json error example response:

    "type": "",
    "title": "One or more validation errors occurred.",
    "status": 400,
    "traceId": "00-2be920374480ac59ebadf4a9a6057706-0680052537eeceae-00",
    "errors": {
        "guid": [
            "The value 'invalid guid' is not valid."

This endpoint searchs bank Clearing Chargebacks.

HTTP Request


Headers using token

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
Authorization Token. Eg: "Bearer eHSN5rTBzqDozgAAlN1UlTMVuIT1zSiAZWCo6E..."

Headers using API Key

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
UserAuthorization API Key. Eg: "e516b6db-3230-4b1c-ae3f-e5379b774a80"

Json Body:

Parameter Type M/C/O Value
DeviceGuid string Mandatory Device's Guid.
ChargeBackDateBegin string Mandatory ChargeBack Date Begin.
ChargeBackDateEnd string Mandatory ChargeBack Date Begin.


Search bank Clearing NOCs

using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;

namespace ChoiceSample
    public class Search
        public static void Chargebacks()
                var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
                request.ContentType = "text/json";
                request.Method = "POST";

                var search = new
                    DeviceGuid = "a9c0505b-a087-44b1-b9cd-0e7f75715d4d",
                    NocDateBegin = "2020-11-11", 
                    NocDateEnd = "2021-11-11", 

                string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(search);

                request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer 1A089D6ziUybPZFQ3mpPyjt9OEx9yrCs7eQIC6V3A0lmXR2N6-seGNK16Gsnl3td6Ilfbr2Xf_EyukFXwnVEO3fYL-LuGw-L3c8WuaoxhPE8MMdlMPILJTIOV3lTGGdxbFXdKd9U03bbJ9TDUkqxHqq8_VyyjDrw7fs0YOob7bg0OovXTeWgIvZaIrSR1WFR06rYJ0DfWn-Inuf7re1-4SMOjY1ZoCelVwduWCBJpw1111cNbWtHJfObV8u1CVf0");
                request.ContentType = "application/json";
                request.Accept = "application/json";

                using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(request.GetRequestStream()))

                    var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
                        string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
                catch (WebException wex)
                    if (wex.Response != null)
                        using (var errorResponse = (HttpWebResponse)wex.Response)
                            using (var reader = new StreamReader(errorResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                                string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
            catch (IOException e)

Json Example Request:

    "DeviceGuid": "0e51ea3e-56ff-49e6-9d72-39f2058774a1",
    "NocDateBegin": "2020-11-11",
    "NocDateEnd": "2021-11-11"

Json Example Response:

    "summary": {
        "error": "",
        "message": "",
        "requestCount": 1,
        "successCount": 1,
        "failCount": 0,
        "timeStamp": "11/16/2021 5:23:17 PM",
        "executeTime": 0.0
    "items": [],
    "messageXml": "<?xml version='1.0'?>\n<BOPRequest>\n<ResponseSummary>\n<Error></Error>\n<Message></Message>\n<RequestCount>1</RequestCount>\n<SuccessCount>1</SuccessCount>\n<FailCount>0</FailCount>\n<TimeStamp>11/16/2021 5:23:17 PM</TimeStamp>\n<ExecuteTime>0</ExecuteTime>\n</ResponseSummary>\n<Request ID=\"1\">\n<RequestType>ShowChargebacks</RequestType>\n<Status>Success</Status>\n<StatusMessage/>\n<TimeStamp>11/16/2021 5:23:17 PM</TimeStamp>\n<Results Count=\"0\">\n</Results>\n</Request>\n</BOPRequest>\n",
    "messageJson": "{\"BOPRequest\":{\"ResponseSummary\":{\"Error\":\"\",\"Message\":\"\",\"RequestCount\":\"1\",\"SuccessCount\":\"1\",\"FailCount\":\"0\",\"TimeStamp\":\"11/16/2021 5:23:17 PM\",\"ExecuteTime\":\"0\"},\"Request\":{\"@ID\":\"1\",\"RequestType\":\"ShowChargebacks\",\"Status\":\"Success\",\"StatusMessage\":null,\"TimeStamp\":\"11/16/2021 5:23:17 PM\",\"Results\":{\"@Count\":\"0\"}}}}"

Json error example response:

    "type": "",
    "title": "One or more validation errors occurred.",
    "status": 400,
    "traceId": "00-2be920374480ac59ebadf4a9a6057706-0680052537eeceae-00",
    "errors": {
        "guid": [
            "The value 'invalid guid' is not valid."

This endpoint searchs bank Clearing NOCs.

HTTP Request


Headers using token

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
Authorization Token. Eg: "Bearer eHSN5rTBzqDozgAAlN1UlTMVuIT1zSiAZWCo6E..."

Headers using API Key

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
UserAuthorization API Key. Eg: "e516b6db-3230-4b1c-ae3f-e5379b774a80"

Json Body:

Parameter Type M/C/O Value
DeviceGuid string Mandatory Device's Guid.
NocDateBegin string Mandatory Noc Date Begin.
NocDateEnd string Mandatory Noc Date Begin.


Hosted Payment Page

Hosted Payment Page

using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;

namespace ChoiceSample
    public class Account
        public static void HostedPaymentPage()
                var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
                request.ContentType = "text/json";
                request.Method = "POST";

                var payment = new
                    DeviceCreditCardGuid = "4b5013f7-b275-4929-8e83-0167c6edf639",
                    DeviceAchGuid = "386ac1e6-250d-4866-b283-248c1e9340ef",
                    Merchantname = "StarCoffe",
                    Description = "coffe latte",
                    Amount = 7.50,
                    OtherURL = "http://StarCoffe/other",
                    SuccessURL = "http://StarCoffe/success",
                    CancelURL = "http://StarCoffe/cancel"
                    OtherInfo = "Energy tax",
                    OrderNumber = "12345abc"
                    Customer = new
                        FirstName = "Max",
                        LastName = "Tomassi",
                        Phone = "8741234745",
                        City = "New York",
                        State = "NY",
                        Email = "",
                        Address1 = "110 10th Av.",
                        Address2 = "",
                        Zip = "10016"

                string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(payment);

                request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer eHSN5rTBzqDozgAAlN1UlTMVuIT1zSiAZWCo6EBqB7RFjVMuhmuPNWcYM7ozyMb3uaDe0gyDL_nMPESbuM5I4skBOYcUM4A06NO88CVV3yBYee7mWB1qT-YFu5A3KZJSfRIbTX9GZdrZpi-JuWsx-7GE9GIYrNJ29BpaQscTwxYDr67WiFlCCrsCqWnCPJUjCFRIrTDltz8vM15mlgjiO0y04ZACGOWNNErIVegX062oydV7SqumGJEbS9Av4gdy");
                request.ContentType = "application/json";
                request.Accept = "application/json";

                using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(request.GetRequestStream()))

                    var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
                        string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
                catch (WebException wex)
                    if (wex.Response != null)
                        using (var errorResponse = (HttpWebResponse)wex.Response)
                            using (var reader = new StreamReader(errorResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                                string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
            catch (IOException e)

Json Example Request:

    "DeviceCreditCardGuid": "4b5013f7-b275-4929-8e83-0167c6edf639",
    "DeviceAchGuid": "386ac1e6-250d-4866-b283-248c1e9340ef",
    "Merchantname": "StarCoffe",
    "Description": "coffe latte",
    "Amount": 7.50,
    "OtherURL": "http://StarCoffe/other",
    "SuccessURL": "http://StarCoffe/success",
    "CancelURL": "http://StarCoffe/cancel",
    "OtherInfo": "Energy tax",
    "Customer": {
        "FirstName": "Max",
        "LastName": "Tomassi",
        "Phone": "8741234745",
        "City": "New York",
        "State": "NY",
        "Email": "",
        "Address1": "110 10th Av.",
        "Address2": "",
        "Zip": "10016"

Json Example Response:

    "merchantName": "StarCoffe",
    "description": "coffe latte",
    "amount": 7.500,
    "otherUrl": "www.StarCoffe/other",
    "successUrl": "www.StarCoffe/success",
    "cancelUrl": "www.StarCoffe/cancel",
    "tempToken": "765fabb8-25e5-4746-a07f-147516f10325",
    "html": "<button type='button' class='btn btn-success'><a style = 'color: white !important' href='' target='_blank'>  </a></button>",
    "expiration": "2123-06-28T19:42:42.0232089Z",
    "otherInfo": "Energy tax",
    "merchantGuid": "cd3d0150-819c-44b9-8efd-2fa248fcacce",
    "avs": "No Match",
    "used": false,
    "customer": {
        "guid": "681acbce-fa13-4a69-92f6-8e448999cfb3",
        "merchantGuid": "cd3d0150-819c-44b9-8efd-2fa248fcacce",
        "firstName": "Max",
        "lastName": "Tomassi",
        "address1": "110 10th Av.",
        "zip": "10016",
        "city": "New York",
        "state": "NY",
        "stateFullName": "New York",
        "phone": "8741234745",
        "email": "",
        "personalPhone": "8741234745",
        "status": "Active",
        "displayName": "Max Tomassi - 8741234745"
    "customerGuid": "681acbce-fa13-4a69-92f6-8e448999cfb3"

If the transaction gets approved the user will be redirected back to your site, sending a POST to the SuccessURL with the following parameters.

 "PaymentType": "Credit Card",
 "SaleGuid": "fa101801-1b87-495d-87b9-aeae745e9c85",
 "TokenizedCard": "84yXtM3EcGze0103",
 "OtherInfo": "",
 "Status": "Success",
 "AccountNumberLastFour": "1234",
 "Receipt": "CHOICE MERCHANT SOLUTIONS<br/>8320 S HARDY DRIVE<br/>TEMPE AZ 85284<br/>07/07/2017 07:23:55<br/><br/>CREDIT - SALE<br/><br/>CARD # : **** **** **** 0103<br/>CARD TYPE : VISA<br/>Entry Mode : MANUAL<br/><br/>REF # : 13259222<br/>Invoice number : 13259222<br/>AUTH CODE : TAS869<br/>Subtotal:                       $13.50<br/>--------------------------------------<br/>Total:                          $13.50<br/>--------------------------------------<br/>Andres Ordonez<br/><br/>CUSTOMER ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT OF<br/>GOODS AND/OR SERVICES IN THE AMOUNT<br/>OF THE TOTAL SHOWN HEREON AND AGREES<br/>TO PERFORM THE OBLIGATIONS SET FORTH<br/>BY THE CUSTOMER`S AGREEMENT WITH THE<br/>ISSUER<br/>APPROVED<br/>Customer Copy<br/>"

If the transaction goes wrong the user will be redirected back to your site, sending a POST to OtherURL with the following parameters

 "Error": "The Sale could not be processed correctly. Error code D2020. Error message: CVV2 verification failed"

Json Example Error Response:

    "type": "",
    "title": "One or more validation errors occurred.",
    "status": 400,
    "traceId": "00-47e4224f9d3a97e29cba16f74bfceedf-b149a64216fdff76-00",
    "errors": {
        "Amount": [
            "The amount must be equal or greater than 0.01"
        "OtherUrl": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 512"
        "CancelUrl": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 512"
        "OtherInfo": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 1000",
            "The field OtherInfo is invalid."
        "SuccessUrl": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 512"
        "ButtonLabel": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 100",
            "The field ButtonLabel is invalid."
        "Description": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 300"
        "MerchantName": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 100"

The hosted payment page feature allows online and small merchants to redirect via a checkout button at their website visitors who wish to purchase items, pay invoices or make any type or transaction credit or ACH (if enabled).

To do this, simply POST to the following address using the following parameters and get your temporal token back. Then GET to our Hosted Payment Page using that temporal token and we care about the rest. This streamlines the checkout process and helps protect shoppers’ sensitive payment account data.

Enjoy a seamless checkout experience that automatically routes them to a secure page, branded with your company name. The customer enters their payment data directly into our server, releasing you of the responsibility of receiving, storing and transmitting sensitive cardholder data.



Headers using token

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
Authorization Token. Eg: "Bearer eHSN5rTBzqDozgAAlN1UlTMVuIT1zSiAZWCo6E..."

Headers using API Key

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
UserAuthorization API Key. Eg: "e516b6db-3230-4b1c-ae3f-e5379b774a80"

Query Parameters

Parameter Type M/C/O Value
DeviceCreditCardGuid string Mandatory Device's guid Credit Card.
DeviceAchGuid string Mandatory Device's guid Ach.
Merchantname string Mandatory Merchant's name.
Description string Mandatory Items description.
Amount string Mandatory Items total amount.
OtherURL string Mandatory Web page you want to redirect the user in case something failed.
SuccessURL string Mandatory Web page you want to redirect the user when transaction was successful.
CancelURL string Mandatory Web page you want to redirect the user in case he decided to cancel the transaction.
OtherInfo string optional Any alphanumeric code you might want to send to see it on the confirmation's response to keep track of your sales.
IsButton boolean optional Determines if the hosted payment page request will be used as a button (allows multiple payments for the same request or not).
ButtonLabel string optional This will be the text shown on your button (For example: "Pay here", "Donate").
Html string optional Provide the html code you will use to share the button on your website.
orderNumber string optional  It is used to identify payments made.
Customer object optional Customer.
RecurringBilling object optional See Recurring Billing for details.
Invoice object optional See Invoice for details.


Headers for http post backs

Key Value
Content-Type application/x-www-form-urlencoded


If the transaction gets approved the user will be redirected back to your site, sending a POST to the SuccessURL with the parameters on the Json sample.


If the transaction goes wrong the user will be redirected back to your site, sending a POST to OtherURL with the parameters on the Json sample.


Go to{{tempToken}}

Payment Button

Payment Button

using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;

namespace ChoiceSample
    public class Account
        public static void PaymentButton()
                var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
                request.ContentType = "text/json";
                request.Method = "POST";

                var paymentButton = new
                    DeviceCreditCardGuid = "2a566893-4ad3-4063-9f64-13ff055b695a",
                    Merchantname = "StarCoffe",
                    Description = "coffe latte",
                    Amount = 7.50,
                    isButton = true,
                    buttonLabel = "button coffe latte",
                    OtherURL = "http://StarCoffe/other",
                    SuccessURL = "http://StarCoffe/success",
                    CancelURL = "http://StarCoffe/cancel",
                    OtherInfo = "coffe latte express"

                string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(paymentButton);

                request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer eHSN5rTBzqDozgAAlN1UlTMVuIT1zSiAZWCo6EBqB7RFjVMuhmuPNWcYM7ozyMb3uaDe0gyDL_nMPESbuM5I4skBOYcUM4A06NO88CVV3yBYee7mWB1qT-YFu5A3KZJSfRIbTX9GZdrZpi-JuWsx-7GE9GIYrNJ29BpaQscTwxYDr67WiFlCCrsCqWnCPJUjCFRIrTDltz8vM15mlgjiO0y04ZACGOWNNErIVegX062oydV7SqumGJEbS9Av4gdy");
                request.ContentType = "application/json";
                request.Accept = "application/json";

                using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(request.GetRequestStream()))

                    var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
                        string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
                catch (WebException wex)
                    if (wex.Response != null)
                        using (var errorResponse = (HttpWebResponse)wex.Response)
                            using (var reader = new StreamReader(errorResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                                string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
            catch (IOException e)

Json Example Request:

    "DeviceCreditCardGuid": "2a566893-4ad3-4063-9f64-13ff055b695a",
    "Merchantname": "StarCoffe",
    "Description": "coffe latte",
    "Amount": 7.50,
    "isButton": true,
    "buttonLabel": "button coffe latte",
    "OtherURL": "http://StarCoffe/other",
    "SuccessURL": "http://StarCoffe/success",
    "CancelURL": "http://StarCoffe/cancel",
    "OtherInfo": "coffe latte express"

Json Example Response:

    "merchantName": "StarCoffe",
    "description": "coffe latte",
    "amount": 7.500,
    "otherUrl": "www.StarCoffe/other",
    "successUrl": "www.StarCoffe/success",
    "cancelUrl": "www.StarCoffe/cancel",
    "tempToken": "20fe3b07-5a40-4770-8b1f-3dbc132969cc",
    "isButton": true,
    "buttonLabel": "button coffe latte",
    "html": "<button type='button' class='btn btn-success'><a style = 'color: white !important' href='' target='_blank'> button coffe latte </a></button>",
    "status": "Button - Active",
    "expiration": "2123-06-28T19:42:41.0884024Z",
    "otherInfo": "coffe latte express",
    "merchantGuid": "cd3d0150-819c-44b9-8efd-2fa248fcacce",
    "avs": "No Match",
    "used": false

If the transaction gets approved the user will be redirected back to your site, sending a POST to the SuccessURL with the following parameters.

 "PaymentType": "Credit Card",
 "SaleGuid": "fa101801-1b87-495d-87b9-aeae745e9c85",
 "TokenizedCard": "84yXtM3EcGze0103",
 "OtherInfo": "",
 "Status": "Success",
 "AccountNumberLastFour": "1234",
 "Receipt": "CHOICE MERCHANT SOLUTIONS<br/>8320 S HARDY DRIVE<br/>TEMPE AZ 85284<br/>07/07/2017 07:23:55<br/><br/>CREDIT - SALE<br/><br/>CARD # : **** **** **** 0103<br/>CARD TYPE : VISA<br/>Entry Mode : MANUAL<br/><br/>REF # : 13259222<br/>Invoice number : 13259222<br/>AUTH CODE : TAS869<br/>Subtotal:                       $13.50<br/>--------------------------------------<br/>Total:                          $13.50<br/>--------------------------------------<br/>Andres Ordonez<br/><br/>CUSTOMER ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT OF<br/>GOODS AND/OR SERVICES IN THE AMOUNT<br/>OF THE TOTAL SHOWN HEREON AND AGREES<br/>TO PERFORM THE OBLIGATIONS SET FORTH<br/>BY THE CUSTOMER`S AGREEMENT WITH THE<br/>ISSUER<br/>APPROVED<br/>Customer Copy<br/>"

If the transaction goes wrong the user will be redirected back to your site, sending a POST to OtherURL with the following parameters

 "Error": "The Sale could not be processed correctly. Error code D2020. Error message: CVV2 verification failed"

Json Example Error Response:

    "type": "",
    "title": "One or more validation errors occurred.",
    "status": 400,
    "traceId": "00-47e4224f9d3a97e29cba16f74bfceedf-b149a64216fdff76-00",
    "errors": {
        "Amount": [
            "The amount must be equal or greater than 0.01"
        "OtherUrl": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 512"
        "CancelUrl": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 512"
        "OtherInfo": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 1000",
            "The field OtherInfo is invalid."
        "SuccessUrl": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 512"
        "ButtonLabel": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 100",
            "The field ButtonLabel is invalid."
        "Description": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 300"
        "MerchantName": [
            "Field maximum length must be less than 100"

Payment buttons allow you to seamlessly accept payments on your site. This feature will create a snippet of HTML code for a button you can add to your site allowing your customer to make a payment.



Headers using token

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
Authorization Token. Eg: "Bearer eHSN5rTBzqDozgAAlN1UlTMVuIT1zSiAZWCo6E..."

Headers using API Key

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
UserAuthorization API Key. Eg: "e516b6db-3230-4b1c-ae3f-e5379b774a80"

Query Parameters

Parameter Type M/C/O Value
DeviceCreditCardGuid string Mandatory Device's guid Credit Card.
Merchantname string Mandatory Merchant's name. Max length = 100.
Description string Optional first button, then mandatory Items description. Max length = 100.
Amount string Optional first button, then mandatory Items total amount. Must be greater than 0.01
IsButton boolean Mandatory Determines if the hosted payment page request will be used as a button (allows multiple payments for the same request or not).
ButtonLabel string Mandatory This will be the text shown on your button (For example: "Pay here", "Donate"). Max length = 100.
OtherURL string Mandatory Web page you want to redirect the user in case something failed. Max length = 512.
SuccessURL string Mandatory Web page you want to redirect the user when transaction was successful. Max length = 512.
CancelURL string Mandatory Web page you want to redirect the user in case he decided to cancel the transaction. Max length = 512.
OtherInfo string optional Any alphanumeric code you might want to send to see it on the confirmation's response to keep track of your sales. Max length = 1000.



If the transaction gets approved the user will be redirected back to your site, sending a POST to the SuccessURL with the parameters on the Json sample.


If the transaction goes wrong the user will be redirected back to your site, sending a POST to OtherURL with the parameters on the Json sample.


Go to{{tempToken}}

Payment Token JS

Payment Token JS

Integration example for script tag:


Integration example for your script:

//Setting your own submit method as callback for our Payment Token JS
paymentTokenJS.callback = onSubmit

function onSubmit (response) {}
<!-- Divs with ids in wich the necessary inputs will be rendered-->
<div id="ccNumber"></div>

<div id="ccExpDate"></div>

<div id="cvv"></div>

<!-- The necessary id to add to your submit button for tokenization event and callback execution -->
<button id="paymentButton" type="button">Submit Payment</button>

Response examples:

//Error response
    error: 'Invalid Card Number',
    token: null

//Succesfull response
    error: null,
    token: 'hQZzemwsEdK94242'

Example form page for integration:

        <title>Payment Token JS Demo</title>
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-ggOyR0iXCbMQv3Xipma34MD+dH/1fQ784/j6cY/iJTQUOhcWr7x9JvoRxT2MZw1T" crossorigin="anonymous">
            paymentTokenJS.callback = onSubmit

            function onSubmit (response) {
                if (response.token !== null) {
                    document.getElementById('title').innerHTML = 'Thank you!'

                    var firstName = document.getElementById('fname').value

                    document.getElementById('paymentForm').hidden = true
                    document.getElementById('backToPaymentButton').hidden = false
                    document.getElementById('response').innerHTML = `
                            ${firstName}, thank you for your purchase
                            Your Token has been generated: ${response.token}
                else {
                    document.getElementById('errorMessage').innerHTML = `<span style="color: red">${response.error}</span>`

            window.addEventListener("load", function (event) {
                document.getElementById('backToPaymentButton').hidden = true

                document.getElementById('backToPaymentButton').addEventListener("click", async function() {
                    document.getElementById('title').innerHTML = 'Payment JS Form'
                    document.getElementById('paymentForm').hidden = false
                    document.getElementById('backToPaymentButton').hidden = true
                    document.getElementById('response').innerHTML = ''
        <div class="container text-center">
            <h1 id="title" class="bs-primary">Payment JS Form</h1>
            <form id="paymentForm">
                <table class="container">
                        <td><label for="fname" class="form-label">First Name</label></td>
                        <td><input type="text" class="form-control" id="fname" value="Test"></td>
                        <td><label for="lname" class="form-label">Last Name</label></td>
                        <td><input type="text" class="form-control" name="lname" value="User" /></td>
                        <td><label for="aname" class="form-label">Address</label></td>
                        <td><input type="text" class="form-control" name="address" value="123 Fake Street" /></td>
                        <td><label for="cname" class="form-label">City</label></td>
                        <td><input type="text" class="form-control" name="city" value="New York" /></td>
                        <td><label for="sname" class="form-label">State</label></td>
                        <td><input type="text" class="form-control" name="state" value="NY" /></td>
                        <td><label for="zname" class="form-label">Zip</label></td>
                        <td><input type="text" class="form-control" name="zip" value="10016" /></td>
                        <td><label for="zname" class="form-label">Country</label></td>
                        <td><input type="text" class="form-control" name="country" value="US" /></td>
                        <td><label for="pname" class="form-label">Phone</label></td>
                        <td><input type="text" class="form-control" name="phone" value="5555555555" /></td>
                        <td colspan="2">
                            <span>Credit Card Information</span>
                        <td><label for="ccname" class="form-label">CC Number</label></td>
                        <td><div id="ccNumber"></div></td>
                        <td><label for="expname" class="form-label">CC Exp Date</label></td>
                        <td><div id="ccExpDate"></div></td>
                        <td><label for="cvvname" class="form-label">CVV</label></td>
                        <td><div id="cvv"></div></td>
                <div id="errorMessage"></div>
                <button id="paymentButton" class="btn btn-primary" type="button">Submit Payment</button>
            <div id="response"></div>
            <div id="backToPaymentButton">
                <button type="button" class="btn btn-secondary">Back to payment</button>

Payment Token JS is a JavaScript framework that allows merchants to collect credit card information from their customers without exposing their website and getting into PCI scope. ISV and Merchants have full control over the look and feel of their checkout page while payment data is not captured by their site.

This is a tokenization only process, so you will only obtain a token from our Payment Token JS and then integrate our payment gateway API endpoints to process transactions by submitting the obtained token rather than submitting the full card information.

Script URL Sandbox Integration

Script URL Production Integration

Script tag properties

Property M/C/O Value Description
src Mandatory Payment token js url URL location of the JavaScript code to import into your solution
id Mandatory choicePayment A mandatory field that represents the script tag name to be used on your checkout page
data-tokenization-key Mandatory Api Key User Authentication token associated with you user credentials
data-device-guid Mandatory Device Guid Device GUID to use for the tokenization process
data-environment Mandatory sandbox/production This value should be used in conjunction with the tokenization key and the device guid
data-notify-alert Optional true/false When enabled we will display a pop up with any error obtained from the tokenization process. If set to false, you should have an event handler on your checkout page to present the consumer
data-style-class Optional string Name of the class you wish to apply to the input text boxes to match your checkout pages look and feel


Card data by BIN number

Response examples:

    "bin": "010051",
    "brand": "PAGOBANCOMAT",
    "type": "DEBIT",
    "country": "ITALY"

    "bin": "371529",
    "brand": "AMERICAN EXPRESS",
    "type": "CREDIT",
    "subType": "PERSONAL",
    "country": "UNITED STATES",
    "phone": "1 (800) 528-4800"

    "bin": "424200",
    "brand": "VISA",
    "type": "DEBIT",
    "subType": "PREPAID",
    "country": "GERMANY",
    "web": "HTTPS://WWW.LBBW.DE/",
    "phone": "+49 711 127-0"

This endpoint gets card's information by Bin Number such as brand, card type and origin.



Headers using token

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
Authorization Token. Eg: "Bearer eHSN5rTBzqDozgAAlN1UlTMVuIT1zSiAZWCo6E..."

Headers using API Key

Key Value
Content-Type "application/json"
UserAuthorization API Key. Eg: "e516b6db-3230-4b1c-ae3f-e5379b774a80"

Declined Response Codes


Code Response Message Description
D0001 Duplicate Request (Approved previously) The transaction was already performed and approved. Verify if the request was submitted twice for the same transaction ID or external reference number.
D0003 Duplicate Request (Declined previously) The transaction was already performed and declined. Verify if the request was submitted twice for the same transaction ID or external reference number.
D0004 Reversal Not Allowed The transaction is not authorized for reversal. This error may occur because the transaction was not settled, was declined, or already reversed.
D0005 Return Not Allowed The transaction is not authorized for return. This error may occur because the transaction was not settled, was declined, or already reversed.
D0006 Supervisor Override Required
D0007 Modify Transaction Not Allowed The transaction is not authorized for modification. This error may occur because the transaction was already settled, or was declined.
D0008 Possible Duplicate Request This is a duplicate request. The credentials for this transaction (i.e. amount, card number or same service) are the same as another transaction submitted less than one minute apart.
D0009 Duplicate Request (Reversed previously) The request with the same credentials (amount, card number, or same service) hit the server twice within a minute.
E0010 Inactive Device (Terminal) The device is not registered, or is inactive in the system.
E0011 Device (Terminal) Configuration missing The configuration parameter is missing.
E0012 Insufficient privileges
E0013 Incremental Auth Not Allowed
E0015 Unable to process your request. Settlement InProgress. The transaction settlement is in progress.
E0016 Functionality currently not available. The functionality is not supported.
E0020 Inactive Merchant (Account) The merchant is not registered, or is inactive in the system.
E0021 Merchant (Account) configuration missing The configuration parameter is missing.
E0022 Processor configuration missing The processor parameter is missing.
D0023 Merchant already active
E0030 Unique ID Error The terminal unique ID is invalid, or is not registered in the system.
D0050 Inactive terminal (Backend) The device is inactive, or is not registered at the host.
D0060 Inactive account (Backend) The account is inactive, or is not registered at the host.
D0070 Unique ID Error (Backend) The terminal unique ID is invalid, or is not registered at the host.
D0080 Duplicate Request (Backend) This is a duplicate transaction. This transaction was already approved and processed.
D0090 Reversal Not Allowed (Backend) The transaction is not authorized for reversal. This error may occur because the transaction was settled, declined, or already reversed.
D0091 Return Not Allowed (Backend) The transaction is not authorized for return. This error may occur because the transaction was settled, declined, or already reversed.
D0092 Request Format Error (Backend)
D0093 Encryption failure from host
D0094 Return not allowed, Card number requested does not match with original transaction card number
D0095 Invalid taskID
D0096 Currency code mismatch with original transaction
D0097 Multiple amount format in single request not supported
D0098 Multiple tax with same tax type is not allowed. A request includes multiple tax with same tax type.
E0110 System Error (BillParam)
E0111 System Error (UBillACC)
E0200 System Error (Tran)
E0201 System Error (BillpayTran)
E0202 System Error (CardTran)
E0203 System Error (CheckTran)
E0204 System Error (MTTran)
E0205 System Error (MOTran)
E0206 System Error (AccTran)
E0207 System Error (Shipping_Info Tran)
E0208 System Error (Products Tran)
E0209 System Error (Override Tran)
E0210 System Error (PayMode Tran)
E0300 System Error (UTran)
E0301 System Error (BillpayUTran)
E0302 System Error (CardUTran)
E0303 System Error (CheckUTran)
E0304 System Error (MTUTran)
E0305 System Error (MoUTran)
E0306 System Error (ACCUTran)
E0310 System Error (BillPay WAY UTran)
E0311 System Error (BillPay WAY Seq)
E0350 System Error (UTranStatus)
E0360 System Error (PERIUTran)
E0370 System Error (SearchTran)
E0380 System Error (chkc history)
E0400 System Error (Login)
E0450 System Error (NoFee)
E0451 System Error (GetFEE)
E0460 System Error (EXRate)
E0470 System Error (PhCountry)
E0480 System Error (PrePay Number)
E0481 System Error (PrePay update)
E0482 System Error (PrePay List)
E0490 System Error (Bin Lookup)
E0491 System Error (Merchant Bin Lookup)
E0500 System Error (BrdCorp)
E0501 System Error (BrdMer)
E0502 System Error (Upate DeviceProc)
E0503 System Error (Upate MerchProductProc)
E0504 System Error (Upate LogoProc)
E0510 System Error (Upate MerchantProc)
E0511 System Error (Upate OperatorProc)
E0550 System Error (Search Corporation)
E0551 System Error (Search Merchant)
E0560 System Error (Modify Schedule)
E0561 System Error (Modify Payment)
E0600 System Error (CCust)
E0601 System Error (CCustID)
E0610 System Error (UCust)
E0611 System Error (UCustID)
E0620 System Error (SCust)
E0621 System Error (CustDt)
E0630 System Error (ECustACC)
E0631 System Error (ECust)
E0632 System Error (Deactivate Cust Account)
E0650 System Error (CRec)
E0651 System Error (CRecID)
E0660 System Error (URec)
E0661 System Error (URecID)
E0670 System Error (SRec)
E0671 System Error (RecDt)
E0672 System Error (CAdminTran)
E0673 System Error (BoardFee)
E0713 Transaction Key Expired Transaction Key provided in request is expired. Register new key with our system.
E0720 System Error(Async Insert)
E0721 System Error (Async Update)
E0722 System Error (Async Call Fail)
E0723 System Error (Async Select Fail)
E0724 System Error (Key Gen Fail) System Error. Please contact help desk.
E0800 System Error (KeyNox Error)
E0910 Time out
E0911 System Error
E0912 Error on Host
D1001 Account Number Invalid Account number provided in request is not a valid account number.
D1002 Valid Account, Cash payments only.
D1003 Amount invalid.
D1004 Biller ID Invalid. Biller ID provided in request is not valid.
D1005 Cash only biller.
D1006 Bill Pay Processor Code is missing or is incorrect. Processing host is not configured please contact help desk.
D1007 One or more Fields missing or incorrect.
D1020 Pre Pay Number not available.
D1201 Unable to determine merchant ID. Merchant is not register with Mobilozophy.
D1202 Unable to process your request.
D1203 Invalid redemption code. Redemption code provided in request is invalid.
D1204 Unable to determine coupon ID. Unable to determine coupon ID.
D1205 Coupon not valid at this location. Coupon not valid at this location.
D1206 Minimum Purchase Amount criteria not met. Minimum Purchase Amount criteria not met.
D1207 Either end user ID or registration ID is required. Either end user ID or registration ID is required.
D1208 Unable to modify coupon. Modification of coupon data is not allowed.
D1209 Unable to modify coupon. Modification of coupon data is not allowed.
D1210 Unable to modify coupon. Modification of coupon data is not allowed.
D1211 Unable to modify coupon. Modification of coupon data is not allowed.
D1212 This code has already been redeemed. This code has already been redeemed.
D1213 This code has been deleted. This code has been deleted.
D1214 Invalid store ID. Invalid store ID.
D1215 Invalid amount. Amount provided in request is invalid.
D1217 Coupon service is temporarily unavailable. Coupon service is temporarily unavailable.
D1999 General Bill Pay Decline. General declined please contact help desk.
D2001 Refer to Issuer. The merchant must call the issuer to obtain verbal authorization.
D2002 Suspected Card (pick-up, hot-card) This credit card has been flagged for fraud. the merchant should call the number on the back of the card to obtain further instructions. Suspected card error occurs in the following scenarios: 1-The card is restricted by the issuer 2-Loss of card is reported 3-Theft of card is reported
D2003 Honor with identification? The card is not identified.
D2004 Invalid Amount The amount exceeds the limits established by the issuer for this type of transaction.
D2005 Invalid Card The issuer indicates that this card is invalid.
D2006 No such issuer The card issuer number is invalid.
D2007 Invalid fee The transaction fee is unacceptable.
D2008 Incorrect Pin The PIN entered by the cardholder is incorrect.
D2009 Pin attempts exceeded The number of attempts to enter the PIN has exceeded.
D2010 Key synchronization failed from the host The failure of a key synchronization from the host.
D2011 Expired Card The card has expired.
D2012 Insufficient Funds The credit limit for this account has exceeded, or the amount is not enough to perform the transaction.
D2013 Invalid From Account The transaction account is invalid.
D2014 Invalid To Account The transaction account is invalid.
D2015 Withdrawal Limit exceeded The withdrawal limit on an account is exceeded.
D2016 Withdrawal frequency exceeded The withdrawal frequency on an account is exceeded.
D2017 Time limit for Pre-Auth reached The time for Pre-Auth has reached its limit.
D2018 AVS FAILED The address verification has failed and the merchant is configured for auto decline on AVS failure.
D2019 Billing ZIP Mismatch The zip provided does not match the billing address on file and merchant is configured for auto decline on ZIP code mismatch.
D2020 CVV2 verification failed The V code provided is invalid or does not match what is on file and merchant set up for auto decline on CVV2 failure.
D2021 Issuer or Switch inoperative The bank is unavailable to authorize this transaction.
D2022 Duplicate transaction ( Same amount / Account) The transaction with same amount and account is performed twice.
D2023 Balance unavailable for inquiry The balance cannot be validated.
D2024 Check Digit Err The credit card number entered did not pass validation. Correct and re-enter the credit card number.
D2025 Excluded Bin ID for Merchant Card is not allowed to do transaction at this merchant.
D2026 Do not honor The transaction was declined by the issuer.
D2027 AVS and CVV2 failed The address verification and V code verification failed and merchant set up for auto decline on AVS anc CVV2 failure.
D2028 Invalid Date The credit card expiration date is invalid. Verify and re-enter the expiration date.
D2029 Invalid Service The service provided by the card is invalid.
D2030 Host Validation Error The host is an invalid host.
D2031 Activity Limit exceeded The daily card activity limit has been exceeded.
D2032 Cannot complete because of Violation The transaction cannot be completed because the credit card account has been flagged with a violation.
D2033 Debit Pin Required
D2034 Debit Pin Required The BIN is blocked by the issuer.
D2035 Check Service authentication failure
D2039 Could Not Retrieve a Valid Card Number for Token
E2042 No Card found for the BIN No Card found for the BIN
D2216 ReceiverLimitExceeded
D2800 Invalid FCS ID
D2801 Invalid Voucher Serial Number
D2802 Invalid Voucher Approval Code
D2803 Electronics Benefit Transactions cannot contain Fee or Tax
D2998 PreFraudScout Decline Transaction is declined in Pre Fraud rules.
D2999 General Card Auth Decline This is a general decline error.
D3001 Invalid Bank Routing Number Invalid routing number in the request message.
D3002 Invalid Bank Account Number The bank account number in the request message is invalid.
D3003 Invalid MICR Data The MICR data in the request message is invalid.
D3004 Invalid Account Type The account type in the request message is invalid.
D3005 Invalid Check Type The check type in the request message is invalid.
D3006 Invalid Amount The amount for a transaction is invalid.
D3007 Missing Signature
D3008 Missing Endorsement
D3009 Invalid Check Date The date format in the request message is invalid.
D3010 Car Lar Mismatch Mismatch between the check amount written in numbers (courtesy amount) and letters (legal amount) provided on check image.
D3011 CallNox Timeout
D3012 Duplicate Check
D3013 Blocked Account The account provided in transaction is blocked.
D3014 Blocked Check The check provided in transaction is blocked.
D3015 Cannot Process Image
D3016 Invalid Check Number The check number in the request message is invalid.
D3017 Bank Account Closed The bank account does not exist.
D3018 Decline NSF
D3019 Check Image Decline
D3020 Invalid SEC
D3101 Maker Check Return Stop Pay Limit Exceeded
D3102 Maker Check Return No Auth Limit Exceeded
D3103 Maker Check Return No Settlement Limit Exceeded
D3104 Maker Check Return NSF/Other Limit Exceeded
D3105 Maker Check Return Limit Exceeded
D3106 Customer Check Return Stop Pay Limit Exceeded
D3107 Customer Check Return No Auth Limit Exceeded
D3108 Customer Check Return No Settlement Limit Exceede
D3109 Customer Check Return NSF/Other Limit Exceeded
D3110 Customer Check Return Limit Exceeded
D3111 Check Image Processing Error
D3112 Customer Check Cashing Limit Exceeded
D3200 Record(s) Processed Successfully
D3201 Duplicate Custom Fields Not Allowed. Duplicate Custom Field Not Allowed.
D3202 Item code already exists. Item code already exists.
D3203 Custom Field Type cannot be modified during update. Custom Field Type cannot be modified during update.
D3204 Could not find Product for Update. Product is not registered in the system.
D3205 Could not find Product for Removal. Product is not registered in the system.
D3206 Unidentified Tax Category Tax Category is not set in our system.
D3207 Some Record(s) Processed Successfully
D3208 No Records Processed No records are processed further.
D3211 Parsing Failed Issue with request parameter.
D3212 Product Enroll Fail at Merchant Level Merchant level data is not added or updated in the system.
D3213 Item code not provided The item code in the request message is invalid.
D3214 Product Enroll Fail at Merchant Custom Level Merchant level custom data is not added and updated in the system.
D3215 Product Enroll Fail at Global Level The UPC level data is not added and updated in our system.
D3216 Product Removal Failed Product Removal Failed.
D3217 No Tax Category Found No Tax Category Found.
D3218 Category already exists
D3219 Invalid Category Code
D3220 Modifier already exists
D3221 Invalid Modifier Code
D3222 Variation already exists
D3223 Invalid Variation
D3224 Invalid Product Code
D3225 Duplicate Variation Option Fields Not Allowed
D3226 Discount already exists
D3227 Start Date should be current date or future date
D3228 End Date should be current date or future date
D3229 Invalid Discount Code
D3230 No Product found for given search criteria. No product is found for given search criteria.
D3231 End Date should be greater than Start Date
D3232 Discount amount should be less than Max Discount amount
D3233 Discount percentage should be less than 100
D3234 Max Discount amount should be less than Discount Qualifying amount
D3235 Discount Code already removed
D3236 Already Associated
D3237 Invalid role
D3238 Invalid Operation
D3239 Role Already Exist
D3240 Operation Type Already Exist
D3241 Role does not Exist
D3242 Role can not be Deleted
D3243 Default Role can not be Modified
D3250 Invalid modifierOptionDetails Invalid modifierOptionDetails
D3253 Order service date can not be a previous date
E3254 Order creation failed
E3255 OrderID not found
E3256 Order updation failed
E3257 Order can not be modified
D3259 Invalid modifier categoryCode Invalid modifier categoryCode
D3260 Invalid product categoryCode Invalid product categoryCode
D3264 currentPaymentSequenceNumber should be less than and equal totalPaymentCount The currentPaymentSequenceNumber value entered does not meet the required criteria.
D3999 Check Auth Decline
D4000 Invalid content, one of {encodedCardData, keyedCardData, returnTransactionData} group is required
E4001 Invalid Source Country Code
E4002 Invalid Source Currency Code
E4003 Invalid Destination Location
E4004 Invalid Destination Currency Code
E4005 Invalid Source Agent
E4006 Invalid Destination Agent
E4007 Invalid Conversion Rate
E4008 Invalid Fee
E4009 Missing/Invalid Amount
E4010 Missing/Invalid Payout Amount
E4011 Invalid MTCN
E4012 Duplicate transaction ( Same amount/ Account ).
E4050 Missing /Invalid Sender Name
E4051 Invalid Sender ID Type
E4052 Invalid Sender ID
E4053 Invalid Sender Address
E4054 Invalid Sender phone number
E4055 Missing /Invalid Receiver Name
E4056 Invalid Receiver ID Type
E4057 Invalid Receiver ID
E4058 Invalid Receiver Address
E4059 Invalid Receiver phone number
E4060 Missing / Invalid Input
E4999 General Money Transfer Decline
E5000 Invalid Money order Number.
E5001 Invalid Amount.
E5002 Missing Payee Name.
D5201 Invalid Page size in the request
D5202 Invalid Report column name for requested report
D5203 Invalid date range, redefine your search
D5204 Invalid search column for requested report
D5205 Invalid optional column for requested report
D5206 Invalid Report column name for requested report
D5207 Invalid/Expired Report data identifier
D5208 Invalid search column value for requested report
D5209 No data found, please redefine your search
D5210 One or more duplicate columns used for search, sort or for optional columns
D5211 Invalid search condition, transactionID is required
D5212 Invalid search condition, productCode is required
D5213 Service is temporarily unavailable.Please try later
E5213 Service is temporarily unavailable.Please try later
D5214 Invalid search condition, dateRange is required
E5500 Invalid Payroll Info
E5599 General Payroll Decline.
E5999 General Money order Decline
E6000 Missing /Invalid Name
E6001 Invalid ID Type
E6002 Invalid ID Number
E6004 Invalid Address The address provided in the transaction is invalid.
E6005 Invalid phone number The phone number provided in the transaction is Invalid.
E6006 Invalid SSN The SSN provided in the transaction is Invalid.
E6007 Invalid DOB The DOB provided in the transaction is Invalid.
E6008 Missing/Invalid Gender
E6009 Missing/Invalid customer Image
E6010 Missing/Invalid ID Image
E6011 Missing/Invalid Finger Print Image
E6012 Biometric Auth failure
E6013 BFD failed
E6014 OTP failed
E6050 Duplicate Enrollment The Customer is enrolled. Verify if the request is send twice for the same customer.
E6051 OFAC Match
E6052 Blocked Customer
E6053 Blocked Biometrics
E6054 Declined Score below threshold.
E6055 Customer Not Enrolled. The customer code provided in request is not registered.
E6056 Financial Account Not Enrolled.
E6057 Customer requested stop of specific recurring payment Customers request to stop recurring payments.
E6058 Customer requested stop of all recurring payments from specific merchant Customers request to stop recurring payments from specific merchant.
E6059 Missing Customer ID/External Customer Number Customer ID or external customer number is not provided in request.
E6060 Inactive Customer Inactive Customer
E6061 Invalid UID UID number provided in request is invalid.
E6062 Incorrect or No Card Indicator Value
E6063 Customer Group Name already exists
E6064 Invalid Customer Group code
E6065 Customer Code already associated
E6066 Invalid Customer Code
E6067 Search criteria not found. The search request does not include any search criteria fields.The search criteria includes the firstName, lastName, paymentInstrumentID, or customerID fields.
E6068 External Customer number is already available.
E6069 Invalid Search Criteria
E6071 Customer modification not allowed, payment is in process. The application is unable to delete a customer record while a recurring transaction for the customer is processing.
E6072 Transaction is in process. Please try again after some time. Simultaneous actions cannot be performed on the same customer record. The application is unable to perform edits on a customer record while the record is in use.
E6100 Inactive Customer Inactive Customer.
E6901 Duplicate Schedule Billing Reference Number Duplicate schedule billing reference number.
E6902 Payment Count Cannot be Greater than Processed Count Payment count cannot be greater than processed count.
E6903 Next start date cannot be earlier than Current Date Next start date cannot be earlier than current date.
E6904 Schedule cannot be added without a Payment Methods (i.e. Card, Account...)
E6905 Schedule not found
E6906 Invalid Schedule string
E6999 General Customer Auth Decline General declined.
D7000 Record not found The transaction requested is not available.
E7001 Invalid User ID The user Id provided in request message is invalid.
E7002 Record Not Found. The Transaction is not present in the system.
E7003 User Locked. Call CSR
E7004 Invalid Security Question/Answer Invalid security question and answer.
E7005 User Already Logged in User Already Logged in try after some time.
E7006 Your Password has Expired, Please change the password. Change your password.
E7007 User Inactive. Call CSR
E7008 Operator Not Found The user ID is not registered in the system.
E7009 Expired Client Password The client password is expired.
E7010 Invalid Host ID The Host Id provided in the request message is invalid.
E7011 Client Authentication Failed This message may occur for more than one reason. 1. The manifest included in the request is not configured properly. 2. The Domain Key included in the request manifest is expired. 3. The Host Password included in the request is expired.
E7012 Invalid user or password The User id and password is invalid.
D7013 Multiple users with same email. Enter Login ID
E7013 Multiple users with same email. Enter Login ID There are multiple users with the same email ID. Enter your login ID.
E7014 Invalid Manifest Manifest provided in the request message is invalid.
E7015 Invalid Transaction Key The transaction key provided in the request message is invalid.
E7016 Invalid UserID or EmailID
D7017 User Modification Request Failed
E7018 The provided authentication credentials are not correct
E7019 Duplicate Questions/answers not allowed
E7020 The question cannot be same as any of the answers
E7021 Unable to process, retry with terminalNumber
E7022 Unable to process, retry with profileName or profileID
E7023 Unable to find profile
E7024 Security question expired, please fetch a new question
E7027 Unable to process, retry with userID Multiple entries found for the merchantID and emailID search criteria used.
E7100 General Login Decline General Login Decline.
E7101 User_ID already exists User_ID already exists.
E7102 Operation not allowed Operation not allowed.
E7103 Operator not Register/Present Operator is not Register or Present in the system.
E7104 Last active admin operator in the system The last Active Admin operator in the system. At least one Admin operator should be active for a merchant.
E7105 Admin operator cannot change his own status or type The Admin operator cannot change his own profile details.
E7106 Not allowed to add Administrator The operator is not allowed to add Admin operator.
E7107 Input Password does not adhere to complexity norms The Input Password does not adhere to complexity norms.
E7108 New password must not match previous password. Please enter a unique new password The new password must not match previous password. Please enter a unique new password.
E7109 Suspended/Inactive User The User Id provided in request is Suspended or Inactive. Please reactivate to perform transaction.
E7110 Invalid password length The password length must be between 8 and 20 characters.
E7111 Parameter validation Error
E7112 User already exists
E7113 User Credential not active
E7114 Security question not set for user
E7200 General User Admin Decline General User Admin Decline.
E7201 Client not registered to our system. The client domain name or unique ID is not registered.
E7202 Invalid Client Key The client key is invalid. Re-enter the correct key and resubmit the transaction.
E7203 Client Validity Expired, Please re-register The client validity is expired. Re-register the domain or the unique ID.
E7204 Invalid merchant details
E7251 Invalid one time password The one time password is invalid. Re-enter the correct password and resubmit the transaction.
E7252 Duplicate one time password The one time password is a duplicate. Re-enter the correct password and resubmit the transaction.
E7253 One time password validity expired The one time password has expired. Generate a new password and resubmit the transaction.
E7254 Host Operator not allowed The host operator is not allowed.
E7255 Operator is not Host The operator ID for this transaction is invalid.
E7256 Token services cannot be enabled until the merchant account is set up with a token zone Tokenization service is not enabled for the merchant.
E7257 Tokenization service not enabled Tokenization service not enabled for the merchant.
E7259 De-tokenization service not enabled De-tokenization service is not enabled for the merchant.
E7260 De-tokenization UnSuccessful The token is invalid. Resubmit with a valid token number.
E7261 Tokenization UnSuccessful Service is not available. Resubmit the transaction.
D7500 record not found (backend) The record was not found.
D7501 Chargeback Protection is not allowed The transaction is not eligible for Chargeback Protection.
E8000 Customer not found Customer is not register in our system.
E8001 Customer not enrolled Customer is not register in our system.
E8002 Customer Declined Customer enrollment declined.
E8003 Customer Locked Customer is locked in system.
E8004 Invalid user or password Invalid user or password.
E8005 Credit Limit Reached Max Credit Limit Reached.
E8006 Local Opt Out Local Opt Out.
E8007 Invalid Message Invalid Message
E8008 Globally Opted Out phone number Globally Opted Out phone number
F8009 Invalid Email Invalid Email
E8900 System Error System Error.
E8999 General Notify Decline. General Notify Decline.
D9000 Amount Limit Exceeded Amount Limit Exceeded for transaction.
D9001 Transaction count Limit Exceeded Transaction count Limit Exceeded.
D9002 Device activity Limit Exceeded Device activity Limit Exceeded.
D9003 Amount per days Limit Exceeded Amount per days Limit Exceeded.
D9004 Excluded Customer Customer is excluded to perform transaction at this merchant.
E9005 Invalid Cashback amount Cash back amount provided in request is invalid. Cash back should always be less then transaction amount.
E9006 Cashback Amount is not allowed for this type of transaction Cashback Amount is not allowed for this type of transaction.
D9007 Maximum Line Items Exceeded Maximum Line Items Limit Exceeded
D9008 BC limit not set for merchant. BC limit not set for merchant.
D9009 BC buffer percent was not set for merchant. BC buffer percent was not set for merchant
D9010 Invalid Transaction_Info/Service_Code. The error occurs in the scenarios as follows: 1-Service code is missing in the request. 2-Service code is invalid. 3-Service code is inadequate for this type of transaction.
D9011 Net Balance is less than zero
D9012 Invalid Merchant_Info/Agent_Chain_Number must be 6 bytes
D9013 Invalid Transaction type Invalid Transaction type
D9014 Merchant Per Transaction Deposit Limit Exceeded Transaction Deposit Limit Exceeded
D9015 Head Quarter merchant not found. Head Quarter merchant not found.
D9018 No Valid Data Found,Please Generate Token First.
D9019 Invalid Token
D9020 Invalid Transaction_Info/SubServiceCode The error occurs in the scenarios as follows: 1- Sub service code is missing in request. 2- Sub service code is invalid. 3- Sub service code is inadequate for this type of transaction.
D9021 Invalid Transaction_Info/Type. The error occurs in the scenarios as follows: 1-Type is missing in request. 2-Type is invalid. 3-Type is inadequate for this type of transaction.
D9022 Invalid Transaction_Info/Transaction_ID Transaction ID is expected in request for this transaction. Re-enter the Transaction ID, and resend the transaction.
D9030 Invalid Device_Info/Device_Type Device is inadequate to do this type of transaction.
D9040 Invalid Processor_Info/Acquirer_Institute must be 6 bytes Acquirer_Institute must be 6 bytes.
D9050 Invalid Processor_Info/Proc_Merchant_Id must be 12 bytes Proc_Merchant_Id must be 12 bytes.
D9070 Invalid Processor_Info/Processor_Term must be 4 bytes Processor_Term must be 4 bytes.
D9080 Invalid Processor_Info/Store_Number must be 4 bytes Store_Number must be 4 bytes.
D9090 Invalid Merchant_Info/MerchantType The merchant name is invalid or is not present.
D9091 Invalid Merchant_Info/Name
D9092 Invalid Merchant_Info/City
D9093 Invalid Merchant_Info/State
D9094 Invalid Merchant_Info/TimeZone must be 3 bytes
D9096 Invalid Transaction_Info/Time_Stamp must be [MMDDYY HHMMSS]
D9100 Fee Configuration Level must be mentioned
D9101 Fee not configured
D9110 Invalid Merchant_Info/SICCODE must be 4 bytes.
D9111 Invalid Processor_Info/Sequence_Number must be 4 bytes
D9120 Invalid Card_Info/PIN
D9130 Invalid Transaction_Info/Country_Code must be at least 2 bytes.
D9140 Invalid Card_Info/Type
D9210 Invalid Card_Info/PIN
D9211 Invalid Card_Info/Token
D9212 Invalid Card_Info/KSN must be at least 16 chars
D9240 Invalid Merchant_Info/Agent_Bank_Number must be 6 bytes.
D9250 Invalid Merchant_Info/Agent_Chain_Number must be 6 bytes
D9260 Invalid Processor_Info/Batch_Number must be 3 bytes
D9270 Invalid Merchant_Info/Reimburse_Attr must be 1 byte
D9280 Invalid Merchant_Info/ABA_Number must be 9 bytes
D9282 Invalid Merchant_Info/Settle_Agent_Number must be 4 bytes
D9283 Check Out date can not be less than or equal to Check In date
D9284 Transaction amount should not be greater than authorized amount
D9286 Invalid CheckoutID The checkOutID provided is incorrect. Provide the correct checkOutID.
D9287 Duplicate card sequence number
E9288 Invalid Wallet Identifier Format
E9289 Encoded Data is not allowed with checkoutID
D9290 Invalid Transaction_Info/Orig_Purchase_Date must be MMDDHHMM
E9291 Keyed Card Data is not allowed with checkoutID
E9292 Mandatory Tags are missing
E9293 Card Type not supported for requeted service
E9294 terminalData {terminalCapability, terminalOperatingEnvironment, cardholderAuthenticationMethod, terminalAuthenticationCapability, terminalOutputCapability,maxPinLength} group is required
E9295 cardholderAuthenticationMethod must be PIN
D9500 Encryption services not enabled for the device Encryption services are not enabled for the device.
D9501 Encryption service requested not enabled for the device The device has encryption service but the encryption service requested is not enabled.
D9502 Encryption method could not be determined The device is configured with more than one encryption service. The request does not indicate which service to use.
D9503 Decryption unsuccessful The decryption failed.
D9504 Invalid Format Id
D9505 Product Details is required to perform this action
D9510 Invalid Encryption Type An invalid encryption type was included in the request.
D9511 A unique KSN not generated or not sent in request The application was unable to generate or submit the key serial number.
D9610 Data Parsing fail Data parsing failed.
D9611 Encrypted Data not generated or not sent in request Encrypted data was not received from the host or the application was unable to include this data in the response.
F9900 XSD Format Error XSD Format Error
F9901 Format Error field details Format Error field details
F9902 Group encodedCardData is not allowed with cardDataSource value MANUAL
F9903 Group encodedCardData is not allowed with cardDataSource value PHONE
F9904 Group encodedCardData is not allowed with cardDataSource value EMAIL
F9905 Group encodedCardData is not allowed with cardDataSource value INTERNET
F9906 Group keyedCardData is not allowed with cardDataSource value SWIPE
F9907 Invalid cardDataSource for requested service.
F9908 Sum of elements of group additionalCharges should not be greater than transactionAmount.
F9909 cashTendered must not be less than transactionAmount
F9910 lastChipRead is Mandatory with Fallback Swipe (Icc Terminal Error) transaction
F9911 lastchipRead is not Allowed with Fallback Swipe (Empty Candidate List) transaction
F9912 Invalid content, one of {track1Data, track2Data, track3Data} is required
F9913 Invalid content, {encodedCardData, keyedCardData or swipedCardData} is not Allowed with Chip Card
F9914 emvFallbackCondition is Mandatory with Fallback Swipe transaction
F9915 voidReason is Mandatory for Chip Card transaction
F9916 Fallback Swipe allowed with track2Data only
F9917 Invalid emvTags, {9F1F or 9F20 or 57 or 5A} Tags 9F1F, 9F20, 57 and 5A are not allowed if encryptionType is VOLTAGE
F9918 Invalid content, {track1Data, track3Data, emulatedTrackData} is not Allowed with Chip Card and encryptionType track1Data, track3Data, and emulatedTrackData are not allowed if encryptionType is VOLTAGE

Other Errors

Error Description Reason Location
"Unable to decode the Model" The Json you sent doesn’t match a valid input Any endpoint.
“The (entity) could not be saved because of an unmanaged exception” An unknown reason didn’t allow the system to save the entity. Please contact support. Any endpoint
“Update (entity) did not finish correctly because of an unmanaged exception” An unknown reason didn’t allow the system to update the entity. Please contact support. Any endpoint
“The (entity) could not be retrieved because of an unmanaged exception” An unknown reason didn’t allow the system to retrieve the entity. Please contact support. Any endpoint
“No Devices were found for the given User/Merchant relationship” You sent a device GUID that does not belong to a merchant administrated by the logged user. Please try with a different GUID. Any transaction endpoint
“No Merchant was found for the current User” You sent a device GUID that does not belong to a merchant administrated by the logged user. Please try with a different GUID. Any transaction endpoint
“Invalid Routing Number: invalid digit” You sent and invalid Routing Number. Please try with a different one. Create Bank Clearing
“Invalid Routing Number: digit check failed” You sent and invalid Routing Number. Please try with a different one. Create Bank Clearing
“An error occurred while executing Transaction General Check” There is some inconsistence between your devices, Merchant Processor accounts and Merchants. Please contact support. Any transaction endpoint.
“Invalid Device GUID” You sent a device GUID that does not exist at all. Please try with a different GUID. Any transaction endpoint.
“BankAccount reference not found.” You sent an invalid BankAccount GUID. Please try with a different GUID. Create Bank Clearing.
“At least one of SSN4 or DateOfBirth are required.” You attempted to create a bank clearing without providing SSN4 or Date of Birth of the bank account owner. Please provide any of those two. Create Bank Clearing.
The DriverLicenseState and DriverLicenseNumber fields are required. You didn’t provide Driver License State nor Driver License Number. Create Bank Clearing.
“The transaction was not originated in any device of the current user.” You are trying to void or refund a sale or bank clearing that was run on a device that is not administrated by the logged user. Void Bank Clearing, Refund Bank Clearing, Void Sale, Refund Sale
“There was a database error” There was some inconsistence on the database, please contact support. Any endpoint.
“The related clearing is not settled. It can be voided only” You attempted to refund a not settled bank clearing. Refund Bank Clearing.
“The related clearing is already voided” You attempted to void or refund an already voided Bank Clearing. Void Bank Clearing, Refund Bank Clearing.
“The related clearing is already returned” You attempted to void or refund an already refunded Bank Clearing. Void Bank Clearing, Refund Bank Clearing.
“The related clearing was not processed, therefore it cannot be voided” You attempted to void or refund a Bank Clearing that didn’t run successfully. Void Bank Clearing, Refund Bank Clearing.
“Invalid (entity) GUID” You attempted to void or refund a Bank Clearing or a Sale or to capture an Auth Only using an invalid Guid. Capture Auth Only, Void Sale, Refund Sale, Void Bank Clearing, Refund Bank Clearing.
“No (entity) could be found for the given Id” You attempted to updated or retrieve an entity using an invalid Guid. Any endpoint.
“Credit Cards not allowed for this processor” You attempted to run a Sale or Auth Only on a Merchant Processor Account that is Debit Only. Create Auth Only, Create Sale.
“Debit Cards not allowed for this processor” You attempted to run a Sale or Auth Only on a Merchant Processor Account that is Credit Only. Create Auth Only, Create Sale.
“The (transaction) could not be processed correctly. Error code (error code). Error message: (error message)” The transaction didn’t run for reason provided by the processor. If you have any question regarding this error, please contact support. Any transaction endpoint.
“No open batch” For some reason, there was no open batch when you attempted to run a sale or auth only. Please contact support. Create Auth Only, Create Sale.
“Invalid CardDataSource” You provided an invalid card data source. Create Auth Only, Create Sale.
“The (transaction) amount must be greater than zero” You provided a negative or zero amount for the transaction. Any transaction endpoint.
“The (transaction) could not be fetched because of an unmanaged exception” Something when wrong when trying to retrieve the entity. Please contact support. Any endpoint.
“There is an approved Capture for this AuthOnly already” You attempted to capture an already captured Auth Only. Create Capture.
“The referenced AuthOnly and this Capture devices are not from the same MerchantAccount” You attempted to capture an AuthOnly using a device guid belonging to a different merchant processor account. Create Capture.
“The Capture AuthOnlyGuid value does not have matching results.” You attempted to capture an AuthOnly using an invalid Auth Only Guid. Create Capture.
“There is no Batch for the given guid.” For some reason, there was no open batch when you attempted to run the transaction. Please contact support. Any transaction endpoint.
“Only one of Bank Account or Card can be used.” You sent both, a Credit Card and a Bank Account, when trying to create a Recurring Billing Create Recurring Billing.
“The device hierarchy and settings could not be loaded” Something is wrong with the merchant processor account of the device you provided. Please contact support. Create Recurring Billing.
“The current Merchant Processor Account does not allow Tokenization. Tokenization is required to create Recurring Billings.” You provided a device guid belonging to a merchant processor account that does not have Tokenization activated. Create Recurring Billing.
“The setup of this device does not allow this operation. Processor Transaction Type is not Card nor ACH” You provided a Credit Card for an ACH Merchant Processor Account or a Bank Account for a Credit Card Merchant Processor Account. Create Recurring Billing.
“Required data for a Recurring Billing with Card are: FirstName, LastName, Email and Phone” You’re missing at least one of First Name, Last Name, Email or Phone when trying to create a Recurring Billing using a credit card. Create Recurring Billing.
“An Email is required for a Recurring Billing with ACH” You’re missing e-mail address when trying to create a Recurring Billing using a Bank Account Create Recurring Billing.
“There are no payments to be generated for the given parameters (StartDate, EndDate, PaymentCount, Interval, IntervalValue)” You sent a combination of parameters that didn’t result in any possible payment. Create Recurring Billing.
“Invalid Card or Bank Account” You provided an invalid credit card or an invalid bank account when trying to create a recurring billing. Create Recurring Billing.
“Customer data not present” You provided a Credit Card or Bank Account without the customer’s information. Create Recurring Billing.
“Invalid Interval. The 'every' value must be the only value.” You sent both, an “every” interval and a list of custom dates Create Recurring Billing.
“Invalid Interval/IntervalValue” You provided an invalid combination of the interval and its values. Create Recurring Billing.
“An error occurred while parsing the CustomDates” At least one of the custom dates you provided is not properly formatted Create Recurring Billing.
“There is a date in the CustomDates smaller than the StartDate” At least one of the custom dates you provided is previous to the StartDate you provided. Create Recurring Billing.
“The EndDate must be greater than the greatest CustomDate” At least one of the custom dates you provided is posterior to the EndDate you provided. Create Recurring Billing.
“EndDate must be submitted for CustomDates” You provided a list of CustomDates but not an EndDate Create Recurring Billing.
“Invalid InertervalValue: this interval does not allow values” You selected an interval that does not require interval values. Create Recurring Billing.
“Invalid Interval, you must explicit an IntervalValue” You selected an interval that requires IntervalValue and you did not send it. Create Recurring Billing.
“Invalid Interval” You sent a wrong Interval name. Create Recurring Billing.
“End Date must be after start date” You sent an End Date that is posterior to the Start Date you sent Create Recurring Billing.
“The Start Date cannot be earlier than today” You sent a Start Date previous to the current date. Create Recurring Billing.
“Just one of End Date or Payment Count values are required, not both” You sent both “EndDate” and “PaymentCount”. Please send one or the other one, but not the both together. Create Recurring Billing.
“Either one of End Date or Payment Count values are needed” You didn’t send “EndDate” neither “PaymentCount”. Please send at least one of them. Create Recurring Billing.
“The Payment Count value must be greater than 0” You sent PaymentCount with a value equal or less than 0 Create Recurring Billing.
“The current status of the Recurring Billing is final and does not allow any updates.” The Recurring Billing finished on scheduled, was deactivated or wasn’t created correctly so its status cannot be change. Update Recurring Billing.
“Invalid Status” You sent a wrong status name. Any Update endpoint.
“Invalid Amount, it cannot be 0. If you wish to cancel the Recurring Billing, set the status to Deactivated” You sent Amount with a 0 value. Update Recurring Billing.
“A database related error occurred B.RBB.04” Something went wrong when trying to retrieve the scheduled payments. Please contact support. Get Recurring Billing.
“Either the SaleGuid or SaleReferenceNumber are required” You didn’t send SaleGuid neither SaleReferenceNumber. Please send one of them. Create Return.
“You can't return a sale run more than 180 days ago” You attempted to return a sale that was run 180 days ago. Create Return.
“The Return Amount must be greater than zero” You sent Amount with a value equal or less than 0 Create Return.
“Original Amount exceeded” You attempted to return an amount greater than the original sale amount Create Return.
“Sale has been voided” You attempted to return a voided sale. Create Return.
“Sale has not been settled” You attempted to return a sale of which batch has not been closed. Create Return.
“The referenced Sale and this Return devices are not from the same MerchantAccount” You sent a device guid belonging to a merchant processor account different from the one where the sale was run. Create Return.
“The current invoice status does not allow a payment” Invoice was already paid, cancelled or has not been sent yet so it cannot be paid. Create Sale.
“The sale amount does not match the invoice amount” You sent and Invoice Guid, but the sale amount does not match the amount of that invoice. Create Sale.
“The calculated amount after Discount and/or DualPricingFeeAmount and GrossAmount does not match the Amount value” You sent GrossAmount and Discount and/or DualPricingFeeAmount, but the amount you sent does not match the result of Amount=GrossAmount-Discount+DualPricingFeeAmount Create Sale.
“If Discount and/or DualPricingFeeAmount are submitted, the GrossAmount value is required” You sent Discount and or DualPricingFeeAmount but you didn’t send GrossAmount. Create Sale.
“Unable to find the device where the original sale was run.” You’re trying to charge a fee (or to reattempt a sale) over sale we cannot find the device where it ran. Please contact support. Charge Fee, Reattempt sale.
“There are no active Fee Charger devices for your Merchant Processor Account” You’re trying to charge a fee but you haven’t setup a Fee Charger device yet. Charge Fee.
“Unable to charge fee for sale” System was not able to charge the fee for the selected sale for some unknown reason. Please contact support. Charge Fee.
“Unable to run sale again” System was not able to run the selected sale again for some unknown reason. Please contact support. Reattempt sale.
“Original Sale not found” You sent an invalid Sale Guid Reattempt sale.
“Card for original Sale not found” We were not able to find the card used on the original sale. Please contact support. Reattempt sale.
“Tax Rate submitted without declaring Tax Type” You sent TaxRate but not TaxType. Create Sale, Create AuthOnly, Create Capture.
“Tax Rate submitted without declaring Tax Amount” You sent TaxRate but not TaxAmount. Create Sale, Create AuthOnly, Create Capture.
“An error occurred while saving the EnhancedData” Something went wrong when trying to save tax information. Please contact support. Create Sale, Create AuthOnly, Create Capture.
“An error occurred while retrieving the EnhancedData” Something went wrong when trying to get tax information. Please contact support. Get Sale, Get AuthOnly, Get Capture.
“The underlying Sale was not processed correctly. A Tip Adjustment cannot be made” You attempted to add a tip to a sale that didn’t run successfully. Create Tip Adjustment.
“The TipAdjustment could not be processed correctly B.TA.C01” Something went wrong when trying to add the tip to the sale. Please contact Support. Create Tip Adjustment.
“The Sale belongs to a closed batch. Tip Adjustments can only be made on open batches B.TA.C02” You attempted to create a tip for a sale that is already settled. Create Tip Adjustment.
“Sale not found B.TA.C03” You sent an invalid Sale Guid Create Tip Adjustment.
“Invalid Device GUID B.TA.C04” You sent an invalid Device Guid. Create Tip Adjustment.
“Card Verification does not allow Swiped requests. B.VB.C06” You sent track1 and/or track2. Please send a keyed card. Create Verify.
“Card Verification does not allow EMV requests. B.VB.C07” You sent EMV data. Please send a keyed card. Create Verify.
“There is no card match for the given Token. B.VB.C01” You sent a tokenized card but we were not able to find the original card number. Create Verify.
“The Verify could not be processed correctly. B.VB.C05” The Verify didn’t run successfully for an unknown reason. Please contact support. Create Verify.
“One of SaleGuid, AuthOnlyGuid, ReturnGuid, SaleReferenceNumber, AuthOnlyReferenceNumber or ReturnReferenceNumber fields is required” You didn’t say any Guid or Reference Number of the transaction you want to void. Create Void.
“Only one of SaleGuid, AuthOnlyGuid, ReturnGuid, SaleReferenceNumber, AuthOnlyReferenceNumber or ReturnReferenceNumber fields can be accepted” You sent more than one Guid belonging to different kind of transactions. Create Void.
“The AuthOnly cannot be voided because it has been captured already” You attempted to void an AuthOnly that has been already captured. Please try voiding the Sale generated instead. Create Void.
“No device found for the underlying transaction” No active device was found for the transaction you’re trying to void. Create Void.
“Sale cannot be voided because it was not processed” You attempted to void a sale that didn’t run successfully. Create Void.
“AuthOnly cannot be voided because it was not processed” You attempted to void an auth only that didn’t run successfully. Create Void.
“Return cannot be voided because it was not processed” You attempted to void a return that didn’t run successfully. Create Void.
“Transaction already settled” You attempted to void a transaction of which batch has already been closed Create Void.
“No open batch available” For some reason, there is no open batch to process your transaction. Please contact support. Any Create Transaction endpoint.
“Expiration date is required if the Card number is being sent. B.CB.GS01” You sent a Card Number but no expiration date. Create Sale, Create AuthOnly, Create Recurring Billing, Create Verify.
“Expiration date is required if the Card is being swiped. B.CB.GS02” You sent track1 and/or track2 but no expiration date. Create Sale, Create AuthOnly.
“The current Merchant Processor Account does not allow Swiped transactions. B.CB.GS03” You provided a Device Guid that belongs to a Merchant Processor Account that does not allow swiped transactions. Please try with a different device Guid. Create Sale, Create Auth Only.
“The current Merchant Processor Account does not allow EMV transactions. B.CB.GS04” You provided a Device Guid that belongs to a Merchant Processor Account that does not allow EMV transactions. Please try with a different device Guid. Create Sale, Create Auth Only.
“For EMV, required fields are EMVTags and ExpirationDate B.CB.GS05” You’re missing either EmvTags or ExpirationDate fields (or both) when trying to run an EMV transaction. Create Sale, Create Auth Only.
“Tags missing B.CB.GS06” You’re missing at least one required tag for an EMV transaction. Create Sale, Create Auth Only.
“Unexpected error: Card without token.” We were not able to tokenize the card. Please contact support. Create Sale, Create AuthOnly, Create Recurring Billing, Create Verify.
“The Card tokenization could not be processed.” Processor were not able to tokenize the card. Please contact support. Create Sale, Create AuthOnly, Create Recurring Billing, Create Verify.
“Card number, track1data or track2data missing” You didn’t say any of cardNumber, track1data or track2data. Please provide at least one of them. Create Sale, Create AuthOnly, Create Recurring Billing, Create Verify.
“Invalid DriverLicenseState name” You provided a wrong short name for Driver License State Create Bank Clearing, Create Bank Account.
“As a Credit Card device, the ProcessorId, ProcessorOperatingUserId and ProcessorPassword data are required.” You’re missing at least one of ProcessorId, ProcessorOperating UserId or ProcessorPassword Create Device.
“As an ACH device, the ProcessorLocationId data is required.” You’re missing ProcessorLocationId Create Device.
“As an ACH device, the TerminalNumber data is required.” You’re missing TerminalNumber. Create Device.
“Only one Fee Charger active device is allowed per Merchant Processor Account” You’re trying to create a device with FeeCharger=true for a Merchant Processor Account that already has an active Fee Charger Device Create Device.
“Only one Mobile active device is allowed per Merchant Processor Account” You’re trying to create a device with IsMobile=true for a Merchant Processor Account that already has an active Mobile Device. Create Device.
“In order to create a Virtual Terminal, the Merchant Processor Account where you're attempting to create this device must have setup an Auto Close Batch time.” You’re trying to create a device with IsVirtualTerminal=true for a Merchant Processor Account that hasn’t set an Auto Close Batch time yet. Create Device.
“The processor failed to return the Device Parameters. B.DB.04” Processor was not able to return the device data. Please contact support. Create Device.
“An error occurred while requesting the processor parameters for this device. B.DB.02” System was not able retrieve device data from the processor. Please contact support. Create Device.
“An error occurred while requesting the processor parameters for this device. B.DB.03” Something went wrong when system sent device parameters to processor. Please contact support. Create Device.
“Device updated. Device status changed to Paused because of an error.” Device was updated, but something went wrong so it was paused. Please contact support. Create Device.
“There are no active Fee Charger devices for your Merchant Processor Account” No active device with FeeCharger=true was found. Charge Fee.
“checkIpIsAllowed failed to check if endpoint is allowed to be run from IP” You tried to run an endpoint that is not allowed to be run from your IP address. Protected endpoints.
“The user does not have permission to do this” You attempted to run an endpoint that is not allowed for your user profile. Any endpoint.
“A server error has occurred. The operation could not be finished.” A general error occurred. Please contact support. Any endpoint.
“Hosted Payment Page Request expired” You attempted to see the preview or to confirm the transaction of a Hosted Payment Page request of which token has already expired. HostedPaymentPageRequests – Get Preview, HostedPaymentPageRequests – Confirm Transaction
“Hosted Payment Page Request TempToken already used” You attempted to see the preview or to confirm the transaction of a Hosted Payment Page request of which token has already been used. HostedPaymentPageRequests – Get Preview, HostedPaymentPageRequests – Confirm Transaction
“SendDate cannot be earlier than today” You sent a SendDate previous to current date. Create Invoice.
“PaymentDate cannot be earlier than today” You sent a PaymentDate previous to CurrentDate Create Invoice.
“Send Status not allowed” You sent a SendSatus different from “Draft” or “Scheduled To be Sent” Create Invoice.
“Invalid SendStatus” You sent a wrong SendStatus Create Invoice.
“Invalid PaymentTerm” You sent a wrong PaymentTerm Create Invoice.
“Forbidden SendStatus” You’re trying to update the SendStatus of an invoice that has been already sent and cannot be updated. Update Invoice.
“Invalid PaymentStatus” You sent a wrong PaymentStatus Update Invoice.
“A database related error occurred B.Iv.01” We were not able to retrieve the invoice because of a database error. Plase contact support. Get Invoice
“The current invoice status does not allow modifications” Invoice has been already sent and cannot be updated. Update Invoice, Update Invoice Detail
“The current detail is deleted, no changes are allowed” Invoice Detail has been deleted and cannot be updated. Update Invoice Detail.
“A database related error occurred B.IvD.01” Invoice Detail or Invoice Reminder could not be retrieved because of a database error. Please contact support. Get Invoice Detail, Get Invoice Reminder.
“For a custom reminder, date is required” You sent a customized reminder but you didn’t include the reminder’s date. Create Invoice Reminder.
“The current invoice payment status does not allow a new reminder” Invoice is already paid and a new reminder cannot be created. Create Invoice Reminder.
“Reminder date cannot be earlier than send date” You attempted to generate a reminder of which date is previous to the send date of the invoice. Create Invoice Reminder.
“Reminder date cannot be earlier than today” You attempted to generate a reminder of which date is previous to current date. Create Invoice Reminder.
“For this invoice there is an active reminder for this date already” You attempted to generate a reminder of which date is the same one another active reminder for the same invoice has. Create Invoice Reminder.
“The reminder is completed, it cannot be updated” You’re trying to update a reminder that has already been executed. Update Invoice Reminder.
“Days not specified” Something went wrong when trying to calculate the date of the reminder. Please try with a different value. Create Invoice Reminder, Update Invoice Reminder.
“Invalid Parent Iso Number” You provided a wrong Iso Number for ParentIso Create Iso
“Iso Fees and Discount rate can be null or zero, but cannot be negative” You sent a negative amount for at least one of the fees. Create Iso
“User does not have the Merchant Admin role assigned.” You assigned as merchant’s admin a user that does not have the Merchant Admin Role Create Merchant
“Merchant Processor Account Fees and Discount rate can be null or zero, but cannot be negative” You sent a negative amount for at least one of the fees. Create Merchant Processor Account
“AutoClose is available for Credit Card only” You attempted to set “AutoClose=true” for an ACH Merchant Processor Account. Create Merchant Processor Account, Update Merchant Processor Account
“Subisos cannot setup fees lower than those established by its Parent Iso” You attempted to create or update a merchant processor account and setup fees lower than the ones your parent iso charges. Create Merchant Processor Account, Update Merchant Processor Account
“Invalid context. Allowed values are: Invoice, i, RecurringBilling, rb” You sent an invalid context Get Merchant Product, Get Merchant Product List
“A database related error occurred B.MPB.01” Something went wrong at the database level when trying to retrieve something related with merchant product. Get Merchant Product, Get Merchant Product List, Get Merchant Product List Detail.
“The authenticated user does not have permission to perform this operation.” Your user role does not have permission to run the endpoint you’re pointing to. Please try with a different endpoint or contact support to get a new role. Any endpoint.
“Invalid State name” You sent a wrong US State short name. Any endpoint.
“Invalid Invoice Customer” You sent a wrong InvoiceCustomer Guid Create Invoice, Update Invoice.
“Iso number not found” You sent a wrong Iso Number Register Account
“Unable to remove Merchant Admin Profile. User is still admin of the following merchants:” You’re trying to remove the Merchant Admin profile to a user who is still admin of some merchants. Remove the user from the admin list on each of the merchants listed Update User Role
“Unable to decode the Model” You sent a wrong Json for the endpoint you pointed to Any endpoint.
“Invalid ModelState” You sent a wrong Json for the endpoint you pointed to Any endpoint.
“NoResultFound204” You sent a search or called a Get All endpoint that generated no results Any get all endpoint, Any search endpoint.
“Unable to reach entity” You sent an invalid Guid Any get endpoint.
“Wrong emailType” You sent an invalid e-mail address Resend Email.
“Invalid TempToken” You sent a wrong temporal token HostedPaymentPageRequests – Confirm Transaction
“Operation is only available for Sandbox url” You attempted to create a user using an endpoint only available for Sandbox Create User
“Iso is not active.” You sent an Iso Number belonging to an inactive iso Register Account.
“Username does not exist” You sent a username that does not exist at all Reset Password Request.
“Key expired” You attempted to reset a password using a key that is expired. Reset Password.
“Key does not exist” You attempted to reseat a password using a key that does not exist at all. Reset Password.
“Invalid State” You sent a wrong US State short name. Any endpoint.
“Invalid Status” You sent a wrong status name. Any endpoint.